Breaking Away From the Flock

By smiley14

886 45 17

I didn’t need wings to fly and neither did I need feathers. I just needed to believe. Phoenix has always blen... More

Last Night's Party
Black Smudge

In Awe

127 13 6
By smiley14

Chapter Five

“He’s so dreamy!” They shouted in unison before flopping back onto the sofa, pulling the pillows into their chests as they did.

“With his brown hair that falls into his eyes,” Georgia sung, smiling up at the ceiling.

“And the way his black midnight eyes glow,” Jasmine whined, letting out a sigh.

“Don’t forget the way he breaths your name,” Stacy breathed, fluttering her eyelids as she spoke.

I rolled my eyes, realising just how ridiculous they all sounded. It was only a few hours ago that they had met Matthew, the one I’d sort of spoken to in the hall, and now they were practically all over his feet, like a whining mop of blubbering girls that wanted to kiss the ground he walked on.

“Girls,” Kaitlin snapped, her tone sharp as she dropped into the large swivel chair that reminded me of the sort Hollywood uses in her movies for the evil bosses, the ones petting the white cats in their laps with the weird movements of their wrists. “Calm down, he’s only British.”

“Even more of an excuse!” They hollered, all sighing in unison. I groaned, rolling my eyes again and taking another bite of the pizza I still held in my hand.

“Are they serious?” Her Highness groaned, taking another slice, looking across at me. “I think tonight was a bad idea.” Kaitlin muttered, shaking her red hair around her shoulders before taking a bite of the vegetarian pizza she was making us all eat. “Honestly, they make him out to be like he’s Justin Beiber or someone.”

“Justin Beiber? Where?” They all exclaimed with their eyes open as they looked around the room before narrowing their colourful eyes at Her Highness. “Hey, you’ve almost eaten all the pizza.”

“I paid for it.” Kaitlin shot, her eyes flaming with anger. “Besides, you all need to lose some weight, so get over it.” She let out a wicked laugh when they all looked down at their already too-skinny bodies, their hands raking over the flat stomachs that almost caved in beneath their sharp ribs.

“Don’t you think so too, Phoenix? Don’t you think that they all need to eat less? I mean, look at their arms, they’re like balloons almost.” Her Highness cackled, her red hair fluttering about her face as she laughed before she abruptly stopped and shot me a look that told me that I was dead if I didn’t laugh along with her.

My phone buzzed and I thanked the Heavens. I whipped it out of my pocket, reading the flashing screen, a small smile spreading across my lips. I looked around at all of them, giving them a small shrug before standing up and snatching my purse. I pulled out a ten dollar bill, the amount that should pay for all that I’ve eaten and a little more, before thanking Kaitlin and running from her marble floored house.

“Where do you think you’re going?” Her Highness growled, slamming the door shut as I was about to step out onto her porch. “We haven’t even watched the movie yet.”

“I know, Kate, but I really have to go. Maybe some other time?” I muttered, pulling back open the door, only to have it slammed shut again by the same icy hand that had clutched my shoulder hours before. “I really have to go, Kate, my Mom’s not well.” I lied.

Kaitlin seemed to stare at me for a few moments as though she were deciding to believe my lie or not. She watched my face with her cold blue eyes before pulling open the carefully carved door and ushering me outside as though she couldn’t get rid of me faster.

“I hope your mom gets better soon,” she snarled, a leer on her lips as she spoke, a false grimace spread over her dyed lips.

I dove for my car once she’d closed her front door. I drove like a madman and I could honestly say that I couldn’t get out of there fast enough.

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