Prettymuch imagines

By biasaurous

54.3K 604 229

" i swear i ain't tryna rush ya girl i'll wait for that, the moment i get to touch ya girl i pray for that l... More

Nick imagine
zion imagine :)
edwin imagine
kuwonu :)
arreaga :) oof
kuwonu :)
mara :)
send me requests
kuwonu .)

kuwonu baby ;)

3.8K 46 36
By biasaurous

this is an emotional one sooo be ready to cry.

you were getting back from a long day of classes and work and all you wanted to do is lay down and cuddle with your man Zion

it was so funny how y'all met it was in accident to be honest, he was supposed to go on a date this one day and this girl named Isabelle stood him up and you were working at the restaurants the time and was serving his table for 1

you felt pity for the guy you know all dressed up sitting by himself texting her every 3 minutes to see if she was coming. my shister ended 40 minutes into him waiting and you decided to just sit with him to give him company and the next 3 years are history

now your a senior in college and a working women at a clever tv (youtube news channel) you have seen zion grow as well as the band and they are basically your brothers and best friends at the same time

you parked your car in the driveway next to Brandon's and grabbed your bag and pizza and wings you stopped by and got for the boys and you to binge eat and watch youtube videos with

you walked out of your car locked it and walked in the house with the food

"honey's i'm home" you announced and instantly nick and Edwin came in the living room and smiled

"ooh hi honey how was work today" Edwin said playing along taking the pizza from my hand

"long and hard darling now let's eat and chat shall we" you said smiling and handing nick the wings so he can put them with the pizza

you guys travel to the kitchen where Brandon and Austin were looking at the fridge waiting for food to appear like 5 year olds

"honeys didn't you hear i brought food" i said instantly grabbing Austin and Brandon's attention and causing huge smiles on their face

"ooh yess y/n i swear if Zion wasn't hitting that and could beat me up i swear i would wife you right now damn" nick said and he went into bite another slice of his pizza

"speaking of my hubby where is he" you asked grabbing a piece of pizza and digging in yourself before these animals take them

"i don't know we just got home from the thrift store" Edwin said pouting at him and Brandon
"Austin and Nick went to the studio to finish vocals for the new song and Zion have been home all day" he said shrugging and digging into the wings

"well i'll bring him food later i'm starving now" you said and indulged in your food in a comfortable silence with the boys

after like 20 minutes of eating you were stuffed and very sleepy and in need of a shower. you walked upstairs with 3 slices of pizza and 5 wings for ur man since he didn't eat yet

you walked in without knocking thinking he was sleeping to find him laying down on the bed naked with a girl riding his dick wearing my white shirt my clothes were on the floor as well as i guess the girls and his

you were in a state of shock

how after 3 years he's gonna do this to you

3 year of happiness and play fights to end up with this, a cheating bastard that uses you

you drop the food and yell the anger and rage almost coming outta ur ears

he was sooo into having sex with his plastic baddie that he didn't even knowledge you. that asshole you were gonna beat his ass

you ripped the girl away from him lightening quick and threw her on the ground before slapping the bastard in the face

"you bastard" you said as you slapped him again HARDER

you weren't done of course not. you grabbed the girl by her hair shoved her with her clothes outta the room passed 4 bat shit shocked boys and down the stairs locking her outta the house in the cold

"now for the asshole who is gonna know crazy now" you said as you marched up the stairs only to be grabbed my Brandon who caged you in his arms

"let go of my arreaga imma beat the white outta this nigga i swearrr" (if ur white u can say it change the N to a W wigga)

"no your not not today Edwin is gonna take you to a safe place and your gonna chill and beat him up tomorrow ok." he said and handed me off to Edwin

"no i'm not we're settling this now where is the bitch" you said emphasizing the bitch because that's what he is

"i'm right here whore what do you want" Zion said with a smug look on his face you twisted in Edwin's grip and finally got out and clawed at Zion that motherfucker really thought

you jumped on him unexpectedly making him fall on the floor with you on top of him you slapped the shit outta him 4 times backhanded as well because that what he deserves

"never call me a whore dumb bitch i'm not giving everyone my pussy like ur little mistress did huh"

"she was here before you bitch" he said and spat out blood to the floor i got off of him and went to Edwin to calm me down

nick and Austin went to clean him up since he was messed up mentally and physically after what he did

30 minutes later your kinda calmed down and zion doesn't have bleeding cheeks anymore i think

ur all sitting on the couch ur being held down by Brandon and Nick while Austin and Edwin sat down on the floor holding down the fort

he was sitting across from you with a blank face wearing a white shirt and basketball shorts , you want to cry and slap the shit outta him

"ok guys speak, and be carful Zion she will claw ur eyes out" Edwin said and looked at us like we're animals circling each other pray and predator

millions of questions crossed ur head
why her
why now
who was that
how long has it happened
was any of it real

"why just why" i asked after 5 minutes of agonizing silence with a broke voice i just needed an answer a solid explanation

"it's simple i don't love you, Isabelle contacted me about a year ago and we've been at it ever since" he said and shrugged

ur heart broke

a whole year. 365 days of me with him living fake happiness

365 days of infidelity and lies by the one who loves me that's the worse emotional pain you have every went through

you couldn't hold it anymore the tears streamed down ur face the sobs approaching. why me. WHY ME OF ALL PEOPLE.

you tugged at ur hands for Brandon and nick to let go you has to stand up and get air at least

Brandon reluctantly did let go as well as nick but the bugs stayed at my feet. at least i was able to get up correctly

"so for 3 years the love was fake Zion, all my firsts were fake. my first kiss, my first date, all the times on the phone on facetime, when i fucking moved to LA for you, when i fought with my parents for you, MY INNOCENCE WAS ALL A JOKE ZION, THE TEARS TOU SHEAD FOR ME LITERALLY 2 WEEKS AGO ABOUT HOW HARD TOUR WAS WITHOUT ME WAS FAKE HUH" you were not screaming and crying hysterically poring fingers at his face as memories of you guys flooded into ur brain good and bad

you couldn't take it anymore you walked out not caring of the boys protest you grabbed ur bag and shoes and walked out into your car streaming tears and drove

drove away for hours, hours of confusion and frustration hours of sadness and anger you had given up almost 4 years of your life for this man to screw you over well not anymore

the sun was coming out and you were still driving at this point you were in god knows where you went to the farthest place ur cars gps had saved and started driving

you check the map you were about to enter Las Vegas and needed a break from everything, everyone, you needed space and food

hoes i hope this chapter did any good for you i mean i tried to make y'all cry but in the end my finger just hurt and now i'm tired imma go sleep now and dream of a perfect life without annoying people love y'all

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