Exiled (AmBw)

By babybluekitten1

172K 8.2K 1.3K

Simple business trip to Japan. What could go wrong? *********************************************************... More

Reading Guide
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapters 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 16
Chapters 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Final Chapter
What Should I Do?
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Chapter 15

3.7K 223 38
By babybluekitten1

Layla POV

We arrived at my destination just in time.

Layla: "Thank you, Takanori." I said, hurrying to gather my things.

Takanori:" Anytime, gumdrop." he said, unlocking the door so I could get out.

Layla: "I'll call you when I'm all down." I said before closing the door.

Takanori: "Okay, let me write down my number," he said, reaching out his hand for my notepad.

Layla: "I still have it." I said, showing him the page he wrote his number on the first time he took me to an interview. "Plus, I have your number memorized," I said, closing my book.

He smiled sweetly at me.

Layla: "Alright, I'm heading in." I said about to close the door.

Takanori: "What? No 'goodbye kiss,'" he giggled to himself.

Knowing he wasn't serious, I scoffed, rolling my eyes.

Layla: "Fine." I said, playing his little game.

I kneeled onto the seat. I leaned in and gave Takanori a quick kiss on the cheek.

Layla: "Happy?" I asked before getting back out of the car, closing the door.

Takanori: "Later, wifey!" he yelled through the open window.

Smiling ear to ear, he vroomed off, leaving me in the dust.

After watching him drive off, I turned around to the building, taking a deep breath before walking in.

I met a pleasant young lady at the receptionist's desk who walked me to the room where I would be meeting the representative of Studio Seven. I thanked her, then set my things on a decently sized coffee table in the middle of the room, surrounded by two beige lounge chairs. The room was quite spacious. It had four large floor-to-ceiling windows, which made the all-white room seem even more spacious. I scoped out everything until I noticed three clothing racks by an accent wall. I figured they were designed by Studio Seven so I waltzed on over to get a closer look. There were a few hoodies, a couple of graphic t's, some hats, blazers, and shoes. Working for one of the best fashion magazines in New York, my views on fashion were more refined. Even though I was an assistant at the time, I was able to see all types of fashion, from the mildly impressive to the mind-blowing. Something about this designer's style really caught my eye. It was strange, yet oddly satisfying. While rummaging through the clothes, my clumsy-self tripped, knocking over a pair of lime green combat boots. Bending down to fix the shoes, I heard a man's voice enter the room.

"Miss Kato, forgive me for the delay. There was a mix up in my schedule."

Layla: "Oh, no problem. I was taking time to admire the collection." I said, rushing to put the shoes back in order. "I appreciate you took the time out to meet with me," I said, jolting up to greet him face to face.

Immediately, my heart penned a resignation letter and left when I saw who it was.

'NAOTO!' I screamed in my head.

I froze.

I attempted to swallow but failed miserably because my throat was bone dry.

'Oh, my God, this isn't happening right now. I'm not about to interview the guy I almost went home with last night.' I thought absolutely horrified.

NAOTO: "It's nice to meet you in person." he held out his hand to shake mine.

For a minute, I stood confused by what he was talking about before I remembered I had been corresponding via email with him for about a week after being assigned to this article so we could set up this interview.

Layla: "Uh, yes, definitely." I said, giving him a firm handshake as I snapped out of my daze.

Naoto: "Please have a seat." he said, gesturing to one of the two beige lounge chairs that paralleled the coffee table where I had put my things.

I quickly and uncomfortably made my way to the seat.

'Holy hell. What should I do? Run.' I contemplated. "Don't run, that's stupid. Calm down, Layla.' I thought, taking up my notepad, pen, and recorder.

I glanced up at him quickly and noticed Naoto wasn't fazed at all. He just sat back in his chair, waiting for the interview to start. Like we were complete strangers. Somehow this made me more anxious.

'Does he not remember me? Did last night even happen? Was I so drunk I imagine I kissed him last night?' I thought.

My last thought left a warm feeling across my lips when I thought of the kiss.

'No. That felt too real to be my imagination.' I thought, folding my lips in. I cleared my throat then tucked my hair behind my ears trying, to refocus.

I opened my book to a page I had jotted down a few questions I was going to ask the representative from Studio Seven.

Layla: "I'm sorry if I seemed a bit off." I said, trying to mask my unexplained flustered reaction to him. "I thought I was meeting a representative of your company so a few of my questions are going to have to be reworked a bit."

Naoto: "That's fine. I'm guessing you didn't get my last email?"

Layla: "No, I didn't. Actually, the first day I landed in Japan my laptop was stolen, so I haven't been able to read anyone's emails." I said in a slightly irked tone. "Let me guess you sent me an email letting me know you would be meeting me instead of a representative."

He slowly nodded his head.

Naoto: "It's a good thing I didn't change the time or place. We would definitely not have had this interview. Either way, I'm sorry to hear about your laptop."

Layla: "It's alright. There's no time to cry over spilt milk. We have an interview to do. Are you ready?"

Naoto: "Yes." he said, straightening up.

'Here we go, Layla. You got this. You're a freaking professional after all.' I thought, psyching myself up for this interview.

Layla: "Great. Let's begin." I said, starting my recorder.

Our interview was great. We looked through his collection as Naoto explained the inspiration behind it. The interview lasted for 45 minutes. Naoto answered all my questions upfront. He seemed like a man that doesn't mince words. I admired that. Usually, designers tend to over talk about themselves or overcomplicate their explanations about their designs and the inspiration for them. Naoto wasn't like that. He painted a clear picture of his brand and its goals. I was able to jot down a quick write up while we talked a bit more.

Naoto: "Oh, wow, already almost finished your article?" he said, leaning in to look at my notes.

Layla: "Oh no, not at all. It still needs some finessing."

Naoto: "I see." he nodded.

After a brief pause in the conversation, I spoke again.

Layla: "Naoto, I must say you have quite an impressive resume. Your a designer, a pop icon, and an actor. You're basically a triple threat."

Naoto: " I appreciate your praises, but I'm not all that." he smiled.

Layla: "Apparently, you are. The only thing that would push you over the edge is if you could juggle." I said jokingly.

Naoto:" Actually, I can juggle."

Layla: "No way, you're lying. Show me."

Naoto:" Alright, Ummm..." he said, looking around for something he could juggle. "Here we go," Naoto said, grabbing a few decorative fruits.

I'm sure I must have looked like a seven-year-old, gawking in amazement as he juggled, but I couldn't help myself. I've only ever been able to juggle two things at a time, but unfortunately, the way I do it, I highly doubt you could consider what I was doing as juggling.

Naoto: "Layla, toss the last one in." he said while still successfully juggling four plastic fruits.

Layla: "Oh, no. That's a terrible idea." I warned him.

Naoto: "Go ahead. I trust you." he assured me.

I hesitated for a second before I picked up the fruit.

Layla: "Alright, I'm going to do it." I said, slightly panicking.

After tossing it in, I closed my eyes, afraid to see what happened.

Naoto: "Why are you closing your eyes?"

Layla: "I don't know." I said, peeping one eye open to see what happened. "Oh, my God! You did it!" I yelped, jumping out of my seat in excitement.

He laughed at my reaction.

Naoto: "Are you always this easily amused?" he asked, smiling as he put the fruits back in the bowl on the table.

Layla: "I would like to say no, but then I'd be lying." I giggled.

Naoto: "Ah, I see."

Layla: "My gosh, now I've got to rewrite my notes. Fashion designer, dancer, icon, and pro juggler. I kidded with him. Are there any other hidden talents I should know about?"

Naoto: "Nope,"

Layla: "You sure because I'm starting to think there is nothing you can't do."

Naoto: "Well, contrary to popular belief, there are many things I can't do."

Layla: "Like what? Tell me one." I said.

Naoto: "Uhmmm..." He thought, before speaking again. "I can't whistle."

Layla: "What? No way." I said skeptically.

Naoto: "Yeah, I've tried. I can't figure it out." he admitted.

Layla: "Oh, come on. No, we have got to figure this out right now. I have to teach you. We can't ruin your spotless reputation." I said as I dragged my chair closer to him. "Don't worry, I taught my next-door neighbour's kid how to whistle, so I'm basically a trained professional."

Naoto: "Oh, okay."He laughed at my outland-ish joke then turn his chair more to face me.

Layla: "Okay, great. Here we go. So first, we need to relax. Take a deep breath in." I said, and he followed suit. "Great, you're doing good so far." I commended him.

He chuckled.

Layla: "Alright, next wet your lips." I said, quick licking mine.

He licked his lips and, I unintentionally folded mine, trying to conceal the smile that crept across me as I watched him lick his lips.

Layla: "Okay, next." I said, shaking off my nerves. "You know when you bite into a lime, your lip automatically puckers."

Naoto: "Yeah?" he agrees but seemed puzzled by my use of illustration.

Layla: "Yeah, just like that, but leave a little space so you can blow air through your lips."

He attempted to form his lips the way I told him to then stopped.

Naoto: "I can't do this. I feel silly." he shook his head.

Layla: "Oh, come on. It's okay to feel silly at first. You got this." I said, putting my hand under his chin, tilting his face up towards mine. "Look, follow me," I said, showing him, shortly after watching, he mimicked me. "Yes, just like that! Now blow." I said when he formed his lip correctly. "Yes, perfect! A little more." I said, getting overly excited when he let out a soft whistle. "Oh my gosh, you're almost there. Again." I said, almost on the verge of hopping out the seat.

He started to try again, then he relaxed his lips and just looked at me.

'Is he okay?' I thought, wondering why he stopped. 'Wow, he's really handsome in person, the music videos don't do him justice.' I thought, captivated by him. After looking over all his features, I landed on the one feature that had caused problems for me before. His lips. I'm not sure how long I was in my trance for, but the only thing that snapped me back to reality when was he folding his bottom lip in to lick it. A shiver ran track and field up and down my spine when I saw this, and then I finally realized how close we were to each other. If one of us leans a little too hard to one side, we'd kiss again. Trying to not bring attention to the fact that I was freaking out because of our proximity, I just sat up properly in the chair and straighten my clothes, like I wasn't like 2 seconds away from re-enacting our last encounter.

Layla: "Okie Dokie, well, if you keep practicing, you'll be able to add whistler to your resume." I said, making a silly joke to defuse the tension I was feeling.

Naoto just gave me a light nod and a smirk.

Naoto: "So, is our interview over?" he asked.

Layla: "Yes, it is." I said, taking up my things to get up and leave. "I thank you for your time today. I'll be sure to keep you posted on the release date of the article." I said, reaching out my hand to shake his.

Naoto smiled, giving me a firm handshake.

Naoto: "I look forward to reading your article."

Layla smiled.

Naoto: "So, we are officially off the record, right?" he asked.

Layla: "Yes, we are." I said, a bit confused as to why he asked.

Naoto: "Good, then we can finally talk." he said, changing his tone as he crossed his arms in front of him.

Needless to say, I was lost by what he was saying. 'I thought we were talking.' I pondered.

Naoto: "So Miss Kato, do you usually kiss strangers in clubs, or should I feel special?" he said, giving me a devilish smile.

I paused for a bit until my mind fully processed what he just said.


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