A Shot Through The Heart (Boo...

By Winter_Is_Coming

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*UNDER SERIOUS EDITING* Natasha Romanoff and Clint Barton fan fiction. A fan fiction story based on the wonde... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38

Chapter 3

3.4K 90 5
By Winter_Is_Coming

As Natasha walked from the training room she could feel Clint’s eyes trained on her back as she went, watching the sway of her hips. She didn’t think that Barton had it in him. For years she had felt him watching her and only now, of all the possible opportunities that he had, did he decide to finally ask her out for dinner. Despite her feeling towards the agent, she knew she would still have to think about it. She felt strongly towards her fellow agent but she knew that if she said yes, agreeing to go out for dinner with him then she was leaving herself wide open for an attack if Loki came back. It was a thought she didn’t want to entertain and yet… She simply couldn’t wipe it from her mind. She needed a second opinion. She though perhaps that Steve would be a sensible choice but then maybe not. He still hadn’t quite caught up with the swing of how things went in the twenty first century. Perhaps, she thought to herself, Agent Hill could be of some assistance or possibly even Tony, god forbid her from entertaining the thought. He may be an arrogant ass at times, all the time, but he did seem to know what he was talking about. He had a good grasp on people. Surprisingly enough, he was one of the few people on the team that she felt that she could trust, despite his typical tendencies of speaking out of turn. She had built a rather unsuspected friendship with Stark and Miss Potts during her time at Stark Industries.

Natasha knew that she didn’t have long to make up her mind; Clint wasn’t the most patient. She set to work, deciding to track Tony. She set off in the direction of the lab.

When she finally arrived at the lab, he was more than a little disturbed at the situation that she was greeted with after walking in the door. She had indeed found Tony and she had been right in thinking that Doctor Banner would be wherever Stark was. However, she did not expect to find the two men chasing one another around the work benches with a pointy stick and laughing hysterically. It wasn’t a situation a person could feel comfortable watching transpire. Making her presence known in the room, she knocked her fist loudly on the door. They stopped, turning to her, both clearly trying to supress fits of laughter.

“Eh... Could I talk to Tony? If I'm not interrupting anything,” She laughed, flashing them a knowing smirk.

“Sure thing,” Tony said while hitting Bruce on the back playfully and throwing the electrically charged weapon his way.

Together, they walked from the room and made for a small living room. It was tastefully furnished with only a few couches and a modest sized television mounted on the wall. Tony made himself comfortable at once throwing himself down on one of the couches.

 “So, what's up?” He had dropped the sarcastic attitude fairly quickly. After the incident with the Stark Expo, Natasha may have threatened Tony about his attitude towards her; something not so pleasant involving Dummy and his manhood. He got the message fairly quickly.

“Barton,” she said, not thinking. When he looked at her with his head inclined to the side she went on. “What is your opinion on Agent Barton?” She asked, trying for casual conversation but Tony knew there was nothing casual about the Black Widow; she always had a point.

“No beating around the bush with you,” Tony snorted, “Barton? He's all right. He's stubborn but he isn't a bad guy. Why the sudden interest?” His eyes opened a fraction wider with excitement, something most people wouldn’t notice, and a smile crept across his lips.

“Clint- Agent Barton asked me to dinner, I didn't know what to say to him.” Tony never missed her slip up.

“I think you should go. Absolutely. The poor guy is pining. Besides, maybe it will help you ease up a bit. You're so tense. And plus if you didn't intend on saying yes, you would have shot him down when he asked you.” He made a good point and she knew it. “But there's more to it than that, isn't there? You wouldn’t be putting this much deliberation into it otherwise.”

“Yes,” she admitted. “I... Getting involved with someone is bad enough, as far as I am concerned but getting involved and attached with someone that I work with in this line of work could be… Bad. While there is a posing threat, I don’t think it is the most logical decision.”

“What threat? I know that there’s always someone trying to get one up on Earth’s mightiest heroes but they aren’t any harder to take on than a room full of toddlers.”

“A room full of toddlers would certainly be a threat to you, Stark.”

He laughed, “Good point well made. But what is this about, really?”

“I don't think Loki is finished with us yet. I think he’s going to come back to earth and try again.  I think he is going to try to take us out. We are the only ones standing in his way, right? He is going to hit us all right where it hurts. My weakness would be Clint.” Tony's facial expression dropped. “Clint would become a liability.”

“I don't think Loki is finished here. I think he is just getting started. But I don't think you should put your life on hold for an attack that might not happen. I think you should go with Barton. It will take your mind off Loki, that's for sure,” he smirked. “Hey, and when Pepper finds out, she'll have you both over for dinner. You know Pepper, she loves that sort of thing.”

“I'm sure Clint wouldn't mind that, he loves anything in the form of a home cooked meal. Thank you, Tony,” she said, getting to her feet. Standing, they were close the same height with Tony just taller than her. His arc reactor hummed, the soft blue light leaking through the fabric of his shirt.

“Don't mention it.”

“Oh and the thing I walked in in the lab back there with Doctor Banner-”

“Definitely don't mention it,” he laughed, cutting her off before she could finish the thought. They walk back to the lab together, and she threw a careless wave to Bruce in passing before heading off to find Clint. She had his answer and she didn’t want to keep him guessing.

She made her way back towards the boardroom. Honestly she had no idea where he could have gone but she decided to entertain the idea that he had come back there after their encounter in the training room. She had no such luck. She did, however, find Agent Hill tapping commands furiously into a control panel.

“Agent Hill,” she said as way of greeting. The agent smiled in acknowledgment and gave her a curt nod.

“Agent Romanoff. How can I help you?”

“I was wondering if you knew where Agent Barton is. I can’t seem to find him.”

“No, sorry. The last I saw him he was leaving here after you left. I think he went to the training room. If it's important, I can send out for him over the intercom?” She suggested, reaching up for her ear piece.

“Oh, no, there isn’t any need. I just needed to talk to him. Nothing of major importance,” she told her but Hill raised her eyebrow.

“Oh, Nat!” She cried. “Agent Barton? Really? Did he finally ask you out?” She probed, giddy with her new knowledge.

“Was I the only one who didn't know about Clint's crush?” Natasha feigned annoyance. She couldn’t believe that she was the only one that seemed oblivious to the agent’s affections towards her. Hill gave a nod and a short laugh.

“Everyone knew, sweetie. He's so smitten by you! And by the looks of things, you're pretty smitten yourself. I knew you both just needed time,” she grinned. Natasha’s smile was small but Agent Hill caught it with ease. Glancing over the monitors in front of her she spoke again, “Go and find him. Try… Try his room.” With a nod, she turned quickly on her heel and left the room, offering the agent thanks over her shoulder. Natasha opted for the stairs knowing that it would be marginally quicker than waiting for the arrival of the lift.

She knocked sharply on the door to his room, hoping that Agent Hill had been right on his whereabouts. Her hand reached up to swipe her hair from her eyes as the door in front of her opened and there he was. Leaning against the door frame with a stupid grin on his face, he looked more than happy to see her there.

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