Having A BadBoy

By onedirection32ily

523K 10.7K 1.2K

He took one good look at her, And he knew she was the perfect kind of Trouble, A good girl who knew exactly... More

•|Having a badboy (1)|•
•|Having A BadBoy (2)|•
•|Having a Badboy (3)|•
•|Having a Badboy (4)|•
•|Having a BadBoy (5)|•
•|Having a BadBoy (6)|•
•|Having a BadBoy (7)|•
•|Having a BadBoy (8)|•
•|Having a BadBoy (9)|•
•|Having a BadBoy (10)|•
•|Having a BadBoy (12)|•
•|Having a BadBoy (13)|•
•|Having a Badboy (14)|•
•|Having a BadBoy (15)|•
•|Having a BadBoy (16)|•
•|Having a BadBoy (17)|•
•|Having a BadBoy (18)|•
•|Having a BadBoy (19)|•
•|Having a BadBoy (20)|•
•|Having a BadBoy (21)|•
22 chapter...
22th chapter
24th chapter
25th chapter...
26th chapter...
27th chapter..
28th chapter...
29th chapter
30th chapter... (Last Chapter)
My Beautiful Sin
HEY !!

•|Having a Badboy (11)|•

15.2K 340 30
By onedirection32ily

Maria Sanchez

2 months later..

Me and Adam have been going out for four months. we do have our arguments but we can't stand being mad at each other.

Me and Paola are actually really really good friends and April has been avoiding me and would give me the ugliest glares.

But Paola says that her feelings for Jose are getting bigger but he won't notice, poor girl.

December 13

I'm at the grave by myself , you might be asking why I'm at the grave but my father is dead

I never had the chance to meet him , he died 4 months before I was born. I don't really talk about him because I never met him.

When I ask my mom questions about him she ignores the question like., how did he die? she said he died of a car accident but I feel like she not telling me something, or maybe the truth.

I had a black coat over me and a white scarf and dark jeans and combat boots, walking back to my car.

I felt like I was being stared at and the hairs behind my neck stood up , I looked around and saw nothing I'm the only person here.

I was opening the door to my car when my hairs stood up again , I look back and I see a big fat guy standing outside his car he had black slick hair that was slick back into a pony tail , he had a cigaret in his mouth when he notice me looking at him, he smirked.

I freaked out and got in my car and speeded out of the grave yard I look to the mirror and see that the guy is gone.

While waiting for the stupid light to be green I decided to text Paola

M- hey Paola is it ok if I can come over right now.

P- yea why not is everything ok

M- no and yes I tell you when I get there.

P- ok

I looked back to the front mirror my eyes almost popped off my head,. the guy was right behind me with his black car when the lights turned green I stepped hard on the gas pedal.

I look back and he's still following me I remember this short cut that leads to Paola house I stepped on the pedal hard and made a sharp right and there was a church that has a huge huge bush.

So i decided to hide behind the bush and there is a lot of cars so the stranger won't see me I looked up and saw he passed me, i quickly let out a shaky sigh

"Stupid" I said to myself then I drove back to the normal street, I still speed off when I got to Paola's house, I quickly got out of the car. I knocked on the door still my heart is beating like crazy she opened the door and tackled me with a hug

"Are you okay?." I shook my head, she grabbed my hand and toke me to her room which is full with colors..bright colors

"What's wrong?" she said while sitting down on her bed I then breathed out and explained to her everything that happen in the past few minutes when I finished her face was full of shock

"So how did the guy look again?" she said

"Had black slick hair that was in a pony tail , fat , has a gold teeth in his k9s, black van" that's how he looked like she was still in shock

"Maybe he's a stalker" she said while laughing

"Yea maybe your right." I said trying to calm down. Two hours later I'm back at my house

It's 10:35 and I'm ready to sleep but I felt like I was being watched again the back hair of my neck stood up.

I went to turn off the lights and then I tiptoed to the curtains I peeked and saw a figure standing right in front of my house I got my phone and toke a pic you can see him perfectly because there's a light stand he then got in his car and drove off.

My heart was racing by now I went to my camera roll and saw the pic that I toke, he smirked in the picture., I laid back down and tried to sleep but it didn't help at all.



When Maria told me how he looks like

1-black hair that's in a pony tail


3-has gold teeth in his k9s

4-Black van

I knew who that person was right away.

Mario Lopez

This isn't good I got my phone and texted all the boys to come over my house like ASAP they bursted through my door

"What's happening?." the twins said at the same time I rolled my eyes

"It's about Maria" I said Adam looked at me with a questioning look

"What's wrong with her?" he said

"We'll she said she was at the grave yard when she felt someone was looking at her she said he had , black hair in a pony tail, fat , gold k9s, it was Mario the whole time ,leaving he followed her and she had to hide behind a church" I said looking at them there eyes widen

"What the fuck , how did he find out about her ?!" Adam shouted in anger, fuck this is a angry Adam and it's no fun with an angry Adam.

"Calm down" john tried calming him down,

"How can I calm down when he knows who she is!?." Adam shouted, his vain is popping out by now.

"We have to go to the bosses office now.!" I said

"Yeah, she's right" jack said we then headed to my car and drove to the bosses office


Adam Garcia

Black hair , gold k9s , black van , fat

How did Mario find out about her , but if he lays a single finger near her his life is over .



[April ^^]

Not edited

So many questions but they will be answered in this next couple chapters and please..


Hope you guys like it

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