RWBY babies x Prototype Male...

By huggablepanda341

312K 3.1K 7.6K

What could possibly go wrong when team rwby is turned into kids again and left in the hand of a genetically a... More

Real life fairy tale
A fairy tale rescue by the book
Yang in there~
Apology, thanks, and another damn question >3<
Bad news....and good(not a chapter)
New beginning
Proving yourself
Ice so cold it burns
Too adorable for their own good

I like horses.

10.7K 158 628
By huggablepanda341

It hasn't been a easy week and I've made many questionable decision with blind faith that it would make things better some how and.....well this one actually work. It

took time but i helped the schnees get their family back in working order. Of course little weiss wasn't effect at all but she worried for her mommy as sapphire was

shocked by the whole situation but with our help she pulled through and a stroke of luck came, winter was able to leave the atlas military. Though she'll be missed

there she left to take the reigns and took over the company so now instead of being gone for months at a time she would now be gone only every few weeks and with her

in charge sapphire could continue to raise weiss. And now here I am back to doing class work and laying bed for a change. Well this sucks I wanna seem muh babies. I

Scrambled around till I found my scroll and began to text summer's scroll.


Hey Summer. :)


Just curious if you and raven we free?

We are. >w<

Do you wanna come by and have a movie night?

Hmmm are the kids invite or is this grown up movie night~?


Sorry sorry sorry raven stole my scroll!

Well anyway i was kinda hoping you'd bring

ruby and yang cause i want to spend time

with them. :)

Ahhhhhhh~ and of course. Be there soon xoxo

Uhhhhh did raven take your scroll again?

I did now and that was all her XD

(Back to normal)

I sighed at their antics so i started making snacks and started searching for a movie we'd all enjoy.


I had most things set out and a few movies chosen so we could pick from and it was right then i heard a knock on my door so i went and answered it and low and behold

there were my girls.


The two cuties quickly ran at my legs and hugged them so i reached down and scooped them up.

(Y/n):Hi sweeties! :)

R&Y:Hi daddy! >w<

You giigled as you looked back up to see raven and summer aswell.

(Y/n):Hehe heya cuties.

You chuckled more as they began to blush and so you ushered them in and you brought the girls to your couch to choose a movie.

(Y/n):Sooooo what movie are we all thinkin?

Ruby:(Favorite disney or pixar movie)? (let's be real the amount of shit i saw was true like why da hell we lettin ruby watch avp and shit? XD)

Yang:Yeah (F/(D/P)/M)!


Summer:Oh cheer up you know you'll love it.

(Y/n):Yeah you're right especially since i get to cuddle up with my girls~

You gripped your head in pain as raven gave it a quick chop.

Raven:We asked if you wanted the kids over and you said yes so no funny business.

(Y/n):But i wasn't implying anything ;(


The movie was done and now here you were with yang in raven's lap, ruby in summer's and the both of them cuddling up to your sides all the while with a large blanket.

Feeling sleep about to take you too you closed your eyes till you saw summer's scroll go off. You made a tendrill pop out of your shoulder and snatch the scroll and

hold it in front of your face. You saw message from tai so you gave it a look.


What the hell? This tai asshole is giving summer some attitude, can't have that.

Summer(You)-Why do you care?


You were getting pist and was ready to lay the smack down on this asshole too so you took a breath and looked to the left to see summer's head on your shoulder and

ruby in her lap sleeping too. You wanted a laugh and reached up to rub your thumb against her cheek which she unconsciously nuzzled into. You were gonna chuckle till

you saw what seemed to be a dark spot on her cheek. You looked at your finger to You reached up and rubbed again and this time the makeup came off to

reveal a bruise. You were livid now but if this tai asshole did it then you were gonna have to be clever to catch him. You made another tendrill and swiped raven'

scroll and went to message tai.


Tai-So you actually care about someone else for once? >:)


Tai-Because i found out about you and her's secret outing to see some asshole and take those little shits around him too. So i had to teach her a lesson in loyalty.

Raven(You)-Oh really well you wanna know another secret?

Tai-What bitch?

Raven(You)-I faked all my orgasms.


You had to use every fiber of your being not to bust out laughing and wake up the girls. You looked down at the girls and saw that they had a death grip on you so you

were gonna have to use plan b. Slowly a tendrill popped out of your back and suddenly grew and grew till a full body you stood behind the couch. You turned and with a

jerk severed the tendrill connecting you to the now copy of you that breathed and everything to make it look like you were sleeping. You walked out the door and set

to teach a certain somebody a lesson.


With a few High jumps and shifting into a massive shark like form you quickly arrived at patch. You stalked close to a nice sized cabin with the lights on. You

aproached the door and knocked. Eventually some blonde guy opened the door and spoke in an upbeat tone.


You:Hey i'm visiting patch and the ship i was on got stalled till tomarrow and i'm just looking for somehwere to stay for the night.

???:Hehehe why not come on in.

Wow this guy obviously didn't get the whole stranger danger talk from his parents. You walked in and sat on a couch and the guy went and sat in the chair near the


(Y/n):Soooo what's your name buddy?

Tai:Tai Xaoi Long and you?

(Y/n):(Y/n), (Y/n) (L/n).

It got akwardly quiet till you noticed the few pictures in the room.

(Y/n):Sooo picture of your kids and wife i assume.

Tai:Well they're actually a picture of a bitch and two little shits.

(Y/n):Wow harsh. Any reason for the hostility?

You could feel your insides roaring with rage and the need to rip this fucker apart was eating away at you.

Tai:Yeah, dam slut keeps sneaking away to see some guy and takes the little shits with her and now all of sudden the little shits are calling some other guy dad.

(Y/n):Have you ever asked her about that?

He chuckled before slowly popping his knuckles.

Tai:Oh yeah i did right before i put her in her place and taught her about loyalty.

You got up and walked towards the closest window and spoke.

(Y/n):What the fuck is that?

You were squinting at the window till tai got up and walked over as well.

Tai:What is it?

All of a sudden a tendrill shot out of your back and latched around tai's neck before raring back and launching him through said window. You chuckled before walking

over to the front door and going out. By now tai had recovered.


You chuckled as you popped your knuckles just as he did before.

(Y/n):Why so serious tai dye? There was some bastard in the back of the reflection in the window.


You chuckled as you morphed your fists.

He went wide-eyed before charging ahead and trying to attack you. You were just giving your blocks a workout till finnally you brought a fist back and hurled it forward

into his chest sending him into a few trees snapping them like twigs. He recovered and spoke.



At this point you lept forward and punched tai down and got on top of him and began wailing on him. Each punch left tai more and more bloodied. Mid way through your

slug fest it began raining. You stopped after quite a few punches and looked down to see tai's face broken and bloodied. You were breathing heavily as you spoke.

(Y/n):Oh and i'm the guy summer and raven were bringing the kids around shit for brains.

Though you had fucked him up he spoke brokenly.

Tai:W-w-what did y-y-you do t-that i d-didn't to g-get their attention?

You smirked as you turned.

(Y/n):Gave 'em real orgasms.

Tai started spouting off random things till he said one that made your blood begin to boil.

Tail:I-i'll kill you t-those whores and those l-little s-shit brats!

You walked over to a stump that caught your attention with chopped firewood and an ae stabbed into it. You ripped the axe out and aproached tai's beaten form on the


(Y/n):Huh, funny.


(Y/n):*Country accent* I always wanted to be an axe murderer.

You lifted the ae for a proper chop and in one swipe removed tai's eft leg. He screamed in pain but you didn't stop there as you walked to the other side.

(Y/n):You're supposed to be a father not some piece of shit that hates his own children. *Chops off other leg*

Now you went up to the right arm.

(Y/n):These were meant to be wrapped a woman to protect her not to be used to harm her-*Lobs off arm*

At this point her was histerical and was screaming less.

(Y/n):-they were meant to be held up in defense of your family not hurt and slander them.*Removes arm*

Now here you were at the fuckers head.

(Y/n):Now here we go. *lifts ae*

In a huff you brought it down.....................Till you shifted it and struck his dick. Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand there goes the screaming again.

(Y/n):Dam do you ever shut up?

You quickly set up for the strike.

(Y/n):Hey get ready for thus one, it's gonna make you lose your head.

Thunder struck as you finally removed the head of the bastard.

(Y/n):*Laughs* You've just been thunderstruck!........................I'm gonna leave puns to yang when she gets back to her age cause they are not my thing.

You stopped talking out loud as you heard a dog bark net to you in agreement. You looked down to see a cute wet korgi.

(Y/n):Don't suppose you belong to ruby and yang?

The korgi began barking frantically and spun in a circle.

(Y/n):Allllllllllllllllllllllrighty then.


You walked back into the dorm room quietly with the cute korgi asleep in your arms. You placed him onto your "other" lap and morphed back into the husk body and

actually went to sleep.

(Timeskip XD)

You woke up to see the girls gone and the korgi too. You got up and went to your kitchen to see the girls and dog eating breakfast. You walked up and sat down

inbetween ruby and yang.

(Y/n):Morning girls.

Ruby&Yang:Morning daddy!

They were happily eating their breakfast as summer came over and placed a plate in front of you. You looked and notice she was wearing an apron that had "Kiss

the cook". on the front. You leaned over and pecked her cheek which got a blush from her. Looking across the table you found raven reading a paper surprisingly.

She put it down and gave you a look before sliding it over. You slowly picked it up and read the headline.

(Y/n) in head:Brutal axe murder of local patch resident.

You laughed inwardly before you felt raven peck your cheek and whisper in your ear.

Raven:Thank you.

You gave her a gentle smile before admiring the sight of all the smiling girls and happy korgi. You grabbed your scroll to message ozpina.

(Y/n)-Hey i know this is gonna be strange but you wouldn't be able to work your magic and find a place here in vale for summer and raven to stay as in permenant


Ozpina-Hmmm preaty convient with recent news wouldn't you say?

(Y/n)-Not particularly, no.

Ozpina-Well if you say so and to answe royur question i'll arrange something.

(Y/n)-Thanks you're the best :)

Ozpina-I epect a new mug soon.


You chuckled as you looked up and saw raven whispering with a now eating summer. You began joking with ruby and yang getting little giggles while eating your own

breakfast. Afterwards the girls dragged raven away to play while you did dishes with summer. Suddenly she huged you from behind and she seemed to be tearing up.

Summer:T-t-thank you *sob* so much.

You used your powers to shift without moving so you were now turned around and hugging summer back.

(Y/n):Don't you ever worry i'll always be here for you and the girls and as long as i breathe and live i'll protect each and everyone of you and do anything to make

y'all happy.

She began full on crying so you simply settled to hold her and let her cry things out. When she finally stopped she looked up and you caught her in a kiss which she

happily enjoyed. Quickly ruby ran in and hugged her mother's legs.

Ruby:Mommy, daddy come play with us, pleaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaase!*Puppy dog eye*

((Y/n)&Summer's thoughts):Dammit i can't resist.

Summer giggled while you laughed and went over to the couch to see raven play wrestling with yang. Yu walked over and pecked raven on the lips which made her hair

suddenly poof out. You flipped her on her back and you pinner her along with yang.

Yang:I win! Thank you daddy!

You high fived yang as raven got up and surprisingly smashed her lips on yours and for once took you off guard. Raven then leaned over to your ear.

Raven:Oh you're getting it later naughty boy~

You shuddered before going back to playing with ruby and yang.


Sorry i know it's been forever but i'm legit gonna start updating regularly.

Btw i couldn't think of any better title for this chapter that i didn't use in the chapter such as the whole "Tai-dying" or "Tai-died".      :P

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