Dear Craig Tucker {Completed...

By saltwater-veins

134K 5.8K 2.6K

Craig and Tweek are a match made in heaven, or so everybody thought. Tweek soon sees Craig cheating on him wi... More

Chapter 1: The Letter
Chapter 3: Watching You
Chapter 4: I Lost You
Chapter 5: Watching You From Afar
Chapter 6: Kenny's Confession Flashback
Chapter 7 | Running From Love
Chapter 8 | Truth
Chapter 9 | The Letter
Chapter 10: Reading
Chapter 11: Reading
Chapter 12: Slipping Out
Chapter 13: Into Darkness
Chapter 14
Chapter 15: Dancing
Chapter 16: Shooting Star
Chapter 17: Battle Scars
Chapter 18: Future
Chapter 20: The Future Pt. 2
Chapter 21: The Future Pt.3
Chapter 22: The End
Authors Note
Facts About Me
Authors Note

Chapter 2: Craigs Reaction

8.7K 391 173
By saltwater-veins

Lying on my bed, I stared up at the ceiling. All I could think about was Tweek. Tweek. Tweek. Tweek. Why are you so handsome? Why are you amazing? Reaching under my pilliow I pulled a tiny photo fram and stared at it. It was a picture of Me and Tweek after I had had my surgery to get my appendix removed.

"Craig!" I head my mother shout. I quickly shoved the fram under my pillow for safe keepings. I lay on my stomach incase she walked in.

"What?" I called back. What does she want?

"Something came in the mail for you Craig!" My mom replied. "It's from your little friend Tweek!"

I quickly shot up from my pillow and rushed down the stairs. Tweek? Grabbing the letter from my mom I muttered a thanks and jolted back upstairs to my dark and unwelcoming room. I tore open the dark blue envelope and out popped a piece of notepad paper I picked it up.

Shoving the envelope aside I propped my feet up I began to read very fast. It was written in very messy handwriting and was unclear but I knew it was Tweeks writing. I started to read.

"Dear Craig Tucker,

When you asked me to be your boyfriend, I was the happiest person who ever lived. Let me just say being your boyfriend was the best thing and the best time that ever happened to me..."

Tears welled up in my blue eyes and rolled down my cheeks. Tweek you were the best think that ever happened to me. I kept reading.

'I looked threw the arch of the doorway and saw you and Kenny... Kissing....'

'He knew, he knew. If only I could tell
Him' I thought. After we had kissed I slapped him, punched him in the stomach, kicked him in the balls and ran out of the bathroom.

"You love me!" I remember Kenny scream at me grabbing my hands pulling me back. I kicked him in the balls screaming at him.

"NO YOU BASTARD! I LOVE TWEEK!" Before I ran out of the bathroom. Kenny rolling on the ground doubled over in pain.

I quickly read the rest of the letter. When I finished I tossed it aside on my bed and cried. I balled my eye out. Tweek can't you see I love you! I am sorry.

After a while of crying I wiped my tears and thought of a plan to win Tweek back.

It had to had charm, love and.... Revenge......

What is Craig going to do? Leave your answers in the comments below thanks for reading so far!

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