Luna Audrey

By nicolevf14

5.8M 155K 30.1K

-COMPLETED- Audrey Allen had lived her entire life in the Dark Root pack, and every minute of it had been dre... More

Chapter 1 - To Serve
Chapter 2 - Emotions
Chapter 3 - Weakness
Chapter 4 - Hana
Chapter 5 - Confidence
Chapter 6 - Foreign Comfort
Chapter 7 - Preparation
Chapter 8 - Silver Chains
Chapter 9 - Unwanted Visitor
Chapter 10 - Kiss
Chapter 11 - Insults
Chapter 12 - Punishment
Chapter 13 - Broken
Chapter 14 - Try
Chapter 15 - Two-Hundred-Fifty
Chapter 16 - Secret Room
Chapter 17 - Hidden Scars
Chapter 18 - Don't Leave
Chapter 19 - Facing The Past
Chapter 20 - Blissfully Loved
Chapter 21 - Suspicions
Chapter 22 - Bloodlines
Chapter 24 - Heightened Senses
Chapter 25 - Terrified
Chapter 26 - Tomorrow's Adventure
Chapter 27 - Tropic Sun
Chapter 28 - Glass of Bourbon
Chapter 29 - Traditions
Chapter 30 - Lunar Sea
Chapter 31 - Handshake
Chapter 32 - Troubles Await
Chapter 33 - Owen
Chapter 34 - Future Alpha
Chapter 35 - Answered Prayers
Chapter 36 - Burn

Chapter 23 - Unknown Circumstances

125K 3.3K 372
By nicolevf14

"What?!" I gasped, utterly in shock.

I was the daughter of an Alpha?!

"That can't be right. There must have been some kind of mistake. That just...that doesn't make any sense, Dean," I pleaded with my mate.

Dean quickly approached me, his mating instincts pushing him to comfort and protect his distraught mate. He pulled me into his arms and held me tightly, hoping to ease my anxiety.

"It's okay, Audrey. This doesn't change anything," he tried to assure me.

I looked up at him, feeling the tears start to form, "It changes everything. My entire life has been a lie."

Dean simply stared down at me, a mixture of emotions swirling in his eyes. I could feel his unease – he was just as taken aback by this information as I was. He was just better at suppressing it.

"I'm sorry," I added quietly. I figured being mated to the daughter of one of your only true enemies wasn't exactly ideal news either.

"You have nothing to apologize for. We don't choose our family, and you've never even met the man. The fact that Tropic Sun is an enemy to me doesn't change a thing about our relationship. I'm mostly worried about you and how you will want to proceed with this information," Dean explained.

How would I proceed with this information? Did I want to meet my biological father? Part of me certainly did. I longed to know my roots, and somehow, knowing that the man who abused me all these years wasn't my real father, was relieving.

Although, that didn't necessarily mean that this "Silas Donahue" would be any better.

"What all do you know about them? My father and his family?" I asked Dean, longing for information.

Dean sighed and scratched his head a bit, seeming hesitant, "Tropic Sun is different from all of the other packs, Audrey. Although they're very...traditional...and value family in their own way, their beliefs aren't the same as ours. They reject the Goddess and rely on magic. The entire pack is forced to take a potion every year that turns their eyes an odd, violet color, and prevents them from identifying their Goddess-given mate. All of their mate pairings are arranged by their families."

My jaw muscle seemed to give out, and my mouth dropped open. All these years I'd heard of Tropic Sun being an odd pack, but I'd never anticipated the explanation that I'd just received.

"Is that why you...don't get along with them?" I asked, although I figured my question was a bit of an understatement.

Dean chuckled lightly, "It has something to do with it, yes."

"So that means...the current Alpha brother?" I asked slowly, still thinking everything over. This was all so much information to process at once.

Dean nodded, "Yes, that would make Alpha Trey your half-brother."

"I'm going to need some time to decide whether or not I want to meet them," I told Dean. This new information about Tropic Sun's practices and traditions cause me to have second thoughts.

"That's completely understandable, Audrey, but the problem is...if Silas gets word that he has a daughter, he will come find you. Like I said, they're big on family in their own way. I don't know what all he would want or do, but I do know that he would find you."

My eyes widened again as panic begin to build in my stomach. Would he take me? I couldn't live a life like that! I couldn't be away from Dean! And I certainly couldn't have two packs at war over me!

Dean gently pushed me away from him so that he could look down at me to read my emotions better. I knew my anxiety and worry were likely flooding our mate bond, making him feel uneasy as well.

"I don't like them, Audrey. I will never like them or accept them as an ally," Dean told me sternly, a low growl breaking through his voice. "But I will do everything in my power to keep you and our pack safe. You will meet no one or go anywhere against your will, and our pack cannot endure another war. If I have to bring Alpha Ryder into this, I will. Our pack can't take anymore losses, and I certainly won't lose you."

I nodded, trying to calm myself despite my heart pounding against my chest, screaming to be acknowledged. I had to trust that everything would be okay. I had to trust my mate.

"We have a lot to think about and a lot to deal with," he added.

"What if...what if we reached out to them first? We could inform Alpha Ryder of the circumstances, so that if anything did happen, he would be more understanding that we weren't at fault. Then with my father...perhaps if we told him of our findings, he'd be more peaceful about the situation and wouldn't be as likely to try and catch us off guard," I suggested.

Dean stared at me for a moment, almost seeming puzzled. Was what I suggested really that confusing or idiotic?

"I'm sorry," I murmured, quickly looking down at my feet. I'd clearly overstepped in this situation.

Dean's hand quickly found my chin and lifted my head back up, this time looking me dead in the eye with a more solid emotion.

"Stop apologizing. I was only stunned by how much you're already sounding like a true Luna."

I blinked a few times, processing Dean's words in my head. I was acting like a Luna? Really? I was making my mate...proud?

"Those are great suggestions, but I may need to deal with my father first. Now that we have some answers, I can see this was probably his plan all along. I need to find him before he tries to flee the territory – he will be sentenced to solitary confinement as soon as possible," Dean informed me before pressing a firm kiss to my forehead and heading for the door.


After Dean's abrupt leave from the office, I walked back to our quarters as he had asked me to and decided to work on something simple for dinner. In all honesty, I wasn't even certain if Dean would make it in for the night, as it'd grown very late and was already becoming dark outside.

Nonetheless, I needed a distraction, and if Dean did make it in tonight, I was sure he'd be hungry. Cooking for the two of us was one of the duties I'd been assigned and agreed upon, after all.

I settled on some salmon filets that'd I'd found in the freezer. While they thawed in the sink, I started working on a salad and boiled some seasoned rice. It was an easy meal, but still healthy and flavorful.

But long after I finished cooking everything, Dean still hadn't arrived. Part of me thought perhaps I should reach out to him via our mind-link, but the other part of me only felt I'd be bothering him. After all, he was only out taking care of a mess that had happened because of me.

Eventually, I decided to go ahead and eat dinner alone. I ate as much as I could, which wasn't but maybe half a serving, and then put all of the leftover food in containers and stored it away in the refrigerator. My anxiety was too high now for food. Where was Dean? Why was he taking so long? Was he okay?

I had no choice but to try and go to bed. It was very late, and I had no idea what the next day would bring – especially with Dean being gone all night. I had to prepare for the worst, which certainly wouldn't aid me in getting a good night's rest, but I had to at least try.

I entered our bedroom and sunk into the large, plush mattress without bothering to go through my typical nightly routine. I felt too on-edge to bother with any of that. Instead, I simply pulled the blankets over my torso and closed my eyes, praying for my worries to fade and sleep to come.

At some point, I managed to doze off, only to wake up a few hours later to the feeling of someone else getting into the bed.

My eyes snapped opened and I flipped over to look next to me. Dean was sliding into the bed, wearing nothing but his boxer-briefs, and clearly trying not to disturb me.

"Go back to sleep," he whispered, pulling the blankets back over the two of us.

"Are you okay?" I asked hesitantly. I really wanted to know what had gone on this whole time he'd been gone, but I refrained from being too bold.

"I'm fine. Go to sleep – I'll explain everything in the morning."

Well, that was helpful.

I spent the remainder of the night tossing and turning, going in and out of sleep, constantly wondering how many hours of sleep I'd actually achieved. Dean somehow managed to sleep soundly beside me. I was incredibly thankful that my restlessness didn't wake him.

When the sun was up, I was the first one out of bed. I couldn't handle laying there, struggling to stay still or rest any longer. I needed to move around, and I needed answers and information.

I decided to take a shower and get ready for the day, and by the time I was finished, Dean had also gotten out of bed. He looked tired and troubled, causing my worry to grow. What all had happened last night?

His attention turned to be as I exited the bathroom, feeling fresh and energized despite my lack of sleep. He motioned for me to come towards him, so I quickly complied.

Dean sat on the edge of the bed and gently rested his hands on my hips as I approached, pulling me in-between his legs so that we were face-to-face with very little distance between us.

"I found my father last night, and he has been properly detained in a cell," he informed me. I felt a bit of weight come off of my shoulders and sighed in relief, but couldn't help but notice Dean still looked troubled.

"Then what's wrong?" I asked cautiously.

Dean sighed heavily, "He got word to Tropic Sun before we could. Silas and Trey could be arriving any day now, and I don't know how peaceful or cooperative they'll be. There's no way to be completely prepared for what could happen over the next few days."

Just like that, any relief I'd previously felt vanished. I felt as though my heart was constricting and it was becoming hard to breathe.

It seemed I'd be meeting my biological father and brother after all, but there was no way to know how friendly the circumstances would be.

"I'm increasing security around the pack borders, as well as personal security for our quarters and for you. I can't have you going anywhere besides here and my office until we know if Silas and Trey are going to be any kind of threat," Dean explained. '

I was truly thankful for the extra security, but in all honesty, this whole ordeal made me not want to leave Dean's side. I didn't know a thing about this so-called family of mine. All I knew was that they were likely strong and powerful – with both Alpha genes, loyal pack members, and magic working in their favor.

"The best-case scenario that we can hope for is that they'll be peaceful and cooperative, willing to put our conflicts as packs and Alphas behind us for the time being. I'm hoping to keep as much of this from our pack as possible, but I will do anything necessary to defend both you and the pack," Dean added with a dark, serious look in his eyes.

I knew he wasn't lying.

My entire body was tense and my breathing began to quicken. A panic attack was surely brewing, and I knew Dean could sense it as well. His eyes darkened even further and his grip on me tightened, "I'll stay here with you today. We can work from home until I have a better estimate of when Silas and Trey may arrive."

I nodded to Dean, but wasn't able to speak. If I moved or opened my mouth, I knew the tears would come. I'd sink into the depths of my own anxiety and emotions. The only ounce of a comforting thought I had left was knowing Archibald was locked away and no longer able to harass me interfere with this already terrible situation.

"You're going to have to be strong, Audrey. You're a Luna," Dean stated, his tone stern.

I knew everyone expected me to be strong and even believed that I could be, but I still had my own doubts. I was a Luna now, and apparently the daughter of an Alpha, but it felt like my own mind and body hadn't quite gotten the message yet.

My wolf, however, was much more fierce. I heard her growl inside my mind, pacing back and forth, ready to fight at any sign of a threat. It was hard to believe that such a confident, beautiful wolf was a part of me.

"Let's get your mind off of this for now. You can help me with the pack paperwork," Dean told me before standing from the bed.

Although paperwork wasn't exactly my task of choice, I'd welcome any sort of distraction today.    

Yay! I finally updated again! So, I know this chapter is a lot of dialogue and information, again, and I apologize...I know it's probably not the best! I've had a lot going on, paired with some writer's block, but I hope you all still manage to enjoy the updates! I'm sure you all can tell, things are about to get MUCH more exciting.

As usual, let me know what you think! I love hearing your thoughts and ideas about the characters and what's happening in my stories! Please continue to read, vote, and comment! I truly appreciate it all <3

xoxo -V

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