Lie to me◾ [Edited]◾

By Sinner_Min_Bun

53 8 13

BTS Fanfic (Yoongi x Mina ) Make me believe what you're saying is true. Mina falls in love with a stranger... More


stranger 2 Me

2 0 0
By Sinner_Min_Bun

Awoken by the loud ring, I stared at the phone screen.

I couldn't believe what I was reading.

My Mina: [I miss you…help]

Was this another dream again?, wanting me to believe, that after so long.

Mina never forgot about me.

She still loved me, even after leaving her without a warning.

Ignoring her text and calls, until they stopped coming. Now here she is.

In a sudden rush, I got up to put on my coat and grabbed the umbrella, almost breaking the door as I'd slammed it shut.

There was no time to worry.

Mina needed my help.

The night was cold, I could see my breath as I ran as fast as my legs could take me.

Knowing exactly where she would be, I took the fastest way there. 'Did I ever stopped thinking about her?' asking myself as memories of us played in the back of my mind. 


Not a single day went by, where I wanted to apologize for leaving, for all the days and nights she spend alone suppressing her own feelings, but I couldn't. —I was a cowards back then.

Thinking she had moved on. I lived in constant regret.

I crossed the street leading to the park, where Mina would go, a place to clear her mind from any problem that was bothering her.

Crouching down on my knees to catch my breath.

I got up to search for her, "... Mina”. I mouthed out.

I stopped and quickly hid behind a tree nearby.

There she was. Beautiful as ever, being helped by some— punk.

Out of rage, digging my nails deeper into the tree, as I debated whether to leave or confront her.

I stayed back hiding, watching everything unravel.

The laughs, chuckles, and playful hits in between their conversations. The way they smiled at each other as the other wasn't looking.

I saw it all.

My heart was broken. Holding my chest, I lowered my gaze "This must be what she felt". 

I couldn't distinguish my tears between the raindrops slowly beginning to fall.

“I lived in constant regret.”

“Now here I stand, watching as you fall in love with another man”.

To: My Mina

[ I missed you too….]


I lived in constant regret. Leaving when you needed me the most, as you spend days and nights suppressing the painful loss of your father. But knowing you fell for someone who fought alongside you, bringing you up when you looked down and defeated with life's obstacles, was all I wanted for you. The right to live happily with him. Coming to the conclusion, I made the right choice. 

To walk away from you, all those years Ago. I no longer live in regret. 

Sincerely yours, 

Kim Taehyung

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