Falling FOR Grace. (A Niall H...

By happyy_cactus

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My flat's balcony was 10 stories high, and above the highway. I ran over to the ledge and climbed over he ra... More

Falling FOR Grace.
Chapter One. This girl.
Chapter Two. The explanation.
Chapter Three. The Dream.
Chapter Four. Niall To The Rescue.
Chapter Five. The Date.
Chapter Six. Calm Day.
Chapter Seven. A Day With Niall.
Chapter Eight. Fun At The Park.
Chapter Nine. The Mistake.
Chapter Ten. Time For Fun.
Chapter Eleven. Run, Hide!
Chapter Twelve. New York Bound.
Chapter Fourteen. Garret.
Chapter Fifteen. Morning, Fans, Garret, Bryan?
Chapter Sixteen. The Fight To Save A Life.
Chapter Seventeen. Adeline.
Chapter Eighteen. PILLOW FIGHT!
Chapter Nineteen. University.
Chapter Twenty. Time Flies.
Chapter Twenty One. Love, Grace Horan.

Chapter Thirteen. The Truth Comes Out, And Shopping!

12.1K 187 26
By happyy_cactus

Okay, so I'm going to change things up and write the authors note at the beginning today!

Hello my awesome fans! I would just like to thank RelentlessChaos for getting me the most awesomest fans! You guys rock, thanks for the votes and fanning! OKAY STORY TIME!!


Grace's POV

After that flacking awesome breakfast, I plopped down on my bed clutching my stomach in satisfaction. The boys make a mean breakfast!

Next thing I knew, I wasn't alone in my room. Niall came and flopped down next to me.

Niall. He's so sweet. He's protective, cute, funny, smart, talented. That's what all girls want. He could have practically any girl in the whole world. I don't know why he's sticking with me...

"What you thinking about?" His voice snapped me out of my trance. 

"Niall, you could have practically any girl in the world wrapped around your finger, but I don't understand why you're sticking to me? I guess I just feel like I don't deserve you at a-" He cut me off with his soft lips. Gently moving with mine. I wrapped my arms around him, and he did the same to me. He pulled away. 

"Does that tell you anything?" He whispered.

I just nodded like an idiot. Really Grace!? Just a nod?!

He laughed. "You're perfect Grace. Don't let anyone make you believe otherwise, okay?"

I nodded again. GAH. I gotta stop doing that!

He just laughed, AGAIN. "You know, I fell hard for you when YOU literally fell hard."

"Really? Why?" I asked, out arms were still wrapped around each other. 

He sighed. "You seemed so, crazy perfectly insanely beautiful. I know we were only neighbors, but every time I saw you. Then I'd see you out on the balcony with your boyfriend, and I'd lose it. We almost ran into each other multiple times where I could've said something but I didn't because I was too nervous. I never thought I could deserve such a perfect girl like you, Grace." I felt a tear leave my eye and Niall brushed it off with his hand. "Don't cry, babe. You're too pretty to cry." I laughed, I stood up leaving him there. He began to walk away, but I grabbed his wrist and pulled him to me. 

"Whoa there." He smiled. 

I squeezed him as hard as I could. I believe he did the same, so we were both giving each other bone crushing hugs. 

"You're perfect Grace." He whispered. I smiled. 

"So are you my little leprechaun." I replied. I let go of him and headed to the bathroom for a shower. I kept rethinking everything he said to me. Replaying it over and over in my head. I took probably a ten minute shower and jumped out. I grabbed some undergarments, a white t-shirt, dark skinny jeans, my converse, and my leather jacket. It needed something. I dug around my suitcase and pulled out a gray scarf. Perfect. I grabbed my makeup and put on a very light amount, and curled my hair. 

I walked out of my room to the boys in the living room. I think I saw Niall drop his jaw but I could be wrong...

"So what are we doing today?" I asked Liam, who was staring at a New York brochure. 

"Shopping I believe." All the boys started cheering. The boys were all ready, so we piled into the van and headed off to the mall. We parked the car and the boys pulled on their disguises. This mall was huge, when we walked in there was a fountain, to the right was the food court, and to the left and straight ahead was stores.

The first store we headed into was Abercrombie and Fitch, the boys were trying to pose like the model pictures hanging on the walls. We spent a good 20 minutes in there, the boys each got something and we headed out. Next store we went to was Wet Seal, which was basically a girls store. I let the boys go to a different store while I looked around in here. I got multiple pairs of colored skinny jeans, and t-shirts. I paid for the clothing and joined the boys outside of the store. 

"I'm hungry." Niall groaned. 

I placed my open hand on his waist. "Nialler, you're always hungry."

"Well, let's head to the food court and get something to eat." Liam announced. Harry and Louis leap frogged all the way to the food court. We past a group of random guys, they all stared at me, and wolf whistled. I heard Niall growl, then I just hugged his waist tighter. "I'm yours, remember?" I smiled. "Yeah, but they're walking over here." He said, and he was right. The tall brunette with tattoos and piercings walked over to me and held out his hand.

"Josh. You're a nice looking girl." His hand was still out, but I just stared at it til it went away.

"She's not interested." Niall grumbled.  

"Let the girl talk, eh pal?" The man raised his voice.

"He's right, I'm not interested. Go find another girl to make a notch in your belt." I scoffed.

He looked angrily at me and stalked off back to his buddies. I turned back to the boys. Harry and Louis had stopped their game of leap frog, their jaws hit the floor.

"What?" I asked casually. "A girls gotta protect herself." I placed my arm back on Niall's waist and we began walking again. We made it to the food court and the boys went nuts. I was still full from breakfast, so I only got a water. 

"A water, Grace?" Zayn looked at me confused.

"Yes a water. I'm not hungry." When I was still dating Bryan, I watched what I ate. I never ate very much at all, I wasn't concerned about my weight, just how flat my stomach was. So, I would starve myself. I've been getting better with eating lately, but I'm still self conscious, a little. But, I'm around a bunch of boys who eats anything in front of them. So, that's gonna be hard.

Niall got his food and placed the tray right next to me. He sat to my right, and wrapped his left hand around my waist, eating everything with his right hand.

"So Grace, where does your brother live?" Harry asked, stuffing his face with a burger. 

"Not too far from here actually. I'm going to visit him tonight, if that's alright." Niall stopped stuffing his face and looked at me.

"Not without me." He said sternly.

"Why not?" I asked.

"This is New York. There are a lot of crimes committed here everyday. You need your body guard, Grace." He stated. There were a chorus of "awws" from the boys. I looked up for a second and saw the group of guys approaching us, very quickly. Louis and Harry stood up.

"Guys, what are you doing?" I whispered, Zayn stood up and followed them. Oh no...

"Let me talk to the girl." The tall brunette said. Yes, I know his name, but I never address stranger by their name. 

"Look, what do you want?" I stood up. Niall tugged at my wrist and I let go of him. 

"I want you in my bed." He spoke. Those words chilled through my body. Louis and Harry quickly smashed into him, knocking all three of them to the ground. They pinned him to the ground, leaving Zayn to beat the shit out of him. When they were finished, Niall stood up and walked over to him. 

He spat on him. "Don't ever talk to my girl like that again." He scoffed.  

We all finished our food and walked away, the mans group was attending his side. Niall put his arm on my waist, and I did the same to him. We finished our shopping day, and headed back to the car. 

I went up to my three hero's. "Thanks so much for what happened today, guys." I pulled them in for a group hug. "Anything for our little sister." Harry smiled. I was like apart of them family to them, and that made me smile. We headed back to the hotel with our millions of bags, I threw mine in the corner of the room and plopped down on the bed, followed by Niall. 

"Hey there beautiful." He said pushing the hair out of my face.

"Hey there babe." I said back. I sat up, and he did the same. He is just so perfect. Why is he so perfect?!

"Whatcha thinking about?" He asked.

"Why are you so perfect?" I smiled.

"I'm not perfect. I have my imperfections." He winked.

I sighed. "Not to me." He pushed me down on the bed and started kissing me slowly, passionately. Our lips moved together like magnets. It was so perfect. He was so perfect...

The sun was slowly setting. Niall sat up and grabbed my hand. "I want you to see this." He dragged me out onto the balcony, his hands were over my eyes.

He let go of me and I opened my eyes. We had a perfect view on the city. Teaming with life in all directions. It was beautiful.

"It's pretty." I sighed. 

"What's wrong babe?" He grabbed my chin.

"Nothing. Just you." I smiled. He let go of my chin, and he leaned in. We kissed again, but this time, I felt something huge. Something major. Niall wasn't just like any other celebrity. He was a normal guy, with a not-so-normal life. That's all. He was a normal teenage boy. 

He stopped and looked at me. "I love you." He whispered. I've never had someone say "I love you" and mean it before.

"I love you too." I smiled. He stood up, and he picked me up bridal style. He took me back to the room and plopped me on the bed.

"I'm going to change." I stated.

"Okay, but don't change too much, I love you just the way you are." He winked.

I walked inside the bathroom. I pulled my shoes, jacket, and skinny jeans off and left the white t-shirt. I pulled on my sweatpants and shuffled back to the room. It was empty. I turned around to fix something on the bed and Niall jumped out of no where like a ninja and tackled me. He had me pinned of the bed, tickling me. I pushed him off and started tickling him. He didn't like that too much.

"Okay, okay." I laughed. "I surrender."

He laughed and jumped onto the bed next to me. He kissed my on the forehead.

"I love you." He smiled.

"I love you too."

"I want to get used to saying that." He confessed. I nodded in agreement. Today was perfect.  

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