Prince Of Blood {Completed}

By SaraTeki22

216K 11.2K 851

You could know someone your entire life and think you know everythig about them.But then one day you realize... More

Don't Trust Me
Here Comes Goodbye
Welcome To The World
Show Me What I'm Looking For
You Found Me
For A Pessimist , I'm Pretty Optimistic
Everybody's Fool
Bleed Like Me
I Hate Everything About You
My First Kiss
Another You
No More
Drop Of Jupiter
*Author's Note*
Hunting For Witches
Sweet Little Lies
Hot N' Cold
Enter Sandman
I Can't Do It Alone
Blow Me Away
Bleed It Out
I'm Not Your Boyfriend Baby
The Good Life
Girl's Night Out
Running Away
Get Out Alive
Awake And Alive
My new blog

Dirty Little Secret

3.1K 197 12
By SaraTeki22

Instagram : @SaraTekirian
YouTube : Sara Tekirian
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We woke up a little after eleven.
And the whole morning passed in a blur of commotion.

We ate breakfest, watched tv, talked about last night. . .
And then around one, everyone started going home.

Untill, it was just me, Kate, and Mandy. Watching MTV in the Kardigan's living room.
And it wasn't until then, at three o'clock in the afternoon, that I noticed that I hadn't seen Austin all morning.

Maybe he's sleeping. . .nah, it's 3 o'clock theres no way he could sleep that much.
Maybe he went out. . .no, it's too early. Austin's not a morning person. . . or an afternoon person. He's a night owl, just like me.

So, where could he be?

So, after Mandy went home and Kate was taking a shower (desperatly trying to remove chocolate syrup from her hair) I went looking for Austin.
I tried his room, the basement, the tv rooms, kitchen, home office, family room. . .no Austin.

Then, I decided it would be smart to ask someone where he was. . .
Actually, it would've been smart to do that first. . .

I found Jupiter on the computer in the upstairs tv room.
"Hey, Becca" he called when I walked in, although he never looked up from the monitor.

"Hey Jupiter. . .have you seen Austin this morning?" I asked "I can't find him. . ."
"Backyard" he told me absently.

"Oh, thanks" I said, leaving immediatly.
I went downstairs and out the french glass doors.

It was sunny out, but breezy. Chilly too.
It felt more like early October then November. November was usually bitterly cold and dry. An opening act to the undeniable cold and snowstorms of December.

The sun streamed down from the clear sky, but didn't provide much warmth.
I was still bitterly cold in my sweatpants and sweatshirt.

I saw Austin laying in the grass towards the edge of the yard.
He was wearing his black 'Northface' jacket, and had a book in his hands.

A book.
Austin, reading a book. . .woah.

I strode towards him, the neatly cut grass felt prickly against my feet.
And the wind weaved through my hair, chilling the back of my neck.

"Well, good morning to you too" I said sarcastically as I approached him.
He looked up from his book, "Oh, hey" he said.

I kneeled next to him in the grass, "So, what 'cha doing?" I asked.
"Reading" he said, rolling his eyes.

"Why?" I asked, sounding semi-rude.
"Some people read for fun Becca" he said sarcastically.

"Yea, some people do, you don't" I elaborated.
"Are you calling me stupid?" he asked.

"No. . .I'm just saying you don't read" I said innocently.
"Well, I am now" he defended himself.

"Yea, I guess" I mumbled ". . .So, what are ya reading?"
"The Scarlet Letter" he told me.

"The Scarlet Letter?' Are you trying to impress me or something?" I asked suspiciously.
"Uh, no" he said, rolling his eyes "I was bored. And decided to see what was so great about it, you know, since your always raving about it"

I scowled at him, but he barely noticed.
I sighed dramatically, it was impossible to be mad at him.

"So, what chapter are you on?" I asked randomly.
"I'm almost done" he told me absently "Just a few more pages"

"Oh. . .I think my favorite quote from that book has got to be 'But this had been a sin of passion, not of principle, nor even purpose.'" I said, trying to make conversation.
"Mhm. . .I think my favorite quote would have to be. . . .'She had not known the weight until she felt the freedom'" he told me.

"Oh, interesting. . .why is that?" I wondered.
He shrugged, "I just understand what it means" he mumbled.

I was gonna press the issues, but instead let it drop.
I didn't think he wanted to really talk about it. . .

"Yea, so do you like it?" I asked randomly.
He shrugged, "Yea, it's alright I guess. . ."

"How can you not be in love with it!?" I demanded.
"Because it's unhealthy to be in love with inanimate objects" he told me.

"A story isn't an inanimate object, it's a fantasy" I retorted.
He shrugged, "It's still not healthy"

"Whatever" I muttered.
He didn't respond, but instead kept reading.

I gazed into the forest while he read. There wasn't much sign of life. Animals were getting ready for hibernation, and birds were flying south.
I didn't notice one bird, though. A lone black raven, perched in a tree. Cocking it's head to the side in wonder, gazing at me with a question in it's dark eyes.

I didn't really pay much attention to the bird though.
I got distracted watching the rays of sunlight playing off Austin's hair.

A few minutes later, he abrutly shut the book.
"Done" he announced.

"Wow, that was fast. How long have you been out here?" I wondered.
"Around 6 in the morning. . .I couldn't sleep" he said with a shrug.

"Why not?" I wondered.
"I just couldn't sleep" he said, oddly defensive.

"Okay then. . ." I said, noticing that this was another issue that shouldn't be pressed.
"Well, I can't sit out here anymore" he said, rising to his feet. I followed.

Once inside, Austin vanished again. Off to do God's knows what.
I, for one, just felt like relaxing. I contemplated going home, but then again, I felt more at home here.

So, I settled into the couch in the now empty upstairs tv room, and turned on an amusing reality tv show.
And, quickly drifted asleep.

*Austin's POV*

I was freaking out, completely losing it.
I was losing whatever was left of my sanity over one little fact.

The Council meeting was tomorrow.

And just thinking about my head spin and my stomach ache.
The mere thought would bang against my skull.

And, that's not just a metaphor.
It was a physical ache, I could feel it. Pain would ripple through the center of my forehead every time my heart beat.

It was impossible to forget.
Just like Council meeting, which was getting closer by the second.

The prospect haunted me, I had even lost sleep over it.
I had been up all night thinking about it.

And finally, at 6 AM I hadn't been able to take it anymore. I couldn't just sit there, letting my mind reel.
I had to do something, anything.

So, I had gone down to my father's infallible collection of books, and found one.
"The Scarlet Letter" It was Becca's favorite book, so it seemed like a good choice.

I had gone out into the dim morning light, and read.
It had proved a good distraction. The book had pulled me into the turmoils of Hester, and Arthur and Pearl. . .

And it made it easy to ignore the throbbing against my skull.
Well, easier.

I found the book amusing, interesting even.
And I had never considered a book either of those things. But, it couldn't keep my mind off things for long.

Once I finished, there was nothing to distract me from the throbbing. And, it had taken center stage in my mind once again.
It made it altogether impossible to engage in conversation with Becca, I just had to leave.

At first, I disapeared into my room.
Attempting to suffer and silence, and deal with it.

But, dealing was completely unpleasant. I sat on the floor, my head tilted back to rest against the wall. My nails dug into the wood floor, making little dents. I bit my lip hard, so hard that it drew blood. But, I didn't care about the pain that was caused by digging my fangs into my lip. As long as it kept me from screaming in pain and frustration.

Some people believe that emotions and memories can't effect you physically.
Those people are so wrong. . .so very, very wrong.

Memories will haunt you, premonitions will frighten you, and emotions will break you.
And together, they will drive you entirely insane.

So, I stayed in my room, trying to tolerate the pain.
Unimaginable pain. . . caused by a thought. A worry. . .a maybe.

Because, maybe, the meeting would end badly. Maybe it would end with me scarred for life.
Or maybe it would end with me reduced to tears.

Just like all the other meetings.

Ever since I was a child, I had been scared to death of the Council.
The seven members were the most frightening people in the world.

Seven members to represent the seven houses, seven species.

Lupo of the House of the Wolves.
Aurai of the House of the Nymphs.
Cybele of the House of Dark Magic.
Ladon of the House of Deception.
Hamied of the House of Wish Granters.
Analisa of the House of Blood Drinkers.
And Fawn of the House of Ignorant Souls.

Or more simply:

Lupo the Werewolf.
Aurai the Pixie.
Cybele the Witch.
Ladon the Shapeshifter.
Hamied the Wish Granter.
Analisa the Vampire.
And Fawn the human.

And all these members are led by their King, Zephuros.
He is, of course, a Vampire. The highest of all immortal beings.

Each of these members is terrifying in there own way, except for Fawn. The defenseless human, one of the few who know of our existence.
Azimon law states that humans most always have some representation on the Council.

Mostly, there nice to me. But in an irritatingly patronizing way.
They think I'm too young to really understand what's going on. Just because there all centuries old (except for Fawn) and I'm only seventeen.

The thing that annoys me the most about them is how they manipulate me.
They want me on their side, they need me on their side. . .and they will do anything to accomplish that.

Being overly-manipulative, and patronizing is just one reason they drive me crazy.
Also, because their always conducting some kind of experiment on me.

To see how far I can push the blue fire, and how it affects my brainwaves. Or seeing how hot a fire has to be before it burns my skin.
Or seeing if my power reduces when I haven't fed for a week.

Or seeing how many painful experiments it takes before I start crying.

Because the Council is horrible, ruthless and inhumane.
All they care about is keeping me alive, keeping me strong, keeping me on their side. Even if I lose my mind in the process.

Because, that's what I've been doing all day.
Losing my mind.

I couldn't stay in my room any longer, letting the thoughts marinate in my head.
I had to be doing something, distract myself.

So, I had come downstairs and went into the kitchen.
The ache was still there, so I had my fangs digging into my lip to keep from screaming.

I went into the kitchen and had asked my mother if she needed help with anything.
She wa shocked, to say the least, and had asked me to help her with dinner.

But, since I don't know anything about cooking, my mom had me bringing her things and setting the table and such. . .
Absent minded work.

Not something I could focus on, entertain my mind with.
So, as I was getting milk out of the fridge, I thought about everything I had done today. Hopeing to distract myself.

No such luck.

I handed my mom the milk, apathetically.
"Thanks honey" she said, smiling.

"Welcome" I muttered dryly.
"I don't need any more help" she told me, pouring milk into a bowl of something "You can go relax now"

I suppressed a groan.
Why is it so hard to find busy work when you actually want it?

I stalked unhappily into the living room, and plopped down on the couch.
And pressed my fingers to my forehead, trying to make the pain stop.

Becca and Tora were in the living room too.
Practicing magic, they had to make up for the last few days she had missed.

They were still working on the elements, darkness now.
I didn't really pay attention to any of the instruction.

I was to busy suppressing the urge to ask Becca to use her magic to make me sleep.
That way I wouldn't be able to worry, or feel the pain.

But, that would give it away that something was wrong.
And, I didn't need to worry her. Or let her know how horrible the Council was.

Because I had lied to her.

I told her the burn on my wrist was an accident. That's a lie.
I did it on purpose.

Because they made me.

They wanted to see how 'invincble' I was to fire.
The results showed I was pretty immune, put when temperatures reached 3000 degrees Farenheight, my skin burned.

But, I couldn't let Becca know.
She would be angry, I knew that for a fact. Because, if the situation were reversed, I'd be furious.

She would be mad that the Council would do that to me, and insist on coming to the Council meeting with me to keep it from happening again.
And that would spell disaster.

Because then she would find out who I really was.

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