He's No Good | ✓

By xwriteratheartxo

1.4M 37.1K 19K

[COMPLETED] Emma, and Lucas have been feuding for their mutual friends attention for over five years. But whe... More

He's No Good
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Author's Note
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
He's No Saviour
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45

Chapter 30

20.5K 517 64
By xwriteratheartxo

Chapter 30


Right when Emma left the hall, Lucas sighed. "I still don't get why you both didn't tell me," Jason commented and Lucas rolled his eyes.

"Because in fifth grade, we lied to you about our feelings and that ended up with us hating each other for almost six years," Lucas drawled out, but didn't wait for Jason to respond as he began marching his way to the front door.

"This time, I'm not gonna let you get in the way," Lucas threw over his shoulder before exiting the building.

When Lucas made his way outside, he immediately saw a tall man wearing all black carrying something inside the back of a white van.

Squinting, Lucas noticed it wasn't something, it was someone. Lucas' speed increased until he was chasing the driving vehicle, but when it drove out of the parking lot, Lucas screamed.


Without a second thought, Lucas ran to his car, powering it up right away using telekinesis.

Right when the car was geared into drive, Lucas drove it in the direction when the van went, easily catching up to them until they were bumper to bumper.

Suddenly, the van ahead of him began speeding before taking a sharp turn into a dark alley.

Lucas followed without questioning his actions, however, when he turned, no car was in front of him. Only a dead end.


"Fuck," Lucas yelled out of iritation as he began reversing out of the alley.

Thoughts of how to find Emma filled his head as he sped home, coming to one conclusion. Confronting his father.

When he was welcomed past the gate, Lucas sped down the long road until his house appeared. He didn't wait for the car to fully stop until he parked the car before running up the steps.

"Father," he shouted, but all he could hear was deafening silence.

Lucas' jaw clenched painfully as he stomped to his Xavier's office, which was further down the hall on the first floor.

When Lucas reached the front of the door, he didn't bother to knock.

Throwing the door open, Lucas glared at Xavier, who was causally leaning back on his seat with his feet propped up on the large cherry wood desk in front of him.

"Son," Xavier greeted with a small nod. "What brings your visit?"

Lucas' glare hardened at the thought of him playing dumb. Without thinking twice, he took two long strides until he was right in front of Xavier's desk.

He rested both hands on the desk in front of him. Slowly, Lucas leaned down with narrowed eyes. "Where, is Emma?"

Xavier sighed loudly, but Lucas didn't miss how his lips tipped up slightly. "Son. Why care for her so much? You're a hunter. You're born to kill people like her."

"Where is she?" Lucas demanded again, but Xavier laughed.

"Lucas, for you to be aware if she's alive or not, you have to prove your loyalty to the organization," Xavier admitted and his eyes widened.

"Organization? What the fuck—"

"There is so much you don't understand Lucas," Xavier sighed in disappointment before removing his feet off of the desk. "Join us. We can show you a whole new point of view."

Lucas pretended to be interested before he glared once again. "Fuck. You."

As he began leaving the office, the sound of his father's laughter filled his ears, only to feed his anger.

He slammed the large doors behind him and began stomping to the exit of his house.

Once he began nearing the front door, he found Sadie creeping behind the wall as his phone started to ring.

"What?" Lucas barked through the phone when he picked up.

"Lucas? What the hell happened? Where are you?" Jason asked, and Lucas clenched his jaw at the thought.

"Emma. She was taken," was all he managed to say before hanging up.

Lucas' throat felt heavy as he jogged down the steps, getting back into his car to reach his new destination.

In less than ten minutes, Lucas was parked outside of Emma's house, which was completely pitch black.

But that didn't stop Lucas from opening the door using telekinesis. "Alex, get down here!" He shouted.

The second floor lights turned on, followed by feet stomping downstairs in a rush.

When Alex reached the first floor, he squinted at Lucas' figure. "Lucas? What are you doing here?"

"This man took Emma when she went outside. She's gone," he said harshly, but suddenly felt a pain in his chest when he noticed how Alex was taking the news.

"What?" he breathed out, still in shook.

"So if you have any idea who took her, now's a good time to share your thoughts."

Alex cleared his throat as he began to rub his temples. "I-I assume you know Emma's not my biological daughter. But, I don't think it could be her father because from as far as I know, he doesn't know she exists."

"Does... did Amanda leave anything that could hint to where he could be living, or even hanging out?" Lucas asked desperately, but Alex shook his head.

"Not that I remember."

"Okay," Lucas struggled to say before turning around, walking to the exit.

"Wait!" Alex shouted behind him, and Lucas paused, but didn't turn around.

"Please tell me if you learn anything," he whispered and Lucas sighed.

"Okay," was all he managed to say before leaving his house.

As Lucas was staring at Emma's front porch, he quickly thought of an idea and briefly glanced at Jason's house before redirecting his feet to that direction.

Once he's knocked three times, the door swung open, revealing a stressed out Jason. "Did you find her?" He asked, but Lucas stayed silent until he was inside.

"No," he grumbled, looking around the house. "Where's your mom?"

Jason cleared his throat. "Upstairs," he paused. "Mom, come downstairs!"

After he finished, the quiet house was filled with soft footsteps running down the stairs, revealing Jason's petite mother.

Brown hair tied up in a bun on top of her head, and brown doe eyes. Jason looked just like his mother, Daniella, but his features were more sharper.

"Emma's been kidnapped," Lucas started off, causing a shocked gasp to fly out of Daniella.

"Alex doesn't believe that it could be her birth father, but I know Amanda spoke to you about him before. Tell me," Lucas demanded, and Daniella fought back a tear.

"He, he was our age. Mysterious," she chuckled. "Amanda loved it. She loved a challenge."

Daniella clenched her rob to her chest at the thought of her late friend. "She fought back her feelings for him for months after they met. She was married and with a child. But..."

"But what?" Jason asked when Daniella stopped talking.

"In June, they had sex. Only once, but once was all it took," she sighed, shaking her head at her reckless friend.

"Amanda tried to call him to tell him, but the line ended. He changed his number. She never heard from him again. At least from what she told me."

Daniella rubbed her temple. "So to answer your unspoken question. I don't think it could be her father. But I do have a feeling who might have took her."

Lucas spent the whole long weekend trying to find any clues to where Emma could be, but came out with nothing.

He woke up Monday morning, struck with determination. Lucas knew that his father was aware where Emma could be, so when Xavier left that morning for work, Lucas went inside his office to find anything related to Emma's kidnapping.

Halfway through his investigation, he was trying to open the bottom file cabinet that was locked when the doors to the office cracked open.

"Lucas?" Lucas' mother, Estella called out, stunned to see her son rummaging through her husbands things.

Lucas stood up from his spot and walked so he standing in front of her. "What are you doing here?" She asked.

He sighed, clenching his fists at the thought of Xavier. "Emma was taken on Thursday. Dad knows where she is and won't tell me. He says I have to pledge my loyalty," Lucas said, cringing at the thought.

Estella gasped. "Poor Emma. But son, if you ready would like to find her, prove you're loyal to him and what he stands for."

Lucas' eyes widened, shocked that Estella was taking her husbands side, once again. "Wow, mom."

Without bothering to say anything, he shoved past her and left the office.

When Lucas reached his car, he jumped inside and drove out of his estate.

Lucas drove past dozens of abandoned building all around Berkley until he decided to stop at a decent rest stop that served coffee.

When Lucas told the thirty-something year old waitress his order, the front door dinged, and Lucas briefly looked over only to see Jason strolling in his direction.

"How the hell did you know I was here?" Lucas asked as Jason took the seat across from him.

He shrugged, pulling up a menu.

"Your mom bugged your car sophomore year," he said casually before he pointed to something on the menu. "Can I have the hash browns? I know it's not morning any more, but can you make an exception?" Jason asked the waitress, and she smiled kindly before writing his order on the paper in front of her.

After the waitress left, Jason leaned back on the seat and sighed. "I used to feel her. Emma."

Lucas' eyes widened, and his head whipped in his direction. "Not like that," he said breathlessly.

"I used to feel her when she was close by. Like, my shoulders would start tickling or some shit. But now," he sighed as he tilted his head to the side. "I can't sense her at all."

Lucas hated the sound of that, so he clenched his jaw to avoid saying something he could regret.

They both sat down in silence, waiting for their dishes, which thankfully came ten minutes later.

Lucas stabbed his fork on the plate, catching a bit of the lasagna. "Relax, Lucas," Jason said when he noticed how harshly Lucas was handling the plate.

He dropped his fork dramatically on the table. "Relax? Emma's missing, Jason. Your friend. What the fuck are you doing to find her?"

Jason sat down, shocked from his outburst while Lucas stood up, opening his wallet. Only to throw a twenty dollar bill on the table before leaving the cafe.

The rest of the week consisted of Lucas trying to find any clues to where Emma could be.

By the time it was Saturday, Lucas found out from Daniella that a nightclub out of town named The Vertex was where they met some hunters back in the day.

Now, Lucas was dressed head to toe with black by the bar. Starting from his black t-shirt, down to his black jeans.

Lucas scanned the whole club while taking a sip of his gin and tonic, which was given to him by the woman behind the bar, who didn't bother to check for identification.

"Hi," a small voice said next to him, and he briefly looked to see three women staring at him.

"Hi," he replied blankly to the dark skinned woman who greeted him.

She played around with her curly, shoulder length hair as she smiled flirtatiously. "Any friends joining you for the night?" The girl next to her asked, and he stared at all three at them without any expression.

"No—" Lucas paused, suddenly feeling the presence of other witches in the building.


"Sorry, but I've got to go," Lucas threw over his shoulder as he began shouldering past people dancing in the crowd.

Lucas continued to scan the crowd, but suddenly felt a jolt of power when he caught a group of three men and two women by the far corner, laughing at something someone said.

When Lucas looked at all the men again, he felt a sort of familiarity from one of the dark haired men.

He was at Emma's house the day of the attack, he remembered, and without a second to think through his actions, he ran in the direction to where the group was standing.

When he was nearing the man, he noticed Lucas coming his way and his eyes widened. Lucas didn't give him enough time to run away before his hand locked around his throat.

"What the hell," one of the girls screeched, but Lucas paid no attention to it. All he was focused on was ripping the man in front of him apart.

"Where is she?" Lucas snarled as he pressed the man against the wall, not bothering to specify who because he was sure he knew who he was talking about.

The man stayed silent, only angering Lucas more in the process. "Where, is she?" Lucas repeated slowly, however the man still stayed silent.

Just as Lucas was about to tighten his hold on the mans neck, something in the mans pocket vibrated, and using his other hand, Lucas pulled out the mans cellphone from his pocket.

Unknown: Where are you?

Lucas, who was distracted by what he was reading on the cellphone, didn't notice how the rest of the group moved behind him just before shoving Lucas' hold off of the man.

Before Lucas could retaliate, the phone was swiped out of Lucas' hold just as the group of hunters ran out of the nearest exit.

Not letting his shock consume him, he rushed out of the exit, hoping to catch them before they left.

However, when he got outside, there was no person outside for miles.

"Fuck!" Lucas shouted into the dark night before twisting around to bunch the nearest wall, which unfortunately for him, was the brick wall from the outside of the night club.

This begins the second book! I have many things planned before this book ends *wink wink*

I'll see you lovelies in the next one, love you! xx

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