I Need Your Euphoria⇿ NamBTS


116K 4.2K 1.1K

A compilation of oneshots, short stories and unfinished plots revolving around Bottom Namjoon. Enjoy. + Smut ... More

- Intro -
- Pretty People -
- Jessica is a Bitch -
- Jessica is a Bitch II -
- Jessica is a Bitch III -
- One's Grief -
- One's Grief II -
- One's Grief III -
- One's Grief IV -
- True Poet -
- True Poet II -
- Morning Pancakes -
- Waffles -
- Be My Warmth -
- Oops -
- I Didn't Mean It -
- Coffee and Mint -
- Gay For You -
- Hide and Seek -
- Mr Postman -
- Deja Vu -
- "Hyung" -
- "Hyung" II -
- Mad Love -
- Like Fire, Your Lips -
! Not An Update !
- Mean -
- Disastrous -
- Lust VS Love -
- Jungkook The Macho Man -
- Obsession -

- A Little Change -

3.1K 123 8



It will be a bit confusing so bear with me

This is the most hardcore I can get sorry

Pairing: Namkook

Genre: Smut/Fluff


Jungkook eyed his watch anxiously. It was a quarter past 12 and Namjoon still hadn't returned.

Pacing around the dark living room, Jungkook let out a deep sigh as he realized what his boyfriend might be up to at this time of the hour.

It wasn't completely unnatural for Namjoon to come back a little late; usually his boss would pile up all the possible work on him, just for the heck of it. As far as Jungkook's aware, Namjoon wasn't the most favourable staff in the department. A fact Jungkook couldn't understand himself.

Namjoon was an amazing worker. His works were always so organized and efficient, people often second-guessed him as a woman. Not to mention, how hard he's been trying for the past couple years to appeal himself to the others.

Just to fit in, Namjoon struggled to prove himself worthy but to no avail. He was always denied his absence, feeling rejected by his own co-workers.

But somehow, Jungkook, a junior in the industry, was intrigued by him. The overflowing essence and vibe of Namjoon managed to prick his interest then.

He didn't think much of it at first, probably just his mindless thoughts getting too into the slightest bit of issue. Jungkook finds his job meaningless, after all.

Really, his father can be very demanding. Wanting him to work in a nearing-bankrupcy company, just to please a good accuaintance of his, which also happens to be the CEO. His old man was too kind, Jungkook feared it may be the cause of his death someday.

Anyway, with Namjoon suddenly wandering around his mind for the past week, Jungkook opted to end his curiosity by striking up the first move.

He was shy at first, the older. Jungkook finds that adorable. But as the passing days went, the dashing man that had fluttered Jungkook came to show his side.

Quite often would Namjoon cause the junior to a state of vulnerability with his charms. Charms he didn't even knew he had.

Tall, broad figure that towered over him. A voice so deep it became a soothing tune. And those dimples were a sin, Jungkook caught himself in a state of euphoria whenever they popped out.

It didn't take long for Jungkook to apprehend himself, he always knew he wasn't straight but to actually catch on feelings for others was a first.

When it came to it, he knew something had to be done before he regrets the most important part. Actually telling Namjoon how he feels.

And so, the days turned to weeks before morphing into months. Soon, Jungkook finds himself being the happiest he could be, Namjoon officially claimed by him. It didn't take long for the older to fall for him; Namjoon always had a thing for younger men.

Back then, it was the mark of their relationship. The start of something beautiful.

They were the epitome of bliss. A day would never go by without the two lovers cooing one another with sweet nothingness. Just pure flirtings and gentle kisses to make up their spare time. Every second be filled with innocent touches that sent flutters to each hearts. A sweet vibe surrounded the two men's air, everything seemed perfect then.

Of course, it was fun at first. But then, how had this all became a bore to Jungkook now?

With the passing months, the thrill of being the one on the receiving end; the one being doted on no longer appealed to Jungkook. Not to say he didn't enjoy all the attention.

In fact, Jungkook usually was the center of it all. Even back in his childhood, Jungkook remained as the youngest son who gains pleasure from all the spoiled loving he'd been receiving.

With all the given attention, you'd think Jungkook would be the most content with the amount of coodling Namjoon had put up for the younger.

But he didn't.

An uncertain feeling welled up beneath him, Jungkook couldn't really tell what it was. Judging from the way he seemed to act around the older man now, Jungkook knew it was pretty severe.

The sugar-coated praises that Namjoon would utter out to him initially was the sweetest but they turned sour over how the elder would not accept Jungkook's own compliment, insisting that he wasn't worthy of any praise.

"What are you talking about, baby? You're the cute one here, not me."

"I don't think this shirt suits me. It'll look amazing on you though, Kook-ah!"

"Just sit back and enjoy, babe. Don't need to worry about me. . .  I'll take care of you tonight."

It was sweet but, also a bit sickening.

Jungkook caught himself yearning for the older's attention in a certain way, wanting to be the one to adore rather than being adored.

Tracing back his thoughts down the memory lane, Jungkook recalled not ever has he been the one to dominate Namjoon. He was surprised himself; who would've knew that a soft spot had grew on him for his lover.

During the past, Jungkook was always known as the alpha in his every relationship. He would be the one to lead, to set the rules.

The presence of Namjoon had turned things around. And Jungkook wasn't sure if he liked it.


"I'm home. . ."

A faint voice emerged from the door with a loud sigh following.
Soft thuds echoed through the main hall, Namjoon dragged his sore feet to the bedroom.

The noises brought Jungkook back to reality, a wide grin carving up on his face as he strides to greet his long awaited boyfriend.

"Welcome home, hyung!" as Jungkook threw his arms around Namjoon's shoulders, he took in the warmth of the other, burying his face deep on Namjoon's neck. Planting kisses on the blotchy skin, his affections were stopped abruptly due to Namjoon pushing Jungkook away as gentle as possible by the shoulders.

"Hey, Kookie. . . Can we not do this now? I'm pretty bummed out. Work has been exhausting and all I want to do is sleep." Namjoon said, his eyes drooping with an obvious hint of tire. They fluttered, the younger resisted the urge to kiss them as he stepped back, allowing Namjoon to make his way to their room.

Not before he interlaced their fingers together, putting out his warmest smile in hopes that it would enlighten Namjoon, even just a little bit. Namjoon had once reminded him how much Jungkook's smiles were his saviours and never had he felt so important then.

Jungkook tightened his grip, eyes locking with Namjoon's dull pair. Searching under all that mess, he saw a beautiful man just waiting to be cracked open from its shell.

An unknown persona that Jungkook has yet to discover. Overwhelmed by his own desire to unmask Namjoon's concealed side, the mechanics in the younger's head began spinning.

A plan formed in Jungkook's mind; his smile grew as he thought of it.

"Of course. I was hoping to talk to you for a bit, if that's alright?" Putting up the sweetest grin he could muster, Jungkook tilted his head cutely; in hopes of tempting his boyfriend.

Fingers crossed, that never worked on anyone before.

"Okay, just let me wash up real quick. . ." It seemed to work on Namjoon, however. The tall man nodded curtly as he stepped into the bathroom.

"Then, I'll make us drinks."

Leaving his worn-out lover alone to settle himself, Jungkook walked to the kitchen to fix a new brew of coffee, black, just how Namjoon preferred it. He hummed a soft tune as he stirred the mugs.

Already scheming his ways to find an alternative to somehow manipulate Namjoon to give in to him, Jungkook waited patiently by the kitchen counter.

A lot pondered in his mind while he does so.

It wasn't easy to exceed the plan, Jungkook admitted. Namjoon was never the type of person to simply submit under another. Though with Jungkook there might be an exception. One way or another, the younger always managed to coax Namjoon out of his comfort zone.

Be it social interactions between their friends or rather perplexing fetishes that Jungkook possesses (he sternly insists that tickling is his main endorsement in sex), Namjoon had always been understanding and, surprisingly, considerate enough to accept them.

What's to stop him from opening up this time too?


"What did you want to talk about?" Namjoon asked, his hair still wet after rinsing. The comforting warmth from the shower had somehow lifted his drowsiness. A small smile plastered across his face; Namjoon took the cup Jungkook had held out to him.

"Oh, you might want to sit down first," Jungkook patted the seat beside him, gesturing Namjoon to come by the couch.

The crease on Namjoon's brows furrowed, he eyed the younger suspiciously, "Is it something serious? You haven't done anything wrong, have you, Jungkook?"

'Not yet.' Jungkook smiled to himself .

"Of course not. It's just that it's been a while since we last caught up. We don't even see each other at work anymore. . ." He began his act, mentally chuckling when he saw the guilt creeping up on Namjoon's darkened expression.

Jungkook extended his hand out for Namjoon to reach and pulled him gingerly to his side. He took both of their cups and set them aside on a stool.

A moment went by between them, Jungkook laced their fingers together. He leveled their eyes, sighing in relief as Namjoon locked their gazes with the most breathtaking smile. So far, so good.

"I know. . . and I'm sorry, baby." A surging soft heat spread across Jungkook's face as Namjoon planted a tender kiss on his hands. The affectionate gesture was enough to make his rising ego crumble to nothing but pieces.

Suddenly, Jungkook was reminded why he had fallen his position as the one in lead.

Namjoon was a natural alpha in everything that he does. He was always at the top. Even the aura that he gives seemed to portray that.

One second it appeared as if it was impossible to overcome Namjoon's status, but Jungkook's rivalry instincts blared up beneath him, taunting himself to brazen out his insecurities. Already having his vicarious spirit on maximum, Jungkook opted to just make things clear with intent.

But, really, he didn't mean to blurt it out so directly.

"Hyung, I want to do you." Gone was the anxious tone, a stern voice came out of Jungkook.

Namjoon flinched slightly though his grip on Jungkook's fingers remained. The dull expression on his face slowly morphed into a mask of perplexity. He tilted his head unknowingly, " 'Do' me. . .?"

With that, Jungkook could feel his confidence degrading a bit, nevertheless he feigned a bold posture. This has been something he had yearned for, no way was he letting his lack of self-assurance blew it.

So, as they say, actions speak more than words.

Jungkook pinned Namjoon to the couch, almost too roughly. He heard the older winced. Jungkook stayed unfazed, his body now on top of Namjoon, hovering above him with a suddenly ragged breathing.

"J-Jungkook, is everything - " Namjoon's words were left unfinished as soon as his lips collided with his lover's. Jungkook spared no time keeping the kiss graceful; hungrily, he ravished the elder's mouth, paying no mind to Namjoon being completely baffled with his drastic change of behavior.

Though, Namjoon didn't exactly resented the younger's actions. He relaxed into the touch, allowing Jungkook to roam his hands under the layers of his shirt. Occasionally, their kiss paused, taking in the pesky thing called oxygen, which is necessary, before resuming again.

A soft whimper hummed out from Namjoon's throat as he felt the cold tips of Jungkook's fingers ran through his chest, teasing with a ginger circular motion. The urge to moan submerged upon him, Namjoon had to bit back his voice from letting lose; completely new to the situation, having to never experience any of this before.

His mind jumbled into a mess of nothingness, all he could perceive then was the overpowering pleasure that his young lover had spread through his whole being, making him hot and squirm in arousal.

Namjoon almost lost his sense of judgment from the touches; but he pulled himself back, struggling to push off Jungkook, who was eagerly fumbling with the zip of his pants.

How did he even get down there so fast, the older didn't even noticed.

Still taken aback by the sudden turn of things, Namjoon took a few steps back from Jungkook, face flushed with obvious lust, though also tainted with massive uncertainties. He gave the younger man an odd look, "Did - Was that what you meant. .?"

Without hesitation, Jungkook nodded, "Yes, hyung. . . I've been wanting to do it for a while now." Sternly, he made up his words, tone vivid with confidence as he locked their gazes. "Please."

Namjoon knew what determination could do to Jungkook; the man won't stop till he gets what he wants.

It was a trait Namjoon used to admire from him, one of the reasons Jungkook managed to lay his hands on Namjoon even. His passion on finding ways to solve his settlements, Namjoon had always find that charming in Jungkook.

Now, he might have to take back his words.

It would be an utter lie to say that the engulfing cloud of dominance that emitted from the younger in a trice, didn't give Namjoon the slightest bit of fear.

Assertive and some what violent, the prominent difference of his lover made Namjoon quiver; it was kind of intriguing in its own way.

A brief moment of silence passed by, only the sounds of their ragged breaths and their own heartbeat bursting through the heavy atmosphere.

Namjoon never leaving his eyes from Jungkook, who was staring as equally intense. Then, Namjoon let out a sigh, finally pinpointing his decision. "Fine, let's do this."


The bed rocked in a steady pace, loud and creaking with every movement. Lose screws almost falling out of place from the swaying, sometimes changing its rhythm faster, before slowing down to a soft tempo again.

The sweet echoes that resonated through the creaking was Namjoon's low moans. Each thrust made him want to scream out; be it in pleasure nor pain. Countless tears streamed down his cheeks, the stains glimmered under the glowing moonlight that bathed upon their intertwined bodies.

Jungkook was breathless. He flicked out his tongue, licking the sweaty skin of the man beneath him, enjoying the sweet voice that filled his musky mind.
Heaving out a growl, Jungkook leaned in to search for the elder's mouth, licking at the top lip before biting down on the plush bottom part. Another gasp escaped Namjoon as he helplessly hanged on to the bed's headboard, the wild thrusts made his breathing grew shorter every second.

It hurts, a lot. And for the first time ever, Namjoon felt himself pitying over his lover who constantly had to go through this unimaginable pain.

Maybe this was a way to compensate?

Regardless, Namjoon admittedly enjoyed the overflowing sensation of it. Behind the stinging sore of being penetrated by a dick, a massive wave of pleasure coarsed through his body, making Namjoon exclude all the pain completely.

He let Jungkook roam his fingers across his sensitive skin, sending him into a trance; completely dumbfounded by this new founded excitement.

It was heavenly. More than anything Namjoon had imagined, to be honest. Quite often would he be glad that he was never the one to have someone stick up his hole; Namjoon felt intimidated by the constant stories of his friends, saying how excruciatingly painful it was. The burning ache that will supposedly last till the next mornings, was enough to give Namjoon shivers by the mere mention of it.

The older had always been precautious of his own well-being. To top it all, he practically is the spawn of everyone's gathered bad luck; simultaneously having misfortunes to fall upon him.

So, it wasn't a surprise at all to see the tall man be tentative about himself, wanting being the one to fuck rather than be fucked. Namjoon was just being safe, to say the least.

Jungkook had somehow find ways to manipulate that however.

Though frankly it hurts like hell, Namjoon made the decision to just focus on the good part and try to shut out the worst completely, because, god, Jungkook knows how to work his wonders well.

From the way the younger would flex out his muscles, bringing their bodies any closer, to the heated breaths that bruised his skin; everything made Namjoon forget about his insecurities.

Finally after much prevention, Namjoon huffed out a heavy moan, which was music to Jungkook's ears. He began thrusting in a slower motion, teasing the elder as he bit Namjoon by the neck, nibbling on the skin leaving marks.

The silent night suddenly broke into a bundle of echoing noises, a mess of moans and grunts vibrated through the thin walls. Namjoon made effort on trying to conceal his voice from bursting, but to no avail.

Jungkook chuckled at the older's actions, "Just let it all out, love. I want to hear you scream." He leaned in closer to lick Namjoon by the jawline. Jungkook's large member already burried deep in his entrance, Namjoon almost bit his lip too hard, causing beads of red blood to appear when they enclosed the small size of a gap between their bodies.

Seeing Namjoon be in a state so vulnerable, Jungkook couldn't help but feel a bit proud being the one to cause the taller man to break down in sobs and whimper; it was almost like a triumphant achievement of him claiming his long awaited prize.

Jungkook didn't want this victory to end so soon.

He pulled out his still throbing member from Namjoon, who was still biting down on his already swollen lips. A bundle of disruptive moans escaped Namjoon, his hands flailing to reach Jungkook's shoulders, in order to brace himself. With a soft growl, Jungkook drew a line down Namjoon's jaw with his tongue as he slowly shifted their position to a much more ... erotic state.

Namjoon wasn't fully in his right mind at the moment, his view still dazed after the overwhelming sensuality, but he certainly felt the prominent heavy friction when Jungkook lifted his limp body into a sitting position. Unaware of the roaming hands that secured their grip around his hips, Namjoon cried out a yelp as Jungkook pushed his cock down so harshly; it made him tug on the younger boy's hair by reflex.

Without any warning, Jungkook began thrusting back in a more hasty pace; causing Namjoon to throw his head back from the sudden pleasure that jolted through his senses. He couldn't refrain his voice this time, so Namjoon allowed his sweet groans be the music that tunes Jungkook as he lead them into the bed, rocking with a rhythm that has no certain tempo.

Having the sense of shame left him a long time back, Namjoon rode Jungkook's large member with shrill gasps that sharpened the atmosphere and kept his glistening eyes on the younger's big black beads; solely focusing on the pleasure.

As the thrusts became slower and less abrasive, breaths growing heavier by the second and Jungkook himself turned to a clear, sheen mess of moans and sweat, they were nearing the climax together.

"Namjoon ..." Jungkook slipped in a few last thrusts as the taller man wrapped his long legs around the waist, he burried his face deep into Jungkook's shoulders and planted a numb bite just down by the collarbones.

Jungkook growled deeper, seemingly sensitive from the gesture and lunged in for a passionate kiss; his semen pouring out inside Namjoon's warm hole. They didn't break the kiss till Namjoon had to push Jungkook off; his expression was something the younger couldn't search. He took a minute before finally regaining his breathing, Jungkook whispered aloud, "Namjoon-hyung ...?"

The tall man laid still on the white sheets, now stained with essence of sex and sweat, his chest heaved with massive pants as he maintained his gaze upon the ceiling. His sight that was once blurry and dazed, became a view of clarity as Namjoon squints into reality.

Holy shit. Jungkook is huge.

Jungkook felt his worry spread as he received no response from the older and he went in for another try, "Hyung, are you okay? Did it hurt that bad?" Jungkook laced their fingers, he moved closer to the now smiling Namjoon.

"I'm fine, Jungkook. It stings a bit but I'll be alright." Namjoon assured the younger as he struggles to sit up, but his ass was nowhere near sturdy at the moment and Namjoon let out a whimper as white liquid streamed down his thighs. "This is disgusting, though."

"Well, now you know how it feels. I told you to pull out every time but you wouldn't listen."

Jungkook chuckled at the older; he reached down under the bed for a green box of tissue and handed it over to Namjoon before getting into the bathroom to wash up himself.


Just before he turned the handle, Jungkook flicked his head around at the call. He raised a brow questionably, silently asking "what?"

"I wouldn't mind ... Umm ... a round t-two?" peevishly locking their eyes together, Namjoon blurted out the softest mumble, but it was enough to cause Jungkook to break into his previous exterior; mischievous and filled with that haughty grin.

Namjoon gulped as he anticipates Jungkook's next step. Needless to say, he felt a sudden jolt of electricity coarse through his body, prickling his skin as he heard the younger's reply.

"Oh, perhaps you want to join me for shower, Kim Namjoon?"



How tf do you smut

Idk how to end this properly so here's some half  assed plot

Loud sigh

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