Only In Your Dreams

By Goddess_Of_Tales

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The same place every night, on a hill high above everything around it. Lush forests circling the hill, a vall... More

Chapter 1

Chapter 2

3 0 0
By Goddess_Of_Tales

Why is everything black? The ambulance flipped, and I was dying. Did I die? No, everything wouldn't hurt this much if I was died in the accident, I have to be alive.

I force my eyes open laying on the roof of the ambulance, the EMTs and Addy all looked very dead. Their bodies mangled in ways I never wish to see again, though looking once leaves a lasting impression.

"You one stubborn human," the voice speaks up and I groan testing my limbs finding somehow I didn't break anything. "That didn't even seem to hurt you except for a few scratches." The frown in her voice is evidant making me roll me eyes as I kick open the ambulance doors and step out into a forest. "You're going to make me come there and kill you aren't you? You just have to make this harder than it needs to be?"

"Look lady, how about you explain why the fuck you want to kill me and what the fuck is going on?" I snap getting furious hearing her voice in my head. "I don't know who you are, I don't know who you're daughter is! All I know is I had a weird dream about a sad looking woman and I made a promise in a DREAM to a DREAM woman! Some form of explaintion might make me less stubborn!"

I keep walking forward wanting to get away from the crash sight, not bothering to care about the dead people there. Someone will find them eventually. The voice goes completly silent to my glee allowing me to walk in peace until I find a massive lake.

"Stare into the water, it will make it easier for you to see me," the voice speaks up suddenly making me jump slightly. "I'm not going to try and kill you so you can look into the water without fear."

"You kill me and I will ensure I will haunt you till the end of time," I snap walking up to the water and looking down into the crystal clear water.

The water swirls slowly until the form of a woman, from the shoulders up, appears looking at me with golden eyes. Her features are straight up American model, her golden hair framing her face perfectly. "I am The Empress, or many simply call me the Mother Goddess," she introduces herself, "I am the Creator of the realm Horoa. No men exist in this realm thus leaving an only female population, but that can fornucate just fine."

I rub my eyes thinking I'm hallucinating, but when I open them again I see her looking at me bored and frustrated. I sigh sitting down and keep looking at her, "Alright, I am in one hell of a serious Coma right now. They have me on some kick ass meds apparently."

"I'm getting bored of this Alexandra Maravil, my daughters life is in danger and I don't time to humor you. Xalia was taken months ago and you are the only one who is able to get any contact with her, I will not let her be imprisoned a moment longer than needed," The Empress snaps at me.

"You're daughter being the woman I have been dreaming about every night the past month?" I ask with a sigh. "The one I made a promise to rescue or whatever?" Water like hands fly from the water reaching toward my neck, but I glare at the woman hard as I speak, "Kill me once, you better make sure I stay dead. I'll come after you otherwise, Goddess or not."

She scowls, the water hands spattering on the gravel around me soaking my pants, "Yes, Xalia is the girl in you're dreams. I don't know why a human from a different world all together is able to connect with you, but you are. Though I suppose you at least have some value if you can so easily threaten me." I roll my eyes at her and she continues, "I am unable to rescue my daughter, she is in a place I cannot reach and a place my creations cannot reach. You have some special connection, something none of my creations have, and because of this I need you to come to this world and save my daughter."

I close my eyes taking in a deep breath, "And the only way for me to save her is to die and you transfer my soul into another body." Whatever, I'm in a coma so its not like any of this is actually real. Its not like I won't wake up soon and this will all be a weird dream. Agreeing can't hurt, plus I'd like to see where this all leads. "Alright, just make it not hurt. Suffocating is not exactly pleasant," I say standing up looking down at her, "This world is getting on my nerves anyway, mine as well see what yours has to offer."

In a flash the water hands appear again around my head and a loud crack is all I hear before everything goes black. My eyes open a moment later staring at the full form of The Empress looking down at me bored. "Snapping of the neck," I sit up rubbing my neck cringing, "Quick and something I wish to never experince again."

"Don't be a child, now come with me and we will get you some clothes," The Empress states walking away from me making me look down at my very naked body. Hello isecurities, thank you for reminding me about the massive scars across my entire body.

I sigh standing up following The Empress, "You didn't miss a detail when recreating my actually body did you? Even the scars from my childhood are here, faded out, but still there."

"What, I thought you liked your body with how hard you were fighting to not die," The Empress asks curiously as we walk into a room filled with massive rows of clothes from medevil ages and even farther back in time.

"I hate my life and my body," I state walking in front of her finding some black trousers and pulling them on, "I just ain't ready to actually die yet."

She hands me a cloth almost seven feet in length with a half a foot width, "So why were you so stubborn at the chance at coming to a different world? And its a binding cloth for you're breasts."

I sigh taking the cloth quickly figuring out how to wrap my breast so they wouldn't bounce, "Someone suddenly appears with power to easily kill you? Are you going to die without putting up an actual fight?" I grab a red tunic like top pulling it over my head happy to no longer be naked. "My older brother and father fucked my life pretty bad, ended up constantly fighting for my life. Hence the scars. I'm not going out without a fight," I state simply looking at the Goddess with a hard glare, "Whatever doesn't kill me better run the fuck away."

I notice her eyes widen, "Now I see why you have a connection to my daughter. You're both hard headed idiots." I shake my head looking through the boots grabbing a pair of what looking like traveling boots stuffing my pants legs into the tall rim of the boot. "So, how do you intend to save my daughter?"

"You have a book on the history of Horoa and a map?" I ask standing up, "A copy of the political standing and economy of this world would also be handy. Laws to, though I don't know how many I'll bother to follow."

The Empress smirks impressed, "Would you like anything on the combat of this world and weapons?"

I chuckle, "As long as you don't have guns, I have nothing to fear when it comes to my combat skills." I hold up my left hand tightening it into a fist showing off the scarred flesh, "I have enough knowlege how to fight from my time in Arizona."

The Empress smirks her white robes suddenly turning to armor, "Then prove it." A gold gilded broad sword appears in her hands and I take a few steps back loosing my body ready to defend myself.

My face falls into a dangerous icy expression, "Are you sure you want to do that?" She swung upward arcing my left side up, but despite how fast she is I slipped out of the way easily. "So be it," I hunch over slightly crouching low as she swings toward my head. It is clear she isn't actively trying to kill me, but I get the feeling normal human wouldn't be able to keep up with her speed. I dodge roll to the side before landing in the balls of my feet kicking off the ground lifting my body into a sprint.

I hear The Empress start laughing and I make it to a balcony looking around seeing a statue with a actual staff attached to it on display about twenty feet away on a statue. I dont hesitate jumping onto the railing of the balcony and leaping to the statue. I grab the staff as I land on the small ledge around the statue looking back at The Empress who wore an impressed expression. I balance myself carefully anchoring myself to the statue realizing I am well over safe falling distance judging by the thick clouds underneath me. "Realize your leap may not have been to smart?" The Empress asks as if scolding a child, "I can help you get back to the balcony."

"No need," I state looking around noticing a balcony just beneath the clouds, barley visible, "I have my own way down." I step off the ledge falling through the clouds about 25 feet hitting the stone hard, but it didn't hurt as much as expected.

I walk into the room the balcony is attached to looking around noticing it seemed different. Like it belonged to someone my age. A little messy, but still neat for the most part. A large shelf of books and a stack on a night stand near an unmade bed. "Xalia, this is her room," I state looking around a bit more curiously finding a journal with neat handing, but foriegn characters.

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