new girl || chaelisa

By longdalilisaa

138K 4.7K 5.1K

Lalisa Manoban is a sixteen-year old girl, she is the loud and goofy girl, she is blonde, has brown eyes and... More

Chapter 1: Prologue
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21: Epilogue
Alternate Ending

Chapter 2

10.8K 331 715
By longdalilisaa

Chaeyoung's POV

I hid my face behind the pages of the book my mom had got me yesterday as someone sat down next to me. I didn't know the girl's name but I knew she had been talking about me today. "Hey, nice sweater."

Confused I looked up. I thought she didn't like me...? "Err, thanks," I stammered.

"Yeah, it doesn't fit a face ugly as yours."

Turning back the attention to my book I gulped. Of course she wasn't nice. Who would ever be? I was an ugly geek. Of course everyone hated me. I had a high, annoying voice, a lot of people had told me already. "By the way, you should leave school, really. You're even annoying the teachers with being here. Why are you even here?" The girl added and I shrugged, unable to answer. You would think I should be used to the talking already... But it still hurt as much as the day I first heard the mean words from someone's mouth. "I mean, seriously. It's bad for you, it's bad for us. So just leave."

I tugged on my sweater's sleeve and pulled it down my arm. Since someone found out about my scars people even told me I was a coward because I couldn't even kill myself when I tried to. I was too stupid for even doing this.

I let out a shaky breath and felt my eyes prickle with tears. I didn't look up but the girl saw them after all. "Oh, god, stop crying already, baby." She rolled her eyes and got up.

I hid my face behind my book even more and blinked so I stopped crying. I really had no idea what I had done so everyone hated me. I also had no idea why people weren't even afraid to tell me such things. I would never be able to hurt anyone on purpose.

I let out another breath as I realized I had calmed down a bit as I pushed away the thoughts. I started reading again as the voice of the headmaster said, "Park Chaeyoung to my office, please. Park Chaeyoung."

I quickly got up, walking out of the room, followed by everyone's eyes. I had no idea why he was calling me but I was happy for every excuse I had to skip class. I looked at the door in front of me.

Apparently it was too expensive to make a new sign for every new headmaster we had so we only had a sign saying "The headmaster's office". I knocked and the man named James Jordan called me to come in.

Surprised I found my maths teacher sitting in front of us - she should be in our class right now; I was already wondering why she wasn't. "Please, take a seat, Chaeyoung," she smiled at me and patted at a chair's seat next to her.

I nodded and put my books and backbag on the floor before I sat down next to Mrs. McRay. "Here I am," I said and put on a smile that hopefully looked genuine.

"Well, Mrs. McRay just told me somthing about you and the way the other students treat you... Is it true?"

I was shocked but tried to hold my poker face. "What is true?"

"That you're being bullied."

"Sir!" Mrs. McRay protested. "You cannot ask her like that, she really suffers!"

I gulped as the headmaster looked at me sorrowful. "I'm sorry, Ms. Park. But... could you please tell me why you did not tell us that your classmates are bullying you?"

Wide eyed I looked at him. I had no idea what to say! Who would tell the teachers in a case like this? They'd ask the students why they're doing this and then they would be even meaner because I couldn't handle it all on my own.

"We already called your parents."

My eyes almost popped out of my eyeholes. They did what?! What would they say?! "They will be here shortly. Mrs. McRay will go back to class in the meantime, she had told me everything."

Mrs. McRay got up right that moment and smiled at me weakly. She left the room, leaving me and the headmaster alone. "Ms. Park... May I ask why you did not tell anyone? We could have helped you."

I faced the ground and let out a shaky breath. For the second time today my eyes started prickling with tears and I sniffed. "I... I don't know... Maybe they'd say I was a coward because I couldn't handle them alone."

Mr. Jordan sighed as someone knocked on the door. My parents entered. "Chaeyoung!" My mom shouted and I got up to accept her hug. She rested her head in the crook of my head and I breathed in the familiar smell - home. "Baby, why didn't you tell us anything?"

I blinked away the tears and shrugged with a forced smile. "Err..." I had no idea what to say so I just looked at my father who pulled me in another hug.

"Mr. and Mrs. Park, may I ask what you want to do in case of Jade? Should we let the students gather around and tell them it was wrong and everyone to apologize to her?"

"No!" I shouted immediately. "I don't want to..."

"My wife and I decided it would be the best if Chaeyoung would go to another school. Of course only if she wants to." He smiled weakly at me and comforted me by rubbing my back.

A real smile crept onto my face. "Yes, that would be lovely!"

Mr. Jordan nodded with a smile. "I think that's a good idea. Will you do it still today?"

Now it was my mom's turn to nod. "My husband and Chaeyoung would go home now and I will sign everything I have to, alright?"

Dad and I left the room and went to the car. This still could be a nice day!


"Okay, here's your timetable and here's a plan so you can find your classes."

"Thank you," I smiled and for a long time the smile on my face was real. I was happy like never before and really excited on meeting new people. I looked down at the schedule to see I had my first class on the second floor. Soon I had found the room and sat down at the last seat. No-one seemed to mind me but I could care less - being invisible to others was better than being the other's butt to kick around. I pulled out my new book and started reading.

It was a science-fiction story, called Matched. It was about a girl that lived in a community that had planned your entire life already - who to marry, how many kids to get, where to live... But Cassia didn't want to marry the one she should. She wanted to marry Ky, one day maybe. But Ky wasn't allowed to marry at all... It was hard to explain but it was very catching and I had never heard about a story like this.

The door bell rang and I put it away. A blonde, gorgeous girl sat down next to me and she was smiling widely. "Hi, I'm Lisa," she smiled at me and I already felt comfortable and wanted to respond but that moment the teacher entered and smiled at us.

"Good morning! My name is Robert O'Donnald. Why am I telling you this? Because we have a new student!" He had a thick scottish accent and pointed with a smile at me. "This is Park Chaeyoung. Err, Lisa, could you please show her the school and where she can find everything?"

The blonde girl next to me smiled brightly. "Yeah, sure! When?"

I was amazed how happy this girl was. She was continously smiling and next to her I felt really comfortable. "Maybe now?"

Lisa got up and I did so, too. We went out of the class and she smiled. "So, Chaeyoung, what's the number of your locker?"

"Umm, wait a sec," I murmured, looking for a piece of paper. She squealed and I shot her a confused look. "Oh my gosh, you've got the cutest voice ever!"

I felt my cheeks heating up. The first compliment I had gotten and the day had just begun! "Oh, umm, thank you," I murmured.

"Eek, I'm sorry!" Lisa said, seriously looking regretting what she said. "I guess a lot of people are telling you so... But you look really cute!"

I laughed quietly and shook my head. I didn't want her to know I had never met such a nice person like her. What if she found out people were right - that my voice wasn't cute but annoying. That I was an annoying person who you'd just waste your time with. "Thanks a lot, umm... Lisa, right?"

She nodded with a huge smile on her face. "Okay, so what's your number? I guess you don't want to carry around your books all day, do ya?"

I shook my head and gave her the piece of paper. She nodded and we went towards the lockers and she pointed at one. "Here's yours, the combination is 3-7-2-9."

"How would you know?" I asked confused as I turned around the wheel of the locker.

"It's written on this paper," she laughed and I opened the locker to put in my books. "So, now I'll show you everything. First the cafeteria because I love food!" She giggled and grabbed my arm to tag me along.

"So, your name is Park Chaeyoung? Why are you here?"

I shrugged. Although Lisa was a really nice girl I didn't want ro reveal everything yet. "I just didn't like my school much and my parents decided it would be good for a change."

"Oh, but what about your friends?"

"Err, well, I'll still be able to see them, won't I? We also have a life outside school." She hadn't seen me wince at her question but I saw her wince at my answer. Quickly she seemed to recover and smiled as she opened the door and we entered the cafeteria. "We always sit here," she said and pointed at the biggest table in the room.

"Who's we?" I asked.

"Jennie, Jisoo, Bam, Mark, Jackson, Jinyoung, JB, Yugeom, Youngjae and I. I hope you're not against gays because Mark and Jackson are really in love. They told each other just a week ago or so, so they still are in the honeymoon phase."

I smiled. "That might sound weird but I always wanted to know someone gay! Apparently they are super chill! Aren't they?"

Lisa laughed at my sudden outburst. "Yeah, they are!" We left the room and went towards a hall. "This is the auditorium." We walked around the school and talked a little.

Lisa was sixteen and her birthday was in July. She sometimes hated her skin for being so pale but for now it was okay. Jennie and Jisoo were her two best friends for ages now and her best guy friend's name was Bam. She liked to have sleepovers with the girls and she totally adored singing and dancing. I found myself drawn to her, spending time with her seemed to be the easiest thing ever.

I was almost sad when we went back to class. "We're back!" Lisa announced, making the people in class laugh. We sat down again and waited for the lesson to end.

Next lesson I had biology and Lisa had maths. Sadly I walked away and started reading again. A boy sat down next to me - his hair was slightly curled and light brown. He was very tall and smiled at me. "Hey, you're Chaeyoung, aren't you?"

"Err, yeah..." I nodded and was confused how he knew my name.

"I am Jinyoung. Lisa sent me a text to take care of you." He chuckled and I joined his laughter. "So, how are you?"

"I'm good," I smiled and put away the book. "Park Jinyoung, right?"

"Yep," he laughed. "I see Lisa already told you about us, did she?"

I nodded again. "Yeah, she's really nice."

Another boy put his arms around Jinyoung to hug him from behind. He had dark hair and dark, chocholate eyes. "Hello," he smiled at me. "I'm Bam."

"Chaeyoung," I grinned. The bell rang and Bam took his seat next to Jinyoung.


"So, this is Jennie, this is Jisoo, Mark and Jackson and this is Youngjae, JB and Yugeom. You already met Jinyoung and Bam." I smiled at Lisa as we sat down. It was a strange feeling to have someone who actually liked talking to you apart from your family. I felt... amazing.

I sat down between Jinyoung and Lisa and smiled at everyone. Jennie had brown, long hair and a round face. Jisoo had short, straight and black hair, falling to her mid-back. They all greeted me in a supernice way and I wanted to cry because of happiness - they all were so nice!

"Chaeyoung is such a lovely name!" Jisoo smiled. "It's lovely to meet you!" She saw the book I was carrying around. "Hey, you enjoy reading a lot?"

With pink cheeks I nodded. It was a strange feeling when everyone was staring at me and waiting for my answer. I wasn't used to be in the spotlight. "Err..." I nodded and Jisoo chuckled.

"Aww, you're cute!" Jennie laughed.

"I'm sorry," Jisoo apologized and turned her attention back to her food. The rest was still looking at me and my cheeks seemed to become even hotter and redder with every second. I also felt Lisa's eyes on me and then she sighed.

"Err, Mark, how was your presentation?" She asked and everyone's eyes now darted over to the boy.

He looked up from his food and stared at us. His mouth was half open as he had just wanted to take a bite of his sandwich but got stopped by Lisa.

I was glad the attention wasn't at me anymore but I still felt Lisa's eyes on me. I smiled at her and she returned the smile. "Umm, Chaeyoung, I was thinking... well, only if you have no plans on Friday... Jennie, Jisoo and I wanted to make a DVD night at mine and we'd all sleep there so would you like to join?"

I looked over to Lisa's best friends who smiled encouraging. "Yeah, why not?" I asked calmly even though I was jumping on the inside.

"Great! I'll tell you the details!"

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