Raura's Daughter

By bbbambiii

75.3K 2K 617

Eight months after Isabella is born, Ross and Laura both decide to head back to school for their Senior Year... More

twenty one.
twenty two.
twenty three.
twenty four.
twenty five.
twenty six.
twenty seven.
twenty eight.
twenty nine.
thirty one.
thirty two.
thirty three.
thirty four.
thirty five.
thirty six.
thirty seven.
thirty eight.
thirty nine.
forty one.
forty two.
forty three.
forty four.
forty five.
forty six.
forty seven.
forty eight.
forty nine.
fifty one.
fifty two.
fifty three.
Letters to Isabella RELEASE DATE TODAY! 20th August.

fifty four.

1.8K 35 20
By bbbambiii

3 years later

Laura's POV

The early September sunlight broke in through my bedroom window and the warmth of Isabella's body beside mine instantly brought an overwhelming sense of comfort over me. Our eyes locked together and we both grinned at one another. "Good morning angel." I whispered, gently pulling a strand of her blonde hair behind her ear.

"Good morning mommy." She whispered back, letting out a yawn. She held her arms above her head and began to giggle. "Breakfast time!"

I smiled. "Go and ask Nona to make you some. Mommy has to get ready."

Isabella climbed out of bed and steadily headed out of the bedroom door. She was now four and a half years old and she'd grown and learnt so much after such a short period of time. Ross and I couldn't have been any more proud of her if we'd tried. "Nona!" Isabella called out.

"What is it honey?" My mom yelled back in response.

"Brekkie!" Isabella shouted, clapping her hands excitedly together.

Brekkie was Isabella's new word to refer to breakfast. It also happened to be her favourite meal of the day, probably because I always gave her so much milk and pancakes.

My mom appeared at the top of the staircase and opened the baby proof gate for Isabella to step into her arms. "Good morning sweetie! It's the big day today!" My mom said excitedly to me as she closed the baby gate once more and carried an overly hyper Isabella downstairs with her.

I sat upright in bed and inhaled deeply. My eyes wandered to the calendar on the wall and I could feel my heart beating noisily in my chest. September the third, aka, mine and Ross' wedding day.

I'd been so prepared and excited for the months building up to our wedding day, in fact, I'd barely stopped talking about it. But now that it was finally here I was feeling anxious and kind of terrified. The minute I arrive at that chapel and begin to walk down the aisle I was going to become Laura Lynch and I'd never be Laura Marano again.

My phone buzzed on the nightstand beside me and I smirked to myself when I realised who was calling. I unlocked my phone and held it closely to my ear, leaning back on the bed with a grin on my face. "It's bad luck to communicate with the bride before the wedding you know?"

Ross chuckled hoarsely down the phone. "Oh well, that's a risk I'll have to take. How are you beautiful?"

"I'm a little nervous." I said honestly. I twirled a piece of my unbrushed hair around my finger and bit my lip awkwardly. "Are we both sure about this?"

"I'm ready for you to become my wife now, Laura. I've wanted this since I was eighteen."

I couldn't help but smile shyly to myself. There was something so attractive about a person knowing what they want in a relationship and where they want it to go in the future.

"I love you." I murmured. I was grinning from ear to ear. In a few hours I was going to be Ross Lynch's wife and our family would finally be official.

"I love you more baby." He replied. I could feel tears forming in my eyes as the realisation of becoming someone's wife seemed to finally settle into my brain. "I'll see you later okay?"

I giggled. "I'll be the one in white."

He chuckled back and blew a kiss down the phone. "Bye beautiful."

"Bye." I whispered as the line went dead. I held the cellphone to my ear for the next thirty seconds trying to take in every detail of this wonderful day. I didn't want to forget a single thing.

The doorbell rang out loudly from downstairs and I could hear the frantic sound of the front door opening as Isabella burst out into excited screams. I rushed to the top of the staircase and giggled happily when I saw Rydel and Maddison with their bridesmaid gear in a posh plastic bag they'd picked up from the bridal store. "There she is!" Rydel exclaimed, placing Maddison down on the carpet beside Isabella. "It's the bride to be!"

I rushed downstairs to her and leapt into her arms, within seconds the both of us were crying tears of pure happiness and excitement. "Please tell me that you're here to calm me down and glam me up?"

Rydel smirked at me and pulled her beauty bag out from behind her back. "Oh, this old thing? Hell yeah girl we are going to go full glam!"

We both giggled and I quickly said hello to Maddison and gave her a quick cuddle before joining Rydel upstairs in my bedroom. Maddison had a short bob of blonde hair and big green eyes like Ratliff. She was three years old now and her and Isabella got on like a house on fire. The friendship they shared was a beautiful one and Rydel and I were very happy about that.

"Girl you are so tense right now!" Rydel exclaimed from behind me. I was sat in front of my vanity mirror watching as she figured out what makeup products to use and what style my hair should be for the wedding. "I promise you there's nothing to worry about. The day I married Ratliff was insane but I was so happy. The only thing that can beat that sort of happiness is giving birth to your first child which you and I both know the feeling of."

I smiled at her and let out a long awaited deep breath. She smiled back at me and nodded her head in approval. "See? A couple of deep breaths and a small glass of champagne are all you need!"

Rydel whipped a bottle of champagne out from her bag and giggled excitedly as she poured us a glass each. "Well, cheers!" She said before taking a sip of hers. I watched as her face fell into a frown when I didn't take a sip from mine. "Laur... that's champagne! I know you don't want to get drunk or anything but... it's champagne!"

I bit my lip and turned myself around to face her. "Delly..." I began. I watched as her big brown eyes curiously eyed me up and down. I was surprised that she hadn't caught on to the surprise I was about to tell her. "I can't have any champagne... or any alcoholic beverage tonight for that matter because... well... I'm pregnant."

Rydel stopped in her tracks and placed our glasses of champagne on the side of the dressing table before turning her full attention back to me. She held a makeup brush up in her hand and let out a nervous giggle. "I'm sorry... I thought you just said that you're pregnant?"

I awkwardly bit my bottom lip and shrugged my shoulders. "That's because I am."

I reached into the top drawer of my vanity and pulled out a positive pregnancy test that I had taken a couple of nights ago after feeling violently sick when I walked in to the stench of my mom cooking lasagne which just so happened to be one of my favourite foods. "See? It's a positive. I'm only two months so I didn't want to say anything. I guess I kind of forgot that I'll be expected to drink today."

Rydel held my positive pregnancy test in her hands and shook her head back and forth slowly, a smile growing on her face. "Did you guys plan this?"

I covered my face with the palms of my hands and let out an awkward giggle. "Um not exactly..."

"Oh my god Laura! He's going to be so shocked!" She yelled out. I quickly covered her mouth with my hand and gave her a serious glare. "Crap... sorry... I forgot that it's a secret."

She then shrugged her shoulders and handed the test back to me. "Hey, look on the bright side, at least you're twenty this time and not sixteen."

I pouted my lips at her childishly before locking the pregnancy test back up inside of the drawer. "You know technically this is considered a shotgun wedding now."

I furrowed my eyebrows as she began to apply foundation to my face. "A shotgun wedding?"

"Yeah... it's where the bride is pregnant but her and the groom aren't married yet... so therefore it's a shotgun wedding."

I let out an awkward chuckle. "Well... that's great to know!"

Rydel moved onto my eyes and smiled to herself. "But seriously Laur, congratulations. You know that we're all going to freak out over this though don't you?"

I raised my eyebrows slowly. "What do you mean by, freak out, exactly?"

"Laur, whenever a woman is expecting in this family it's like the world stops turning! You know what dad is like, he loves all of us continuing the Lynch legacy. You'll be the favourite girl for the next year once his fourth grandchild arrives."

I suddenly realised exactly what she meant. When I'd found out that I was pregnant with Isabella the whole family had been so understanding and supportive despite never meeting me before or knowing anything about my backstory. Mark was obviously horrible at first and wanted nothing to do with Ross and I or Isabella during my pregnancy and the months that followed after her birth but then when he realised that despite all the madness he had his first official grandchild to carry on his family name and he'd be around to watch it all happen.

"Also, if it's a boy then you really will be in his good books!" Rydel added as she applied a light pink blush to the apples of my cheeks. "I know it's confusing but hey, you're hours away from becoming a Lynch. It all changes once you two get hitched."

I took a sip from my now freezing cold coffee and shook my head at her. "You really aren't helping my nerves, Delly."

She giggled and winked at me. "I'm just teasing don't worry... but not about the whole legacy thing. He takes that stuff very seriously."

I gulped and shrugged my shoulders as Rydel moved onto my hair. "Well... no turning back now I suppose."

I glanced at myself one last time in the mirror and smiled knowingly at my reflection. I wasn't the same girl that I was five years ago or even a couple of months ago. I was constantly changing for the better and that was all thanks to my beautiful daughter and my soon to be husband.

I'd always envisioned my twenties to be filled with studying and job applications. I wasn't even sure that I wanted children in my future and now I was expecting my second one with the love of my life.

If someone had told me at the age of fourteen that in five years time I'd be marrying a guy who played quarterback on the soccer team and who got me knocked up at the age of sixteen I would have laughed in their faces. But now... well, now everything was different but in the best kind of way. I know that I wouldn't change any of my decisions for the world. This was my fate, I'd just never realised it.

Rydel finished the last curl for my hair and held her hands gently on my shoulders. "Are you ready to go beautiful?"

I grinned at her. "Yeah... I'm ready."

A beautiful cream coloured carriage pulled up outside of the house with the most extravagant cream horses to match. I gasped in excitement and turned to Rydel who beamed at me. "Oh my god! You knew about this?"

She nodded and grabbed my wedding dress from the doorframe where it had been hung up. "Ross planned it out almost a year ago! Now come on, we can't keep those beautiful ponies waiting."

I began to giggle in excitement. It was go time, there was no turning back now. I was heading towards my future and leaving my past behind. The second I left that chapel I wouldn't be Laura Marano anymore, I'd be Laura Lynch and I couldn't feel anymore ready for it if I'd tried.

Rydel held my three centimetre long veil in her hands as I slowly descended down the staircase. My mom was stood at the bottom with tears flowing out of her eyes and Maddison and Isabella were stood beside her with their bridesmaid dresses on looking even more beautiful than usual.

"Oh Laura." Mom whispered to herself, covering her face to conceal her tears. I wrapped my arms tightly around her and pressed my lips lightly to her forehead. "I am so proud of you sweetie and I love you so much."

"I love you so much more, Mom." I whispered back, taking a step back from her. "Thank you for always believing in me... even when it was difficult to do so." I motioned to Isabella who was play fighting with Maddison in the corner of the room.

She twirled a piece of my hair behind my ear and shrugged her shoulders at me. "It was all worth it honey. I'm a grandmother to a beautiful little girl and a mother to a fantastic young woman. I don't think life gets better than this sweetie."

I wrapped her up in my embrace for one final time and smiled happily at her. "Mom... one final question." I murmured, wrapping her hands up in my own. Her eyes widened slightly. "I'd like you to give me away... seeing as Papa isn't here... I want you to do it. So please... could you give me away?"

Her light green eyes began to water as she frantically nodded her head back and forth to me. "It would be my honour honey."

And so, just like that my mom, Rydel, Isabella and Maddison and myself were quickly making our way to the horse and carriage that awaited us outside. My mom and I sat beside one another whilst Rydel and the girls sat across from us.

"Pony!" Isabella squealed in excitement. She was staring out of the carriage window in amazement. The three of us giggled as she continued to feel mind blown by the horses. "Mama I want a pony!"

Rydel smirked in my direction and tapped Isabella lightly on the shoulder. "Ask your daddy baby. I'm sure he'd love to have a pony running around the apartment complex."

"I ask daddy when I see him." Isabella confidently told Maddison who stared back at her in confusion. "Hey! Where's my bow?" She asked with a scowl on her face, she pointed to the fluorescent pink bow on top of Maddison's hair and Rydel glanced at me with wide eyes.

I held my hand out to Isabella and pulled her close to me. "No tantrums today, okay baby? Especially over ponies and bows. Here, I made you a little headband instead."

Isabella cautiously eyed the headband up but reluctantly allowed me to place it on the top of her head. "Yay!" She squealed before returning to her seat beside Maddison. "Giddy up, giddy up!"

We all giggled again and the carriage began to make it's way slowly down the street. Maddison and Isabella were infatuated with it and felt like two little disney princesses being escorted around town like they were royalty.

I felt breathless as we got closer and closer to the chapel. My mom held my hands tightly in her own, nodding her head encouragingly at me. "He loves you honey. This is meant to be. You two are meant to be."

I inhaled deeply and nodded back at her. "I hope so, Mom. I really hope so."

The carriage came to a halt outside of the chapel and I spotted Raini, Trisha and Cece waiting for us in their baby pink bridesmaids dresses with bouquets of cherry blossoms in their hands. Rydel and the girls stepped out first greeting the others with excited cuddles and then it was my turn.

My mom stepped out first and then helped me to get out by holding onto my veil for me. I smiled at her and began to feel my heart flutter in my chest as all of the girls cooed at me in amazement. "Oh Laura... you look so beautiful!" Raini gasped, holding her hands to her face.

I giggled and carefully made my way over to them. The gentle sound of the song Turning Pages by Sleeping At Last began to play as a signal of my arrival inside of the chapel. I had to bite my lip to stop myself from crying. I'd never felt so emotional in my entire life.

Cece and Trisha walked down the aisle first, the both of them holding each other's hands and smiling at all of our fellow family and friends.

Then it was Raini and Rydel who scattered rose petals out of their baskets onto the aisle below them. My heart began to thump even louder in my chest when I realised that my turn would soon be coming.

Next it was Maddison and Isabella who again, walked hand in hand and began to throw cherry blossoms out of their baskets. All of the guests began to coo at them and giggle in happiness.

"Please be standing for our bride." The priest announced calmly.

My mom tightened her grip around the palm of my hand and winked at me before leading me slowly into the chapel. Everyone began to gasp in awe as I walked past them. I could briefly see the back of Ross' tuxedo and I instantly felt calm. Calum was stood beside him as his best man and turned back to smile at me in encouragement.

As I got closer to the altar, Ross finally turned around and instantly his dark brown eyes locked on mine. He shook his head in disbelief at me and his lips curved into a smile. He turned to Calum and whispered into his ear. "That's my girl."

My mom gently released her grip from my arm as I met Ross by the altar and she smiled at the both of us. "Take care of my little girl, Ross." She whispered before placing a kiss on his cheek, which he returned to her. She then took her seat beside Mark and Stormie and they all nodded their heads in approval at us, wiping their tears away from their eyes.

"Friends and family... we are all gathered here today to celebrate the marriage of Ross Shor Lynch and Laura Marie Marano."

I stared deeply into Ross' eyes, holding his hands tightly in my own. "Let us begin with the vows. Ross?"

Ross cleared his throat and smiled at me. "I thought that I had to write out my feelings and recite them to you on a small piece of paper that I would pull out of my pocket but honestly... how could I miss those dazzling brown eyes whilst I tell you everything that I love about you?"

I inhaled deeply and smiled at him, promising myself mentally that I wouldn't cry. "Laura... how do I even begin to explain the love that I have for you? I guess realistically, I can't. The love that I have for you is so strong that it's almost impossible for me to put it into words to make you understand. But what I can tell you is that I've never felt a feeling like the one I feel with you right now. It's been three years and I still feel a million butterflies swarm inside of my stomach whenever you're around me."

I understood exactly what he meant because I still felt that feeling too. It was beautiful and I could only pray that it would never fade away.

"You see... I never really believed in true love or love at first sight. I always thought that people were lying to me when they told me that they'd found someone who fell into those categories. But then... Laura, you came along and suddenly I realised exactly what those people meant. You're not just my partner, you're my best friend, my soulmate, my whole life. I'd do absolutely anything for you, Laura and I can't wait to see where our crazy journey takes us next. I love you so much and I am so blessed to be stood here today in front of all of my family and friends to marry the love of my life."

Everyone began to clap and I nuzzled my head into his chest before stepping back and holding a piece of paper in my hand. "Laura, your vows please."

"Ross... you gave me two of the most precious things in my life. The first one being you and the second being our beautiful daughter, Isabella. I never thought that I'd be stood up here in a million years with anyone, let alone you or that I'd have a four year old daughter scattering rose petals down the aisle before I walked down it. You have helped me through so many challenging times in my life already and no matter what I'm going through you always seem to pull me through. It's taken a lot of hard work and effort to get to where we are right now but Ross, I wouldn't change it for the world. I am so, so, so in love with you and I know that my feelings will never change. I'm about to marry my best friend and I really couldn't be anymore excited about it if I tried. I'm so intrigued to see which direction our future takes and I am so blessed to be spending it with you. I love you, Ross."

Everyone began to cheer and clap again and Ross mouthed an, I love you, back to me before we both turned back to face the priest again. "Ross Shor Lynch, do you take Laura Marie Marano to be your loving wife, in sickness and in health for as long as you both shall live?"

Ross grinned at me. "I do."

"And do you, Laura Marie Marano, take Ross Shor Lynch to be your lawfully wedded husband, in sickness and in health for as long as you both shall live?"

Without any hesitation I nodded my head and smiled at him. "I do!"

"By the powers invested in me, I pronounce you husband and wife. You may now kiss the bride."

All of our friends and family began to cheer and whistle as Ross leant in for a passionate and loving kiss with me. We both stood back and ran down the aisle together with all of our guests following behind us.

"We're married!" I yelled in excitement as Ross picked me up and spun me around in his arms.

I threw my bouquet into the crowds of people and Rydel stood up and screamed in excitement. "I caught it! I caught it!"

I stared up at Ross with teary eyes and we both whispered to one another. "We made it."

* * *

The after party was in full swing. Ross and Isabella were dancing together on the dance floor and Mark was engaging in serious business conversation with each of his sons which they all seemed to look less than pleased with.

I was stood by the bar with Rydel ordering myself sneaky orange juices whilst nobody was looking. I wanted to share the news of the new baby but I wasn't entirely ready just yet. I wanted Ross to know first before his family otherwise it would just feel wrong.

"How hasn't anyone realised that you aren't drinking yet?" Rydel asked as she took a long sip from her glass of red wine. I shrugged my shoulders at her in honestly because I truly didn't know. I guess the guests were either to drunk to notice or just didn't care, either way, I was glad. "It's no big deal you know... having a shotgun wedding."

I rolled my eyes at her and took another sip from my orange juice. "Are we really going to discuss shotgun weddings again? I thought once was enough!"

Before Rydel could answer me we were both distrusted by a familiar voice. "Laura hey!" I turned on my heel and gasped when I saw Troy. He was stood with a dark haired guy and they both smiled lovingly at me. "Congratulations on the wedding! You looked absolutely beautiful!"

I gushed at him. "Aw thanks Troy. Who's this?" I asked holding my hand out to shake the other guy's hand.

"Ah this is my boyfriend." Troy confidently said as the mysterious guy shook my hand in his own. "Mikey meet Laura, Laura meet Mikey."

I grinned. "It's lovely to meet you Mikey! Both of you help yourselves to the free drinks at the bar, okay? I hope you have a lovely night and thank you so much for coming to celebrate with us."

I placed a kiss on Troy's cheek and wrapped his boyfriend up in my arms before heading over to Trisha and Cece who were sat on their own table with Connor and Jesse. "Are you guys okay?" I asked as I pulled out a chair beside Trisha.

"We're great!" Trisha exclaimed, holding Jesse's hand from across the table. "We've been having a little catch up... it's been lovely."

I smiled at her and then smiled at Jesse. "Are you okay, Jess?"

He nodded confidently at me. He looked much healthier than he did the last time I saw him. I was happy to know that he was on the road to recovery and to hopefully find a better home for himself when the time was right. "We've decided to give things another go between us." Trisha murmured to me.

I widened my eyes slightly. Trisha and Jesse literally hadn't spoken for two years straight. This was probably their first encounter after so long. "But it's been such a long time since -"

"I know." She said, glancing at him hopefully. "But when you know... you know."

I kissed her lightly on the forehead and ruffled her hair. "If you need me you know where to find me."

Cece and Connor were making out and she was sat comfortably in his lap. I rolled my eyes but managed to giggle. They were sweet together and despite what Ross may have previously thought - they'd lasted and they were proving everyone wrong.

I then reached Calum and Raini who were sat with their hands intertwined. They were engaging in a deep conversation and as I approached them they both looked up and grinned at me. "There's the beautiful bride!"

I giggled and took a seat across the table from them, holding my hands out in excitement. "What are you guys talking about?"

"Well..." Raini beamed, holding Calum's hand in her own. "We've decided that after seeing your wedding today we'd like to get married in the next year or so and start expanding our family. We want to have a child together and then we'd like to adopt some kids... give them a better chance at life, you know?"

I smiled at the both of them. "I love that idea! You two would be incredible parents, whether they're your biological kids or not."

Calum grinned at me and gently smoothed his hand over Raini's back. "We see how happy all of you guys are and I think we're finally ready to start building a family of our own."

I giggled excitedly and wrapped them both up in my embrace. "That's so great you guys! Bella's is always available for play dates by the way."

They both chuckled and kissed me lightly on the cheek. "Congratulations Laur." Raini murmured. "We're both so proud of you."

"Thank you guys." I said with a smile. "I'll see you later before we leave okay? I've got to chat to a few other people first."

We quickly said goodbye to each other and I wandered off in Ross' direction. He was cuddling Isabella and talking to Rocky and his now girlfriend, Brianna, the girl he'd pined after for so long who finally gave in to his romantic ways.

Rocky saw me approaching and grinned. "Hey sister in law!"

I giggled and sat down beside Ross and Isabella. "Hey brother in law!" I then turned to Brianna and smiled at her. "Hey Bri, I'm so glad you could make it."

"We've had so much fun, Laura, thank you so much." She replied, glancing up at Rocky with her crystal blue eyes.

"It's my pleasure." I said happily before turning to Isabella and Ross with a huge grin on my face. "Baby can I borrow you a minute?"

Ross' eyes widened. "Okay, sure. Should I bring Bella?"

I nodded and lead them both to the back of the marque so that the three of us could step out into the cool night air. Once we were out of sight from everyone else I turned to him with an excited grin. "Okay... so you know how we've been talking about expanding our family?"

Ross' dark brown eyes lit up. "Oh my god! We're finally getting a dog, aren't we?"

I bit my lip and watched as his face fell into disappointment. "Not exactly... but I promise you'll love what I'm going to give to you."

Ross and Isabella stayed put whilst I reached into my purse and slowly pulled out the pregnancy test. Ross' face instantly lit up and he began to shake his head. "No way... are you joking?"

I giggled and shook my head as I handed it to him. He held it in his hands and a few stray tears began to fall from his eyes. "Oh my god, Laur! We're having another baby?"

I nodded excitedly and we both began to cry as he wrapped his arms around me and passionately placed his lips on my own. "Oh my god I can't believe this... I'm going to be a dad to another little girl!"

"Or a boy." I reminded with a giggle.

Ross raised his eyebrows. "Wait, so you don't know the gender yet?"

"Nope. I wanted to wait until after the wedding so we could process this properly. I found out a couple of days ago. I'm two months, Ross."

He shook his head in disbelief and wrapped his arms tightly around me. "This is the best gift ever. I love you so much."

"I love you so much too baby."

The hours eventually passed and Ross and I were finally ready to leave our party and set off for our honeymoon. Everyone gathered around to wave us off and say their goodbyes as we stepped into the limousine that was waiting out front for us.

"No funny business! We've got enough grandkids as it is for the moment!" Mark shouted out to us.

Ross and I glanced at one another and awkwardly chuckled to ourselves. "It's a little to late for that." I muttered under my breath as I gently tapped my invisible stomach.

"Enjoy sweetie! I won't over feed Bella!" Mom yelled out with a wink.

"Bye everyone! I love you!" I yelled through the window as the limousine took off into the night.

I glanced at Ross and we both leant in for another loving kiss.

"Hi Mrs Lynch." Ross hoarsely murmured into my ear.

"Hi Mr Lynch." I replied with a smirk.




But don't worry!

Book number 3 is on the way!

I'll be posting the summary of it as an update on this book & the name of it and the release date!

I love you all so much and I'll be back soon!

all my love,

b x

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