robbers {larry au}

By inadequacy

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5 0 0
By inadequacy

The incandescent flame of the rusty lighter licked the tip of Harry's thumb in a poor attempt to ignite his third blunt. Harry watched intently as Louis reached over and faintly picked up his calloused hand and peppered kisses across the minor injury. Louis' hands were different to Harry's - completely different. Louis' were soft and slender, whereas Harry's were calloused and large with ragged scars littered across the knuckles that told tales of tragedy.

"Harry stop being a pussy!" Louis bellowed as he threw his head back and covered his chapped lips with his wrist in an attempt to quieten his laughter. The haze of the powder that he snorted in the bathroom - short of five minutes ago - began to heighten Louis' senses and, suddenly, life seemed a lot sharper. Harry finally managed to set the spliff alight and wasted no time on inhaling the drug in an urgent attempt to join his lover in a somewhat fucked up euphoria - craving something slower and more intimate than amphetamines he acquired on the cheap, he continued to drag. And, in no time, both lads were entwined in a mess of hair and kisses and profanities and giggles.

"What will we do when Zayn finds out we stole his dizz?" Louis giggled into the older lads naked chest, the shirt he was wearing having been torn open by a very alert, very content, Louis.

"We run!" the older lad bellowed as he grinned and tilted his head back to stare at the obsidian, rain-induced sky.

"To where?"


"No, not with you." Louis joked and grazed his teeth along Harry's shoulder.

"Always with me, love." Harry rasped as he stared at Louis sprawled out along his long torso. Small, dainty fingers tracing the various tattoos across his chest.

"I'd run."

"I'd find you." Harry's tone was filled with sincerity and passion and love as he leaned down and captured Louis' lips in his own. The kiss was chaste and soft and barely there. Louis was taken back by the loving gesture and gazed up at Harry through his eyelashes; he saw a beautiful, damaged soul.


// And when she gets his gun he's begging, "Babe, stay, stay, stay, stay, stay. //


"Mhhmm?" Louis looked up from his comfy position on Harry's upper half only to see him pointing a small, black handgun in his direction.

"What the fuck, Harry?" Louis hastily scrambled to the other side of the window ledge in their shared basement flat. Harry lowered the pistol and pulled the blunt from between his teeth and passed it to Louis, smoke dancing across the moonbeams casting in from the window. Louis took it without hesitation, despite him still looking at Harry in sheer horror.

"We're gonna rob the off-license round the corner." was all the curly-haired guy said before edging closer to his boyfriend on the chalky window-ledge. Louis recoiled from.

"What kind of fucked up shit have you got us into this time, Harry? Fuck-how the did you get the gun, anyway? You don't even have a license!"

"Since when have we ever taken the law into consideration?" Harry's eyebrow quirked up in a smirk in a poor attempt to lift his lover's mood. Louis wasn't having any of it.

Harry sighed,

"We could use the money, Lou. We have nothing! And besides, it's a good story to tell the grandkids. Bang bang..." He chuckled making a shooting gesture with the gun which caused Louis to do a double take and angrily push the hilt of the gun down from Harry's long fingers.

"That's not funny!" Louis' eyes were filled with anger as he leant his elbows on his ripped jean-clad knees and began to tug at his feathered hair.

"Lou, babe-" Harry desperately tried to tug at the hem of his t-shirt as Louis got up and began to indignantly walk away from him.

"Piss off!" Louis spat as he stalked through the jagged doorframe and into the 4am rain.

Harry stared after the angry lad and leant back against the dirty windowpane. The patter of rain against the broken glass was calming, but not enough. He reached down and grasped the bottle of wine that Louis picked up prior to getting baked; taking a swig, and then a gulp, and then downing the cheap contents of the bottle, Harry's veins turned numb. The lad picked up the remains of the roll-up he had assembled earlier and set it alight - inhaling, he felt alleviation.

But not for long - he needed Louis.

Harry managed to pick himself up and move over to the doorframe - which lacked a door - stumbling over various bottles, pizza boxes and substance packets in the process. The air was fresh and English and wasn't meant for someone like him.

"Louis?" He shouted into the night sky as he stumbled around the open backland of empty tarmac, walls of graffiti and fresh October rain. Harry scanned the perimeter of concrete and wasteland until he saw a figure in the distance, a silhouette on the edge of the hill looking over the Northern quarter of Manchester. Cigarette in hand, Louis was all ripped jeans and odd tattoos and fluffy hair and hips and warmth and Harry just wanted to melt because he was all his.

Louis turned to see a mass of curls and limbs run at him head on, Louis wasted no time in meeting him half way and running into his arms.

He always does.

Harry immediately buried his head into the crook of Louis' neck, inhaling his scent of vanilla and wine and weed. He engulfed Louis in his arms and, no matter how close they were, it simply wasn't enough. They were missing puzzle pieces that finally found eachother, slightly wet from the rain, slightly high and slightly drunk, but nevertheless okay because they were both there.

"M'sorry." Harry murmured into the smaller boys neck and nuzzled closer trying to decrease any fraction of space.

"I'm in." Louis blatantly stated which caused Harry to lift his head up, still holding Louis' waist, and tilted his head in confusion. Louis was grateful that Harry was holding him up, because he swore he could've melted because Harry's eyes were wild and ablaze like emerald fire with curls that sat attop his head in a dissaray from the wind and rain.

"What?" Harry's lips were slightly parted in confusion.

"We could use the money." Louis shrugged nonchalantly as Harry just gazed at his lover in pure adoration before picking him up from underneath his bum and twirling him round. Louis shrieked.

"You know I really fucking love you, right?" Harry laughed as Louis huffed fondly and told him to put him down after kissing him on the mouth. Louis was dropped down to eye-level as Harry faintly touched foreheads with him and closed his eyes, inhaling his scent.

"So fucking much, Lou."

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