Accidental Interests

By popculture-parker

1.7K 24 9

Tom Holland x Actor! Female Reader The four ways in which you embarrass yourself in front of your celebrity c... More

Cookies and Homecoming
A 'Would You Rather' Surprise
Never Have I Ever...
Roses and Orchids

The Graham Norton Show

600 3 3
By popculture-parker

You were never more nervous in your life. Sitting backstage, you could faintly hear the audience going completely crazy for Graham Norton as he walked on stage. His friendly voice over the mic calmed your nerves just a bit as your makeup and hair team bustled around you, making sure the final touches and changes were made. You didn't know who your co-stars were going to be and you hoped to god you wouldn't make a fool of yourself in front of who could be one of your idols. You were on your first press tour after your movie was a surprise hit in the box office. Critics were referring to you as Hollywood's big break and you just wish you could pause everything, step out of it and look at you from another person's eyes. It didn't even feel like this time, two years ago, you were curled up on the family couch, watching the Oscars, feverishly hoping that you would one day get the chance to go to acting school and land a role. In the background, you could still hear Graham talking, and just as you were about to hear who else was joining you on the couch, a security guard walked into the door and came up to you

"Ms Y/L/N? They're ready for you now" he says with a smile. Breathing deep a couple times, you hop out the chair, thank your styling team and smooth out your dress as you follow the guard backstage. Graham's show was maybe the 5th or 6th talk show you'd been on since the release of the movie and while you were new to the acting scene, you got the hang of press touring pretty quickly. The security guard walks you to the curtain backstage and says his goodbyes as you thank him. There was literally one layer of fabric separating you and the whole world again, and the familiar feeling of adrenaline kicking in gave you a buzz. It felt like eons before you could hear Graham announce his final guest - you.

"Ladies and gentleman, our last guest is someone who's new to the scene, so be nice" The audience laughs and you can't help a slightly embarrassed smile crawling on your face.

"Her stunning and most recent movie, 'All About You' is breaking records all over the globe, please welcome Y/N Y/L/N!". You take that as a cue to walk onto the stage, climbing up the stairs. You're completely stunned as the white lights flash at you, but everything comes back into focus as you see Graham with a massive smile on his face, coming in for a hug and a kiss on the cheek. Walking over to the couch, you sit down on it, crossing your legs over and drinking a sip from the glass of water on the table. It's only then that you notice your co-stars on the sofa with you.

"Ladies and gentleman, our guests for tonight. Nick Jonas, Tom Holland and Y/N Y/L/N!". Graham says just as the reality kicks in. You were in the same room - no wait, you were on the same couch as Nick Jonas?? One of the hottest guys you thought ever could exist. You felt like you were carrying out every girl's dream right now. And oh my goodness, THE Spiderman?! You could only dream of meeting your real life superheroes, let alone an ACTUAL superhero! Tonight was a dream come true.

" -where, so how was it for you, Y/N?", Graham asks. It's not till he says your name that you tune back in and focus on what he's saying. There's a brief silence in the room, where everyone's waiting for an answer from you but all you can manage is a

"Huh? Sorry, what did you say?". Graham and the audience laughs along and you embarrassingly let out a chuckle. Oh boy, this was not the first impression you wanted to make in front of Nick Jonas and Tom Holland.

"It's ok Y/N, we get that a lot. I was just asking, you had to shoot 'All About You" in America but you aren't from around here, so how was it for you?"

"Ohh right! Yeah, it was weird. When you live in a town that's literally in the middle of nowhere, you find out that world is actually bigger than you thought it would be. It was surreal actually. Some mornings, I'll wake up and I still not know what I'm doing."

"Yeah, it can be tough. And this is your first movie, isn't it? Tell us about it, what's it about for those in the audience that haven't watched it yet"

"Yeah it's my first, kinda, big break movie, which doesn't get less surreal no matter how many times I say it. The movie's a bit of a chick-flick, horror-mystery where Ayla - the character that I play - is a regular teenager who goes to high school, has her friends and has a crush on her really hot lab partner who completely ignores her outside of class. But one day in class, he asks her to go to a party at one his mate's house and that she should bring all her friends. And that's when spooky stuff in the house starts to go down. I really can't tell you guys anymore, you'll just have to go watch it." you laugh.

"Sounds amazing! I went to the premiere the other night and watched it and wow! You would not think that those two genres would work together so well, but you made it work! Congratulations Y/N!"

"Now, when I bring people to this couch, they usually have something in common. Sometimes the audience can tell straight away what it is, but would any of you three, know what you have in common?" Graham asks. You look around to Tom and Nick. What on Earth do you have in common with these amazing guys? All three of you shake your heads and wait for Graham to tell you.

"All three of you love Spider-man to bits," he says, clearly proud based on the surprised reactions on yours and Nick's face, whereas Tom just grins like he's won the lottery. Without thinking, you swing around to Nick

"I didn't know you loved Spiderman, what the heck?". On cue, everybody starts to laugh, finding your enthusiasm about the topic hilarious.

"I am. I still am. I love the character so much, it's not ever real." Nick says.

"It's true guys, have a look at what Nick posted on Instagram last Wednesday" The screen behind Graham lights up and you can see a video of Nick in a homemade Spiderman suit holding the camera up to the mirror and saying

"It's Wednesday, my dudes! aaaaaaaaAAAAAAAAA" You burst out laughing with the audience as well as Graham, Nick and Tom, everybody obviously getting the vine reference. You laugh so hard that your gut starts to hurt and there are little tears in the corners of your eyes.

"That was bloody amazing, can you send that to me AHAHA" You wheeze, obviously trying to compose yourself.

"Yeah man, me too, that was fantastic. My brothers are gonna go crazy over that" Tom says. Ugh, you can't help but revel in how beautifully British Tom's voice is. You could listen to him speak forever and not get bored at all.

The interview continues on and you start to warm up to the show. You're having conversations with Nick and Tom as well as Graham and you weren't as nervous as you were at the start. You and Nick hit it off so well, that you actually exchange numbers on the show, promising to catch up again for some more vine references over coffee. There's slight tension between you and Tom because you find him so attractive that you don't want to screw it up by saying something awkward on national television or in front of your celebrity crush. That all goes out the window when Graham asks Tom what he thought about 'All About You'.

"I found it absolutely hilarious. I went with my mates back in London when I had a little time off, and I swear to god, I've never related to a teenage movie more in my life. The main character, she's so quirky and fun and hilarious, it's so hard not to like her. Harrison and I quote her character to each other. And the best thing is, she's not even portrayed as the main character. She's like the best friend, who has the best sarcastic comebacks, and I reckon Y/N played her really well." By the end of his little speech, you can't help but notice that your cheeks are bright red from all the compliments that Tom had literally showered on you. You look at him and already see him smiling at you with a slight blush on his cheeks and you're lost for words. Your literal idol just said he loved your movie, how the heck do you answer that?! You can barely stutter out a shy 'thank you' because you're so in shock. Graham catches on real quick and brings it up almost immediately.

"Looks at these two, look at how they're both blushing, you two are adorable!" Which doesn't help you or Tom any further as the audience goes crazy.

"Anyway, coming back to you Y/N, you portrayed Ayla as a quirky teen so well, was the script really detailed for you to be able to do that?". It was at this specific moment that Tom chose to shuffle on the couch, which meant that his knees were slightly touching yours. Every thought seemed to eddy out of your mind as you could feel the warmth radiate from him; you wondered how you got a normal sentence out.

"Oh no, it was pretty ok, but in terms of actions and particular scenes, there were times when Andrew would literally just tell me to do whatever I wanted." You were so sure that everybody could hear that your voice was higher than it was before and shooting a look at Tom, your eyes lock. Luckily, Graham chooses to ask Nick questions about the music industry, while you and Tom steal, intense glances at each other. You don't know what you did but he didn't pretend to hide that he was definitely interested in...finding more about you. You're head's swimming from the mind-numbing feelings when Graham brings the topic back to you. You answer a few questions about how it was like on set for the first time, but your mind is solely focused on how Tom's fingers are just slightly splayed across yours like it's no big deal.

"That sounds like so much fun. Here's a small clip from Y/N Y/L/N's new movie 'All About You'!". The screen behind Graham lights up again and this time the intro music for "Catch a Grenade" by Bruno Mars starts to play. You groan into your hands because you knew what part of this movie this was. The audience cheers when you slide onto screen, right in front of the mirror in nothing but a mismatched pair of underwear and bra as well as thigh-high socks, with a hairbrush in your hand belting out the lyrics like you were made for that song. You can't help but watch yourself on screen. Your dancing in the dorkiest way possible, miming the actions to the lyrics, all while you get dressed, do your make up and hair. Because the song has a catchy swing to it, you're rocking your body back and forth, rolling your shoulders and hips, your character obviously doing a nerdy take on sexy dancing. 

You can hear Graham and Nick absolutely laughing their guts up next to you, Tom chuckling along and the audience loses it when you stub your toe on the heater, bringing the scene to a close. As the audience calms down, Graham asks you,

"That was something else Y/N, how was that written in the script, because you did a killer job on that scene". You're completely bright red when you answer.

"Graham" you say in a mock-whisper. "Remember how I said that certain parts of the movie weren't scripted? The audience and Nick burst out into whoops and cheers, obviously understanding that it was you and not your character dancing in the best possible way. You're sort of chuckling along until Tom leans over and whispers in your ear,

"Damn, Y/N, I would not be complaining if you danced for me like that ever.". The fact that Tom's British accent got even more intense when he was that close to you would have the hottest thing ever if he hadn't been wearing a microphone. Realising his mistake, Tom flushes the reddest you've ever seen him, and you're pretty sure you're just as red, if not redder. The audience goes absolutely nuts, calling for you and Tom to 'do something', while Nick pretends to cover his eyes and Graham whoops louder than the audience put together.

"What do you think, darlin'?" Tom turns to you with a cheeky smirk.

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