Tracked [Dirk Gently x Reader]

By theduskbrawler

5.1K 113 37

You are Project Ichnaea, also known as the 'holistic' Tracker. Supervisor Hugo and Mr.Priest want you to find... More

Chapter One
Part two: Don't take the shot
Part three: Trapped in a cage
Part four: Found you
Part five: Gone?
Part six: An odd place
Part 7: To live or die
Part 8: See you soon
Part 10: Memories (END)

Part 9: Unfortunately so

213 3 0
By theduskbrawler


After you emerged from the portal you fell onto the ground. You looked around before standing up and holding your chest. It hurt and as you pulled your hand away blood dropped onto the floor. "Gggrahhhg." You whined before stepping foreward and falling over again. "Hello?!" You yelled before a person ran around the corner and toward you. "Are you ok?" He asked and you shook your head slowly. "I'm gonna take you back to Dirk. Or the hospitals." He whispered and picked you up carefully after noticing the wounds that covered you. "Maybe I will take you to the hospital." He said and then walked toward a car. "What. Where am I?" You wondered aloud and the guy looked at you suspiciously. Your gun was still strapped to your back and your knife was strapped to your waist belt. He put you inside the back of the car and removed both of your weapons. After throwing them in the back of the car he got into the passenger seat in the front of the car. You saw another man who would be driving the car staring at you curiously. "Why is she in here?" He questioned and looked back at he other guy. You could barely hear te next few words as you fainted.

Time skip (Few hours later)

You slowly opened your eyes to see the man who had helped you sitting only a few feet away. "Hey. You feeling better?" He asked and you nodded then sat up. "Who are you?" He questioned and you slowly shook your head. "(F/N) (L/N), Holistic Detective." You said and he nodded as you checked out your dressed wounds. "And you are?" You asked and he thought for a few seconds before answering. "I'm Richard Macduff, partner" "Assistant." The man who had driven you here interrupted Richard. "Assistant to Dirk Gently, Holistic Detective." He finished and you looked over at Dirk. "You are not Dirk Gently." You said before looking around in confusion. "Where am I?" You asked frantically and Richard gave you another wierd look. "You are in England. Why?" He asked before you began to look around anxiously. "I must have messed up with that portal and got sent to the wrong place." You said before standing up and walking toward the door. Just as Richard tried to stop you the door opened and in walked Dirk Gently. Your Dirk Gently. "Dirk!" You yelled before giving him a bear hug and he fve yoy a quick kiss. "(Y/N)! I didn't know that I would find you here!" He said before grabbing your hand. "Want to help me work on a case with these two...people?" He asked and you nodded. "What's the case?" You asked and he gave you a sour look. "Another murder I think...or maybe a homocide. I really hope it's none of those." He stated as Todd walked in behind him. "Hi (Y/N). I thought you died." He said before you gave him a dmall grin. "Died twice. That's why my eyes are still this color." You said and motioned to you red Mandelbrot eyes. "I didn't notice that before." Said the other Dirk and you turned around. "Your real name is Svlad. Correct?" You asked and he nodded. "That's what I will call you from now on so I don't get confused." You said before a piece of paper hit you in the back of the head. You grabbed it of the ground quickly and observed the fingerprints that had been left on it. They were oddly shaped and didn't resemble a humans fingersize. Interestingly enough they seemed familiar, like they belonged to a friend that you had in Blackwing when you were younger. You opened the note and read aloud what it said.
'Hey (Y/N). Long time no see. I'm coming for you next.
- an old friend'

"Looks like this case just got a whole heap easier." You said and handed the letter Svlad. Richard looked over his shoulder and shrugged. "They may have just made their first mistake. If they want to kill you they would have to have been the murderer." Todd said and then he looked at Svlad. Dirk was standing in the corner, trying to have no part in the case. You tapped him on the shoulder kindly and he turned around. "I really don't want to have to do this again." He said and you pulled him into a hug.
"Don't worry Dirk. I understand but this time I will be here to help you." You sympathized and he smiled then rejoined the group. "How were the bodies found?" You asked and Richard gave you a photo of one of the bodies. "Brutally murdered. More like shredded to pieces." He stated as you examined the knife marks on the man in your picture. "Wait. These aren't stab wounds." You yelled in surprise and Todd looks at the picture. "Your right. They look more like stab wounds!" He yelled excitedly and you looked at the group. "I know who the murderer is." You said and they Svlad looked at you questioningly. "Who is it?" Svlad asked curiously and you closed your eyes slowly. "An old friend, Project Echidna." You told them an Dirk let his mouth hang open. "Our friend? From Blackwing?" He yelled and you nodded. "Unfortunately so."


((A/N) This was the old Dirk Gently show and the new one mixed together. We are now entering something like a season 3 I guess. Hope you enjoyed! See you next chapter!)

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