The unforgettable you

NoobieYaz tarafından

16 0 0

You come to life at my worst and make it better. Yet, you leave with no trace. Who are you? What are you? :( Daha Fazla

I Hate You
Li Zui Hou identity
Treasuring a Friend

Frist day of school

2 0 0
NoobieYaz tarafından

*Life had so many twisted and turn; and now going to a school full with heirs of rich hierarchy . As I sit on my assign seat looking around. Everyone is so clam and quiet.
*A student walk into the door.*

Student: Zui Hou, you are back.

*he came and shoulder with Li Zui Hou. Li zui hou quickly shoulder off. *

LI Zui Hou: Who are you?

student: oh sorry...... I forgot you lose your memory... I am sorry to heard about your accident.

Li Zui Hou: (pissed)... I ask who are you? And how did you know about my accident?

Student: I am Liu yu......... We were friend through out middle school, and about your case; everyone at school knows about it.

Liu Yu: Zui Hou, you don't remember me?

Li Zui Hou:  (shock his head: No)

Liu Yu: (frown) oh, it's ok.... (shoulder with Li Zui Hou) we still have time to recover your memory. (looking at me) ey.... who is this ugly girl? (looking at me with a smirk and started drinking a water bottle)

Li Zui Hou: She's noobie; my sister.

*just then Liu Yu spit out his water directly at me*

yang xi wang: excuses.................... (mad; and got interrupted by Liu Yu)

Liu Yu: (smirk) sorry.... (look at Li zui hou ) your sister?..................... yo! what are you talking about? (gasp) Did that accident leave such a traedgy for you to pick such an ugly person to be your sister?

*the whole class laugh*

Li zui hou and yang xi wang: What did you just said?

Liu yu: (looking at both of them) wha............ i was just joking

* i reflected when those people in the black capture me and when they are talking about a Mr. Liu*

yang xi wang: ey (looking at Liu yu) what is your surname?

Liu yu: wow wow.... dont tell me you are interest in me.... (fixing his neck tie) i am the most popular and handsomest student at Tainjin High school. I am also the richest person here, the only son of the Liu family.

Yang xi wang: the only son of the liu family? (walking toward him and grab his shirt and look around as everyone was looking at us, so i drag him to a quiet place.)

Liu yu: ey ey................. i know i am handsome but you are not my type. let me go, i dont want to hurt a women.

*alone at a corner*

yang xi wang: (push him down) tell me, why did you went to kill me?

Liu yu: kill?..... is this how ugly girl like you flirt? (laugh)

Yang xi wang: (grab him harder) ey..... just because i am ugly in your eye gives you no right to murder me?

Liu Yu: ey.... miss you are not just ugly, but you are also crazy too.... (pushes me aside)

Yang xi Wang: the other day you sent your mens in black to kidnapped and planned to murder me

Liu Yu:  what?....... What men in black?............ Pfffff........  I ......

*Li zui hou came into the scene*

Li Zui Hou: Noobie, class is starting let's go back to class.

*Zui Hou walk toward me and grab my hand; as we are about to walk away Liu Yu hold on to my other hand*

Liu Yu: Zui Hou......... (getting mad) you......... you...... how could do this to me?  After your accident you remember her but not me? Dont you remember that we even swear to be brother?

Li Zui Hou: did we? (He looks like he is in deep thought)

Liu Yu: pffff........ (looking away for a second and then came in contact with us again) ....... what did you mean did we? Of course, we even got the name of the handsome prince in middle school. You...... you........ how could you forget. It was the most fun. (Looking at Zui Hou in the eye)

Li Zui Hou: I could see that you are telling me the truth and i sense a true friend from you. (Smile)

Xi wang: Eyyy..... when are you both going to let go of my hand?

*they both look at me and look at their hands that are holding me and at the same time let go of my hand*

Xi wang:  (looking at Zui Hou) what did you mean you sense a true friend from him........ he is Mr. Liu the person who try to murder me. Before you came and help me they were talking about a Mr. Liu and who else would it be if it's not him?  (Pointing at Liu Yu)

Liu Yu: Wait.......... (shock) someone really try to muurder you?

Xi Wang: you know it yourself. (Rolling my eye)

Liu Yu: Ugly, i am not asking you. Zui Hou, is it truth? (Looking at Zui Hou)

Zui Hou: (nodded) Noobie is now in a danger situation, and we dont know why they even planned to kill her?

Xi wang: why? (Looking at Liu Yu)

Liu Yu: Eyyy's not like in this world I am the person with the surname Liu. Alright since you accuse me already. I will prove my innocence by helping you to find who plotted to kill you.

*there's a silent between us and there's  a clash sound  from somewhere near us. We all run toward it. When we reached the hall their where a bunch of girls bullying a girl.*

Student whispering another student: Ey.. i heard that her mother was a maid who had an affair with Master Thang.
Another student: SHHH........ let just watch.......... Deng shau yui wont let her get away even when it's not her fault.
student: sigh...... we all know that Deng shau yui won't let her target off easily.

*the bully group and the girl*

Deng shau yui:  ey you............. don't you owe me an apology for bumping into me?
Girl: sorry (about to walk away)
Deng shau Yui: Just an apology is not even, you had to knee down in front of me.

*the girl is about to walk away; and then the bully group get a hold of her and forces her to knee *

Xi Wang: Stop!!! (Run toward the situation and pushes all the girl away)
Deng Shau Yui: (got mad) you....... (slap Xi Wang)

*xi wang got mad and slap her 2 times*

Xi wang: ouch....... you just hurt my hand don't you think you owe me an apology?
Deng Shau Yui: Bi*t*

*Deng shau yui rises her hand to hit xi wang again. Someone hold her hand*

Deng shau yui: Zui Hou........
Zui Hou: don't you dare bully her.

*deng shau yui group retreat*

The girl: Thank you. Are you hurt? Here is a cooling gel. (Giving the gel to xi wang)
Xi wang: My name is Yang Xi Wang. Do they usually bully you?
The girl: (smiling) My name is Lee wu yong (a meaning of worthless).
Xi Wang: Wu yong?

*Another girl came running in*
Girl: Wu yong (run to holding wu yong's hand) Did you got bully again? Who dared bully you. (Looking at xi wang with a fierce eye)
Xi wang: (crossing her arm) not ....... i was just trying to help her out.
Wu yong:Mistress Thang, she helped me...... Her name is xi wang
Mistress Thang: My name is Thang Mei; just call me Mei. (Smile) Thank you for helping me sister.
Xi wang: Sister?
Wu Yong: Mistress Thang. Please forgive me but I am not worth enough to receive the honor.
Thang mei: Sister.........
Liu Yu: Yo....... guys let's go to class.

*we all go to the office to look for our class. We all get the best class which concluded that we are all in the same class*

Okumaya devam et

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