The Pen-Pal Project (Larry St...

By beautifulnightmare2

4M 102K 86.4K

'Hello class, my name is Miss Flack. I am the substitute teacher... So this term i have a project for you. It... More

The Pen-Pal Project (Larry Stylinson + Niam Horayne)
-Letters from Hall Cross-
-Harry and Louis-
-Liam and Niall-
-Zayn and Perrie-
-Letters from Hall Cross-
-Letters from Hall Cross-
-Instant Messenger-
-Instant Messenger-
-Harry and Louis-Texts-
-Instant Messager-
-This is a Song For my Haters-
-Harry and Louis-
-Liam and Niall-
-Zayn and Perrie-
-Instant messenger-
-Instant Messenger-
-Instant Messenger-
-Christmas Cards-
-Court Dialog-
-Instant Messenger-
-Instant Messenger-
-Instant Messenger-
-Last Letters-
-The Reviews-

-Letters from Holmes Chapel-

50.3K 1.3K 2.9K
By beautifulnightmare2

Louis (or Lou maybe?)

Of course you can call me Haz! or any other you can think of.

Your last letter, Woah! That was long. (that's what she said) too far?

I'm so annoyed right now, because this one guy in the year below, i think his name is Ian. Well, he's trying to sell a year seven to me to be my slave, and he won't take no for an answer! it's driving me insane. He's actually following me, like stalking me i swear!

Thanks for thinking i was a girl, maybe cats bring out my feminine side, but i can't help it pussy cats are soooo cute :)

an oven hmm? thats interesting. i'm a lightbulb, i light up peoples worlds at the darkest of times and i'm really hot.

Is it weird that i like to be naked all the time? apparently it is, my friends have gotten used to it, but others say i'm odd because of it. What's wrong with just whipping clothes off and going around as nature intended, right?

i'm sitting in the cafeteria it's lunch and i always get the same thing, every day for the last six years. Pizza with a cookie and a cup of tea, and every day Beverly (the dinner lady, she's about 70) always says 'Chicken curry again dear?' and then i go 'No thanks, Pizza please' and then she goes 'Ok, trying something new today?' and then i'm just like.... 'what the fudge pies' and THIS HAPPENS EVERY SINGLE DAY, you'd think she'd learn that i want the pizza, but no. Chicken curry. grrr.

So it's awesome that we both sing!! bet you're better than me, you should so put your songs on youtube or something so i could listen!! I bet i'd become a proper fan-girl of you!!  ;)

I'm so excited!! i know superman, is that how you're so super, by eating carrots? i need to try it, maybe i'm bat-man. or... cat woman.. i mean man, Cat-Man.

would you like me to give you a nickname for when you're in trouble? :D

our letters seem to get longer and longer, not sure if that's a good thing, i may break the trend next time and send a short one just to be individual, like you and that pigeon thing. i have to say, you and your ways amuse me, i laughed alot at your letter. a massive grin formed on my face when i'd seen you'd replied.

i'm such a girl. you were right. :(

i loved the paint on the last letter, it really added character to the letter, so i hope you don't mind that i spilt a bit of tomato sauce from my pizza on this one..  oops.

you were very welcome about the shower images, people would line up to imagine me in the shower, just be glad i didn't make you pay for that, and i enjoyed the image of you in the shower. 

If i make you uncomfortable, please tell me now.

i wish my dimples were cute, personally i hate them, with a passion. but what can you do? well i could go around never talking or smiling again, but reading your letter, it was quite hard not too.

you're cookie dough idea? brilliant. I'll try it next week. i'll let you know if it works.

you get pancakes? no fair! i want pancakes.

is it true that if you squeeze your eyes shut for six minutes, spin around twice and then jump in the air... a mermaid will jump at you and drag you to Narnia where a dinosaur tries to eat you? a eight year old tried to make me do it, i was sightly scared. so i backed out. 

there's now some blood on the letter too because Chris just punched my nose. He's really against this project. he's got a pen-pal called 'Cher' she must be in your class, but he's not replying to her, he started some protest and now he's punching people that are actually writing, he's even hit Danielle. apparently 'Cher' sends abut three letters a day and he's not read one yet.

theyre tied with little red ribbons... 

so it's been about three hour here for me, probably a second for you reading this, but my nose had gone really red and is starting to go slightly black. It looks so attractive.

my sister and my mum are now going off on one in the kitchen, here i'll write what they say.

Mum: And stop putting so much butter in that pan, do you want us to die of heart faliure

Gem: Mum, it's low-fat butter, calm your socks

M: I'm not wearing socks!

G: As a matter of fact mum, you've got one sock on.

M: as a matter of fact Gemma, i gave birth to you so i'm always right even when i'm wrong, and up yours.

(enters the amazingly sexual Harry)

H: Do you mind, i'm trying to write this down and you're talking to quick

M: Go out and have a social life

H: Mum i was away at Li's all weekend

M: Oh, i thought you'd locked yourself in your room in a strop again.

Just to let you know, That was a one time thing! and it was because Rachel had just dumped me and all because i refused to let her straighten my hair.


any way i have to go, it smells like they've burnt dinner, so yet another take out for me tonight.  and i think Ian is hiding in the bush outside my house... creep.

See you,

Haz :)


that is so horrible, how could your brother do that! and i'm afraid all i've said is true. I admit my parents are bonkers, they act like they're 18and i've grown up acting like i'm thirty five. It scares me to think that i could end up like them, i'm scared of being immature.

I always have to be in control of a situation and i hate it when things get out of proportion. I am a councillor to myself, i give myself homework too. I'm not crazy, not at all. so please don't be scared of me and stop talking to me. 

Part of my homework since i found out about this project was to tell someone of what i feel when my parents are being crazy. i'm glad i'm not the only one who sees them that way.

mum wrote me a letter last night when she was sitting at the table, a glass of wine in hand. she left it for me to see it on the counter while she slept off her hang over and dad went to work.

know what it said? It was a letter about how i should buy a shark, and then dress it as a puppet. A PUPPET! sometimes i wonder if she has a braincell, and then she goes and does something like an adult and i'm left to question myself.

councilling, well i'm not actually self councilling myself am i? i mean i'm not a stranger. to myself at least, i sort of am a stranger to you.

anyway, i'm making myself sound crazy. i'm not. 

you're Irish? that's cool, i bet your accent is... irishy. and your middle name is James too? that's cool too.

yours sincirley


Dear Perrie, (better?)

i have to tell you how much i appreciated your last letter, it was thrilling!

so you didn't give much away in your letter, what do you like to do and all that?

My mum always say that girls can have hard times experiencing change, and also that they can get shy talking to guys they like? are you shy because you like me? i'm flattered but we've never even met! and i feel you're being a bit forward with me, so i'm going to ask to calm it down a little? thanks.

Harry and Liam both got boys to write to, so i suppose i should feel happy to have a girl, and i am, you seem to be a lovely young woman. don't let anyone put you down, yeah? good.

i think you should express yourself more, get over your shyness and come through a little bit more, yeah, you could share some personal information, like... do you own a chicken farm, or do you like to wash your hair in plum juice?

Oh and the word moron makes you seem to be about five, what year are you in? six? maybe, it's ok though if you are i don't mind taking to you still.

I cannot wait until your next letter, i hope its as nice as your last one!!





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