To Defy A Duke

By vickitickitoria

3.1M 130K 8.3K

Lady Eliza Turner has no interest in finding herself a wealthy husband, she has her books, her best friend Ch... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64

Chapter 16

48.4K 2.2K 59
By vickitickitoria

"Shot in a duel." The words echo around Eliza's head hours after they were said. Benjamin didn't know the whole story only that Harrington has been shot in a duel against Dominic and that he is currently being treated at his house. Not bothering to get dressed Eliza had wrapped a fur coat on and slipped her boots on before getting into the carriage with her uncle and heading towards Chester Valley. It would be faster to ride Eliza thinks miserably as the carriage trundles through London. At four in the morning, the roads are considerably quieter however Captain's pace could have easily beaten the pace of the carriage. Knowing her Uncle would never let her ride in her nightgown in the middle of the night while the heavens pour down Eliza had put up no protest when Benjamin summoned the carriage.

The dark house sail by and lamps create a glow in the carriage. Tears slip out the corners of her eyes and flow down her cheeks without a sound, Harrington might not be her husband but there is something inside of her that cares a great deal for him despite his arrogance and pride. A hand covers Eliza's unexpectedly and she starts at the contact, her uncle doesn't say anything but squeezes gently, she gives him a watery smile. The rain pounds against the roof of the carriage and the wind batters the walls ferociously. The uncertainty is eating away at Eliza's control, she wants to break down in tears and cry as well as attacking something solid in anger.

How could she explain what she is feeling? She doesn't love him but the thought of him dying causes a hard lump to catch in her throat, of course, anyone dying is upsetting but it is almost as though he isn't just the man she has to marry, he's something more, something special.

The carriage grinds to a halt outside the house before the vehicle can stop completely Eliza is throwing the door open and hopping down outside into the rain. The raindrops mix with the tears on her face as she sprints towards the door. She doesn't bother knocking but wrenches the door open and hurries into the hall looking for anyone. Luis comes running from the kitchen with a bowl and ran, he almost bumps into Eliza in his haste.

"Where is he?" She whispers, afraid for the worst.

"Follow me." Luis nods, his eyes are alert with worry. He turns to the staircase and runs up the steps with Eliza hot on his heel. Luis opens a door to a small bedroom, bloody bandages and clothes are thrown over chests, strange vials are laid out on the side. Eliza rushes inside and collapses by the bed that holds an unconscious Harrington. Luis places the bowl and rag on the bedside table.

"No, absolutely not." A doctor stands over the bed with strange looking instruments and shakes his head disapprovingly. "I said family only."

"I am his fiancé," Eliza says not looking up from Harrington's pale face. He wears an undershirt that is flecked with blood, a sheet covers his bottom half. His usual colouring is absent, his hair is stuck to his face with sweat and his breathing is shallow. But he is alive.

"How is he?" She asks the doctor, stupid question considering how he looks. The doctor rubs his white beard.

"The bullet entered just below his right lung, luckily it hasn't hit anything critical. I can't see any internal bleeding however if he doesn't wake soon then I don't think he will wake at all.'' He closes his medical bag with a sigh.

"Well, what can we do?" Eliza asks desperately.

"Nothing I am afraid." The doctor replies solemnly. "I am sorry to miss."

"Send for me if anything changes." He says to Luis and leaves the room with a bow. Eliza turns back to her fiancé's unmoving body, she takes his limp hand in hers despite his pale skin his hand is burning like coal.

"Would you like to come downstairs with your uncle and wait?"Luis asks softly. Eliza shakes her head.

"I'll stay until he wakes up."

"Would you at least like something to wear? And a blanket? Some food? A cup of tea?"

Eliza realises that the thin cotton of her nightdress is soaked despite wearing a coat.

"A change of clothes would be wonderful as would a cup of tea." She says gratefully. "But after that please go to sleep," She adds as Luis turns to go. "I'll wake you if anything happens." She doesn't think the dedicated servant will with his master in this limbo but there's no point both of them watching him.

"Thank you, miss." He bows and leaves her alone. Once the door shuts Eliza pulls herself up and sits next to him on the bed. She tucks in the sides of the sheets and fluffs the pillow behind his head, he barely stirs as she tries to make him more comfortable. Her fingers stroke his face as she brushes his hair away from his eyes.

"You can't die on me," Eliza whispers. "I'll kill you if you do." She leans over and places her head just above his chest, she listens for a heartbeat. It's there, beating faintly.

The door opens and she straightens up and wipes away the fresh tears. Luis holds a tray of tea and a folded up dress, he places the tea on the table next to the two chairs and holds up the dress.

"It's all I could find in the house that will fit you." He says and hands Eliza a canary yellow dress with orange ruffles.

"It's fine, don't worry.'' She takes the dress and holds it against her frame, it is a bit long. "You look very tired, get some sleep."

Luis nods and turns to leave but stops in the doorway,

"He will survive this mess." He says. "I promise."

Eliza grimaces but nods her thanks, he leaves her alone with Harrington. She immediately takes off her coat and pulls off her ruined night dress. She struggles to step into the bright dress, it hugs her bust tightly and the skirt balloons outwards, draping her in fabric. Eliza balls up her other clothes and sinks into a chair and curls up, she leans her head against the back of the chair and gazes at Harrington. Ironic how they started their relationship with shouting and name-calling, forgave and fought again to reach a neutral pass in which some fondness grew in a few moments of agreement and peace. Here he lay in front of her, unmoving and corpse-like, at this moment Eliza didn't care that he called her names or accidentally got her into a marriage, all she wanted to is for him to open his eyes. The time slips by and she falls into a restless sleep. Dreams of attending his funeral and his ghost coming to haunt her for life plague her mind. Wearing black she stands over his coffin holding a single rose, standing next to her completely invisible to everyone else is the ghost of Harrington, he whispers things into her ear, things that make her heart bleed.

Eliza wakes with a start and finds a blanket has been laid over her. What woke her is the entrance of two women, they stand holding hands on the other side of the bed. One is a few years younger than herself and the other is a middle age woman with bright blue eyes like Harrington's eyes. The younger one notices that Eliza is awake and tugs on the other's arm.

"Oh hello." The other woman says softly. "Luis said we could visit."

Eliza scrambles to a stand and clears her head.

"Of course, I am Eliza. Jasper's fiancé." She introduces herself, a little unsure.

"Fiancé?" The young girl looks very confused.

"You are engaged?" The other woman asks.

"Yes, this week in fact," Eliza says. The two ladies exchange looks.

"Sorry, but who are you?" Eliza asks tentatively.

"I am Jasper's mother."

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