Personal Experience

By TSDBlackBelt

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Written by @AndreaLotter and myself. This is a story about a young girl who knows the boys of One Direction;... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Chapter Twenty-Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty-One
Chapter Thirty-Two
Chapter Thirty-Three
Chapter Thirty-Four
Chapter Thirty-Five
Chapter Thirty-Six
Chapter Thirty-Seven
Chapter Thirty-Eight
Chapter Thirty-Nine
Chapter Forty

Chapter Twenty-Seven

150 1 0
By TSDBlackBelt

*Colleen’s P.O.V.*

Tonight seems scary knowing I’ll be leaving with the guys tomorrow. Harry told me a few years ago they started this tradition to do a fancy dinner at one of the guys houses, and tonight it’s at Niall’s and Andrea’s. Ni is in charge of entertainment. And basically everything else. At any other get together it would just be Niall and Andrea playing their guitars, the guys singing along, and the girls swooning over them. But for nights like this we love to go all out. A five star treatment with a three course meal and hired chefs to do cook. Andrea and Niall meet us at the front door when Harry and I arrive. The party is actually happening on the top of their apartment.

“Wow, look at you two. You look stunning,” Andrea greets us at the door.

“No!” I exclaim. “Look at you! I’m surprised you abided by the dress code.” Seeing Andrea in her blue gown that is floor length that starts out a lighter blue and becomes darker towards the bottom, it pinches to the right side being held with gold balls. Pleats align the dress under her hips. She has on gold jewelry with blue tints in the earrings and necklace. Blue flats on that match the dress.

“Who are you, and what have you done to Andrea?” Harry jokes peeking over my shoulder grabbing me by the waist like always. Dresses really aren’t her style in general.

“Very funny, you too. Niall chose it. And you know I don’t like arguing with him,” she smiles. “Still won’t wear heels, though.”

“You look gorgeous, Love,” Harry says kissing Andrea on the cheek.

Andrea and I draw back while Harry goes over to the others. “So, do you think Niall’s going to ask the big question tonight?” I ask since this seems fancier than usual.

“No. I don’t think so. Besides, you saw how horrified he was when we mentioned marriage while on vacation.”

“Oh yea,” I laugh. “You’re probably right, but you would love to one day wouldn’t you?”

“One day. But not any time soon…” she laughs lightly.

The guys are chatting while standing by the TV in the living room with some football game on. “Hey girls,” Niall says, “Can I get you anything to drink?”

“Wine, if you don’t mind,” I answer.

“I’ll have a class too, baby.”

“What’s for dinner?” I ask the guys when Niall leaves the room to keep the conversation going. Not like we ever stop talking, though.

“No idea. I’m not even allowed on the roof,” answer Andrea.

Harry starts to hum ‘Here Comes the Bride’ as a joke. “Knock it off, Haz!” I elbow him.

“We know that’s not going to happen soon,” laughs Andrea. Still not sure why Harry even started humming it.

After another half an hour Eleanor, Louis, Perrie, Zayn, Kaitlyn and Liam arrive. Kaitlyn is in fits because she couldn’t get her makeup done before she came here. So all the girls take her upstairs to use some of Andrea’s. The guys continued to watch the game as we all disappeared to Niall and Andrea’s bedroom. I feel sad when I walk into their room seeing Niall’s packed and ready to go. We leave pretty early tomorrow morning. This time around Eleanor is going to be Andrea’s roommate since she’s staying here to finish up law school.

“Someone’s eager for Ni to leave,” I joke kindly. “Harry and I haven’t packed a thing.”

“If only… He gave up trying to pack while I’m around because whatever he put in I took out. He finished yesterday while I was at work.”

“Awe,” says Perrie. “This is his first tour without you, isn’t it?”

“Yup. In the two year we’ve been dating this will be our first time apart for six months.

“Well, what do you know…” El says obviously not paying attention to our conversation. “Who do I see on the social page?”

“Who?” we all ask together.

El clears her throat dramatically, “One Direction member Niall Horan and his long-time girlfriend, Andrea, attended the Little Mix concert with the rest of the band and their girlfriends. It’s their first public appearance as an official couple. Niall remained tight lipped about his blonde beauty, but did confirm she is from South Africa, and that they’ve been dating a little over two years now. When asked if it’s true that Andrea is in fact older than him, Niall confidently answered, “Who cares?” pulling his girl closer to his side."

“You didn’t tell us you talked with the paparazzi!” I shout.

“No way,” Kaitlyn gasps as she takes the magazine from Eleanor.

“Were you nervous?” Perrie asks.

“Of course I was! But having Niall by my side kept me calm. Plus, he did most of the talking.”

“I think it’s safe to say we’re all happy that the two of you finally came out to everyone. Being official and all,” I say.

“I bet Niall had a hard time keeping his hands to himself that night because you two looked stunning. Well, more like in love,” teases Kate.

After fixing up Kate we head back downstairs, but are immediately taken upstairs since dinner is finally ready. I’m blown away by what I see. Fairy lights everywhere, a cocktail bar, dance floor and a buffet I should have known since Niall can never make up his mind on only one meal. A white sheet hangs behind the piano in the corner of the roof with a bunch of pictures of us since the ten of us started to hang around one another. There is also a kick drum and a bass guitar which kind of ruins the effects of the fairy lights to be, but I’ve learned not to question Niall anymore.

“Ni, this is beautiful,” I whisper to him.

“Thanks, Lottie…”

“So what’s so special that your place is decorated so extraordinary?

“You’ll have to wait and see,” he sings.

“Uh un, Niall, you can’t do that to me!”


“Niall!” I whine. “Pretty please?” I pull my puppy-dog face while entwining my fingers in front of me like I’m praying.

“Okay,” he sighs, “But I’m only telling you because I’m excited myself. It’s about saying goodbye, the usual farewell dinner, but also letting Andrea know just how much she really means to me. How much it means that she agreed to go public with our relationship. So I got…” I widen my eyes waiting for the rest. “I got Mark Foster and his band to perform Andrea’s favorite song. The first song she played on the guitar for me.”

“Andrea’s going to flip when she sees him,” I say calmly.

“I know.”

“We all thought you were going to ask the big question,” I elbow him.

“What?! Don’t tell me she thought that too?!”

“No, she didn’t. But she said someday.”

“I taught her well. I mean I am planning on it, but one thing at a time.

“Awe,” I mess his hair up.

Niall steps away from me saying, “Uh, can I quickly make a toast before we start eating?”

“Hear, hear,” Louis teases.

“So… Uh… Okay. As you all know it’s the farewell dinner. And since I was in charge of everything not want Andrea to lift a finger,” he winks at her. “And because I wanted thing night to be about her; to remind her how much she means to me and how much I love her. Andrea, you are my best friend, and I love you deeply. Andrea mouths ‘I love you too’ back to Niall while trying to wipe the tears from her eyes without ruining her makeup. She looks at me as tears start to fall from my eyes. But we both laugh it off. “So, who better to bring a closing to our time together than Foster the People? Singing your favorite song, ‘Waste.’”

“No. You didn’t?!” Andrea gasps as Mark Faster, Mark Pontius and Cubbie come out, and Foster gets comfortable behind the piano. As mark starts playing Niall asks Andrea for the first dance. They continue to play through the night. Dinner is wonderfully delicious, and I can’t get enough of it. Foster the People chose another slow song to play.

“May I have this dance?” Harry bows like a gentleman holding out his hand. I happily take it as he swings me in front of him. Our hands stay together; his other hand on my waist and my other on her shoulder. Everyone follows suit after us; tears and laughter filling the evening air. “God, you’re so beautiful,” Harry whispers to me out of nowhere. I look down blushing. He lifts my head back up and places his lips against mine. As of lately Harry has been kissing me a lot. Not that I mind, but I feel like he’s afraid to lose me or something.

As the night goes on I can tell Harry really wants some type of alcoholic drink, and I let him. One beer isn’t going to hurt him. All the others are skeptical about it, but I trust him. The guys hang around the bar while the girls take pictures with the band. Harry keeps looking at me with shining eyes. I continuously blush; I’ve never had a guy look at me the way he does. At least, I’ve never noticed any.

Neither of us want to leave, but we still need to pack. Harry drives us back to our home. It’s weird to think that I now share a house with him. I haven’t lived with anyone since before the guys helped me move out here. Once in the room I go to remove my jewelry because I never sleep with earrings or necklaces on; I’m too scared they’ll break or I’ll lose them. I feel Harry push my hands away before he brushes my hair aside to remove my necklace. Then he places gentle kisses on my neck. I don’t know what’s up with him anymore. I know he won’t push me to do anything sexual unless I’m comfortable, and we just went further last night.

“Harry?” I asks quietly.

“Yes, Love?” he whispers against my skin.

“Why… Why are you acting like this?”

“Like what?” he continues to plant kisses along my shoulders.

“You’ve been… You’ve been kissing me a lot lately… Not that I don’t enjoy it, but I don’t remember you being this… Attached? I guess that’s the word I’m looking for…”

He releases me from his grasp then stands in front of me. “I guess… I’m just nervous about the tour. Scared someone is going to hurt you or take you from me.” That was easier than I thought.

“But you won’t lose me,” I say placing my hand on his face. “Not after this year… I wouldn’t survive without you.”

His larger hand covers mine, “I wouldn’t survive without you either.” He slips his hand behind my back to unzip my dress. I hold it up still nervous of him seeing my bare breast. “Don’t be-” he stops talking. I take a deep breath knowing everything is going to be okay; that Harry would never do anything to harm me. I let my dress fall to the floor as we stare into each other’s eyes. “You are so gorgeous. I will never let anything happen to you. Ever.” Harry pulls me into him; my breast touching his clothed chest.

“I love you so much, Harry,” I whisper.

“I love you too, Colleen.” The two of us have begun crying for no reason; unless it’s for the fear of losing one another. Losing me. Scared of everything that lies ahead of us.

“Harry, we still have to pack.” He laughs with me. After washing up, and getting every bit of makeup off my face we start to pack our bags. So much is needed. Six months’ worth of clothing. To make things easier we turn on my iPod; a mix of my favorite music from the sixties, seventies and now. If a sad and/or slow song begins to play we skip it right away. Harry dances around the room in his briefs while I’m in the lingerie I finally get to wear for someone. For Harry.

Around two in the morning we hopefully have everything packed; and we have to be ready for five am. The two of us decide to stay up for the rest of the time before Paul is here to pick us up. Five am finally rolls around, “You ready to go?” Harry asks me.

“I think so…” I respond. “Oh, I forgot one thing!” I run into the bathroom carrying a small tube.

“What’s that?”

“Scar cream…” I whisper.

“For what?

“I don’t want to see mine anymore. It’s finally in my past… I need to move forward.”

“If that’s what you want then I’m happy for you,” Harry smiles pulling me into his arms.

Our last stop is to pick up Niall, and we know how hard it is to get him out of bed. Not that Andrea has any trouble getting him out of bed, but sometimes he charms her right back in it. I text Andrea as we’re leaving Liam’s place.

Me: Hey, A, we’re just leaving Liam’s. Make sure the idiot is up!

Andrea: I will :)

Me: Harry says to keep the kettle warm!

Andrea: I will. See you in a bit!

I can just imagine Niall sitting in the kitchen half asleep with messy hair complaining to about how unfair it is that she can’t come along, and what will he do with himself for six months apart from her. As we walk through the door Andrea greets us right away wearing Niall’s blue and write Venice shirt and grey tracksuit pants. “Kettle’s on!” Harry goes straight for the kitchen. I don’t know why he wants to drink caffeine since we both know he’s going to fall asleep as soon as he hits the bed on the plain. I see Niall is sitting on the couch watching a game, and Andrea goes right back over to him resting her head in his lap as they intertwine their fingers.

“Niall!” yells Liam, “We’re leaving in thirty minutes,” as he walks through the door with Kaitlyn at his side.

“You can leave without me. I won’t mind,” Niall says as he gets up.

“Stop being such a drama Queen.”

“Easy for you to say,” Niall whispers grumpily. He takes his coffee in hand on his way to their bedroom.

“He really isn’t up for this tour, is he?” I ask Andrea worried as we make our way back to the kitchen.

“Nope. Not at all. He’s been thinking of way to get me to join him too…” she responds getting mugs of tea ready for the guys to take with them.

“And you really can’t?”

“There isn’t a way I can… I’ve tried,” she rolls her eyes. “But you know how we are; we’ll find a way through this.”

“Andrea!” we turn to the stairs hearing Niall’s voice, “Can you help me?! Please!” from upstairs.

“I swear he’s such a baby sometimes,” she says shaking her head making her way to their bedroom. Harry and I look at each other knowing exactly how evil Niall’s mind is and praying this isn’t one of those times.

“Don’t take too long,” Harry shouts up the steps, “We’re leaving in twenty minutes!” We can hear the two of them laugh as the door closes.

“This isn’t good,” Kate laughs.

“Leave them be, baby,” Liam says wrapping his arms around her. The four of us walk around their living room looking at the pictures; some funny ones bringing back a lot of memories, and then some personal ones between Andrea and Niall. Andrea has always loved taking pictures; almost everything has to be documented in her life. But try and take a picture of her, and all hell breaks loose. I realize how lucky I am with my friends. It took me a few years to even make friends. When I moved over here I was a shy as they come. Then I met Niall. If “met” is the right word. I realized over these past couple of months that when my friends told me they cared and still care about me I never had a single bit of doubt. It’s easier knowing that they will be on the road to recovery with me.

Andrea comes running down the stairs laughing pulling me from my thoughts. Niall is following, “You think that was funny?!” He corners Andrea in the kitchen. I love seeing the two of them like this. In the back of my mind I have the thought that people might see her as a gold digger now that they told the world about them being in a relationship. But no one can see the love between the two of them except their family and friends.

“Ni! Please! I’m sorry!” Andrea pleads in laughter.

“What the?” I ask them smiling.

“Andrea decided to flush the toilet while I was in the shower. Resulting in me having a cold shower. So, obviously, she must now pay.”

“Maybe you needed the cold shower,” Liam jokes.

“Oh you two, hurry up!” Paul is getting impatient!” Harry yells from the living room. Andrea side steps Niall running to the couch; Niall quickly following her. The two of them land on the couch; him straddling her.

“Tell Paul to calm down. He gets to spend the next six months with me,” Niall says between breaths as he tries to hold Andrea down and tickle her.

“Oh for gosh sakes you two! Not in front of the kids!” I hear Louis as he begins to cover mine and Harry’s eyes.

“Good to see you too, Lou,” I laugh rolling my eyes. Louis quickly takes Eleanor’s bags upstairs now that she and A will be sharing an apartment for the next six months. The struggle between Andrea and Naill finally ends after another five minutes. All who are going are ready to leave are standing outside the front door. Louis and Eleanor and Niall and Andrea give each other sappy goodbyes. Louis taking it better because he’s been away from his wife more often than Niall is away from his girlfriend.

Andrea walks over to Harry and me. “Please take care of him. Don’t let him meet some pretty girl on tour and leave me here high and dry,” she laughs hugging me.

“You know that’ll never happen,” I reassure her. “He only has eyes for you.”

Andrea and Eleanor say goodbye to everyone; and once more for their men. Andrea is trying so hard not to let the tears fall, but some do manage to escape. Niall gives her a tight hug whispering something to her causing the both of them to laugh. Then they kiss one final time. One thing I’ve learned about the two of them is that most of the time they’re in their own world. This entire morning is one of those times.

“Oi! Hurry up! We have a plane to catch!” yells Liam.

Niall gets in the car, blows a kiss to Andrea, one that she returns, and then he just stares at her. A longing, missing feeling already seen in his eyes. El and A disappear into the rear-view mirror as we drive off. I rest my hand on Niall’s leg, and he looks up smiling as I rest my head on Harry’s shoulder.

We finally arrive at the airport, and the first thing Harry says to me is, “This is it. You ready?” Fans and paparazzi are everywhere, and it’s scaring me. I keep telling myself I can do this then smile at Harry. He takes a tight grip on my hand and waist as we step out of the car. Niall walks as closely as possible behind me with his hand on my shoulder. We’re practically being sandwiched between the security guards that are trying to keep us safe.

Oh, no! The girls are being separated!!

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