Slender Mansion Maid

By Elemental_Witch

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"In a fight to the death at dinner time who would win? Jeff, Jane, Dr.Smily, Grinny, E.J., Masky, or our huma... More

Duty Calls.... Literally
Casket Maker
I'm Going To Dieeeeee
Controlling Men Since Forever
Sunday is my Fun-day! (A.K.A Day Of Worship)
Stirring Up Horomonal Female Trouble
Just Dance It Will Be Okay Da Da Da Doo
Rug Burns! (No I am not roasting a rug)
Everyone Reacts Differently
Everyone Reacts Differently Pt.2
Little Bit
L.J. & L.Jill
Lights Off
Good, Bad, and the Dirty
Point of No Return
Irena, That Bitch
Still hate Irena
Dates Not The Gross Fruit
The Pale Man's Mansion
Boy's Will Be..... Girls??
Boy's Will Be.... Girls?? Pt.2
Party Business
Mr. & Mrs. Black
The Attic
Letters You Know, from the Alphabet
One Year After
Who Stole The Cookies!?
Dope and Water Mix Well
Whenever Something goes Bad in Your Life Yell, "Plot Twist!"
Getting Down With the Sickness
Sneak Peek Into Next Book

Spicy little maid

5.4K 138 29
By Elemental_Witch

Thursday, a sucky day when the schedule is shitty and there is no order. Some days I absolutely love the chaos, other days I can't stand it, like it pisses me off. So today is Thursday, Slender gets to do breakfast, I get to go food shopping with Trender. Awesome Sauce! And I have to do laundry. I must prepare tea and dinner. Then-
I hear a breathing sound next to my face. Not like Smile dog or Grinny Kitty, like someone with a stick up their butt and ugly face.
"God is that you am I finally dead?"

A slight chuckle sound is heard as I open my eyes.
"If you want to die, die dramatically. Make it a good performance, something fun for me to see."
I sit up and sit on my feet and look up at the pale featureless man.
"You wouldn't watch."
"Oh? I would not?"
"Nope, who else would make your tea when you are up until the wee hours?"
"Myself Rose. Myself, I believe you give yourself too much credit."
I smile.
"Yep! But, you would help me if I couldn't get out myself. "
He lightly brushes some flyaways out of my face, and traces his thumb over my high cheekbones. This is actually normal, little acts that we care for each other, though we end up fighting all of the time.
I lean into his touch a little as a knock sounds the door. We both jump and compose ourselves. I shove my rats nest of hair behind me as I open the door. Slender right behind me. Trender is there holding a few outfits, on his phone scrolling through.... Snapchat? Aw hell I don't have social media. I am a freaken recluse!
I hear laughter from a few doors down, from nothing. Uh, weird and creepy. Yep.
Trender looks up at Slender and I. He drops his phone.
"The maid!!!!?! No offense Rose."
"Trenderman, someone has to wake the maid."
Slender brushes past me briskly getting out of the room. He hands me a list of what I need to get from the store. I take it and nod as I yawn. Slender walks away to Sally's room. Trender turns in his direction and cups his hands around his nonexistent mouth.
Slender skids to a stop as Trender tosses the clothes to me and runs down the hall with Slender right behind him. They throw insults at each other as they run. Splendor sticks his head out of his room looking confused, his pajamas just as cute as his normal clothes. He looks at me and smiles.
"Good morning Rose. What happened?"
"To be completely honest Splendy, I have no idea."
We turn our heads back to the two brothers. I sigh and change into a cute red top that didn't show off my curves some black jeans and black boots. I put on my makeup simple compared to Jane's. Oh yeah potato bugs. I had to clean them up, the little critters pooped on the floor, damn floor was so bad I had to mop twice! Wait, mop...
I rush out of my room fully dressed. I look at the brothers who included Masqueraderman or Masque into the fight.
"Guys! I mopped the floor it is going to be-"
Slender shoves Trender into Masque the force sends Trender and Masque into a wall bumping a picture on the wall. Slender flings back into the wall and slides down. They sit there quietly. I walk up to them cautious of the floor. I tap my foot onto the ground and cross my arms. Idiots, the whole lot of them.
"Like I said, I mopped the floor guys be careful."
I walk away and go to Splendor.
"Hey Splendy, could you wake everyone up? After you are finished getting prepared for the day? I'm going shopping and it would be nice if something went right for once."
"Nothing ever goes the way it is planned, yet you always set an agenda."
Slender growls spiteful that I embarrassed him.
"Slenderman, I need grounding. So I clean, make lists, listen to music, and it all helps, maybe you shouldn't be a douchebag all of the time!"
And at this moment I knew, I fucked up.
I felt the fire set in me the spicy, spunky part on my personality took control. I could see Slender's discomfort in me being rude and causing a scene. He didn't look mad but I could feel it. Empathic abilities.
"Rose, control your tongue. Remember your place."
"How about you remember yours, you jackass with a severe self loving complex. Get your head out of your ass before I shove it up his and make you all look like the freaken Slender centipede!"
Slender was now mad, but so was I. We all heard a loud crunch. The Slender's turned their gaze from us to the source of the sound. Offender was eating burnt toast with a lot of butter slathered on them. He had three pieces in his hand one half in his mouth, half in his hand and a trenidal holding a coffee mug. He looks back at us like a deer in headlights. He then chews casually and swallows. He looks at Slender to me.
"Hell hath not fury like a womans scorn."
I look at Trender and Slender. I am fed up with their shit.
"You know what? Offender put some clothes on, you too Splendor, let's go shopping. I don't want to shop with small minded jerks."
I walk to my room to grab my black and blue satchel. Offender stayed in the same spot crunching away. Splendor changed into a rainbow shirt and blue jeans.  I sigh but nod.
"Come on guys."
We leave a P.O. Slender, an upset Trender, and a confused Masque in the house as I head to the garage with two of the most immature Slender beings ever.
"I am driving the car!"
Splendor laughs and jangles the keys. I jump up and grab them. I smile at him who looks surprised.
"I'm driving you silly goose."
I get lifted into the air and am upside down. I hold my shirt down as it feels like my boobs are choking me. I feel red faced already. I see Offender.
"I drive."
He goes for the keys but I move my hand. He goes for them again and I keep moving my hand. I start laughing profoundly.
"Fine you spicy little maid. You can drive."
He grabs my arm pits and turns me right side up. I stand still for a moment trying to get my barrings. I smile as I put the keys into the key slot and sit in the drivers seat.
The drive there was entertaining. Splendor got the front seat and Offender was stuck in the back. We yelled at him to roll down the window while he was smoking. Somehow we got onto the topic about Phoenix fire is cancerous. Which we all just sat there pondering the answer. We go to the chain of stores. The two brothers turn human.  Splendor is so freaken cute! His eyes shine with childlike wonder as bright as the sun. His short wild hair as beautiful as a oak tree. His clothes suited him very well.

I finally get the courage to look at Offender. He had a very handsome face. His eyes were slightly slanted to give him a flirty look. His skin was pale and his eyes were slightly hypnotic. He knows I am checking him out so he had that stupid, flirty, hot smirk.
He crosses his arms and winks at me. I squint my eyes at him.
"Excuse me, I have a girlfriend."
I snort.
"Which one? Is this the only way you can get laid?"
"I don't get laid, I have sex, the other person gets laid because I lead."
"Don't flatter yourself,  your not that attractive. "
I walk away.  Lie, lie, lie, I'm a liar~ But he doesn't need a fatter head than he has.
He snorts behind me. I loop my arm with Splendor's arm. Maybe today won't be as bad. It's just a store. Right?

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