What I Just Realized

By Dolphins664

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Chapter 1
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5

Chapter 2

158 6 4
By Dolphins664

Louis' POV:

Chris looked like he was about to say something, but Lacy spoke up.

"Louis what are you doing here?!" she yelled, sounding irritated.

"Coming to get you," I said. Then I took her wrist and tried to pull her away, but she held back.

"I'm not going with you," she said bitterly.

"I'm afraid you don't have that choice," I told her.

"Yes, I do." she said.

"It's dangerous to be here," I said.

"Louis! I'm not a little kid anymore!" Lacy yelled.

"But you're not an adult either, okay? So come on or I'll carry you out!" I said, getting frustrated. She gave me a mean look, then whipped her wrist out my hand and rushed off into the crowd of people.

I sighed, and started making my way through the crowd, looking for her, with Harry behind me. It didn't take long to find her, I saw her just standing there looking at something. What the...

I walked a little closer, and realized what she was looking at. Oh god..

Lacy's POV:

There he was. There was the guy that I had sacrificed so much for. That I had lied countless times for. The guy who supposedly loved me, kissing that Emily girl.

I stood frozen, not knowing what to do. But that quickly passed. I stormed up to him.

"What are you doing?!" I asked, shocked.

"Lacy...I thought you left," Chris said.

"Why? Why would you do that?" I asked, tears starting to form in my eyes.

"Lacy..." he said.

"You know what! I don't even want to hear it! You're an ass Chris!" I yelled.

"Whatever Lace, I don't wanna be with a girl who's older brother is always barging in okay?" he said.

"He was just trying to protect me from idiots like you! And now I wish I had listened to him! How could I be so stupid... actually believing you loved me! All you ever want is for me to get drunk so we can have sex! I HATE YOU! I never want to see your horrible face again! Screw you, Chris!" I yelled. Then I spun around and walked over to Louis and Harry before he could say anything else. I threw my arms around Louis and started crying my eyes out. He hugged me and rubbed my back.

"It's okay Lace, come on let's go home," he said. I pulled away and nodded. Harry put his arm over my shoulders and we all walked to the exit.

Lou got in the driver's seat, while I got in the back with Harry. He sat in the middle seat and I sat behind Louis' seat. I kept on crying into Harry's chest.

We got home and came through the front door. The lights were off and there was nobody there. 

They took me up to my room and we stood at the doorway.

"I'm so sorry Lou. I was so stupid to think he ever loved me. I was just...so BLIND! I should have listened to you..." I whispered.

"It's okay Lacy I know.." he said. I threw my arms around him and hugged him tight.

I pulled away, "And Harry, I'm really sorry you had to see all that.."

"Lacy you're my best friend, don't apologize. I want to be there for you," he said.

I smiled and stood on my tiptoes to hug him around the neck (I had taken off the heels). He wrapped his arms around my waist and held me tight.

"If you need anything, don't be afraid to wake me up, okay?" he whispered. I nodded and pulled away.

"Goodnight Lacy, I love you," Louis said. 

"Goodnight Lace," Harry said.

"Goodnight," I replied softly, then turned into my room. Lottie was already asleep. I grabbed the oversized One Direction shirt Niall had gotten me and went to the bathroom. I washed my face and brushed my teeth, changed into the huge shirt, which came past my mid thigh, then walked back to my room. I sat down on my bed and before I knew it I was crying again. I just couldn't believe what had happened. I wasn't even gone a minute! Fifteen minutes and I still felt miserable. I just wanted to be comforted. I got up and walked down the hall the to the guest room. Harry was staying in there, while Lou stayed in Fizzy's room. I hesistated before opening the door a little bit.

"Harry?" I whispered.

"Lacy?" I heard him ask. I went in and closed the door.

"Is everything alright love?" he asked. 

I shook my head. "No," I said, starting to cry again.

"Aw Lace, come here," he said, sitting up. I walked over and he wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me onto his lap. He rubbed my back and kissed my head. "Do you want to stay with me tonight baby?"

I nodded and with that he moved me onto to the bed so I was laying down, and then lied down next to me. He pulled the covers over us as I rested my head on his chest. I listened to his heartbeat, and soon I found myself drifting off to sleep.

-Next Morning-

"Lacy?!" I heard someone say a little to loudly. I opened my eyes and blinked a couple times before seeing Lottie standing in the doorway. 

"What...?" I mumbled.

"What are you doing?!" she asked. 

"Well I was sleeping until you came in screaming bloody hell!" 

"Huh... what's going on?" I heard a familiar husky voice say. I looked and down and saw that I had been resting on Harry's chest.

"Oh my God!" she said.

"Lott who are you talking to?" Louis said, coming to the doorway. "OH GOD!"

"Lou! It's not what you think!" I said, jumping up.

"What the hell happened?" he asked.

"Nothing! I was just sad and I came here to have some comfort and then  I fell asleep. I swear Louis that's all that happened!" I said. He glanced at Harry.

"She's telling the truth!" Harry said.

"Alright...but if I find out that anything else happened I swear-" Louis said.

"Okay, okay!" I said. Then I got up and went to my room, followed by Lottie.

"So..." Lottie said, once the door was closed, "is that really all that happened last night?" 

"Yes! I was just sad and I needed some comforting...and Harry's one of my best friends you know?" I said, digging through my section of the closet for some clothes.

"I know....but hey, why were you sad?" 

"Oh it was nothing, Chris just turned out to be a complete jerk, no biggie," I said, grabbing some of the new clothes I had bought with Lou yesterday.

"Care to elaborate?"

I went ahead and explained the whole thing to her. After I was done, she stood up and gave me a hug. 

"I just feel so bad for the way I treated Louis, and then he ended up being right all along.." I said.

"I'm sure he understands...he's Lou. He loves you to death Lacy," she said.

I nodded. "Thanks Lottie." Then I went to the bathroom to go get showered and changed. 

After I was done (about half an hour later) I went downstairs to see Harry, Louis, and my mom sitting at the table.

"You feeling any better Lace?" Lou said, getting up to give me a hug. 

"Yeah, I guess.." I said, then as he pulled me close for a hug I whispered in his ear, "I'm sorry Lou.."

"It's alright babygirl. I love you," he whispered. Then he kissed me on the head and let go.

"Anyways, um, me and mum and Harry were talking, and uh, we think it's a good idea if you come stay with us and the boys back in London," Louis said.

I paused, surprised. "Are you serious?" I asked.

"Yes," he said.

"Well, would the other guys be okay with it?" 

"They love you like a sister of course they would!" he said.

"Well...okay!" I said. I was actually very excited to go. And it would be good for my mum, she still has four more girls to take care of.

"Great, so....how about me and Harry come help you pack? We want to get on the road by about 8.."

"Um yeah alright.." I said getting up. 

We went back up to my room, where Lottie was seated on her bed. "Hey guys," she said, "What's going on?"

"Um..I'm moving out..." I said.

"What?!" she said, jumping up.

"I'm going to stay with Lou and the boys in London.." 

"But, you can't leave me! When was this decided?" she asked.

"Just now," I replied.

 She sighed.

"Come on Lott, you've got Fizzy! And you know I'll be back for visits!" I said.

"You promise?" she asked.

"Of course!" 

"Well, alright, do you want me to help you pack?" she asked. 

"Sure," I said. I went to my closet and pulled out my suitcase.

"Lace...I don't think all your stuff is going to fit in there." Lou said.

"I've got a backpack..." I said.

"I still don't think that's enough," he said.

"Well, you could borrow mine!" Lottie said.

"Yeah, then I can bring it back up next time," Louis said.

"Okay, fine by me," I said. With that, Lottie pulled her suitcase out and laid it on the floor. We opened both the suitcases and my backpack, and immediately everbody got to work.

~7:30 PM~

After many clothes-throwing fights and distractions, I was finally all packed up.

"Ready?" Lou asked. I nodded. I grabbed my backpack, while Harry and Lou each grabbed a suitcase. We headed downstairs with Lottie. Louis and Harry went to get their stuff while I went to my sisters and mom to say goodbye.

"Bye Lacy! We love you!" Phoebe and Daisy squealed, running up to hug me.

"Bye Phoebe, bye Daisy, love you too," I said, hugging them.

"Bye Lace," Felicite said, coming up to me.

"Bye Fizz, I'll miss you" I said, hugging her too. 

 Then I turned to my mum. "You better behave alright Lacy? Don't bother your brother or his friends," she said.

"She's not a bother! We loveeeeee her!" Harry said, scruffing my hair.

"Well, alright..," she said. "Bye Lacy," she said, pulling me into a hug.

"Bye mum," I said hugging back. Then I turned to Louis and Harry.

"You ready?" Lou asked. 

"One second," I said. I went up to Lottie. "Bye Lott....I'm gonna miss you. Be good, okay?"

"I should say the same to you," she said with a smirk, glancing at Harry then back at me.

"Shut up!" I laughed. I gave her a hug then looked at Lou. "Okay, let's go," I said. Harry and Lou said bye to everyone, then we went out to the car. We all put our bags in the back, and then Louis went up front to the drivers seat.

"Shotgun!" I yelled.

"Huh?" Harry asked.

"It means I get the front seat," I said.

"That's not fair!" 

"Life's not fair!" I stuck my tongue out at him and got in the front. Harry got in the back, and soon we were on our way.

We stopped for food before we left town, and we were about an hour in when I started to fall asleep.


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