Mix Up Mayhem (Boku no Hero A...

By ari_todorokidoki

2.1K 104 33

After being hit by a villain's quirk, class 1-A's powers and personalities are all scrambled. You, being out... More

Let's Go to the Mall!
Todoroki Route: It's Not A Phase, Mom! (Todoroki/Tokoyami Quirkswap)
Midoryia Route: I forgot to add the Brotein (Midoryia/Kirishima Quirkswap)

Prologue: Weird Ass Fever Dream

930 34 18
By ari_todorokidoki

Summary: Groggy and congested, you wander into your classroom, reluctantly returning from your sick vacation. However, you notice a drastic change in all of your classmates: Their quirks and personalities are all scrambled! Giving you an offer you can't refuse, you accept Aizawa-sensei's request to watch over your chaotic class, however will this babysitting job be too hot to handle??

Author's Note: I absolutely love Quirk Swap! Momo looks like a queen, and seeing Bakugou rock that skin tight leo and high heels makes me scream.  Also, Todoroki is now e d g y...lmao, let's see if it really is a phase, mom. He're the complete sketch by Horikoshi, the creator and mangaka or Boku no Hero Academia.

Anyways, since it's various!Xreader, you get all kinds of oneshots. There's even lesbo routes, so.. bi!reader.... ehh I'll add it in as a tag. I'm going to start with Todo because he's my fave whowould'veguessed, but please comment on who you would like next. Also, when I describe what Toru looks like, it's a reference to the BNHA SMASH! gag comics. Here's the panel if you want to read

 Anyways, enjoy the story.

<3, Ari

Ambiguously Fuzzy and Congested. The oh so familiar UA Hallway seemed more like a muddy puddle of opaque lighting and periwinkle flooring. Sauntering through the hallway, your loafers dragged against the tile/carpeting (wth is the floor?) somehow propelling your lethargic body towards the 1-A classroom. Brain as foggy as your surroundings, sniffles and a couple muffled coughs trailed behind your sluggish form, aching body pleading for you to return to the comforts of your warm bed. You rounded the corner, a small sneeze escaping during the process. Struck with the flu, your teachers and peers took the initiative to ship you back home until your illness blew over. But, Recently, your coughing fits and grogginess have improved to a state where you could actually get up and walk around without wanting to die. Also, your sickness settled to a point where it wasn't labeled as 'contagious', allowing you leave your quarantine of a home. Although returning to class wasn't your first and foremost desire at the moment, your recent streak of 7 absences had done quite a number to your grades. Academically backed against the wall, you begrudgingly grabbed the metal handle of the classroom door, swinging the wooden fixture open with an audible WOOSH. Sucking up your bodily soreness, you stepped into your familiar homeroom, meandering to the back to take your seat.

Halfway there a peaceful voice called out from below

"Hello (L/N)-san, It's nice to have you back"

"Thanks, Yaomo-"

Shifting your gaze downward, your tired eyes widened in shock. Instead of a bunch of shiny black locks, a heap of ash-blonde spikes gazed up at you.

"What the fuck", you blurted louder than intended, face deadpan at the unexpected greeting.

The normally explosive boy looked at you in concern, his usual blood shot eyes softened as his face showed genuine worry for your sudden use of curse words.


"What did you just say to me?", you abruptly interrupted your anxious classmate, (e/c) eyes narrowing in suspicion. His supplies were neatly organized at the edge of his desk, his uniform was properly pressed and buttoned, his posture was picture perfect: no obnoxious feet propped on the table.

Ah Hell No

You were way too tired to deal with whatever shitshow that hothead was throwing at you today.

Bakugou nervously averted his eyes from your deathly glare, droplets of sweat forming on his face, "I...I said that it was nice seeing you b..back in class, (l/n)-san".

You leaned in closer, your face inches away from his. The explosive blonde shifted away from you, as if he was actually scared of your intimidating form.

"What are you playing at, Blasty?", you spat.

"N...nothing. I was just greeting my fellow classmate", he timidly responded.

Inspecting the enigma of non-aggressive Bakugou, you quietly backed away, turning on your heel to continue the trek to your seat.

You weren't dealing with that bullshit today.

Suddenly, a mysterious bag-shaped object snagged onto your foot, causing you to stumble forward. Yes, you were sluggish, but somehow, you escaped an embarrassing fall.


Ah, there it was; The classic Bakugou welcome.

You spun back around, "Nice to have you back as we-"

The spiky-haired timebomb sat perfectly still, posture as flawless as before.

Your (h/c) brows furrowed in confusion. "If that wasn't Bakugou, then.."

Hesitantly turning back around you were face to face with the shock of your life. Graceful, prim and proper Yaoyorozu Momo slouched in her seat, feet propped up on the desk, pockets of her underwear exposed to anyone within a 3-foot radius.

"YAO-MOMO, Y...YOUR SHIRT!", your hands frantically shuffled, attempting to pull the fabric down to cover the visible areas. No matter how much you tugged, the stubborn skirt refused to stay put. "...Did she hike it up purposefully?!", you thought to yourself, mind spinning from the complete personality 180 of your usually conservative friend.


You immediately jerked away from the newly hostile girl..."well at least he still had her smarts", you added to your thoughts.

Eyes shifting to her clammy palm, a conflicted and confused 'what' escaped your lips. Emitting from the creative hero's hand was bright sparks...identical to a certain explosive blond you knew. Whipping your head to examine said character, you were met with the equally stunning site of the formerly aggressive boy casually pulling out ball point pens from his arm, almost like taffy, handing them to nearby classmates with a warm smile.

Taking in the strange sight, you slowly lifted your gaze, your eyes widening in shock over the new level of chaos that infected class 1-A.

Rambunctious, Extroverted Kirishima sat hunched over at his desk, alone, muttering to himself while his hand rapidly scribbled onto a worn notebook below. Quiet, Awkward Midoryia, on the other hand, ferociously gripped his desk, his other arm, appearing jagged, propped against the surface, grabbing onto the muscular tail of the class president. His face was contorted in a confident grin, sweat dripping down his bushy curls as the two boys tested each other's strengths. On the other side of the room, you spotted thoughtfully precious Tsuyu-chan leaned over a sparkling Ochaco's desk with a cocky grin, spitting out lame pick up line. The electric playboy himself was too occupied with a buzzing insect to notice the discord round him.

"What the fresh hell...", you whispered under your breath, taking in the site of the Class 1-A Twilight Zone.

"(FF/NN)-CHAAN, You're baaack!", a cheery voice called out behind you.

Immediately you felt a pair of arms wrap around your torso, pulling you in for a bone crushing hug. Craning your head to view out the unknown figure, another wave of shock rippled through your spine. Instead of a cloud of light pink locks, you were met with straight indigo bangs and triangular eyes.

"JIROU?!", you exclaimed, astonished by the typically reserved girl's sudden display of affection.

"Yeah, nice to have you back (f/n)", a more laidback voice called out to you, the source of the comment, a dark eyed figure of pink, casually twirling her newly acquired ear jacks with her delicate finger.

Another round of energetic speech hit you. "It's been soooo boring without you in the dorms", a bubbly Koda groaned, gripping your hands melodramatically.

Talkative Koda was weird, but what was even more bewildering was the fact that he was completely transparent, the only thing in sight being his clothes and animated speech patterns.

"That means.."

Reluctantly turning your head for the bazillions time today, you gasped taking in the most surprising sight of all: Visible Tooru.

"Holy Shit. She really does look like Yang Guifei and Francis Xavier mashed together", you blurted, mouth still hung open in shock.

You felt another tug at your hands, causing you to stagger forward, the ex-hearing hero still stubbornly attached to your back like a loving leech.

"I know! I know! It's it weird to see Hakagure-chan like that", the normally timid boy rapidly shook your hand.

Your eyes scanned your surroundings, soaking in each new character. The room resembled a page straight out of Dr. Seuss's Wacky Wednesday, the utter chaos coming no where close to your class's normal disorganization. That staticky feeling of shock refused to leave your spine...except now it felt like it was dripping down your leg.

"(F/N)", Mina called out, pointing your attention to the translucent fluid sizzling on your back.

"AH, I'M SORRY", Jirou yelped, instantaneously releasing her grip on you as she examined the gaping hole she melted into your blazer.

Before you could even react, the familiar voice of concern called out.

"Are you alright, (l/n)-san. I can make you another bl-"

"IT'S FINE", you abruptly hollered, silencing the noisy crowd around you.

Noticing the 5 wide pair of eyes (including invisible) staring you down with a mixture of confusion and concern, you relaxed your shoulders, releasing a bit of your previous tension.

"I mean..", you coughed a little to cover your sudden outburst, "You don't have to go through the trouble, Bakugou-kun (you grit your teeth adding an honorific to this douchecanoe's name), I'll just take it off for the day". Gently removing Koda's hands from yours, you slipped off the ruined jacket, balling it up and stuffing it into your bag.

"If you say so, (l/n)-san", he replied, the blonde boy's eyes shining with understanding as he turned back around to finished organizing his newly created collection of Matryoshka Dolls (bakugou themed).

The remainder of the eccentric crowd noticed your animosity, slowly and silently making their way back to their desks.

You sighed and resumed your pace, strolling to the back of the room. Finally, making it to your desk, you looked over at your dual haired neighbor, observing his classic cool, indifferent façade gazing at Midoryia and Iida arm wrestling.

"...At least Todoroki was still the same", you thought to yourself, relief washing over your body. At least you could have one normal ally in this sea of discord.

However, your hopeful assumption was promptly cut off by the bi-colored boy's sudden statement.

"What a competition of darkness", he said, voice huskier then usual.

You groaned in frustration, face immediately pressing into the cool wood as you dejectedly slid into your desk.

"Oh, Hello (l/n)-san", Todoroki turned to face your depressed form, dark shadow popping out behind him to greet you. "I understand (l/n)-san. The ominous auras of Monday mornings brew quite the turmoil in one's soul"

Ignoring your candy cane classmates' previous statement, you rolled your head onto your cheek. On the other side of the classroom, you saw the edgy raven himself calmly making snowflakes on his desk. Your nose and cheeks squished against the desktop one more as you whined into its surface.

"Aizawa-sensei!", a stern voice called out, the source shooting up from its seat

"Ojiro probably", you thought into the wood.

"SHUT UP, NORMIE", a familiarly feminine voice boomed out, accompanied by a small explosion.

The exhausted teacher sighed at his rambunctious class, weary eyes scanning the classroom.

"ah", he noticed your slumped form, "(l/n)"

The blob of black and white sauntered over to your desk, gazing down at your dejected from. Upon hearing your name, you sluggishly raised your head from the desktop. However, seeing the intimidating glares of your teacher, you shot straight up, bending into a perfect 90 degrees to greet your grumbling elder.

"G..good M..morn..ning, Aizaw..wa-S..sensei", you stammered, mind still not complete recovered from the atomic bomb of your mixed up classmates as well as your previous raging flu.

"WelcomebBack, (l/n)", the eraser hero casually responded as if he was completely unaware of the whole chaotic ordeal swirling around him.

Slipping back into your desk, you shot your teacher a troubled glace, intently staring into his dead eyes.

Slowly rolling your pupils down to the floor, you dove a stake in the awkward silence.

"Soooo", you mused, resting a cheek on your palm, "Anything important happened while I was gone?"

The rugged man glared down your show of sarcasm, a sigh ultimately leaving his mouth as he rubbed his temple in frustration.

"Look", he begrudgingly replied, "While you were sick, the class was all hit by a villain's quirk, mixing up their quicks and personalities"

He added, "Since, you weren't hit due to your 'flu vacation', you have to help me make sure the rest of your idiodic classmates don't do anything too stupid"

Aizawa looked down with you with a deadpan expression...Oh my god, he wasn't kidding.

Taking another panorama of the hoard of dysfunctional teenagers, a similar sigh of frustration escaped your lips.

"Why am I on babysitting duty", you bitterly responded to your teacher.

You weren't usually this disrespectful to adults, let alone your teacher, but the foggy congestion in your nose as well as your pounding headache forming from the sea of 1-A chaos really wore your patience thin.

"If you do this, I'll give you extra credit points", the tired teacher aloofly added.

Your irritated face instantaneously lit up at the words 'extra credit'. You beamed up at the scruffy hero with the brightest smile you could form.

"I'll do my best to take care of the class!", you chirped, literal rays of sunshine glowing from your smiling face.

"yeah, whatever", he mumbled, turning around to crawling into his signature yellow sleeping bag. "The villain's quirk should wear off in about 7 days" Curled up against the wall, he muttered his final words to you, "good luck, hero"

Soaking in one final glance at your challenging task at hand, you felt your chest tighten.

This was going to be one long week.

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