The New Girl

By GleeForever213

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This is the first book in the 'New Girl' series! I'm not good at summaries so here is the disclaimer. Disclai... More

The New Girl
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Authors Note
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Christmas Break Part 1
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Sequel Info!

Christmas Break Part 2

2.9K 68 16
By GleeForever213

Chapter 22

Brenda's POV

With the boys at a random store.

"So what are you going to get for the girls? " Ryder asked.

"Well, Melody told me that she wanted a couple of dresses and some cute outfits so I'm going to go to Forever 21. And how about stay with me, and don't go wondering off to look at girls 'cause all of y'all have girlfriends and I won't hesitate to tell them that you're checking other girls out." I threatened. They nodded. "And don't be looking at the bras, panties, and thongs...Puck!" They nodded again and followed me. When we got there, I led them to the dresses. I picked out three dresses, a pair of heels and flats that were black. Then, I went over to the pants and got two pairs of blue jeans, three different colored pairs of skinny jeans. It's a good thing we wear the same size everything, except shoes. I have big feet while she has little feet.  Then I got five shirts and two scarfs. After I got the girls their gifts, I went with the boys to help pick out presents for Sam and a few other people. We got everything wrapped at the station, and put it in the trunk of my mom's car. It was 5 PM.

"Hey guys, can we go to one more store before we meet up with everyone else?" I asked. They nodded.

"Yeah, where?" I just grinned.

Sam's POV

The girls and I were sitting at a table waiting for Brenda, Finn, Puck and Ryder. I heard loud laughing and turned towards the sound. I didn't expect it to be Brenda and the guys running towards us laughing. They were having a race.

"Come on! I know you can run faster than that guys!" I heard Brenda yell. She was the first one here and she sat in my lap while she watched the guys, out of breath, stop in front of her.

"How...Do...You run....So fast?" Finn asked.

"My brother is the assistant football coach, what do you expect?"

"Good point." They sat down with their girlfriends and Brenda got off my lap and sat beside me. We got our food and ate it quietly.

"So, are you ready to go home?" I asked once everyone was done eating. They nodded. Once we got home, we each picked up as many gifts as we could and took them in the house. I went outside to get the last two presents and as I was walking back to the door, I saw movement on the ground. Then, an injured kitten limped out of the bushes. I set the two presents on the porch and slowly walked to the kitten. He or she saw me and backed away slightly. I knelt down and held out my hand. I let the kitten sniff my hand, then the kitten licked my index finger and came closer to me. I gently picked it up with one hand, it was as big as my hand. I went back over to the porch and picked up the two presents and went inside. Puck, Quinn, Finn, Brenda, Laura, Ryder, Melody, Rachel, mom, dad, Stacy, Stevie, Donna and Pa were sitting in the living room. I put the two presents on the kitchen table and went back into the living room, the kitten still in my hands.

"Y'all, look what I found." I said and they looked at me.

"What's that, Sam?" Brenda asked standing up and walking over to me. She gasped and gently took the kitten from my hands.

"What is it?"

"It's an injured kitten."

"Where did you find her?" Brenda asked. I guess it was a girl.

"I was getting the last two presents outta the car and as I was walking back to the house, I saw her moving in the bush. I put the presents on the porch and picked her up after letting her sniff my hand. She came right to me." I answered. I scratched her head and she started purring.

"She is so cute. Can we keep her mama?" Brenda gave her the puppy dog eyes.

"I guess, but you and Sam have to feed her and everything."

"Okay!" She handed her back to me and dragged me into the kitchen. She ran some water and got an old rag. She wet it and turned the water off. She handed it to me and I started to wipe the blood of off the kittens leg.

"What do you think happened to her?" I asked. Brenda shrugged.

"She might have ran into some ice. That happened to my old dog, Buster. A few years before he died, there was a lot of ice and he slid on it and it broke and had to get stitches." I nodded.

"I don't think she needs stitches, though. Maybe just some medicine and a bandage." Brenda nodded and got some medicine and a bandage. I took the kitten to the sink and rinsed the rag clean of blood, then I started cleaning her. She looked like a little snowball. After I cleaned her up, I wiped some more blood that was oozing out of the cut, put some medicine on it and then the bandage. I felt Brenda wrap her arms around my waist from behind. I turned around with the kitten. Brenda rubbed her head again and she started purring again. We went back into the living room after cleaning up and sat on the love seat. Samantha walked over to the love seat and put her front paws on my leg, and jumped up. She looked at the kitten, who was looking back at her. I half expected Samantha to start growling and pounce on the kitten. Instead, she licked the kitten and jumped off the love seat. I chuckled.

"So, what are y'all going to name her?" Stacy asked sweetly.

"Huh, I don't know. Do you have any ideas?" I asked. She jumped up and down and said.

"Snowball! She looks like a snowball!" I laughed.

"Well, Snowball it is!" Brenda and I exclaimed. Then, Brenda looked at me.

"Okay so, when me and someone else talk at the same time, it freaks you out, but when you and I talk at the same time, it doesn't?" I thought about it for a few seconds.

"Nope!" I exclaimed. She laughed and kissed my cheek.


Monday, December 22, 2014

The next morning I woke up to something pawing at my face. I opened my eyes and saw Snowball. I momentarily forgot about her and nearly had a heart attack. I scratched her head and got up. I put on a pair of sweat pants, went into the bathroom, peed, washed my hands and brushed my teeth. I went back into my room and picked Snowball up and carried her downstairs to the living room where mom, Brenda and Donna were. I put her in Brenda's lap and stretched. I saw her looking at my abs. I sat down beside her and whispered in her ear,

"I see you checking me out." Her eyes widened and she blushed and looked away. I put my finger on her chin and made her look at me. I smiled. "You're beautiful when you blush." I kissed her.

"Thanks Sammy." She said when we broke for air. Mom and Donna smiled at us.

"So, what are we doing today?" I asked mom. She looked at Donna.

"The four of us are going to Wal-mart!" Mom exclaimed. Brenda giggled.

"Awesome. I want to get Stacy another barbie house since we had to sell the old one, and I want to get Stevie some more action figures and a few other things." I said. They nodded.

"Well, after you take a shower, Sam, we'll go. You kinda stink right now." Mom said scrunching up her face. I laughed. Then I frowned.

"Do I really stink?" I asked and sniffed myself. I made a face. I did stink.

"How the hell-heck, sorry mom, did I get this stinky?" I exclaimed. I heard them laughing while I ran up the stairs to take a shower.

Brenda's POV

Mama, Mary and I laughed as he ran up stairs.

"You and him are so cute together." Mama said. "You and Jordan never did stuff as adorable than that."

"Yeah, that's probably because I love Sam and I never loved Jordan. The only reason he wanted to date me was because he wanted sex. Which he never got. At least from me." Mama looked at me sadly. "And he was just mean half the time. And a few weeks ago, before your birthday, he was in the bathroom and Melody and I were waiting for him. Jordan came up behind us and grabbed my butt. The funny thing is, Melody kicked him in his man parts and punched him a couple times." I said and laughed. "I haven't seen him since. Not even at school." We talked for a few more minutes and Sam came down in just boxers. He had ear buds in his ears and was singing along to some song. He had all of his dirty clothes in his arms, which was a lot, and he took them into the laundry room. I heard him pause for a second then I heard the washing machine start and he began singing again. He walked back up the stairs, and it was as though he didn't notice us even though he knew we were there.

"He used to do that all the time, the walking around in his boxers anyway." Mary said and I laughed.

"God, Chris and Kevin used to always do that!"

"Do what?" Sam asked. All he had on now was a pair of jeans and had a wife beater and a button up shirt in his hands.

"Walk around in their boxes. Like you did. What song were you singing Sam?" Mary asked. He blushed.

"Uh, I forgot, hang on a sec." He got his phone out of his pocket and looked. "Uh...Applause." He blushed again.

"Stop blushing Sam! I don't know why you don't sing in front of your family! You are an amazing singer!" I said. "Plus, you look like a skinny tomato." I giggled.

"Hey! But thanks."

"Okay so, the Glee club members and their family's are coming over here on Christmas Eve right?" Mama asked. I nodded. "Why don't you two choose a few songs and sing them?" I looked at Sam and he nodded. "They don't have to be Christmas songs."

"Yeah. We'll do it." I smiled at Sam who grinned back at me.

"I haven't seen you or the club perform before. Some of your friends should sing some too. And guess what Sam!" Mary exclaimed.


"Grandma and Grandpa Evans are coming all the way from Nashville on tomorrow!"Sam smile got even bigger. If that was possible any way.

"Really?" Mary nodded. "Awesome! I've missed them."


Later that day, Sam and I were walking down one of the isles at Wal-mart, holding hands.

"So what songs do you think you're gonna do?" Sam asked me. I thought for a second.

"I might do one of my originals. I have a duet that I wrote, me and you could sing it if you'd like." He smiled and nodded. "I don't know what else I'ma sing. What about you?" I asked.

"Well, I'm thinking about doing Voices since my grandpa loves that song. I might do an original too." He grinned at me.

"You have more songs that you wrote?" I asked, shocked. He nodded and stopped to pick up something from a shelf.

"Why are you so surprised?"

"I don't know, Sammy. You always have surprises up your sleeve."

"I have a few more of 'em too." He winked at me and I laughed. I stopped laughing when I saw a little three year old girl standing alone on the isle that we were on. I nudged Sam and pointed to her. She was crying. We went over to her and Sam bent down to her level.

"Hey," He said gently. "Where's your mommy?"

"I-I don't know. I standin' hewe an den she gone." She answered and rubbed her eyes.

"Well, do you want us to help you find her?" She nodded. "I'm Sam, this is Brenda. What's your name sweetie?" He asked. I mentally awed when he said that.


"That's a very pretty name, Kelsey!" I said. She smiled. Sam picked her up with one arm and I pushed the buggy. We looked around for a few minutes then we heard a woman calling Kelsey's name. We turned around and there was a young woman that looked just like Kelsey, but older, running towards us. Sam put her down and she ran/stumbled to her mother. Her mom kissed her head and looked at us.

"Thank you for helping her."

"It's no problem. We're happy to help." Sam said, smiling at the woman. She shook her hand and said, "I'm Sam and,"

"I'm Brenda." I shook her hand too.

"I'm Kelly. Can you two show me where the kitchen supplies are? I've never been to this Wal-mart before." I nodded and we showed her where it was. "Thanks, here's my number in case you two need anything." We exchanged numbers. She was in her mid 20's. After getting everything we needed, we met mama and Mary at the register.


Tuesday, December 23, 2014

"Brenda! Come here!" I heard mama call from the kitchen. I groaned from my spot on the couch where Sam and I were cuddling. I got up and walked into the kitchen.


"Sit down."

"Oh Lord, what's wrong now?"

"Nothing bad, at least it's not to me."

"Then what is it?"

"Tony and Herby are on their way up here."

"Are you serious? Why?" I groaned again.

"Pa invited them."

"Of course he did. Please tell me that Emma and Dawn aren't coming!"

"Dawn is, but Emma isn't."

"Oh thank God. I still don't want them here." I got up and went back into the living room. Mama followed me and sat on the couch opposite Sam and I. We started cuddling again as I looked at her.

"I know you don't. I just don't know what the sleeping arrangements are gonna be since Herby and Tony can barely stand each other, much less share a room. And Sam's grandparents are gonna need some where to stay, and we only have two spare bedrooms now." Mama said.

"Grandma and grandpa can stay in my room. I'll just sleep on the couch." Sam said.

"Why would you sleep on the couch?" Mary and Dwight asked as they came downstairs. They sat on the couch with mama.

"My brothers are coming to stay with us until New Year's and they can't share a room. And since your mom and dad are coming too, Sam offered to sleep on the couch."

"Well that's sweet Sam, but I don't want you to have to sleep on a couch anymore." She looked down. Sam sighed, got up and hugged his mom. He whispered something in her ear and she started laughing.

"There we go!" He said grinning and sat back down with me. I snuggled into his side and he wrapped his arms around me.

"Alright, you and Brenda can sleep in the same bed, as long as it's okay with Donna, and y'all don't do anything you shouldn't be doing." She said, eyeing us. Sam fist bumped the air and said,

"Yes!" I just laughed at him.

"And just so y'all know, we won't be doing anything like that." We said at the same time. We looked at each other, and burst out laughing.


I was in the bathroom getting ready. I had on a red sweater, black skinny jeans, and my cowboy boots. I had my hair up in a messy bun while I put my makeup on. I put on foundation and no blush. I didn't need it since my face was red enough with out it. I put black eyeliner on my top eyelid and on my water line. Then, I put my first coat out of two of mascara on. I had two different kinds of mascara. After I finished my makeup, I took my long hair down (It almost reaches my butt) and brushed it. I Started straightening the front and then I called Melody from the bathroom.

"Mel, well you come straighten the back for me?" I called. She came in and finished it for me.


"No problem." She went back into our bedroom and finished getting ready. I got two bobby pins and pinned my bangs to the side. I put some earring on and put my middle school ring on and the ring that my dad got me for my 13th birthday. Thinking about him makes me want to cry but I'm not, since he wouldn't want me to cry over him. This was our first Christmas with out him. My middle school had music notes on the side, Pearl was engraved on the other side and the middle was Sapphire, my birthstone. Well, mine and Kevin's. And the one my dad got me was sliver with a pink heart in the middle. I turned off the bathroom light and went downstairs, where everyone was. Sam looked at me and his eyes widened.

"Whoa." Is all he said. I blushed and giggled. He had on jeans, a dark green shirt, and his boots. "You look beautiful."

"Thanks." I blushed again and wrapped my arms around his waist. I felt his arm wrap around my shoulder.

"So, when is grandma and grandpa getting here?" Sam asked.

"They'll be here in about 20 minutes. They've been driving since 5 this morning." Dwight said. Sam nodded.

"Okay, scoot your butt over Melody." He said. She glared at him but moved over. He sat down and I sat on his knee. He wrapped his arms around my waist and I leaned back on him. There was a flash and I looked at mama, who had her camera out, taking pictures of me and Sam.

"Mama, what are you doing?" I asked.

"Taking pictures of you and Sam. I'm sending all the pictures we take this week to the rest of the family. I'ma send some to T.J. and Eric too." I nodded.

"When you do, or before you do, can you give me the memory card? I want to save them on my laptop." She nodded. There was a knock on the door and everyone stood up and went into the entrance hall. Dwight opened the door and there was a short woman with short curly grey hair and a tall white haired man standing at the door. The Evans family hugged them except for Sam. He hugged his grandma and then his grandpa and turned to me. He smiled at me.

"Grandma, grandpa, this is my girlfriend Brenda." He introduced me. I held my hand out to his grandma but instead, she hugged me. Same with his grandpa. I hugged them back awkwardly.

"Um, it's nice to meet you." I said. They smiled at me.

"It's nice to meet you, too dear." Sam's grandma said and smiled. Sam went to their car and got the only bags they had. "You're beautiful." I blushed.

"Thank you,M rs. Evans."

"No need to call me Mrs. Evans. You can just call us grandma and grandpa." I nodded smiling. I introduced them to pa, Melody, mama, Chris and Kevin. We sat on the couches as Sam lugged the suitcases up stairs.

"God, it's freezing out there." He said shivering. He sat next to me and put his head in my hair. I patted his head smiling.

"That's what you get for not wearing a coat outside." He mumbled something and I laughed.


Later that afternoon, mama sent me and Sam to the grocery store to buy food for tomorrow.


DRINKS: Two 12 packs of Pepsi, two 12 packs of mountain dew, a 12 pack of fruit punch, one 12 pack of diet cokes

CHIPS: Get two big bags of regular, two bags of Cheetos, and two bags of salt and vinegar.

There was a lot more, so we split up to get everything. He got the drinks, I got the chips, the chip dip, he got the meat that mama was cooking, I got some stuff to bake, then we met up again and got the last few things.


10 PM that night.

Tony and Herby got here a few hours ago and now they're passed out in their beds. I don't call them Uncle Herby or Uncle Tony since they never acted like Uncles. I was brushing my teeth and Sam was sitting on my bed playing a racing game with Melody, of all people. I spit in the sink and rinsed the sink out and put mouth wash in my mouth. A few minutes later I spit it out to and wiped my face. I slipped on my shorts and Sam's shirt and left the bathroom. He looked at me and grinned. I had stolen his shirt before I took a shower. They turned the game off and as soon as Melody hit the bed, I heard her soft snoring. I giggled and laid down with Sam. I put my head on his bare chest and he wrapped his arms around me. He kissed my head and said,

"How do you like my grandparents?"

"They're great! Your grandpa is funny."

"Yeah, I don't know what I'd do without him and my grandma. They're the reason I'm still alive." I looked up at him confused.

"What do you mean?" I asked. He sighed and started playing with me hair.

"I was born a month and three weeks early. I wasn't breathing properly when I was born and the medication they had to give me cost a lot of money. My lungs weren't fully developed yet." He closed his eyes, "The doctor told my parents that with out it, I'd be dead in two hours and they couldn't afford it. My grandparents were with them when my mom went into labor. They paid for the medication and I lived, as you can see, and growing up, I had asthma. Mom and dad didn't want me to play football because of it, since I hadn't had asthma for a long time I played anyway. When I was fourteen, I was hit in the chest and I had to go to the Emergency room. I could barely breathe and I was in the hospital for two days." I gasped. "They paid for the treatment and everything. They're the reason I'm here. My mom and dad still don't want me playing football but I love it, and I'm not gonna stop."

"Oh my god, Sam. I'm so sorry." I started tearing up and he looked at me. A tear fell and he wiped it away.

"No, no, don't cry. I'm fine, see?" He hugged me and I stopped crying.

"I'm sorry."

"It's okay, Babe." He started humming a song and I fell asleep soon after.


Wednesday, December 24, 2014

I'm in the kitchen with mama, Mary,and grandma. Mama, Mary and grandma were cooking and I was baking. Sam came down in a blue shirt, jeans and no shoes. Just socks. He sat on the stool in front of the island, where I was mixing the cake batter. He stuck his finger in and tasted it.

"Samuel! Don't touch!" I smacked his hand and he grinned.

"It's good by the way." He said. He dodged the rag I threw at him and laughed. He hugged his mom from behind and I went back to the cake mix. I started thinking. I hope Sam likes what I got him. I wrote him a song, got him an X-box 360 with three games, and a few other things. Everyone is going to be here in about an hour, which was how long it was going to take until all the food and the cake was ready. Kevin was MIA at the moment and I'm pretty sure I'm gonna get a call soon. I put the cake in the oven and went upstairs after I set the timer. I put on my black dress pants, a sweater with a picture of Santa on it, and a pair of boots with a two inch heel. I did my makeup just like yesterday and I let my hair stay curly. I pinned my bangs back and my phone rang. It was an unknown number. I answered it.


"Hey, can you come, maybe pick me up from the jail?" Kevin asked. I held back a scream and got my car keys.

"Oh, you are so screwed when I get there. I'll be there in a few minutes." I snarled into the phone. I stomped down stairs and into the kitchen.

"I'll be back y'all, I gotta go pick Kevin up."

"Do you want me to come with you?" Sam asked.

"You don't have to. And beside, I need to have a private conversation with him." Sam nodded and kissed my cheek then I left. The whole way there I was cussing Kevin out in my head. I got there and Kevin was waiting for me out side the jail.

"Get in the damn car." He got in silently. I drove home. The whole ride home was quiet. Sam texted me and told me that everyone was already there, waiting on me. I waited until we got to the house and out of the car to start cussing Kevin out.

Third Person POV

Brenda yelled at Kevin in front of everyone for a good 10 minutes or so about how he didn't care about anyone but himself, and that he didn't care that it was the first Christmas without their dad.

"See, that's what I thought. You don't even care that he's gone. I hope you are happy." She said and ran up the stairs and everyone heard her door close.

"I'm sorry, everyone for what just happened. I shouldn't have called her and asked her to pick me up. I didn't know that Megan was gonna be at Austin's house and she called the police. Brenda came and picked me up. I'm sorry. I'm just gonna leave. I'll see y'all later or tomorrow." Kevin said and just walked out of the house.

"Um, I'm gonna go check on Brenda...So, yeah." Sam said and ran up stairs. He opened the door and Brenda was laying on her bed, hugging her pillow and crying her eyes out. Sam rushed over to her and cradled her in his arms.

"This is our first Christmas without him, and he doesn't even care!" She sobbed. Sam rocked her back and forth and let her cry into his shirt. She calmed down and just kept her head on his chest. She hiccuped every once in a while. She sat up, and looked at Sam's shirt.

"I'm sorry about your shirt. There's makeup all over it." She said.

"It's okay. Why don't you go and clean up, while I go change my shirt." Sam suggested. Brenda nodded and went into the bathroom. Brenda fixed her makeup while Sam found another shirt to where. He looked out the window. It was snowing.


"Hm?" She asked coming out of the bathroom.

"It's snowing!"

"Really?" She looked out the window. "This will be my first white Christmas, ever."



"Well, as long as your in Ohio, you'll have a white Christmas. Are you ready to go back down and face the huge crowd down there?" She nodded. We started going downstairs when I slipped on something and hit the floor. I rolled down the stairs and hit the wall hard.


"Oh my god Sam, are you okay?" Brenda asked frantically. Everyone was staring at me.

"Yeah, I'm fine. See?" I started doing push ups and everyone laughed. I got up and acted like nothing happened.

"I'm sorry for my out burst earlier." Everyone just waved it off like nothing happened. I saw a huge stack of presents by the door and grinned.

"Are y'all ready to open presents?" Mary asked. The teens nodded and they grabbed all the presents they each brought. Once Rachel saw what Sam had gotten her, she practically launched herself at him, same with Brittany. I laughed as they hugged him. Santana bought him a picture of a trout, which he found hilarious. Rachel got him a green button up shirt that apparently matched the color of his eyes, Finn, Puck, Ryder and Jake got him the same thing. A lot of chap stick, which Sam was happy about. Brenda got a couple of head bands from Rachel, new shoes from Mercedes, Kurt and Blaine got her two dresses that reached her knees, Quinn got her some more makeup, Marley and Kitty both pitched in and got her two pairs of stiletto's that were each five inches tall.

"Put them on girl!" Artie exclaimed. Brenda put them on and strutted around the room in them.

"Thanks y'all."

"Wow, you can rock them heels can't ya?" Puck asked, and got a slap from Quinn." For a girl who has probably never worn any." Brenda smacked him.

"And this isn't my first time wearing heels, Noah. So shut ya face." After everyone opened their presents, Sam and Stacy disappeared.

"You ready to do this?" Sam asked the little girl, who had on a blue dress.

"Not yet, you have to do my hair for me!"

"You want it braided like in the movie?" Sam asked. She nodded. After he finished her hair, they walked back into the living room holding hands. Sam put her up on the top of the piano and sat on the bench.

"Awe, what are y'all doing Sam?" Rachel asked.

"We're singing a song for y'all. Well, two for now." Sam said. He started playing the piano and then Stacy started singing.

The snow glows white on the mountain tonight

Not a footprint to be seen

A kingdom of isolation

And it looks like I'm the queen

The wind is howling like this swirling storm inside

Couldn't keep it in,heaven knows I tried

Don't let them in,don't let them see

Be the good girl you always have to be

Conceal,don't feel,don't let them know

Well now they know!

Let it go,let it go

Can't hold it back anymore

Let it go,let it go

Turn away and slam the door

I don't care

What they're going to say

Let the storm rage on

The cold never bothered me anyway!

It's funny how some distance

Makes everything seem small

And the fears that once controlled me

Can't get to me at all

It's time to see what I can do

To test the limits and break through

No right,no wrong,no rules for me I'm free!

Let it go,let it go

I am one with the wind and sky

Let it go,let it go

You'll never see me cry!

Here I stand

And here I'll stay

Let the storm rage on!

"Wow Stacy! That was beautiful!" Grandma exclaimed, clapping.

"Thank you, now, Sammy and I are going to sing Santa Claus is Coming to Town with no music." Sam hopped up beside her on the piano.


You better watch out

You better not cry

Better not pout

I'm telling ou why

Santa Claus is coming to town


He's making a list

And he's checking it twice

He's gonna find out 

Who's naughty or nice

Santa Clause is coming to town


He sees you when you're sleeping

He knows when you're awake

He knows if you've been bad or good

So be good for goodness sake!

Oh you better watch out,

You better not cry

Better not pout

I'm telling you why

Santa Claus is coming to town

Santa Claus is coming to town

Santa Claus is coming to town

Everyone clapped.

"Okay, next, Brenda is going to sing an original song, then I will sing Voices by Chris young." Sam said. Brenda sat at the piano.

"I wrote this song a few weeks ago, and it's for Sam. It's one of his presents from me."

Smooth talkin', so rocking

He's got everything that a girls wanting

Guitar cutie,he plays it groovy

And I can't keep myself from doing something stupid

Think I'm really falling for his smile

Get butterflies when he says my name

He's got something special [X2]

And when hes looking at me

I wanna get all sentimental

He's got something special[X2]

I can hardly breathe somethings telling me[X2]

Maybe he could be the one

He could be the one

He could be the one oh,oh,oh

He could be the one [X2]

He could be the one oh,oh,oh

He's lightning,sparks are flying

Everywhere I go he's always on my mind

I'm going crazy about him lately

And I can't help myself from no

My heart is racing,think I'm really digging on his vibe

He really blows me away

He's got something special[X2]

And when he's looking at me

I wanna get all sentimental

He's got something special[X2]

I can hardly breathe somethings telling me

Maybe he could be the one

He could be the one[X5]

And he's got away

Of making me feel

Like everything I do is

Perfectly fine the stars are aligned

When I'm with him

And I'm so into him

He's got something special[X2]

I wanna get all sentimental

He's got something special[X2]

I can hardly breathe somethings telling me

Telling me

Maybe he could be the one

He could be the one[X6]

Sam got up and hugged Brenda when the song finished. They kissed then he picked up his guitar

You could say I'm a little bit crazy

You could call me insane

Walking 'round with all these whispers

Runnin' 'round here in my brain

"Did anyone else know that his voice was that deep when he sings sometimes?" Artie asked. Everyone shook their heads.

I just can't help but hear 'em

Man,I can't avoid it

I hear voices

I hear voices like

My dad sayin',"Work that job

But don't work your life away"

And mama tellin' me to drop some cash

In the offetin' plate on Sunday

And granddad sayin',"You can have a few

But don't ever cross that line"

Yeah I hear voices all the time

Turns out I'm pretty dang lucky

For all that good advice

Those hard-to-find words of wisdom

Holed up here in my mind

And just when I've lost my way

Or I've got to many choices

I hear voices

I hear voices like

My dad sayin',Quit that team

An you'd be a quitter for the rest of your life"

And mama tellin me to say a prayer 

Every time I lay down at night

And grandma sayin',"If you find the one

You better treat her right"

Yeah I hear voices all the time

Sometimes I try to ignore 'em

But I thank God for 'em

'Cause they made me who I am

My dad sayin',"Work that job

But don't work you re life away"

And mama tellin' me to drop some cash

In the offerin' plate on Sunday

And granddad sayin',"You can have a few

But don't ever cross that line"

Yeah,I hear voices all the time

Yeah,I hear voices all the time

All the time


All of the teens were out side playing in the snow and the boys throwing the football. Well, the boys and Brenda were, and the parents were outside, sitting around a fire pit watching the teens.

"Toss it here!" Brenda yelled. Puck, who had the ball at the time, threw the ball in her direction. He didn't expect her to catch it but she did. She tossed it to Sam, who was at the very end of the yard. If it was Rachel or Quinn, it wouldn't have made it very far but Sam had to jump up to catch it.

"Dang girl, who be teaching you to throw like dat?" Artie,who was beside her, asked. He had on the new gloves that she had gotten him.

"Chris. Before he left and before he became an ass, we would always go outside and throw the ball. At school, my friend Layla and I would always throw the football in school." He nodded. She saw the boy coming toward her and jumped. She caught it and landed on her feet.

"Whoop! Go baby! Whoa, Damn you Mike!" Sam yelled as Mike tackled him. Brenda laughed. Finn threw the ball and it went over the hill that was in the back yard for some reason.

"I got it!" Sam yelled and ran up the snowy hill, nearly sliding back down when he got to the top. He walked half slid down the back and no one could see him. While they waited, the teens went over to the fire to warm up some until Sam came back. There was a loud barking sound, a yell and Sam came running up the hill. Instead of going down it, he jumped off and hit the ground running. He looked back but kept running. There was more loud barking and a huge pit bull was running behind Sam. There was a fence around the fire pit that everyone was in. Sam looked back and started running faster, if possible. He ran around the house at least once for some reason, and when he came around, he had something in his arm. He looked at the dog and threw what ever it was. The dog stopped chasing him and Sam literally jumped over the four foot fence. Everyone stared at him as he bent over, breathing hard.

"Damn. That scared the living crap out of me." He said breathlessly. His breathes became shorter and his mom looked at his dad.

"Do you have his inhaler?"

"Yeah, here." He handed the inhaler to Mary who gave it to Sam. He started breathing right again.

"Why the hell was that pit bull chasing you?" Brenda asked.

"I have absolutely no idea. I went to get the ball, I found it, picked it up and the next thing I know, the dang thing was running at me. I dropped the ball and went running. I haven't ran that fast ever, not even at the games." Sam said, looking at everyone.

"That was awesome! You were going really fast and then you like, leaped over the fence!" Brittany exclaimed.


Thursday, December 25th, 2014

Brenda's POV

Sam and I woke up to two little kids and a teenager jumping on the bed. It was Stacy, Stevie and Melody. Melody tripped an fell on top of Sam, who groaned and Stacy and Stevie got in between us.

"Get up! Get up! Santa came!" The twins said at the same time. I groaned, not wanting to get up from my comfortable spot on the bed. I sat up and looked at Sam, who had one leg under the blanket, the other was hanging off the side of the bed. He was shirtless and only had boxers on. I slapped his arm and got up. He jerked awake, as he had fallen asleep again. The twins and the toddler like teen left the room when I got up.

"Come on, I love looking at your abs but you need to get up and get some clothes on before Stacy knees you in your man parts...again." He finally got up after I kissed him. He put on a pair of sweat pants and didn't put a shirt on. Probably because I had his shirt on again. I put my socks on and followed him downstairs. There were tons of presents under the tree.

"Good morning family!" Sam exclaimed in a British accent when we reached the living room. I giggled and we sat cross legged on the floor with the twins. Dwight started handing everyone their presents. After everyone had theirs, there were big piles of them, the twins started opening their presents. They had pretty much all toys and had some clothes and new shoes. Mary got me a huge makeup set with every color foundation, mascara, eyeliner and eye shadow. Mama got me a necklace with my name on it. After everyone opened their presents to each other, Sam and I both got drake jackets and Melody started going on and on about how we are a couple that wears matching clothes. Sam and I still had to give each other our gifts. I got his out from under the tree, while Sam kept mine behind his back. I put mine in front of him and he started opening it. He tackled me when he saw what it was.

"You are like, incredibly awesome!" He kissed me. I laughed. He went back to his spot on the floor and handed me a square box. I unwrapped it and then I opened the box. I gasped and covered my mouth with my hand. It was the necklace and earrings that I saw at the mall a few weeks ago. I looked at him with watery eyes and launched myself at him.

"Thank you! I love it!" I exclaimed and started kissing him all over his face. I got off of him and showed mama. I looked back at Sam and all he was doing was laying on his back grinning like a mad man. I smiled and shook my head at him.

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