By garygreenfield1

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A twisting collection of supernatural, suspense, horror, and young-adult short stories. Each story is a comp... More



22 7 10
By garygreenfield1

"That psycho called here again?" Dave asked his producer at the news station. "Yeah Dave, we're trying to trace the calls, but she hangs up too quickly." Dave shook his head in disgust. "Thanks Jim. The sooner she's out of my hair, the better!"

He didn't ask for this. Just because he has a type of celebrity status, doesn't mean stalkers can do whatever they want, disrupting his life both professionally and personally. He's Dave King, an entertainment reporter for a television news station in the Houston, Texas area. Dave's office displays many awards for journalism excellence, and for his community involvement. Five days per week, he has thousands of viewers watch him, and become comfortable with him coming into their living rooms via TV. His only issue is someone took notice. Her name is Sheila Ryan. She's a gal in and out of jail, in and out of jobs, but never in and out of love. There has never been true love, until one year ago when she moved to government backed housing about fifteen miles outside of Houston. She obtained an old used TV, and saw Dave.

"Wow! Look at this guy," she said softly to herself upon first looking at his dark, well groomed hair. " He's a sharp dresser too!" When he's looking at the camera, talking about celebrity break ups, celebrity arrests, or just new movies, Sheila believes he is only talking to her.She started by e-mailing the TV station, then escalated by going down in person, having been turned away at the gates by security several times. Through the internet and ten dollars, she was able to get his home phone number, harassing him routinely until he had to change his number. She would start the phone call by saying, "Hello love bug, it's Sheila, the one you talk to five days per week." He would end the call abruptly, never saying a word, hanging up on her as fast as he could.

One day Dave pulled out of his garage intending to go to the gym. As he slowly backed down his driveway, he noticed a woman standing on the far edge of his lawn, almost at his neighbors house about forty feet away. She was in her early thirties, wearing blue jeans with a hole in the left knee, an old faded light blue sweat shirt, and old tennis shoes. Her light brown hair was long, past her shoulders. She was wearing a baseball cap and sunglasses, so it was hard to recognize any particular face behind the glasses. Dave stopped and rolled down his window and in a curious tone asked, "Hi, can I help you?" The woman smiled and said, "Of course you can! You can help me start planning our wedding!" Dave furrowed his eyebrows in confusion as the woman remarked, "I'm Sheila, the one you speak to through the television!" Dave's stomach instantly pained as a feeling of worry came over him. He pointed his finger at Sheila. " You are not welcome here. Get off my lawn and don't come back. I'm serious! I'm getting a restraining order!" Dave finished backing into the street and drove away. As he drove he checked his side view mirror and saw Sheila now on the sidewalk, waving goodbye to him.

Dave used his cell phone and called the police."Yes, officer. I'm Dave King from the news. Please hurry! She has been stalking me for months!" The police drove past his house but did not see Sheila as she apparently left the neighborhood. The police explained that a restraining order would only be valid if Sheila signed a copy, proving she had been served with the conditions of the order. Dave arrived at the gym and jumped on the stationary bicycle. About twenty-five minutes into his forty-five minute

session, a personal trainer approached Dave. " Hey, Dave, there is a phone call for you at the front counter." Dave took the towel from around his neck, wiped the sweat from his face. "Okay, thanks." As Dave and the trainer walked to the front desk, the trainer asked, "So, that new sci-fi movie isn't that great, huh?" Dave smiled at her and replied, "Nope. Better movies have been made." Once at the front desk the trainer handed Dave the phone. He wiped sweat from his face one more time and said, "Hello, this is Dave King." The female voice on the other end said, "Why hello, love bug. I know you're Dave King, silly." Dave hung up the phone immediately and got terrifying chills throughout his body. "How could she know where I would be, and at what time I would be there?" Dave silently asked himself. Dave did not finish his work-out, and drove straight to the police station. He filled out a restraining order, which he knew was not valid until Sheila had been served with a copy.

The next day Dave peeked out his front window and saw a woman walking away from his house on the sidewalk. From the back it could have been Sheila, but it was hard to tell. However, Dave was enraged that his everyday life was in turmoil, and he wanted to put an immediate stop to it. " There she is!" Dave ran out of his house and approached the woman as she was two houses down the street. Dave angrily furrowed his eyebrows, and slapped an adjacent mailbox. "Hey!" When the woman turned, it was apparent she was not Sheila, being probably a woman in her early seventies. An embarrassed Dave said, "Oh! I'm sorry! I thought you were someone else." With a scowl on her face including squinting her eyes the woman turned and continued her walk.

It has been eight days and there has been no sign of Sheila. Dave thought, "Well, the police are trying to find Sheila in order to serve the restraining order. It's going to be just fine." Dave took different routes to and from work, left at different times, and worked out at the gym at various times. He wanted to avoid a pattern, avoid being predictable. A few more days passed and Dave showed up at the studio to do his five o'clock news program. As he turned towards the main gate, he suddenly felt cold, started to shake, and felt a familiar sharp pain in his stomach.

Sheila was standing on the sidewalk across the street, wearing sunglasses and a baseball hat again, so her face was not able to be seen clearly. The clue to Dave that it was Sheila was that she held a sign for all to see, "I'm having Dave King's baby!" Dave pulled onto the lot and told the security officer in the booth, who was already aware of the stalker, and of the pending restraining order. When the security officer arrived at the sidewalk Sheila was nowhere to be found. The police were called and searched the area but could not locate the elusive Sheila.

Dave pulled up to the news broadcast studio and walked into the front lobby. As he walked past the security desk he smiled and said, "Hey Sam, hey Evan, how's it going?" Sam replied, "Oh, we're good." Evan asked, "How's it going with you?" Dave slowed, turned around and replied, "Guys, I have seen better days, and will see better days ahead." Sam gave the thumbs up sign and Dave smiled before turning and walking into the studio. After about fifteen minutes in the makeup room, Dave took his seat at the news desk, just off to the side of the main anchors. There was nothing special for Dave

to report. A couple of movie reviews, and mention of a movies in the park event that will host a giant outdoor screen and food trucks. "That's all I have, after commercial we'll turn it to Julie Singer with the traffic report."

The commercial started and Julie looked to her right. "Dave, network security told us all about your stalker issue, and for all of us to always be alert. Look around before just blindly walking up to our cars and such, and you should do the same. Hopefully your problem will be behind you soon." "Thanks Julie! This idiot calls me love bug! Oh brother!" Julie smirked. "Sorry about your stalker, but you do kind of look like a bug Dave." Dave shook his head and chuckled, appreciating Julie trying to make him laugh during this stressful time. Dave reached out and touched Julie's shoulder emphasizing his appreciation for her support. Julie gave Dave a quick smile then had to get to work. The red light on the camera came on, and without missing a beat, Julie spoke of traffic issues in the greater Southern California area. Julie always displays a fun personality on air, and has had one or two stalker issues herself over the past four years she has been on TV. The news ended for the evening and the crew started to walk towards the lobby. Dave said, "Guys, I can't wait to go to get some fish and chips on the Santa Monica Pier tomorrow! They have the best!" Julie responded, "You mean Fishbeck's? That place is awesome!" Dave nodded. The sports reporter, Kevin, said, "Yeah, that place rocks!"

Dave and Kevin walked out together. As the group walked past the security Dave slowed. "Goodnight Sam. Goodnight Evan." The two guards replied, "Goodnight Dave, drive safely," then their attention was back to the security camera monitors. Dave looked into the parking area before he approached his car, seeing no one around. Kevin branched off to his car. "See ya, Dave." As Dave unlocked his car, a voice from behind said, "Dave!" The voice startled him as he did not routinely look behind him, which he probably should. The voice behind him was Julie's who was parked a few stalls away from Dave. She continued, "Dave, as I was walking I noticed you were not aware of your six." With a puzzled look Dave asked, "My six?" Julie replied, "Yes, picture a clock. To the front of you, 12: o'clock, to your rear, 6: o'clock. Your six...see?" Dave nodded and with a smile of appreciation replied, "Hey thanks Julie! I will be more aware of my... six." "No problem. See ya later." Julie entered her car and drove away.

Dave was a bit hungry and drove through a burger place before continuing his journey. As he pulled into his driveway, a woman in a baseball hat and sunglasses watched from across the street, from behind a big Sycamore tree. Sheila observed Dave's garage door open and his car go in. That was plenty for her that night as she felt satisfied just to catch a glimpse of his profile as he drove past. Sheila whispered to herself with a smile, "Sleep tight my love bug. Sleep tight." She walked down the street and faded into the night.

The next morning was a bit cloudy, so Dave took the opportunity to go for a run. He ran down his street past a park with several Sycamore and Oak trees. To get his mind off his workout, his eyes wandered the park. He saw folks walking their dogs, people

tossing a football around, and what he thought was a woman wearing a baseball hat and sunglasses. " Is that Sheila?" His mind raced and he just had to find out. He turned from his path on the sidewalk and ran into the park. As he got closer to the woman, she saw he was coming towards her then she sprinted to the parking lot, hopped into her car, and drove off. Dave shook his head in disgust and continued his run. As he turned down his street his heart sank. Sheila was across the street from his home on the sidewalk. Her trademark baseball cap, sunglasses, and blue jeans were highly recognizable. He ran to her and angrily shouted, "Look lady, I told you I'm getting a restraining order! Quit harassing me! I mean it!" Sheila smiled, actually more of a smirk, took her right hand and blew Dave a kiss, before she turned and slowly walked down the street. Dave ran in the house and called the police who responded quickly. A search of the neighborhood could not locate Sheila.

Dave showered and picked up his friend Craig, and headed to Santa Monica. Craig said, "I love the fact we have lunch at least once a month, Dave." Once on the pier, they sat on the outdoor patio part of the restaurant with an amazing view of the Pacific Ocean, complete with sailboats, passing dolphins, and a view of Catalina Island. As Dave was dipping a piece of fish into tarter sauce, he snapped his head up sharply. Amongst the thousands of folks walking on the pier, there was Sheila, passing by the patio very slowly, staring in Dave's direction. "Craig, there she is, that Sheila chick! How did she know I was here! How did she know I was at the gym, or when I go for a jog?" Craig looked towards the pier and replied, "Where, which one is she?" Sheila got lost in the crowd and disappeared amongst the masses. " I don't see her! Let's pack this food to go and get out of here!"

Dave and Craig drove to a scenic overlook in Topanga Canyon, overlooking a waterfall and the creek below. They finished lunch and spent the rest of the day going on a hike. On the way home, the two friends grabbed some dinner in Malibu before Dave started driving them back. Craig glanced at Dave, "Hey, this stalker thing will be past you. Once the police get a hold of her they will serve her with the restraining order officially, and she will leave you alone." Dave replied, "I know, but it's just so frustrating for now. Kinda creepy the way she knows where and when I will be somewhere." "I know pal. Hang in there." Dave dropped Craig back home. " Good luck with your stalker brother," said Craig right before closing the car door.

It was dark outside when Dave arrived home. The pathway lights along the driveway guided Dave up to his garage. Dave watched a little sports news then went to bed. Around three-thirty in the morning Dave was awakened by the sound of footsteps on the gravel in the cactus garden on his back hill. As Dave walked through the kitchen he grabbed a steak knife before heading to the back sliding glass door. Dave turned on the backyard lights and stood there silently, listening for clues, observing what is normally a place of solitude for him. Dave saw some movement which caught his attention. It looked like a human shoulder as if a person was hiding behind the large Coastal Oak tree. "Whose back here?" Dave called out in the night. There was no response, no movement, nothing.

Dave focussed on what he thought was a shoulder and approached. To his surprise the shoulder was actually part of a tree branch curving downward. Dave smiled and exhaled a big breath of relief. "I need to chill out. There's nothing here."
Dave walked back to the sliding glass door which was wide open. He said softly, "I thought I closed the door behind me, but I guess not." At four in the morning Dave woke up to another noise. This time from the living room. He grabbed the steak knife from his night stand and ran to the living room where it was still dark. Dave was very nervous and began trembling. He reached for the light switch on the wall. However, he was so shaky, he couldn't find the switch with his hand. As his eyes adjusted to the darkness, his heart raced at what he saw. There was a person standing behind the couch. Dave couldn't tell if it was a male or female through the dark room, but he could definitely see he was not alone.

The person was holding onto something in her hand, obscured by the darkness. Dave thought, "Is that a gun..a knife?" Without warning, the person charged at Dave. Dave, scared of being attacked and possibly killed, raised the knife and as he brought it downward towards the suspect's chest, the suspect shouted, "We're finally alone now!" During the next half a second Dave completed his arm motion, and the knife entered the chest of the suspect on the left side. The suspect fell to the ground, laying there bleeding profusely. The person was female, wearing a baseball cap and sunglasses, although it was night time. She whispered, "I always knew we should be together, that's all I ever wanted. Look, together we are in your home." She smiled as if being content, and reached her hand up and touched Dave's face and smiled bigger, as if finally having a sense of togetherness. She dropped her hand and her head turned as she passed away.

Dave called 911 and the police and paramedics came who officially placed the stalker as dead. The coroner arrived and removed Sheila's hat and dark sunglasses, finally revealing her real look which Dave could see as the lights were now turned on. Dave looked from across the room and saw the object the suspect was holding was a framed photo of Dave that normally sits on top of the fireplace mantle. Dave focussed on the woman's face, and in a questioning tone of disbelief he whispered loudly, "Julie?" An on scene police officer asked, "So, you know her?" Dave put his head down, shook it from side to side, then looked at Julie. "Her name is Julie Singer. She works with me at the news broadcast center."

The officer told Dave, "I'm sorry. I want you to know you acted in complete self defense. She was in your home and charged you in the darkness, with an object in her hand. It would be natural for anyone in that situation to be scared, and you were perfectly within your rights to defend yourself. I couldn't imagine the fear you had with an intruder in your home in the middle of the night." Dave looked down at his feet then at the officer, "Yeah, it was pretty scary. One would think he is safe in his own home, a place one should be able to relax and not worry about such things."

The news spread worldwide and the network asked Dave to make a statement regarding his incident. During the news broadcast a couple of days later, Dave made a public announcement that ended with, "Again, I'm deeply sorry for the incident, sorry that Julie had emotional issues, and I feel sorry for her family. On the other hand, I am glad for my family, and that I am alive. I'm glad I am safe, able to keep sharing information with you great folks." Dave ended his segment with a smile before the camera panned off of him. Dave felt good about his public statement

Two weeks have gone by and Dave's life has settled into a calm feeling of normalcy. He has received many letters of support from fans for his actions, and the news network completely backs and supports him. He felt things were moving forward in a positive way. After another two weeks, Dave's home phone rang right before he went to sleep. Dave answered and the female voice on the other end said, "It looks like you had a second love interest that dressed like me to shift the stalker blame solely on me. Thanks for getting rid of my competition, love bug!" Dave's face became pale, his hands began to shake, and he felt a pain in his stomach. His mouth hung open in shock as he dropped the phone.

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