The Parent Project

By tillytytroyesivan

8.6K 301 545

It's thirty percent of their grade but it's also Lauren's worst nightmare. A Richpez as parents AU More

Monday (Bonus)


1.1K 38 70
By tillytytroyesivan

Lauren woke up Saturday morning feeling refreshed and excited about her day. Joey had walked her home last night and had asked her out for breakfast this morning. She had gladly said yes and with a long kiss on her doorstep that left her literally begging him to come in, he had said goodbye and she hadn't heard from him since. Her phone buzzed on her bedside table and she reached over to check the notification. 

'Still on for breakfast? Think Sam's missing his Mom x' She grinned at the text from Joey and quickly tapped back a reply. 

'Yeah definitely, let me know where and when. Just Sam who's missing me? X' Joey's reply came almost immediately and she rolled her eyes at just how much of a schoolgirl she felt waiting for his texts. 

'I was trying not to be too needy but yeah, I miss you too x' 

'Can't wait to see you x' she replied and stared at the screen until Joey's next response arrived. 

'Can you be ready in ten? I'm impatient x' 

'If you don't mind me wearing my glasses x' 

'Why would I mind? You look cute in them x' Lauren laughed at his reply and sprung out of bed to get ready for her day letting him know she would be ready shortly. 

It was ridiculous how much she liked Joey. He filled her soul with this unknown feeling that she just couldn't get enough of and for some reason she wanted to be near him all the time. He made her laugh and cared about her in a way she'd never had before and she was so, so grateful that they had been paired up for this challenge. She pulled a pair of denim shorts from her wardrobe and a soft yellow tee, sliding on her superstars and forcing her hair into a messy bun. She had just enough time to brush her teeth before the doorbell rang. Excitedly she ran down the stairs and pulled open the front door grinning at the sight of Joey and Sam on her porch. 

"Hi," Joey said softly, he leant down to kiss her gently and then pressed another kiss to her forehead as he pulled back. Lauren didn't really register either kiss as she was too distracted by Joey's face. 

"You're wearing glasses," she said. 

"Didn't want you to feel self-conscious," he shrugged nonchalantly and Lauren blinked at him. She hoped against all hope that she never screwed things up with Joey, he was everything she could've ever wanted in a guy and he was stood in front of her, wearing glasses so she didn't feel self conscious, waiting to take her for breakfast. 

Suddenly it dawned on Lauren; the unknown feeling in her chest was absolutely and irrevocably love. She blinked again and Joey looked her over, concerned. 

"You okay?" He asked, the hand not holding Sam's carrier reaching out for her shoulder. 

"Yeah," she mumbled still staring at him. 

She loved him? How could she love him? It had literally been five days. It wasn't possible to fall in love in five days was it? They weren't even an official couple yet and she was in love with him? Although, Lauren mused, if it was going to happen so quickly she wasn't surprised it was with Joey. 

She shook her thoughts away and smiled genuinely at the boy in front of her.

"Sorry, just got in my own head a bit, you ready to go to breakfast?" Joey grinned back at her and slid his hand down her arm to grab her hand. 

"I'm so ready," he paused tugging her onto the doorstep, "and starving," 

"Me too," Lauren grumbled, rubbing her stomach, "I hope this place has avocado," 

"As many avocado's as your heart desires," Joey laughed pulling her close and letting go of her hand to wrap his arm around her waist instead. 


Breakfast was lovely and Sam only cried once. They received some interesting looks from the other patrons at their plastic baby wailing his head off but Joey had stepped up to the plate and taken Sam outside until he had gone quiet again. They had decided to take a walk around the lake afterwards, both desperate to spend more time with each other.

"Are you still going for dinner with Meredith and Denise tomorrow?" Joey asked, his arm now taking up permanent residence around her waist.

"I haven't heard from them actually," Lauren replied, "I would assume they don't really wanna take the babies out so my guess would be no," she laughed, "why?"

"Just curious," he shrugged shifting Samson up in his arms. "We could go out for dinner instead?"

"Three dates in four days?" Lauren replied raising an eyebrow at him, "You really can't get enough of me, can you?" Joey squeezed her waist and grinned down at her cheekily.

"That's one way of looking at it,"

"What's that supposed to mean?" She laughed. She readjusted the backpack and looked up just in time to see a short brunette across the lake struggling to feed what looked like a fake baby. "Is that Jaime?" Lauren asked, squinting and interrupting Joey's reply. She looked up at him and he nodded fervently.

"We should help her," Joey said, picking up the pace slightly to help the girl in question.

Together they made it to Jaime's side. Joey handed Lauren Samson and then took Hayley from Jaime's arms so she could search through her backpack more effectively. She grinned up at them both gratefully and finally pulled her baby's bottle from the bag.

"Ugh, thanks guys," she replaced the backpack on her shoulders and stretched out her arms to take Hayley back. "Being a single parent is hard," she laughed and held the bottle to the baby's lips.

"It looks it," Lauren said as Joey took Samson back, "Darren still being a dick?"

"You know it," Jaime frowned.

"And Mr Hasting's was a hard ass huh?" Joey asked sympathetically.

"Yeah, said we couldn't just separate because if it were real life we'd have to take split custody," she shrugged.

"You wanna sit whilst you do that?" Joey asked gesturing to a large tree behind them. Jaime nodded gratefully and the three walked over. Lauren pulled one of Sam's blankets from her bag and placed it on the ground, offering them a slightly comfier experience. She tucked herself alongside Joey who immediately placed his arm around her waist as if it was magnetically drawn to her.

"How's it going for you guys?" Jaime asked once they were settled, Hayley lying in her lap, bottle still pressed to her lips. Lauren and Joey looked at each other and smiled softly.

"It's been dramatic," she laughed and Joey nodded beside her, "and it's been hard work but I think we're going to miss Sam when we don't have him anymore,"

"Yeah, I think we've certainly had our share of difficulties,"

"Well you look like you're coping just fine," Jaime smiled at them.

"We look like zombies," Joey said, dead-pan and Lauren hit him in the chest lightly.

"Speak for yourself!" She cried indignantly as Jaime laughed loudly. He winked at her and then returned his attention to Jaime who was still laughing. Lauren frowned, it wasn't that funny. She watched as Jaime leaned forward, her dark curls bouncing around her face as she doubled over with laughter. She coughed quietly to disrupt them, feeling a little angry at Joey for absolutely no reason. It certainly wasn't jealousy that was for sure. Absolutely no way was she jealous of the two laughing together. The sound was disrupted by Samson bursting into tears as he was woken up from his nap. Lauren sighed and made to pick him up but Joey stopped her.

"I got him babe," he smiled pressing a soft kiss to her temple before standing up and taking Samson a little way away to quieten him down. She couldn't be mad at him when he had given her no reason to be and especially when he did things like kiss her and take away their screaming child. She sighed, her head tilted as she watched him and wondered whether she'd always been in love with him or whether it was some weird maternal thing that had triggered within her when they'd picked up Samson.

"So, you and Joey huh?" Jaime asked with a small smirk.

"Yeah," Lauren said dreamily then paused, "well, kinda,"


"We've been on dates and stuff but there's nothing official," She shrugged pretending she wasn't bothered by it as she watched Joey bounce and sing quietly to Sam.

"So, he's fair game?" Jaime asked and Lauren snapped her head back around to look at the girl across from her who was grinning cheekily.

"Well," Lauren choked. It wasn't like she could say 'no, back off, he's mine' – she had absolutely no claim over him aside from him being her fake baby's Dad. But there was no way on earth she'd ever be comfortable seeing him with someone else either.

"Lauren, relax," Jaime laughed, reaching forward to rub her knee comfortingly, "he's besotted with you, there's no way anyone's getting in there,"

Lauren was quiet for a minute, a small smile settled on her features as she wondered whether he was as 'besotted' with her as she was with him.

"You think?" She asked after a moment.

"I know," she smiled at Lauren and sat back as Joey came back over, a now quiet Samson in his arms.

"Ugh, you're like the baby whisperer," Lauren moaned. Joey laughed retaking his place beside her on the blanket.

"Nah, he just missed his Dad," he winked.

"Have you started writing your essay yet?" Jaime asked causing the pair to look at her in surprise.

"I'd forgotten all about it," Joey said, watching as Jaime settled Hayley over her shoulder to burp her.

"Same, it's due Monday, right?" Lauren asked.

"Yeah, I've not even started it," Joey rolled his eyes at his lack of organisation and Lauren reached over to rub his shoulder already guessing what he was thinking.

"Remember, we're making mistakes and that's okay," she said quietly and then louder for Jaime's benefit, "we'll have time in the day tomorrow,"

Lauren's phone buzzed in her pocket and she quickly withdrew the device to read the message. She spotted her friends do the same and figured they all had received the same text.

"Baby free party at mine tomorrow from six, there will be pizza," Joey read out loud, "everyone got the same message from Denise?" He asked. The girls nodded.

"Well that ruins our dinner plans," Lauren said to Joey, sliding the phone back into her short's pocket.

"We don't have to go," he replied, his brown eyes soft and wide as he stared at her earnestly.

"Yes, you do!" Jaime exclaimed, "Everyone will probably be there because they'll be desperate to have a night off from the kids,"

She made a good point, Lauren thought, and it would also be nice to catch up with her classmates after this excruciating week. She wondered briefly how everyone had been getting on; she hadn't really seen any of her friends this week due to the role of Mom she had picked up.

"I could always ask my Mom to babysit?" Joey suggested.

"I'll ask mine, yours had Sam the other day," Lauren replied. He leant forward and pressed a kiss to her temple for her thoughtfulness. She hummed in response, contentedly smiling back at him. Jaime cleared her throat and the couple turned awkwardly, flushing slightly.

"I'm gonna go drop Hayley at Darren's, thanks for the help earlier," Jaime shuffled and stood up, swapping the baby to her other arm so she could slide her backpack on. "I'll see you at the party though yeah?"

"Yeah sounds good," Joey replied. They both offered Jaime a wave goodbye before turning back to each other as she walked away.

"What're you up to tonight?" Lauren asked, crossing her legs underneath her, knee pressed against Joey's leg.

"Hopefully seeing you again,"

"You're really not fed up of me?"

"As if I could ever be," Joey laughed, his voice betraying his sincerity. Lauren grinned, glad that her feelings for him were clearly reciprocated.

"Movie night at mine?" She asked, "I've got Sam tonight so just makes sense,"

"I'll bring take out," Joey replied offering her a half smile.

"We should really get back too, Sam will need changing in a bit and I'm not sure how I feel about doing that in public," Lauren said and Joey nodded in agreement.

"There's just one thing I want to do first," he added and she tilted her head slightly in question. Joey smiled and shuffled closer to her, his hand coming up to cup her cheek.

"Oh," Lauren breathed softly as she realised what was coming next.

"Yeah," Joey agreed before closing the gap and kissing her.


Lauren opened the door to Joey a few hours later, a sobbing Sam in her arms and tears of her own streaked down her cheeks.

"Hey," Joey paused, the grin immediately falling from his face, "What's wrong?"

"He won't stop crying," Lauren choked, as she continued to bounce the baby, "He practically hasn't stopped since you left,"

"Okay, okay," Joey reached for Sam and pulled Lauren into his chest, dropping a kiss on the top of her head, "Did you miss Dada pal?" He asked the baby. Lauren could feel the take-out against her back and she stepped away from him awkwardly to stop it burning a hole through her t-shirt.

"Sorry," Joey mumbled. He handed her the food and pushed the hair that had stuck to Lauren's forehead out of her eyes gently. "Why don't you set up, I'll take him into the yard for a bit," he said kindly, leaning down to brush a brief kiss to her lips.

Lauren looked up at him, tears still filling her eyes. She brushed them away with her free hand and not trusting herself to talk she nodded turning on her heel and walking into the kitchen.

Sam's cries got further and further away until all she could hear was herself pulling plates from the cupboard. She stopped for a moment, spotting Joey out the window and let the silence wash over her as she watched him. Lauren took a moment to collect herself, Sam was giving Joey a hard time too it looked like. She was so happy he turned up when he did, she was getting close to burying the baby under a pile of blankets and leaving him there. He wasn't hungry, he didn't need his diaper changed and she'd been cuddling him all evening so it's not like he needed affection either. She just didn't understand what else Sam could possibly need. Lauren continued setting up their dinner tipping out a bowl of rice, noodles, stir fry, cooked chicken, steak slices and mushroom sauce and had to admit she was impressed at Joey's choice of food. She wondered how long he was going to be outside and whether she should attempt to keep the food warm when she heard the back door open and close quietly.

"Everything okay?" She asked.

"Yeah, he's out for the count, is the carrier around?" Joey replied as he appeared in the doorframe.

"Hallway," she pointed in the general direction of the corridor and carried two bowls to the small dining room table. Joey found the carrier quickly, strapped Sam in and then brought him through into the kitchen where Lauren was placing the last of the food.

"Great choices by the way," she said as Joey placed Sam on a chair beside them.

"Thanks," he smiled and caught her wrist as she turned to grab cutlery. "Hi, by the way," Joey leant down and kissed her properly, humming contentedly against her lips. Lauren laughed as she pulled away.

"Hi yourself," she grinned already feeling a lot better and much less stressed now he was here.

"Are you okay?" He asked, pressing the back of his hand to her flushed cheek.

"Better now that you're here," She pushed up on tiptoes to kiss him again, feeling all her previous stress just melt away. She pulled back with a soft smile and returned to the food.

"Where's your Mom?" Joey asked as he scooped a few spoons of everything onto his plate. 

"Teaching, she'll be out all evening," Lauren replied, trying not to think of the implications of that statement. "You wanna eat in the lounge?" 

"Sure," He grinned at her, balancing his food in one hand and picking up Sam with his other, "Did you pick a movie?" 

"Hadn't even thought about it," She replied as she lead the way to the lounge "Sam literally only stopped crying once the baby whisperer got here," she grinned at him as he laughed. 

She placed her food on the coffee table, grabbing Joey's plate from him so he could settle Sam on the opposite couch. Lauren sat down with a sigh, tucking her feet underneath her as Joey settled in beside her. She immediately leaned into his side tiredly and he chuckled at her.

"Sam wear you out?" He asked, smoothing her hair over her shoulder. 

Lauren mumbled in response and Joey laughed again, pressing a kiss to the top of her head. Her stomach rumbled and she huffed out a breath and sat up knowing she had to do so to be able to eat. 

"Do you think we should watch a Disney film?" She asked reaching for her food and the remote. 

"Just load up Netflix and we'll see what's on there," Joey replied as he began eating. 

The two flicked through the streaming site and eventually decided upon The Lion King; partially for Sam and partially for them. They ate quietly and as soon as Joey had returned to the couch from taking their plates to the kitchen Lauren snuggled into his chest, stretching her legs out across the cushions. 

"Don't you dare fall asleep on me," Joey laughed pulling her a little bit further up his chest. 

"No promises," she yawned, her right hand bunching in his t-shirt. She was already beginning to drift off, the sound of Can You Feel The Love Tonight lulling her to sleep. 

Joey's body was warm under hers and she wanted to stay there forever. If only he'd ask her to be his girlfriend already. It bothered her for some unknown reason that he still hadn't asked her yet. She wondered if he ever even would ask or if she would have to bite the bullet and ask him herself. Lauren sighed softly as she watched the two lions fall in love onscreen and she felt Joey tighten his grip around her.

"Do you think Simba ever asked Nala out on a date?" She asked curiously, her voice muffled by the density of Joey's chest. 

"I don't think he really needed to," Joey mused, "don't lions mate for life anyway?" 

"Do they?" Lauren replied, tilting her head to look up at Joey, "So they just kinda meet and then decide they're going to be together forever without exploring any other options?" 

"Some humans do that," Joey said pointedly. 

"Only the crazy ones," Lauren replied, tilting her head back down to watch the TV, "he didn't even ask her to be his girlfriend,"

"I think it was just implied," Joey smiled. Lauren wriggled, slightly uncomfortable in her new position causing her t-shirt to lift and expose a small sliver of skin. 

"Or maybe it was off-screen?" She suggested. She was quite clearly hinting now and even Joey wouldn't be so dense as to not notice, would he? His hand came down to the new area of her waist that had been uncovered and his thumb brushed her skin softly. "Joey?" There was a pause and then:

"Huh? What did you say?" Joey asked very clearly distracted. His hand moved higher under her t-shirt and Lauren squirmed holding back laughter and not getting a chance to reply. "You're ticklish?" He asked now fully distracted, grinning down at her. 

"Joey!" Lauren whined as he began tickling her ribs. The sound of their laughter filled the lounge and she wriggled on top of him pushing his hands away and resting her own on his chest. He stopped and Lauren caught her breath as he stared back at her, soft and kind. 

"Lo," he said quietly, his hands returning to her back as he pressed her body into his firmly. 

"Yeah?" she asked wondering if this was finally going to be the moment he asked her to become official and exclusive with him. 

"I really, really," he paused to take a breath, "really like you," she smiled softly at him, the gap between them closing slowly. "So much so that it's actually kinda scary," he admitted, a flush running up the base of his neck. Lauren could practically see the cogs turning in his head and she wondered whether he'd twigged that he was in love with her yet. 

"I'm gonna kiss you now," Lauren said softly. Grinning happily, she finally closed the gap between them to press her lips to his. 

It started slow, an exploration of each other as The Circle of Life played in the background. Her hands were in his hair and his spanned the expanse of her back, fingertips tickling her spine. Joey pushed her t-shirt up searching for more contact and she couldn't help the whine that left her throat as she ground her body against his. 

Very quickly, they picked up the pace, Lauren's legs moving to straddle Joey's hips giving her slightly more purchase against him. He trailed his fingers up her side causing her to wriggle against him with a giggle and he groaned, thumbs brushing the underside of her bra.

"We should stop," he said breathing heavily in between kisses. 

"Why?" Lauren asked, as he moved to her neck, her heart hammering in her chest. He bit down on her collarbone marking her and she pulled his hair a little tighter at the unexpected pressure. 

"Your Mom? The baby?" he listed, his voice barely loud enough to hear as he continued to brand her as his. God, she wished he would actually just ask her to be his. She'd say yes a million times over if he would just use his mouth for other endeavours. "Lo?" He was just so distracting; with those big brown eyes and the way he said her name, she just wanted to melt into him. "Lauren?" Joey finally pulled away from her, looking concerned at her lack of response. She stared back at him, pupils dilated as they refocused. 

"What?" She asked confused. Joey laughed loudly at her and reached up to kiss her swollen lips softly. 

"Nothing," he grinned.  


And now you know why this my favourite chapter.

Tomorrow's the last one guys! Thanks for coming on this journey with me and for all the comments and votes and reads and love you guys give me. It makes me want to quit my job and keep writing for this beautiful part of the fandom. Hope you're all having a wonderful weekend and that you don't mind getting this chapter a little earlier than normal!

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