I Need Your Euphoria⇿ NamBTS


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A compilation of oneshots, short stories and unfinished plots revolving around Bottom Namjoon. Enjoy. + Smut ... More

- Intro -
- Pretty People -
- Jessica is a Bitch -
- Jessica is a Bitch II -
- Jessica is a Bitch III -
- One's Grief -
- One's Grief II -
- One's Grief III -
- One's Grief IV -
- True Poet -
- True Poet II -
- Morning Pancakes -
- Waffles -
- Be My Warmth -
- Oops -
- I Didn't Mean It -
- A Little Change -
- Coffee and Mint -
- Gay For You -
- Mr Postman -
- Deja Vu -
- "Hyung" -
- "Hyung" II -
- Mad Love -
- Like Fire, Your Lips -
! Not An Update !
- Mean -
- Disastrous -
- Lust VS Love -
- Jungkook The Macho Man -
- Obsession -

- Hide and Seek -

2.1K 70 0

Pairing : NamSeok / mentions of OT7

Genre : Hint of smut but not really / Humor


More often than not, Hoseok finds himself being very, very grateful with what he has now. All his succession - might he say, theirs - all that grand reward paying off years per years of painstaking training and laborious hard work, the current renowned rapper of a globally infamous idol group has made it crucial for him to constantly remind himself of what a blessing it was to be granted such luck.

His team, BTS, was skyrocketing through the roof, even soaring across the vast skies of the entertainment industry and needles to say, what other untold riches have they not conquered yet because as far as Hoseok was concerned, the seven men were by far one of the wealthiest people of the century - and he was, at most of times, finding it hard to believe it himself.

Although the truth wasn't at all as blurry as he had thought; Hoseok knew what they possessed was reality and the reality was that BTS were millionaires, making dozens of dozens by each nanosecond - selling music faster than the passing breeze. Money being cashed in each day and night; of course it would eventually lead them to having their own dorm to fit all seven of them.

But it was not just any dorm this time either. It was a mansion, a penthouse, - Hoseok to this day never found the right term as it seemed to be a mixture of both and so much more - a paradise. Its majestic pillars of ivory walls and marbled floors stood tall and firm oozing nothing but a profuse taste of luxury and wealth all around it.

For the most of it, he had been extremely proud. I mean, it's not something people of the norm would do to simply live in a place by the outskirts of Seoul called Hannam The Hill where the majority of the residents are of higher ups and huge celebrities worldwide. Only the best should have the privilege and after all those years, Hoseok admitted that they finally deserve it.

However, now was not one of those moments.

'I hate this place,' he had grumbled to himself on one apparent Saturday noon. Soft thuds of padded feet reverberated along the marbleized ceiling and walls, he paced uneasily from the massive space they referred as the living room and noticeably, a pretty shade of crimson blushed over his face.

He was at the dorm by then, initially he had never intended to be home so early but with what had taken place a few hours prior, Hoseok had dropped whatever it was he was up to before rushing out the door of his studio - and he blames his fellow 94 liner for it.

It had been the start of lunch when his phone lit up with a soft ding, notifying him of a message being sent on their group chat - the male groaned out in frustration having his meal course disrupted. He grabbed the gadget lazily, frown visible in his brows as he opened the chat log.

He was not prepared for what he'd saw next.

A single chunk of his chicken salad flew out of the slight part of his lips as he gapped at the screen, eyes almost popping out of their sockets.

Namjoon had sent them all a picture and an incredibly tantalizing one at that; their leader had his face showed up half in the image, smiling like a goon as well as showcasing those godly dimples and his eyes were glimmering, quite literally and not figuratively. He was all teary and it was no puzzle to solve as the cause of his tears were none other than the three slim fingers he's had rimming down his bottomhole. Hoseok cursed under his shallow breath and felt his eyes twitching, "Shit, what are you up to now, Joon?"

Another ding. And it was another image. Still from Namjoon though.

Hoseok immediately opened it and saw that it was a similar looking pose, with the fingers and shit - except this time, Namjoon was sticking his tongue out teasingly. And he wrote:

"Come and get me, hoes."

'Fuck you.' Hoseok had thought to himself. 'literally. Fuck you, Namjoon.'

A sudden burst of messages began spamming into the log, as expected.

Jimin and Jungkook had earlier mentioned that their two day off would be spent by going back to their shared hometown back in Busan - thus, leaving them only to wail and moan uselessly in remorse through the group chat saying, "I'll get you next time, hyung!" and whatever else type of promises they were sure to commit later towards Namjoon - the leader can be such a tease at times, riling them up at the worst possible moments but nevertheless, he enjoys the punishments anyway at the end of the day.

As for Seokjin, the man was far and long gone. He'd flew off to Italy with the parents as a duty of being a lovable, caring son that he is. The eldest had declined in the most subtle way possible (for such an offer) although Hoseok could sense the threatening tone in the text he'd sent saying: "Namjoon, behave yourself. That's not how I taught you to be." Even Hoseok gave a slight shiver just from reading it.

So, ultimately, that leaves just him, Yoongi and Taehyung for the battle. Hoseok groaned, thinking about all the possibilities of him actually getting a turn this time - none deemed credible.

Yoongi was a sleaze, as everyone knows it. It had practically became a general knowledge towards all, ARMYs or not, that the oldest rapper was undeniably a sloth, short-term commitments weren't exactly his thing. But what they don't know is that Yoongi could also be a greedy little asshole when it comes to the well-being of his stuff - and God, Hoseok even considered the option of staying put in his cramped up studio with a rock-hard boner in his pants and just weep to sleep rather than having to go against the older's senile words.

Taehyung... is tolerable, at least. He's a little wild, sure but Hoseok believes that it would not even take a minute for the younger to give up a turn for his hyung - besides, Namjoon wasn't the only one with an ass to spare - Taehyung knew of many and it wouldn't be a hassle for him to just pick out from his contacts.

And well, Hoseok liked to consider himself the slowpoke of it all. He wasn't bad at it - sex, that is. He's learn a couple of tricks here and there from each member (boy, were they good) - but none of it should actually help him to pinpoint his forte in the whole ordeal - the only real, stable sex life he's had was mostly with Seokjin and the older was an amazing top but how often did he get the chance to be the one steering the wheel for once? He was desperate for some reason, yet that alone should be good enough for him to overcome his insecurities and just brazen it out.

Thus, there he stood, right at their doorway, sweating and struggling to recover his breath after a good 30 minutes of sprinting from the company's building.

Hoseok started to pull off his jacket and wandered about the halls, dumping his rucksack by the couch along the way. "Namjoon. Where you at?" Judging from the shoes by their front door, no one was home that he know of, except Namjoon of course.

No answer. Tch, typical. Namjoon was playing one of his little games and Hoseok wasn't really in the mood to participate.

He pulled out his cell and dialed the younger's number. The ringing went on longer than expected and it got picked up on the fifth ring,

"Joon, it's me. I'm here." Hoseok maintained his tone back from letting it out into a growl - he didn't want to scare the other before he even knew where he was. "Where?"

The other line was a mess, Hoseok could practically feel the younger rapper tickling his lobe with that milk-glazed voice of his, all creamy and sweet - even more so as he began moaning like he lost a breath and panting like a dog, "Hmm, if it were that easy, I wouldn't have to hide, dumbass. Ahn, fuck-"

"Goddamnit, Namjoon. Don't do that."

"Can't help it... Hurry, Seok-ah~" Hoseok realized then that Namjoon was slowly, gradually turning into a lost cause - it would've taken extra effort for the younger man to loosen up, as he was usually much more uptight rather than the other members. "Come find me~"

"Okay, baby boy," the gaming room was empty, thank God, he wouldn't want to fuck in there anyway; Hoseok steered his way around the kitchen counter to check inside the pantry - just in case Namjoon was feeling a little bold this time, "but make this easier for me and don't hang up. I'll look for you." He'd received a soft purr in response.

"I'll tell you when you're getting warmer."

So, it had officially begun.

Hoseok started again from the living room, the second most preferred fucking location as established by the members - with its plush sets of couches long and big enough for all of them to go around and the lube bottles not-so-secretly hidden beneath the sofa cracks made it a conducive environment for their sex time. "Namjoon? You there?" Hoseok wouldn't be surprised at all if he were to spot Namjoon spreading his legs just over the carpet but to his disappointment, he didn't.

Not wanting to waste his time, wallowing in his grief, Hoseok sped past the hall and tread up the stairs.

Once he got to the second floor, the older took his time scuffing along the many rooms of the place, not caring about the general rule of 'Don't go inside people's room uninvited' and had carelessly prodded himself onto each member's personal spaces before skimming through closets and bathrooms - hell, even under the beds. Hoseok wasn't taking any chances.' The man was completely driven by his lustful tendencies and now all he had set on the gears of his mind was finding Namjoon (that fucker).

"Here, Joonie boy. Come to daddy." Hoseok cooed aloud across the long corridor, hearing his voice echoing and ricocheting against the polished walls.

"Nice try. But mine's not 'daddy'." Namjoon giggled slowly on the phone, his voice sounded much more richer than usual, "That one's Taehyung." His laughter however was disrupted with a sudden moan booming through the speakers, "Shit, Hoseok, hurry the fuck up."

"Uhh, come out... Slut?" Hoseok called out unsurely this time. He drew the curtain from its rail and peeked into the bathtub. Nothing.

Namjoon mewled slightly from the name, the vibration from his high-pitched voice added with his phone's own frequency was driving Hoseok near the edge just a bit more. "Hmm, kinky~ But nope."

"Damn it, Joon, stop playing hard to get and just let me fuck you already!" Stomping out of the bathroom in irritation, Hoseok gripped on his phone tighter, scrunching his face in pure distress. He could feel his brief leaking and if it should come to it, he'll tear every wall of the house if he has to.

"Eager, aren't we?" Namjoon emitted a chuckle, voice laden with what Hoseok recognized as his triumphant laugh - a sign that Namjoon knew he was in a way, winning the game. "I'll give you a hint then."

Then, the line went dead. The younger had abruptly ended the call without a warning and Hoseok was left staring at his phone dumbfoundedly. Just before he could feel the red seeping into him, he heard it.

It was so damn loud, Hoseok would never have figured it was possible to moan that intensely - Namjoon's rasped out voice reverberated everywhere throughout the dorm and it had also tingled Hoseok's downstairs.

"Oh? I thought I heard something in there. Namjoon, is that you?" Perking his brow instantly, Hoseok swerved around towards the source of the noise, only to found out that it had been coming from the long unused wardrobe they've been using ti stash unwanted clothes to make room for new ones. Personally, Hoseok would never have thought of going in there for fear of the dark and the dimmed light bulb wasn't in any way helping either - but it was a good hiding place, and not to mention the piling stacks of clothes made it that much more comfier.

Finally having to settle his target, Hoseok slid his phone in his back pocket. With the intention of making Namjoon nervous, he'd deliberately thudded his steps loudly on his way to the wardrobe and mused out aloud for the latter to hear. "Hmm... If Hoseokie were to check this door, would his little kitten be in there I wonder?"

He didn't even hesitate as he flung the hardwood door open, squeakings of the loose nuts and bolts almost flew off their place - Hoseok forgot to calculate his strength and let excitement take its toll over him before acting out brashly - Namjoon yelped out in shock and his firm grasp around his wet shaft withdrew instantly.

"Found you, kitty."

Namjoon huffed out a sigh in defeat, "You win." The pout protruding out his lips was hard to miss.

Hoseok knew that he would to be honest - there had been zero doubts, especially when it comes to Namjoon. What he hadn't expect was the experience of having to see such a sight before him; laying splayed like a delicacy just waiting to be devoured was the younger with his shirt pushed upwards to his chest and looking - for lack of a better word - fucked out of his wits. His growing erection stilled however - still perched up as hard as a pole and glistening with twinkling beads of cum. Hoseok then trailed his eyes over the face, flushed out to the core and his lidded gaze meeting Namjoon's similar ones.

Both silenced for a minute or so, the only sounds filling their earlobes were of the younger's staggering, uneven breaths and the occasional whimpers.

Before Hoseok stepped inside and locked the door behind him with a click.

That night, he had taken the liberty of savouring his time simply tasting his delicious prize and had cleansed away his palate with a soothing glass of wine to end the day before tucking into bed.


I feel like this was sort of a crack fic idk i wasn't being serious when i wrote it and i was laughing the whole time but oh well

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