Hidden Fame

Galing kay loviedovy12

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Living a double life is hard. And let's face it, she is just a little bratty. So, Lilly Stephens' solution i... Higit pa

Hidden Fame
Call Me Maybe--Or Not.
First Day of School. Yay?!
Run-In With the King
SUGAR while Studying
Who Needs Consequences?!
Party Time!

Class I: Algebra II

678 17 6
Galing kay loviedovy12

Class I: Alebra II: Chapter III

The teacher looked up from the computer where her thin spindly fingers had been expertly typing at a million miles an hour.  For a moment, she stared me up and down, inspecting my appearance.  Her face twisted up in disgust.

"Can I help you?" She questioned in a cold, haughty voice, the way librarians always do when you were about to return an overdue book.

"Yess, well, I'm a new student here at Knightley High, and I was told that this was to be my new homeroom.  Are you Mrs. Thompson?"  I stated, raising my voice and trying to make it as nasally as possible.  

She nodded her head, scrunching her nose up once again as she heard my voice.  But instead of welcoming me like a good teacher should, she stood up and regarded me like a possible suspect for a crime.  

 "Name?" She asked,beginning to pace while checking a clipboard of names.

"Lily Marguerite Stephans."  I felt like I needed to include my middle name because of how formal she was being.  I hoped that she did not normally do this to new students.


"Well, I'm a junior this year, so sixteen years and five months old, ma'am."  Now I was just feeling intimidated as she drilled me.  She could be in the military!


"I am required by law to go to school?"  I guessed, not quite sure what she meant.

"Don't sass me."  She stated, squinting her eyes.  "Now let me rephrase that.  Reason that you are coming to this school now, in your junior year."  

"I just moved here from L.A."  

This made her grunt, as though everyone from L.A. was automatically a slacker who had no brains at all inside of their ugly brains--or at least in my case.

Of course I already knew that she though I was ugly, but I hoped that she also considered that the fact I was so ugly and nerdy-looking might mean that what I lacked in looks could be made up for in brains.  She did not seem to even consider this, however, and she just assumed that I was somehow born without either looks or brains, even though most people normally have one or the other, or maybe a mix between them.  

Before I put on my disguise, I knew that people would look at me differently after it was on, which was exactly why I had decided to put it on.  Now I hoped that I would be taken seriously as a student rather than as a pop star.  

I had always been focused on my schoolwork because of the simple statistics that i had learned at a young age from my tutor: stardom rarely lasts.  One day I could be on the very top, and then the next day you might hear that I was universally hated because someone started a rumor about how I killed a puppy.  

A wrinkled, boney hand in front of my glazed eyes brought me back to earth, pushing aside dreams of attending Harvard during the day and singing at Carnegie Hall at night.

"Hello?  Lily?  Trying to talk to you here, so kindly come back from your fantasy world for just a moment so that I can talk to you, please."  She  sounded seriously frustratedwith me, and I knew that visiting my fantasy future right in front of her was not the wisest move.  I felt like she could stare through my soul, and I was sure that she could see everything that I was thinking about.  I quickly cleared my mind of all of the bitter thoughts about her that were scattered through my mind at the moment.

"Anyway, now that I have your attention, let me tell you some rules for my class.  As you might know, my name is Mrs. Thompson, and I will be you algebra teacher.  I expect one hundred and fifteen percent from all of my students, and anything besides that will be scorned.  Detentions will flow like honey in my class if you and your classmates do not learn that talking is not accepted at all in my classroom."

Ah, so now I knew that my teacher was not only a drill sergeant; she was also a nazi in the classroom.  This year I knew that no special treatment was in store for me, and I doubted that I would even recieve any special treatment if I was still my famous self.  

I tuned out the rest of her spiel and turned my attention to the students that were now entering the prison that was classified as a public schoolroom.  Identifying the groups was easy enough; I could tell who they were with by their attitude, what time they arrived, what they were wearing, and their 'groupies'.

And then of course, twenty seconds before class started, in came the populars.  Of course, there was my brother, walking in with a blonde ball of fake on his arm.  She was giggling at whatever he had just said, and I guessed that she was Hillary Grace, the girl that everyone decided would date Nathan.  After she broke up with her boyfriend, of course.  

Her outfit itself screamed 'I'm rich, so no touching,' however she seemed to be fine with touching my brother, as she was clinging to his arm as if she would die if she let go.  As if her cheerleading outfit topped off with a gold chain and bracelets wasn't enough, I saw her exit a red convertible this morning.  Her mouth was stretched out in a permanant smile; it looked like her face had been stretched too long, and she had stretch marks where she might have had dimples.  And then her eyes.  Possibly the most pretty--and real--thing about her, the blue-green orbs only stared at my brother.

I knew ahead of time that all of his ties with him would be broken off: the only surprise about today was that he was actually in my homeroom, I had known that he would be considered 'popular' at our new school.  Even though I noticed his eyes flit over towards me more than once, he never made a move to approach me as I sat alone in the crowded room.

He sat surrounded by football players and cheerleaders, all assuring him that the football coach would love to have him if he was as good as he said he was--and looked, one cheerleader added, and he truly was good, so he had nothing to worry about.  Of course, Nathan was actnig humble, but I could see him practically glowing with pride under all the attention, something that he was not used to.

There was one boy in particular that stood out the most.  His bright brown eyes sparkled as he smirked, talking to two cheerleaders.  A smirk donned his face, as they were clearly smitten with him.   Then he turned back to Nathan, giving him a fist pump and beginning to talk about football.  Clearly this boy was a jock; probably he was a player as well.  

This would probably be the first time Nathan had recieved more attention than me, and I knew being at this school would be good for both of us, even though it would definitely make me bite my tongue and be humble more than once now that  I was ugly.  This would be a good 'social learning experiment' as my scientist father would say.

"SUP?" a voice practically screamed in my ear.  I realized that I had been staring off in Nathan's direction for a long tinme when yet another hand--this one slightly more moisturized than the first--waved in front of my face.  The nails filed short, they were painted a bright orange with black crackle smothered on top.  Overall, her nails were hideous.  I shivered in horror, and I had not even seen her yet.  It was like a Halloween costume if only they had been filed to a sharp point.  I looked up at the rest of the girl, and as I had expected, her appearance was odd if not eccentric.  

Her hair hurt my eyes because of all of the colors it was made up of: pink, orange, blue, and green, all bright and neon.  Only a few strips of her hair remained the dark blonde color that I assumed was her natural hair color.

She continued on the halloween theme with her makeup, as it looked like her makeup artist was from the nineteen-eighties.  Pounds and pounds of makeup caked upon her face somehow suited her, she looked rebellious.

With vibrant green eyes, her hair curled naturally, making all of her many hair colors blended together into one, like Shirley Temple if a rainbow had thrown up on her.

She was smacking her gum loudly with her arms folded expectantly over her chest as she waited for my answer.  "So, who are you?"  the chick repeated as she looked at me like I was the odd one.  Oh, right, I was in my ugly self.  Somehow seeing her like this made me seem more normal.  

I decided that it would probably be wise to answer her sometime soon.  "Um, well," I stopped, pausing to push up my glasses, "my name is..... uh, Lilly.  What's yours?"  I nailed the part of a stereotypical nerd, I should really ask my agent Timothy if I could go into acting as well.  I could already see some Emmys in my future after I starred in the next box office hit.  

"Rosemarie," she stated coldly, daring me to laugh by squinting her eyes.  "But call me Blanche.  I find it more fitting since as you can see, I am not very frilly."  Once again, she dared me to oppose her or laugh.

I remained silent, knowing that my best option was to stay silent, so I focused on not laughing rather than how unsuited the name Rosemarie was for this girl.  She continued glaring at me, as if she expected me to laugh and run away.  If anything, I was growing to admire this girl.  She seemed headstrong and fun to be around.  I hoped that if anyone here grew to like me besides my brother it would be her.  


So I noticed that in all of the books I was reading had bolded author's notes, so I decided to do it too!  Well, this is the first time that i have updated in ages, so here you go!  

The girl on the side is the best picture that I could find that was closest to how I imagined Hillary Grace:  Reese Witherspoon.  

Also, you will be seeing more of both her and Blanche in chapters to come!

I decided that Damien is going to be played by Taylor Lautner as well.

Next I will be updating either The Princess Switch or How to be Famous.  Of course I will be working on all of them, I just find it unfair to the fans of my other books to only update this one.

Remember to vote, comment, and sled whenever it's not snowing!

So, remember to vote and give me your opinion!  I am open to anything!!!!


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