Only You

By apparentlyavery

50.5K 1.6K 202

(~Completed~) Xu Weizhou and Huang Jingyu have been in a good relationship since the end of the Addicted Webs... More

Author's note
Chapter One: Found
Chapter Two: Try to Sleep
Chapter Three: Warmth
Chapter Four: Shopping
Chapter Five: Relization
Chapter Six: Preparations and Proposals
Chapter Seven: Set Up and Panic
Chapter Eight: Fooling Around
Chapter Nine: Traveler
Chapter Ten: Ocean
Chapter 12: Statement
Chapter Thirteen: An Issue
Chapter Fourteen: Sleep, Then Breakfast
Chapter Fifteen: Stage
Last A/N

Chapter Eleven: Loosing Sleep

1.6K 85 6
By apparentlyavery

Meanwhile, three days into his trip in America, Timmy had just finished a concert. He wasn't as tired as he usually was, so his manager had invited him to a 'small' afterparty downtown with a few other artists. As it turned out, small was quite a modest word to describe it. The building chosen to host it was just crawling with people, most with a drink in their hand. It had been a while since Timmy was in a scene like this, but the worst part was not having his ultimate comfort, Jingyu, anywhere near him.
Just the thought that Jingyu was halfway around the world currently was enough to make him shiver.
He was pushed into the crowd, left to fend for himself by his manager.
Timmy was a great actor and singer/songwriter, but one of the hardest parts of his career was dealing with anxiety. Parties like this were not his strong suit, especially with no coworkers or friends to be found.
It didn't help that everyone here was foreign and different then him. He tried his best to cover up his accent as he pushed through the crowd, heading for the bar for a bottle of water. Politely, he said excuse me to everyone he passed, yet he still got weird looks.
He asked the bartender for a bottle of water, sitting on a chair and waiting for it. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw a woman approaching him. She wore a pretty dress that exposed her sexual parts quite well. She had bleach blonde hair and was visibly drunk as she made her way towards him.
Timmy felt uncomfortable as she wrapped her hands around his shoulders. "Hey there, baby... what's your name?"
He shoved her away. "None of your business." She grabbed his left hand, the one with the diamond ring from Jingyu on it.
"C'mon, babyyyy, don't you want to forget her, just for a night?" She slurred her words, attempting to grab the ring off his finger. He pulled his hand back, standing up.
"Please leave me alone." His hands were shaking now, as well as his voice. The music had begun to hurt his ears, the bass pounding through the ground fast like his heartbeat. He pushed through people this time with no words, tears forming in his eyes. His lungs closed up, and he couldn't breathe, the smell of sweat and beer clogging his nose.
He ran through the doors outside, tears falling from his eyes, sniffling in breaths as he struggled to stand. He could still feel the warm metal of his engagement ring, comforting him.
He walked the short distance back to his hotel, lost in his own thoughts. There was so many homeless people on the streets, and WeiZhou emptied his pockets giving to them. He remembered where Jingyu had found Cai, cold and dirty on the streets. There were children here too, ones that reminded him of his own. If there was anything he could do to help, he would.
This was the first time he was so homesick on a trip. His heart hurt, yearned to be held in the arms of the only person he was meant for.
He took his keycard and opened his hotel room, walking in sombrely.
He missed his Cai, too. Missed his little giggle every time he picked him up, missed him playing with Hui constantly, missed him and Jingyu waiting patiently for breakfast.
He collapsed in the bed after kicking his shoes off. Hardly managing to slide off his jeans and t-shirt and squeeze under the covers. He pulled a pillow from beside him on the queen sized bed, pulling it close to his chest. It wasn't warm like Jingyu, more cold and soft, where as Jingyu was muscular and comfortable. He missed the smell of his lover as well, musky and hormone-filled. Unwillingly, he let tears fall from his eyes. He missed his family.
Poor WeiZhou fell asleep like that, missing Jingyu and Cai dearly, knowing they were on the other side of the world.


Jingyu glanced at the clock.
He sighed. He missed his ZhouZhou. It was like he could feel his love on the other side of the world missing him too. Zhou had looked terrible when they video chatted last night, and it kept him awake through the night. Boughts of sleep proved nothing but death-ridden nightmares of his beloved, so he opted to stay awake, passing the time by counting minutes. He could barely spell Timmy on his pillow anymore, and it made him uneasy. He yearned to hold his lover in his arms, breathe in his scent, and fall asleep amongst his presence.
Jingyu suddenly heard a door open, snapping him out of his thoughts. He looked up, his eyes so used to the dark, to see Cai standing in his doorway in tears.
"Daddy..." he sniffed, rubbing his eyes. "I had a nightmare." Jingyu jumped out of bed, moving to scoop up the baby boy and cradle him in his arms.
"It's okay, baby, I'm here now." Jingyu said, climbing into his bed, the child in his arms. Cai cuddled close to him under the covers, clinging to Jingyu's shirt.
He had no idea how long they were like that, unable to turn around and see the clock. But eventually, with his little baby in his arms, he fell asleep.

Anndddd I'm back home and writing again! Sorry this chapter is so short and sad.
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