teared • hyungwon

By thebiasgotmedeceased

154K 10.9K 7.4K

in which a psychiatrist falls for a patient. ©thebiasgotmedeceased extra warnings: if you're sensitive to cer... More

i n t r o
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t h r e e
f o u r
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f i f t y t w o
f i f t y t h r e e
f i f t y f o u r
e p i l o g u e
n e w s !
s e q u e l

t w e n t y s e v e n

2.8K 179 120
By thebiasgotmedeceased


"thanks god it's weekend" kihyun mumbled as he stared at his tablet, reading the newspaper.

it had been scheduled that during that weekend, she'd look for her wedding dress. it was something she's been postponing for the past 6 or 7 months since they got engaged.

soon always claimed she didn't have enough time to spend it on it. the search of a wedding dress always supposed a big concern for the bride-to-be.

brides always took weeks and even months to chose the right dress. a dress that would fulfill all of their expectations when it came to dresses. a dress that would make her feel like the most beautiful and important woman in the world, during her wedding day.

yet there she was. it was the 4th store she had visited with kihyun's mother, her own and one of her friends and fellow doctors.

she had seen plenty dresses and none of them provided her with the least empowerment nor satisfaction to be the most amazing woman on earth.

"what about this one dear? it's so cute! i love the details on the back, don't you like it?" kihyun's mom had been a great help. she had offered her disposition to the entire wedding plans.

soon's mother was usually always busy. she also worked as a doctor and her schedule was as tight as hers. "i agree with kihyunnie's mom. it is a beautiful dress. it'll look spectacular on you sweetie." her mother said.

soon's friend nodded with a pair of thumbs up. she smiled awkwardly as she looked at her own reflection in the mirror.

truth be told, she was tired of all the dressing trial and all. it was obvious it looked good on her and she just wanted the dress search to end. "you're right. i love it! i'll take this one." she said with a smile as she turned to look at the helping staff.

"can you please pack it for me?" she asked with a sweet tone. both of the mothers looked at each other with a frown. somehow they expected she'd oppose in some way, as she had done with the previous 12 dresses she tried on.

"a-are you sure? don't you have any adjustments to do or any extra requests?" kihyun's mother asked.

"yeah. remember we're not caring about expenses." her own mother added. but soon was tired, she just wanted to end it all.

"i am sure, it's this one." she said caressing the white fabric and glancing at her own reflection one more time.

she knew kihyun will compliment her dress for an eternity. it is what he does. he does it all the time.

he always complimented her clothes, her hair, everything she chose, for him was perfect, to the point she started feeling, with time, that maybe he was lying. maybe he said all those things to avoid having a discussion with her or what was worse and what scared her the most, she feared he'd say those things to not hurt her.

being with someone like that truly scared her. someone who would lie to her just to avoid hurting her. someone who would call her pretty when they actually thought the contrary.

she wanted and longed for real connections. she wanted to be with people who weren't afraid of telling things to her face. their real feelings or their real thoughts of her.

soon knew not all relationships were perfect, but sometimes she felt hers with kihyun was. enough to look like a movie-like relationship and sometimes she didn't know how to feel about it.

"wah... this is really delicious – he exclaimed, his lips filled with buttercream – my god. i love this combination. wanna try babe?" he asked, approaching a fork with a piece of a caramel cake with butter cream.

soon opened her lips slowly and tasted the cake. it was true, it was delicious but definitely not her taste. "hmm... - she said nodding – nice." she finally said.

in front of them was a three floor display of small cakes, all kinds, colors, shapes and flavors. kihyun took seriously the cake search. he spent almost a whole afternoon googling cake places, especialized in wedding and similar ceremonies.

he always took extra care when it came to these kind of things. he was the kind of man who knew exactly what type of flowers give to someone who just had a baby or what type of wine to a pair of newlyweds.

"altough i also liked the almond one... i think – he said tilting his head – i really liked the cherry one as well. i can't decide." he said taking another bite of the cherry cake. he closed his eyes after tasting it once more.

"god... just delicious – he turned to look at soon. she seemed lost in the sea of baby-sized cakes – babe what do you think? what's your favorite?" he asked.

soon took a few seconds to think he answer. truth be told, she was a big fan of cakes. she liked donuts better and ice cream. if it was for her, she'd give out donuts and ice cream for her wedding day. but it wasn't the social accepted thing to do. it was cakes instead and kihyun cared about details. he wasn't the type of man to give out donuts and ice cream on his wedding day.

"i like this one." she said pointint at a random carrot cake with imperial frosting. kihyun frowned, staring awkwardly at her odd chosing.

"are you... sure?" he asked. but she just shrugged.

soon knew these kind of things were important to him, probably more than it was for her. "i am not sure. i think also like the caramel one... i think maybe it'd be a good combination with the almond cake."

kihyun looked at her with sparkling eyes. she had nailed it. "definitely. i agree with you. seems like a perfect combination – he turned to look at the woman next to them – say no more. we're choosing caramel with almond."

even though she managed to pay attention in between sessions during their cake trial, her mind really traveled when he was trying shoes for the wedding day.

he tried around 30 different pairs in 5 or 6 different stores, but just as his desire to find the perfect pair of shoes remained, her thoughts about her patient did too.

hyungwon was the only thing in her mind during those moments.

the brief moments that kihyun would ask for her opinion about the shoes, she'd have to stop thinking about her patient to actually see his shoes and gave out an opinion about it.

she thought it was funny how important all these things seemed to be to kihyun and couldn't help but wonder if they also would be important to someone like chae hyungwon.

in that moment, she started fantasizing about him and how he'd be out there, in the society.

she wondered if he was the type of man who knew exactly what type of flowers to give out during funerals or what type of wine to gift to a man who was turning 50.

soon thought that hyungwon didn't seem to be that type at all. in fact, he didn't seem to be like kihyun at all. they were like two completely and separate different worlds.

they didn't look alike not even an inch. completely opposites.

naturally she wondered who'd fit the most with her personality. it was almost a default question she'd make every time she met someone. "is he or she compatible with me? will i feel identified with him or her?"

the weekend turned out to be like a month for her. she couldn't wait until it was monday again. especially after all the dress and wedding cake trial, she thought she was going to die and swore she'd never ever get married again.

that monday went by fast, or maybe faster than expected. after visiting hyunwoo in his house, she noticed he was recovering pretty well even though he was still on recovering time. she checked on her patients in the morning and had therapy group sessions with the afternoon group.

everything progressed perfectly during the day until 4:00 p.m arrived and with that her sudden and unexpected anxiety arrived as well.

she had been trying to push away her thoughts all the morning and part of the afternoon. soon tried to occupy her mind in other things, things that weren't related to hyungwon directly.

she tried to avoid him in the backyard, in the group therapy session in the morning and even in the dining room.

but when she heard the soft knocks on her door she knew it was him. he was there, taken by a nurse, probably rowoon.

she had been notified he had been punished during the weekend, especially after what he did during the previous private session. but soon in an attempt to save him, she had said it had been all her fault, allegating that she had tried to trigger the other identities in the wrong timing.

just for that, hyungwon had been forgiven and he had been medicated properly the whole weekend to calm down his anger attacks.

the door opened after she provided with the green light and rowoon walked inside, followed by hyungwon, with his hands tied again.

"good afternoon dr. park." rowoon said, leading the patient to the usual couch. "if anything... you know i am behind the door... that will remained... unlocked." he said glancing warningly at hyungwon.

the patient sighed.

soon noticed he had slight dark circles around his eyes and his look overall was the one of a person who haven't slept in a while. "okay. thank you rowoon-ssi... you can leave us now." she said with a reassuring smile as she took a sit on her usual chair, across the patient.

rowoon smiled and bowed, before disappearing through the door, like the usual procedure with the rest of the nurses. hyungwon's head turned, as if he was making sure that they were finally alone in the room.

when he turned to look at her, she felt her temples throbbing and her breathing accelerating.

the way he looked at her made her feel nervous in the act. his dark and intense eyes seemed to be reading her mind. for a second she felt exposed, as if he was seeing right through her.

"hello... dr. park, how you've been doing lately, it's been a long time." he asked, tilting his head. his voice seemed normal, not a hint of anger nor sarcasm on it.

she frowned. it had been less than 48 hours since last time she saw him and then immediately she knew this was hyungwon and not the others.

"i've been doing just fine... what about you?" she asked, taking notes. she decided to keep up with his rhythm.

he lifted his shoulders. "i... i can't complain, i guess." he said frowning. "how was your weekend?" she asked, paying extra attention to him.

he frowned again, as if he was trying hard to remember. "i... i guess i slept a lot since i can't remember much." his words seemed honest and she thought how she had missed this tone on him. the real hyungwon.

she couldn't help but smile. "it's okay... sometimes i can't even remember what i had for breakfast." the joke seemed to be funny, since he laughed softly for a brief second but quickly composed and sat straight. "i guess." he said glancing at his tied hands.

"may i ask... dr park?" he asked, she quickly nodded. "why are my hands tied? i think this is my... third? or fourth time here? yet, every time i come here, my hands are always tied... - he said looking at her with widened eyes – did i – somehow he couldn't finish his own sentence. he feared the worst and soon immediately caught the fear behind his eyes.

"oh no- no... it's fine. you haven't done – she shook her head constantly and steadily – trying somehow to provide him with comfort and reassurance – i am fine. it's just- security precautions... we're doing this with almost all patients. no need to worry hyungwon-ssi." she said smiling at him.

he sighed in relief. "oh good to know... for a moment i thought – he said but suddenly stopped talking, as his eyes narrowed slowly. soon waited a few seconds but he didn't say a word.

"yes?" she asked tilting her head, staring back at him. but his face that seemed innocent and lost, suddenly changed and turned dark and confident.

he chuckled. "aigoo dr. park – he said tilting his head – why are you suddenly blushed?" his voice changed and then she knew hyungwon wasn't there anymore. it was inho this time.

"inho-ssi." she muttered. somehow his chest went up and his shoulders grew confident. "ah... you recognize me now, don't you?" he asked, crossing his leg on top of the other.

he smirked. "i love it... - he shrugged – it makes me feel important..." he said winking at her.

"but tell me dr. park... how was your weekend?" he asked, moving his head, as if he was singing a song inside his mind.

she swallowed hard. "i am not blushed and my weekend was fine, what about yours?" she asked, her tone steady. she was desperately trying to put up a front that didn't actually exist.

he smirked again. "well... i was disciplined... a lot – he said showing a bruise on his arm – you see? – soon's eyes widened. they promised they didn't use physical force with him.

"but you know – he said shruggin – it doesn't hurt, because it was all for you dr. park. i'd receive ten thousand more and i wouldn't care at all." the words stung on the back of her neck and right inside her chest.

she wanted to say something but she couldn't. "but i bet your weekend was more entertaining than mine, am i right?" he tilted his head.

soon swallowed hard as she looked away. "maybe."

"ahh you see? you're blushed again... but i wonder why." his big eyes narrowed as he stared at her intensely for a few seconds. "let me guess... can i guess?"

she looked up at him and their eyes met for a brief second, in that time, he smirked at her, as if he had her all figured her out. "ah... i am thinking that maybe... you fell in public and now you're ashamed?"

soon sighed and looked away. "i am not in the mood for games inho-ssi."

he laughed. "okay it wasn't that... then... you fell asleep in the train? in the middle of the night?"

but soon only closed her eyes and shook her head softly. "ah... now you're cooperating, i like it. then... ah!" he exclaimed, looking at her with surprised eyes.

"then i know what it is... i mean – he shrugged – i didn't want to jump in conclussions since the beginning but now i am 101% confident it is what i think it is dr. park." his smirk almost didn't fit his face. it seemed he was completely sure about knowing the reason behind her blush and for a second, soon feared he'd actually know.

to her surprise. "well... if it's not you falling in public or falling asleep in the train on your way back home then... - he smiled widely – then you had an erotic dream with me, am i right dr. park?" 


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