Short Funny Stories

By Raven0809

11.2K 224 70


To The Mall
funny jokes
Silly Puns
Lol Scary Movie Logic
Cartoon Logic
Funny Teen Posts
Family Funny Time!


999 25 5
By Raven0809

"Hey mom. What's for breakfast?," I asked my mother as I sat at the table. something was weird about her today. She kept twitching her head to weird angles. and I couldn't see her face because she was facing the stove. Something smelled funny too.

She didn't answer me.

"Mom.....what's for breakfast?"

"Oh, were having blueberry worm muffins."

I don't think that processed in my head right.

Mom turned to me holding out a plate full of blueberry muffins with live worms wriggling in and out of them.

I think my face went green.

Then blue.

Then orange.

I looked up at my mom, and screamed at the sight.

She had a bird face!

Suddenly, a giant bird crashed in through the window.

And started talking.

"Caw Caw! as you can see, Caw Caw! I, Dr. CawCawdoodles, have turned your mother Caw Caw! into a bluebird!"

I glanced at my mother, who was pecking at the worms in the blueberry muffins with her beak. My face twisted in disgust.

"Hahahahaha! Caw Caw! fly with me Miss Fross, Caw Caw!"

I watched as my mother flew out the window with the crazy bird doctor.

"Noooooooooooooo!" I yelled.

I woke up with sweat on my face.

"Just a dream," I breathed out. I washed up and got dressed. I went downstairs to greet my mom.

"G' Morning, mom. What's for breakfast?"

My mother turned to me and said, "blueberry worm muffins."

I looked up in horror. Mom had a bird face!

"Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!," I screamed. And somewhere near, I heard

Dr.CawCawdoodles cackling evilly.

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