Until You Reach Me (BTS Fanfi...

By Jidol16

288K 11.9K 3.1K

Secretly stupid and outgoing in the inside, Lee Serri is known to be a cold-hearted, scary person on the outs... More

1. Meeting You
2. Aspects
3. Nothing Awaits... I Hope
4. One, Comes Another
5. Unconditional
6. Distant Saviors
7. The Opposition
8. A Rainy Day
9. Unpleasant Yet Pleasant
10. Aftermath
11. For Once
12. Interests
13. Threat
14. Ups and Downs
16. Encounter (Part 1)
17. Encounter (Part 2)
18. Unintentional
19. New Manager
20. Secret
21. Our Broken Love

15. Surprise Surprise

10.8K 529 167
By Jidol16


While I had my lunch break, I do whatever I can to find Serri. Why did she run yesterday? I mean, we fell down a flight of stairs! I wonder if she's okay...

I go to Jin's classroom to ask him if he saw her, but I see him surrounded by all these girls. I make my way pass them and whisper, "Hey Jin, can I talk to you for a second?" He stares at me for a second until he finally gets up, not forgetting to excuse himself. We make our way into the hallway.

"What is it?" He questions.

"Have you seen Serri lately?"

"Uh, yeah. We have the same classes together. But she left right after the bell rang. Hm.. She's been doing that alot lately. Why you ask?"

"I just... gotta talk to her." Where could she be?! My head looks around the hallways, but it's just filled with people looking at us in awe: I sigh. "Alright, thanks Jin. I'll see you later, kay?" Just like that I take off and continue my search.

Serri, Serri, Serri, where in the world are you?


Serri's POV

Recently, I've been finding myself knowing the ways around the school like a piece of cake. I didn't even know this place had a flower garden with a fountain... Amazing.

I went to sit behind the school-- another place where no one would notice me. To find some sort of comfort, I unconciously hummed to BTS's song, Just One Day. The song I saw them perform when I was at their fan-meeting. I remembered the way they sang and danced, completely full of feeling and passion. During that time, I felt a warm feeling in me.

I solemnly looked down at my shoes by just the thought of them. The people I can't have... Remember that Serri.

I saw a few bruises on my legs, and looking around to see that no one was around, I lifted of my shirt to see a discolored bruise near my hip. I lean my head on the wall and sigh.

The sound of the birds chirping and squirrels pouncing around fill my ears. I lose myself to it and close my eyes, falling asleep to make up for the lost of sleep from last night...


After what feels like a long time, I lazily open my eyes to hear some soft singing. I turn my head to only see V sitting on the steps in front of me, looking at the ground. A beautiful tune comes out of his voice.

I lift my head off from the wall and look closer at him. I blink, still heavenly dazed. It's weird how taking naps can make you even more tired...

Hm? Why is he here? Am I still dreaming? Out of nowhere, I poke his back."Hm... Even dreams can seem real."

I see him turn around and look at me. "Gosh, you finally woke up."

I laugh, "That's right! Mm... I'm so tired.."

"Serri, I need to tell you something."

"Huh?.. Can't it.... wait?" Unconsciously, my head falls on his shoulder. "Can you sing again?" I mutter.

Everything is okay since it's a dream.



I immediately freeze when her head lands on my shoulder and her hands wrap around my arm. I quickly think of a song and sing her a soft ballad while looking at her. She has a little smile on her face.

I eye her closely. She've been acting strange, I know it. I know this is not how she usually acts compared to the time she surprisingly came to talk to me the other day. Why would she go to a deserted place like this to spend her time? During part of the 40 minutes waiting for her to wake up, I tried to piece everything together.

I remember faintly hearing her talk to herself about avoiding something... And Jin said she's been running to who knows where a lot recently...


Just what happened to her?

When the song ends, her arms hold onto me tighter. I slowly lean close to her and stare at her, realizing that she has that hidden beauty with her long lashes and slightly plump lips... I bring my hand close to her face, making sure not to wake her up.



"Ow!" Serri yells and immediately wakes up. With her hand covering her forehead, the place I flicked, she looks around, confused before suddenly looking at me with wide-eyes.

"Oh, you have big eyes too," I remark. Just then, I see her face grow red.

"Don't tell... Me.." She says. "Not.. a dream?" I can only nod. Immediately, she screams and runs down the very few stairs until she's in front of me. I just continue to sit in place for her to finish her hysterical actions."Please, don't misunderstand!! I'm sorry! I didn't mean to-"

"Tell me you love me?" I interrupt.

She suddenly stands still, frozen as a statue until she drops and buries herself in her hands. "Why?!" she cries to herself.

I laugh at her reaction. "Don't worry Serri, I'm just kidding!"

"You!!! I'm gonna kill you!" She gets up and tries to kick me, but I grab her leg instead when I notice something similar to what I have around my body.

"Are these from yesterday?" I ask when I see the bruises. She yanks her foot away. I look up at her, but she only remains quiet.

"Sorry for making you fall," she finally says.

"What are you talking about?! I was the one not looking!"

"More precisely, I was in the way."

"Stop with your stubbornness! It was me!"


"Shush!" I throw up my finger and press them against her lips to prevent her from saying anything else. "It was my fault. I should've seen you coming and stopped, but I made us both fall. So I'm sorry. Stop blaming yourself. It was my fault, got it?"

She stares at me, dumbfounded, until she finally nods.

"Good. By the way, has anything been going with you? I don't see you around anymore." I tried to get the answers to my previous thoughts.

She's quiet for a second, but she says, "Everything's fine. Don't worry about me."

"Let's see about that." I look at her looking away from me, and I smile while saying, "You gotta smile, Serri, so I know you're okay!"

She then looks at me and forces a smile.


The old man told to me to enjoy life to the fullest while I still had it.

"You can never go back. It's all about experiencing--whether good or bad and moving forward from that. Either way, you'll become stronger," he said.

With that, I'll make her enjoy her life too. And next time, make her smile for real.


Aw, V is so nice... Any V fans out there? (^o^)

Hi everyone! Here's an update because I've been motivated with all of your votes and comments! And before I take awhile longer to update because of my laziness and sorting things out between my personal life and Wattpad. I admit, it literally takes a few month for me to read a book, and since its summer, I want to read as much as I can before school starts again. But I will still be writing occasionally!

Please vote, comment, and follow! I will feel a total boost in my day and find some time to update soon. I love seeing the amount of support this story is getting, and I am seriously grateful for you guys.. It puts a smile on my face. ^^

Thank you for reading! Please look forward to the next chapter!~

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