Blood Tiger (Kakashi Love Sto...

By kawaiifoxx77

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Mala Matzu is no ordinary Ninja... She is an Akatsuki and has been since the age of seven. But what will she... More

Blood Tiger (Kakashi Love Story)
Chapter 1
Chapter 2 New Genin!
Chapter 3 - Stupid Leaf Shinobi!
Chapter 4 - I Hate Drunk Bridge Builders
Chapter 5 - I Hate you MooMoo!
Chapter 6 For the Record, I Will Always Care.
Chapter 7 You Don't Know Me
Chapter 8 An Unlovable Beast
Chapter 9 Much More Then A Tool
Chapter 10 Training Is Never Easy
Chapter 11 Why Am I Crying?!
Chapter 12 Just Be Friends
Chapter 13 New Roomie
Chapter 14 Decisions
Chapter 16 Blood Tears
Chapter 17 Give It To Me Straight
Chapter 18 - Betrayed and Heart Broken
Chapter 19 - Immortality Comes with a Price
Chapter 20 - Blood Field
Chapter 21 - An Eternity Without You
Chapter 22 - What if I Forget?
Chapter 23 - Forever bound, Never free
Chapter 24 - Blood Tiger Awakens
Chapter 25 - Everything Will Go Dark
Chapter 26 - Light up the Darkness
Chapter 27 - Reborn
Chapter 28 - Scattered Love
Possibility of a rewrite.

Chapter 15 I am going to kill the man I love, how wonderful.

18.1K 532 296
By kawaiifoxx77

Please don't forget to vote, comment and follow me! <3 Your support means so much!!

So I hope you enjoy this chapter :D


"Mala! Mala get up! The 2nd part of the exams is over and our team made it through!" I groan and I turn to the doorway to see a panting Kakashi standing there.

What the hell.

"How did you get in?" I ask and he scratches the back of his head.

"Well the front door was unlocked and I thought you would want to know right away, they are doing preliminary exams though." He says and I groan and get out of bed and see Kakashi's face turn red.

"What?" I ask and he turns around and I look down and slap myself.

For this past week I have been trying to get Kakashi alone but it has not worked and now that I finally have I am in my underwear...

This could not get any worse.

"Mala!" I groan as Ibiki appears in the doorway and his face also turns red at the sight of me and he stands there staring like a total pervert.

"GET OUT!!" I scream and I slam the door in his face and I hear it make contact with his face and a groan come from the other side causing me to smile.

I get dressed quickly and I walk out of my room and into the kitchen to see Kakashi sitting awkwardly with a red face and Ibiki with a red face and a nosebleed.

Not sure if because he saw me half naked or I hit him with a door...

"Come on let's go." I say and they both nod and we leave the apartment in awkward silence.

At least things have improved between Ibiki and I. He doesn't threaten me constantly instead we normally just don't talk.

Also he didn't freak out because I hit him with a door... But then again he kind of deserved it.

"Alright so what are the preliminaries?" I ask and Kakashi perks up at the sound of a subject change.

"Well each of the nin will have a fight with another ninja and who ever wins goes on to the 3rd part of the exam." Kakashi says and I nod.

Sasuke will be in no problem, Naruto I am not worried about because of his enormous chakra amount, but Sakura... It all depends on whether or not she can follow the training I gave her.

"Have faith in them Mala." Kakashi gives me a closed eye smile and I nod not returning it and he goes serious again staring straight ahead.

None of this should even matter to me anyways. I am going back to the Akatsuki hopefully tonight or tomorrow. I want to get the files and make the kills quickly and with in the same hour of each other.

I stare at him and I feel guilt rise in my heart. Will I really be able to live with myself if I kill him? Is this what the Akatsuki wants? Do they want me to be broken? Do they want me to lose another man I love but go so far as to make me kill him this time?

But I have to do whatever they want me to, they are my family and the only people in this dark and cruel world who understand my pain.

We reach the forest and then we all teleport to the tower in the center where I see all of the remaining ninja standing together and listening to the Third speak.

I spot my team and I stare wide eyed at Sakura. Her hair... I must say it looks better that way but I thought she loved having it long!

While the Third explains what is going to happen my eyes glaze over and I start to count the strands of hair on my head.

"Alright the first battle will be Sasuke Uchiha VS Yoroi!" I snap my head up and I follow Kakashi quickly to the balconies to watch feeling excited.

Sasuke is going to destroy him.

The fight starts and I immediately notice something off about Sasuke... He is totally sucking and he looks completely drained.

Yoroi starts to use a draining technique and normally Sasuke would laugh this off and kick his ass but this time he looks just about ready to drop.

Then I see something that shocks me.

Black designs start to cover Sasuke's body and Kakashi and I share the same look.


The fight ends with Sasuke winning and Kakashi and I go down to meet him.

"I am taking him to get a seal on this." Kakashi says and I nod.

"Careful it was Orochimaru who did that." I say and he nods and he leaves with Sasuke so I return to the balcony with Naruto and Sakura and I can see the worry clearly on Sakura's face.

"Sakura what happened to your hair?" I ask her trying to keep her distracted and she snaps her attention toward me.

"I cut it during a fight." She says looking slightly sad and I smile at her.

"That took some guts, I know how much you loved your long hair." I say and she nods and I watch as she stares at my hair with a longing in her eyes.


"Ino VS Sakura!" We turn to see both of their faces on the screen and I give Sakura an encouraging smile as she heads down to fight Ino.

Show them that you are tough and not some simple girl.

They start to fight and I can see that they both have some good chakra control, but Ino catches an off guard Sakura with a powerful right hook and I can see Sakura thinking deeply about what is happening.

"I am not a girl anymore." Sakura says and she stands up and she gets into a fighting stance and I smile proudly at her.

They put their headbands on their heads and I know that shit is about to get real.

Ino catches Sakura in her mind transfer jutsu and I get angry, that is such a cheap move.

But Sakura breaks out of it and I start to cheer for her, she really has become stronger!

Both of them looking exhausted throw one powerful punch at each other and they both fall to the ground unconscious and I stare in shock.

"It is a draw then, no one wins this round." The Third says and I watch as they carry the two girls out of the room.

Good for you Sakura, you showed them that you are not going to give up. You fought to the very end.

I zone out as another fight begins and before I know it they are calling two new names.

"Naruto VS Kiba!" I watch as Naruto with a determined expression on his face walks down and he faces Kiba and they glare at each other.

"What is up with the stupid puppy! Hey isn't that a handicap?" Naruto shouts and the instructor sighs looking annoyed.

"No Naruto dogs, and bugs are accepted as weapons." She says and Kiba laughs.

"Are you scared weakling?" Kiba taunts and I see Naruto clench his teeth.

"You will never defeat me! I am going to be the Hokage believe it!" He shouts and Kiba laughs.

"I will be able to take you down with my one move! Gijyuu Ninpou Shikyaku no Jutsu!" Kiba shouts and he crouches down and I watch as blue aura of chakra surrounds him and his dog and soon the dog transforms into a more beast like version of Kiba.

Kiba elbows Naruto in the chest and he falls on the ground looking as though he is unable to move.

Come on Naruto get up!

He gets up and I smile at his determination. 

Kiba throws a smoke bomb and I hear sounds of naruto being hit and soon the smoke clears and I see Naruto laying on the ground and Kiba's dog runs over to him and he bites him.

We all stare in shock at this but I laugh when the dog turns into Naruto.

Kiba looks angry and he takes a food pill and this time him and his dog look scary. They start to hit Naruto over and over again and Naruto lays in a pile of blood and I feel a pang of worry hit me.

But he stands up and he stares at a laughing Kiba.

"If you're going to compete with me over the title of Hokage, You're going to be the underdog." Naruto says and Kiba stops laughing and now looks angry.

Man this kid is hot headed.

They continue to fight with Naruto changing into Kiba's dog and showing that he is not an idiot and Kiba looking like an idiot.

Kiba goes behind Naruto for an attack and suddenly everyone hears a loud noise that echoes through out the room and Kiba looks as though he is about to be sick.


"Kage Bunshin no Jutsu!" Naruto shouts and 5 clones of himself appear and they do a spectacular move taking Kiba down ending the fight and I cheer as loud as I can for him.

Naruto comes back up to us and I embrace him with a huge smile and he grins like an idiot at me.

"Well that was certainly effective Naruto." I say and we both laugh.

"I am going to see Sakura though to make sure she is alright." I say and he nods and I leave the room to find the hospital section but a familiar chakra stops me.

"I should have known you would go after Itachi's little brother." I say and I hear a bone chilling chuckle and turn to see Orochimaru in disguise.

"You could save him by becoming my next vessel instead you know." He says licking his lips and I smirk at him.

"I am not going to become your sex slave." I say and he gives me a shocked look.

"You stupid girl you know exactly what I was talking about." He snarls and I smirk defiantly at him.

"Come on Orochimaru, you already know you cannot get me." I say and he smiles and takes a few steps closer making me feel very uncomfortable.

"Itachi isn't here to protect you, you are so rare too. You are the last of your kind and you would be a valuable asset." He says while eyeing me up and I glare in response.

"I would destroy you and bite off your snake head myself if you tried to touch me. You of all people know my true nature and power Orochimaru so don't you dare test me!" I shout and I can see some fear in his eyes but he laughs anyways.

"We shall see." He says as he disappears into the shadows and I shudder.

I quickly make my way to the hospital wing and I enter the bathroom and I stare at myself in the mirror.

Should I tell them about Orochimaru? They already know he is here...

I stare at my hair sticking to my sweaty forehead and an idea crosses through my mind.

I leave the bathroom with a smile and I can see some of the ninja giving me strange looks, I ignore them and I sit beside Sakura to see her still unconscious.

Her eyes open and she stares at me looking confused at first but once she recognizes me her eyes go wide.

"Mala-Sensei you didn't have to-" I cut her off by putting a finger to my lips and she nods.

"I loved my long hair too and I thought that if you are going through something troubling it is only right that I go through it too being your Sensei and all." I say and she smiles with tears in her eyes.

"I lost didn't I?" She asks and I shake my head.

"Neither of you won it was a draw, you were both knocked out at the same time." I say  and she looks satisfied with this.

"Did Naruto fight?" She asks and I nod with a smile on my face.

"Naruto kicked Kiba's ass." I say and she laughs and I smile.

"Even though you are not going on to the next round, you are still a winner in my book and you showed how much stronger you have gotten. I have no doubt that next year you will have it in the bag." I say and she smiles at my praise.

"Mala can I talk to you please?" I turn to see the Third Hokage and I follow him out of the room and we start to walk at a casual pace.

"What is it?" I ask feeling worried that he knows about the Akatsuki's plans.

"I have been wondering about your clan and why you were kicked out exactly." He asks and I feel my blood freeze but I act normal.

"Well if you were to look it up it would say that I murdered my little brother Kiran Matzu."I say and the Third nods obviously knowing this already.

"But I want to know why you really got kicked out." He says and I stare up at the ceiling trying to think of what to say.

"I didn't murder him." I choke out with tears coming to my eyes and I can see him staring at me with surprise but he nods.

"We were playing at our favorite spot, it was a large cherry blossom tree on top of a hill in a field of beautiful white flowers. My little brother had the idea to tie a rope on the tree to swing on it so I brought us a rope that day... I was going to climb the tree to tie the rope but he insisted that he do it. So I let him and he climbed the tree, he tied both ends around a thick branch jutting out so there was a hoop for us to swing on. I remember that he was smiling and laughing because I let him do something for once. But then he... He fell." I say and I wipe the tears now falling down my cheeks and I look at the Third to see him staring at me with sympathy.

"So your clan presumed that you murdered him." He says and I shake my head.

"No, if someone in our clan kills them self it is said that his soul will rest for all eternity in a dark place of despair and punishment. I murdered him and his soul got to go to the resting place of our ancestors." I say and I gasp in surprise as the Hokage wraps his arms around me.

"I was cast out and told to never return, everyone disowned me and a few days after I was kicked out I collapsed from lack of food and water waiting for death when the Akatsuki found me." I say and The Third steps back from me.

"Mala I need you to be honest with me about something... I looked up what happened to your clan. It says that they were murdered seven years ago and no one knows who did it." The Third says looking into my eyes and I break down into sobs and I fall to the floor.

"Mala why did you murder them?" The Third asks me while I shake and sob on the floor and the memories come flooding back into my mind.

Their screams, their blood, my laughter...

"Mala please tell me why you would do that." I look into the Thirds eyes and I nod and he helps me up and we teleport back to his office where I collapse into a chair.

"7 Years ago Another Akatsuki member and I were travelling through the land of the Tigers where my clan is and to be safe I had tried to mask my scent and chakra but they found me anyways. They murdered the other member and they took me back to the village." I say trying to keep myself calm and not break down again.

Why am I telling him this? Not even the Akatsuki knows about the details.

"They beat me and tortured me... So I killed them and escaped." I say and I lock away the memories again and sigh in relief that I didn't really tell him the truth and he nods knowing it is not true either.

"I hope that one day you will trust me enough to tell me. You have never had a home or a village that  you can protect and will protect you just the same. The will of fire is strong in you I can see it. The choices you have made in the past do not matter. I don't see an Akatsuki member standing in front of me Mala... I see a Shinobi of the Hidden Leaf." He says and I stare at him speechless.

He is still reaching out to me?

"Why do you trust me so much?" I ask and he smirks while lighting up his pipe.

"A long time ago, I knew a young man who was the bravest person I have ever met. He sacrificed everything for this village he even sacrificed his own life, family, and friends. You remind me of him... You are not evil just lost." He says and I wonder who the man could be.

The Fourth Hokage? No he was never lost...

"Just know that you don't have to go back to the Akatsuki Mala, and if the Akatsuki came after you we would protect you just as we are protecting Naruto." He says and I stand up from the chair feeling strong again.

"That is another thing I don't understand, you know that we are after the tailed beasts yet you place me on a team with one?" I ask and he chuckles.

Naruto has a way of sneaking into your heart, I knew he would do so with you and I had hoped it would change your mind about the Akatsuki." He says and I nod taking the information in.

So he planned it from the beginning. Crafty old man, heh.

"Also mala?" He looks up at me from under his hat and I gulp.

He knows.

"Kakashi will come around I am sure." He says and I almost sigh in relief as he returns to the paperwork in front of him.

"Thank you Third Hokage." I say and I bow and leave the room feeling like a complete heartless bitch.

I want to sentence him to death and give the Akatsuki intel on him?

They never said when I had to do it... So I can hold it off then make a real decision after a while.

Yes I can do that! It is genius because if the Akatsuki come after me I can simply use that loop hole!

Damn it why did things have to be so complicated ever since I came to Konoha?

I let myself wander and I end up at the one place I shouldn't be but I want to be. The KIA stone where Kakashi is.

"Hey." I say quietly but I know he hears when he turns around and he stares at me wide eyed.

"What?" I ask and he goes red.

"Your hair... It looks nice." He says and I find myself blushing. I totally forgot about that...

"Mind if I join you?" I ask and he nods his head so I go and sit beside him on the grass.

"So how are things with Saya?" I ask not really wanting to hear about her and he sighs so I perk up.


"They are going really good but she doesn't understand why I always leave and come here." He says and I smirk.

"Maybe she thinks you are cheating on her or something." I say and he flashes me a look that I don't quite catch.

"I know that she doesn't like you." He says quietly and I chuckle.

"That's okay I think she is an annoying slut." I say and he hits me on the shoulder playfully.

"She is still my girlfriend you know." He says and I laugh.

"I know and I don't care." I say and he shakes his head.

"Have you ever lost someone you really cared about Mala?" He asks me and I bite my lips remembering earlier.

"Yes... It is still hard even after all these years." I say and he nods going silent.

"I don't think she understands that when you lose the last person you ever cared about that you tend to be a bit of a loner. I like to think of the memories we had... And the regrets." He says and I stare at his sad face.

"I murdered everyone I ever cared about." I say and he stares at me with a raised eyebrow.

"Still think I am not an unlovable monster? They call me Blood Tiger for a reason you know." I say but I stop when he presses a finger to my lips.

"Mala... I am a monster just like you. But we are not unlovable." He says and I laugh.

"Yea right, who loves me?" I ask and I freeze when I feel his hand on my cheek. the warmth from him spreading across my face.


"KAKASHI!!" I jump back at the sound of her voice and his hand falls as he gives the incoming Saya a closed eye smile.

"What the hell are you doing here with her? So you can come here with her and not me?" Saya starts bitching but I ignore her still feeling my heart pounding in my chest.

Was he about to say that he loves me?

No he must have been about to say something else...

"See ya Mala." Kakashi gives me a wave and he walks off hand in hand with the wrong girl.

Or maybe she is the right girl and I am the wrong girl. I mean I am going to kill him aren't I? I'm a bad person because I am Akatsuki... But Jiraiya did say...

Just because you are around bad people it doesn't make you bad...

I want him so bad it hurts me.

I want to walk with him down the street holding hands. I want that beautiful face of his scarred or not to smile at me every time he sees me. I want to feel those soft lips on my forehead when he is comforting me...

I want Kakashi Hatake.

A bit of a sadder chapter but I hope you enjoyed it :D picture to the side is Mala with her new haircut hehe.

Let me know what you guys think!!! :D

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