The Edge Of Forever

By joeyness_

20.8K 2.3K 2.1K

THE petals of the blossom tree turned scarlet- and fell. More

the edge of forvever
cast + playlist
01| silver moon
02| pearl blade
03| white smile
04| tainted blood
05| calm storm
06| gifted crown
07| youthful hearts
08| ruby hearts
09| old ties
10| reverberating heartbeat
11| deathly constellations
12| immortal time
13| violet arrows
14| ashen sun
15| periled prophecy
16| lethal liasons
17| translucent stardust
18| moonless skies
19| sweet poison
20| fatal serenade
21| crimson tears
22| woeful lullaby
23| fragile kinship
24| copper tapestries
25| lost tomorrows
26| warm clouds
27| hidden tumoil
28| silk threads
29| eternal destruction
30| masked smile
31| loved ones
32| iced walls
33| craved insanity
34| broken blood
35| innocent souls
36| wrathful dawn
37| treasured smile
38| emerald waters
39| viciously sweet
41| bottled poetry

40| royal hues

187 13 6
By joeyness_



r o y a l  h u e s : 왕실의 빛깔


ALL OF US, UNDER ONE SKY, the same stars and one constellation were souls full of pride and happiness.

"Long live the King! Long live the King!" 

And all the subjects fell in prostration, bowing down multiple times to wish well for the King. The very King who had led an entire army to defeat the barbarians for good, who continuously fended off the Mongolians attacks and who looked after the people of Goryeo as much as the land. 

 "This is all so fancy." From beside me, my husband commented on all the people gathered before the gates of the Palace who thanked the King on the day of his return to the Palace. 

"This is what you worked so hard for." I reassured, smiling. 

"We all worked so hard, the living and the dead." He corrected me through the loud noises of prayers and chants. 

He raised his hands to acknowledge all the well-wishes and then gesturing to the retinue surrounding us, we headed back inside the Palace gates, our short meeting of gratitude to the people over.

My mind drifted off into a silent prayer for all those who sacrifice their blood for the land. "Our blood is never cheap. Be it a lowly butcher or grand minister, we shall honor the death of our fallen warriors."

"Indeed we shall."

Once we were back in, the decorated Palace ensnared me. The fresh scent of wood sage lingered in the air and bathed around my skin- of victory and glory, loss and honour and most of all, pride. 

"It feels as though tonight sleep will come to me with peace." The King sighed in relief. 

I turned to him, smiling lightly. "I pray it does." 

And surely my prayer will be accepted. After countless nights of terror in the court rooms, worrying over the borders that had been attacked, it was time for this nation to prosper again. 

"My young King!" 

We stopped and turned to our left where the call of Queen Dowager Wondeok came through. She walked forward as quickly as she could and bowed her head to her son, pleasure glimmering in her eyes.

"Queen mother, I believe I am pass the age of being your young King." Wang Cheol noted with a chuckle. 

"Indeed you have been a King for six years but you are at the height of your youth and you will always be my young son." She replied pointedly, laughing along with her response. 

The wind blew through us, pecking our skin with kisses like the touch of feathers. It matched our joy and gave its own testimony to our happiness with low whistles around us. 

"Our young Princess is extremely delighted about your return, she cannot wait to see you at the celebrations this afternoon." Great Queen Wondeok filled in.

The King had only left for four months of the total battle that lasted ten months, but those four months were enough to drive all living souls in the Palace mad as the five year old Princess had banished any hollowness within the Palace with her ongoing cries about her Father. 

At the end of her words most of the time, was either me, Concubine Ki, or her head maid Shi-Ah. 

Grimacing, I nodded furiously at the Queen's words. "Ah, your Majesty, you have no idea how much our Princess has been missing you." 

He did not say anything to that but shared a smile with himself that lit up the skies of Goryeo.

"I am very glad you are back, my King." I couldn't help but say just looking at him standing before me, smiling and under the lights of a Goryeo that blessed its own sun with light. 

His eyes met mine, and in them, I saw the accomplishment of the impossible. The honey-sweet eyes of a man who reached out to hold not just his dream, but of his nation. It was his vision of not just yesterday and today, but of tomorrow, that was as vast as the sky. 

Just as infinite.

"Your Majesty!"

At the soft call, we turned around to find the Concubine walking to us quickly, beaming with glistening teeth. 

His Majesty did not wait for her to reach us and instead strode to meet her midway. His hands grabbed onto hers and the Great Queen and I were far behind to hear their greetings after so long. 

"Come on, Great Queen." I turned my attention to the grimacing Queen, whom even after years of seeing her son with Ki, still did not manage to accept it properly. "Let us go get ready for the celebrations." 

My attempt at giving the two privacy worked well with a little hesitation from the other side. 

"Very well," She sighed in defeat, turning away with a final disdained glance. "I must see to the royal kitchens first on the food preparation, you never know with these maids." And before she was done huffing her final words, she had whisked herself off like a burdensome stone soon to be placed upon the backs of all the maids working in the boiling kitchen.

I almost felt inclined to follow but I declined last minute, deciding to head back to my own quarters as there was much to prepare for.

I walked back to my chambers, quietly making my exit from the main courtyard. My gaze was captured by the coloured ribbons that adorned the Palace to scream of our victory. Magnificent was the sight before me, of the royal blue, crimson red and bright yellow.

Their shadows alone cast on the open ground snatched my gaze like quicksand. The simple art of the shadows alone was mesmerising. 

All seemed to look glorious that day.

Suddenly, to my right a shadow came into view. As it got closer, I stopped short, my breath catching in my throat. 

"Your Highness." 

Before I could register his words and react to them, my body became an ornament to my heart that began pulsing promised stars throughout my body. They formed a legacy of their own, coursing through my body with the final bit of hope I had been yearning for. 

I turned around then, and it truly felt like taking a breath of fresh air. 

"Prince Jung." 

In the ten months he had been gone, so little and so much had changed. His looks were barely roughed from when he left ten months ago but his aura and ambiance had a new intent I had not been accustomed to before. 

He wore his beauty like a scar; standing tall and determined both literally and figuratively. Despite having groomed and cleaned himself upon arrival, there was the physical evidences of war upon him, of the red tinges slashed across his hands and two on his face- I did not see it as the ruins of war and rather a dream of the nation.

In his eyes was no longer just a reflection of the night but of an unexpected place, like he knew his tomorrow was not set in stone, like he knew nightmares had a way of turning into dreams. 

He bowed, saving the eyes around of guards and walking maids of wandering thoughts. 

"It is indeed a blessing to see your return after such a victory." I began carefully, trying to contain as much as I could within a miserly sentence that did no justice to my emotions. "I pray to the heavens that you have returned safely." 

Secrets had power. And not even the sky was faithful enough to keep our secret so despite being alone together in that very moment, I still knew better than to take any risk. 

"I am grateful for your prayers, your Highness, indeed I have returned safely to serve you." He replied. 

I caught on to the faintest flash of a smile across his features- it was either the short time or my illustrious imagination but I returned it with a small smile. 

"I shall see you then," I broke out in the silence, aware of the eyes of the birds. "at the celebrations, Prince." 

He bowed, stepping aside. "Indeed, your Highness." 

I turned around, suppressing the soft smile I did not realise curved onto my lips like a snake. 

I returned to my chambers with a content mind. Maid Park and Myung awaited my return, bowing as I entered and wasting no time in divulging into preparations. 

"Your Highness, there are five dresses that have been prepared for you for today. Would you like to begin the selection now?" Maid Myung questioned, barely able to contain her excitement. 

Maid Park, who had rarely taken any joy with any of my own happy moments sighed, nudging the other maid's arm to reprimand her for her eager behavior. 

After serving me for six years, I had realised maid Myung grew accustomed enough to me to be comfortable. Not that I minded it at all- the young maid was far from all the treachery that plagued the walls of the Palace.

"Of course, maid Myung, you may help me pink out the dress. Maid Park," I turned to the other maid with watchful eyes. "prepare my bath and call in all my other maids to prepare for readying me." 

"Yes your Highness!" Maid Myung bowed, hurrying to stand behind me. 

Taken aback and left rather betrayed, my head maid moved back bitterly and left the room with a bow. I never truly felt an pity for her when her intent on serving me was far from pure. My blessing to her was that I left her to her own devices, aware she could never truly harm me. 

"Come along." I instructed, walking towards the changing rooms where all my dresses were hung in a perfect order. 

No two dresses had the same colour or design, save for the overall style of the dress. 

One was blue, a royal blue outlined with an azure colour of the sky. It stood for the earth, ocean, sky and everything in between. It was a work of finery to be worn like a representation of what we earned. 

The second was orange and yellow in colour with flowers embroidered along the hem. It shone like fine gold and glistened various shades of gold as I brushed my fingers along it, making it succumb to the royal touches of the sunlight.

The third was the lightest of them all, a soft pink dress that had lavender borders. Butterflies and birds flew along the dress. It was a dress that stood for freedom and peace.

The fourth one was the boldest, it dripped of crimson and ruby with golden dragons adorning the borders. The craftsmanship was splendid, bringing the dragons alive, despite the beliefs of monstrous dragons, I always believed them to be the hero of their own story.

The final one was an emerald dress with ebony and gold work. The ethereal greenery that made it stand out reminded me of the beauty of the earth. It was certainly enough to remind us of Goryeo's victory. 

"My my, maid Myung, which one am I to choose?" I voiced my thoughts of confusion between them all. 

After analyzing them with awed eyes, maid Myung mirrored my own thoughts. "They are all so ravishing...but personally, I prefer the pink, blue and red one more than the other two." 

I scanned the dresses again, this time with the thought of her words tainting my vision. "Fine...I guess we can narrow it down to those three. Move the yellow and green one aside." 

Verily, my heart was aware of my intentions in making the most of the other two another time.

"Which one...?" I muttered, tapping my fingers on my lips as I tried to deduce which one would be best. 

My mind reeled back to a memory unconsciously, floating back to a time I worked effortlessly not to remember. It was at the time I was first going to meet Jung, while Choi and I were choosing a dress. Where my heart yearned for the fiery red dress, I was told to wear the light-coloured one. 

"Remove the pink one." I ordered, taking a deep breath.

I was no longer permitted to follow the wishes of others. 

Maid Myung did as instructed, leaving the blue and red one to stand side by side. 

"The red one..." I whispered to myself. "I have been waiting since that day to wear the red one." 

"Pardon me, your Highness?"

I glanced at her curious features. "Years ago, I wanted to wear a red dress and was not permitted to. For some reason, I really want to fulfill that desire today." 

I spared her a sideways glance to see her beaming and clapping her hands together. "It will be perfect indeed!" 

It must be.

To look and feel more powerful was beautiful.

 ♠                                  ♠                                ♠                               ♠

"-AND SHALL NO MORTAL power be able to undo Goryeo!"

The words of the Prime Minister had come to an end but the impact they left lasted even after that. 

The wordless bliss was a silent ovation to our fallen soldiers. Our ranks did not stand in the way, for at the end of the day, we all had the same coloured crimson blood that fought for the same cause. 

Before us was a vision so great, a tangential route for us to reach a dream we all had. Something to be, rather than to seem. 

The Prime Minister, groomed and donned in silk purple garments bowed in the direction of where the royal family was seated. His hair, which he had for a year since, chosen to groom it up to date in a top-knot was fastened with a matching bandanna and pin. His presence, weighty and powerful stood down on the many people around us.

Finally, noise started to pour in. The silence dissolved into loud cheers and encouragement. 

A crowd flourishing and bathing in wine and laughter.

"So happy!" The soft calling came from my right.

"Why, of course, everyone is so happy!" I grinned down at the young Princess who was clapping her hands together to join in on the cheers. 

"Queen mother, is it because Father is home?" She gleefully asked, blinking her eyelashes at me, a new habit she learnt from the daughter of a Minister. She truly believed that it was a way to win people over. What the light of my life did not know was a curve of her lips was enough to win the hearts of people. 

She was indeed a wonder, with a mind with no limit and a beauty of a rose. Not just in the scent and soft rouge petals, but there was more to her than meets the eye. 

"Yes," I nodded, smiling to myself. "That's right." 

"He must be famous." She mumbled, turning back to the audience.

I looked over her at the Concubine beside her and we shared a secret beam, which we always happened to do at any of the Princess' uniquely famous remarks. Containing my laughter around her was a sport, one that I failed in a lot of the time. 

"Your Majesty, your return to the Palace has settled the hearts of your people." Prime Minister Yoo had stepped forward closer to our table. "Please allow me to pour you a drink." 

His Majesty gestured to the cup and jug of wine. "It is great to see you here at the celebrations, Prime Minister." 

He smiled a knowingly secretive smile as he lifted the jug to pour the King a drink. It was either a prideful or sugar-coated comment he was keeping to himself with the audience or I knew very well that the fine tips of the corner of his lips would not be able to keep in a typical Prime Minister reply. 

The King took the drink and swiftly downed it in one go. 

"Please do enjoy the celebration meals, Prime Minister." I added, my eyes flickering to his seat where Yi Nam-Seo was awaiting his return. 

"Thank you, your Highness." He bowed us, but not before exchanging words with the Princess who seemed to love his talks of riddles. 

The King watched the two inquisitively then turned to me, confused. "Since when did she grow so close to him?" 

I chuckled softly. "Since these past four months you have been gone, our Princess has begun speaking non-stop, believe me when I say every leaf, living or dead in this Palace has had a conversation with her." 

"She can always talk to me now." He said looking at her. 

She felt his gaze upon her and looked over at us, then waved her hand enthusiastically. "The food is so nice!" 

Suppressing a smile, I gestured to the food. "Your Majesty, please eat and allow me to pour you a drink." 

"Go ahead, my Queen." 

I did so, waiting for him to drink from his cup before he lifted his own. 

I went to pink up my spoon but the same ghastly weight settled upon my lower abdomen and I placed it back down immediately. 

"What is wrong?" The King quizzed, catching sight of my actions.

"Nothing," I reassured half-earnestly. "I seem to prefer the wine to food today." I joked, lifting my cup to take a sip of the settling wine. 

My words were far from the lie but not close to the truth. For a few months, my appetite has been disturbed and my intake and decreased significantly. I was unsure of the origins but it had resulted in a drastic weight loss. Thankfully the doctors reassured it was due to the foods of the season, however unusual that sounded.

"Prince Jung!" The King beckoned his companion forward, who was sitting at the further end of the table alongside his mother and father.

He came forward, bowing his head. "Yes, your Majesty?" 

"I must pour you a drink." He offered the cup to the Prince who conversed with him through his eyes, silently saying something I would never truly know. 

Jung bowed his head as a silent form of gratitude and took the cup. 

Lifting his sleeve, the King poured him a drink and once he had poured his own, both of them tilted their heads to the side customarily and drank their drinks in one go, while I was still sipping my wine from the same first cup I had poured for myself. 

"Let me pour the both of you a drink as well." 

Great Queen Sapyeong stepped forward, making the Prince swiftly take a step to the side, now directly standing in front of me. She sharply analysed us all, her almond like eyes sparing nothing of judgement. 

Change in the Palace was either close to nothing or drastic enough to have a new person on the throne. I had lived my life experience both sides of the spectrum in the Palace. 

She slowly poured a drink in the same cups they had just drank from. Her ruby lips were pursed, emphasizing on her dislike for the action she had just willingly offered to do. 

"It is in the best interest that you dismiss the Queen from her duties in the Court, the inner court is enough for her to handle." She began, raising her eyes from the jug to lock her eyes into mine. 

I sighed, placing my own cup down. 

It was no surprised everyone save the Great Queen was truly enjoying the day. 

Even on a day dedicated to unity, her mind was still embroiled in the struggle for power. 

"He need not dismiss me when it was only my duty until he returned but believe me, my Great Queen, I am fully capable of handling more than just the inner court." I answered before the King could, wording my words precisely sharp for her. 

"My Queen has shown nothing but resilience and the qualities equal to mine. I am eternally grateful to her help in ruling beside me rather than controlling me for her own benefits- a tale amongst many previous Kings." The King added, placing his hand on top of mine. 

"Thank you, your Majesty." 

The Great Queen's face was clotted thick with unshed resentment. She laughed softly, but it was not a gasp or joy rather than bitter distaste, "Not just previous Kings." She moved her eyes to Jung, inspecting him as though debating whether to raise him to the skies or send him down to hell. 

Funnily enough, she chose elements of both.

"You ought to begin aiding King in political affairs, not just guard him, Prince Jung." 

"I do both, actually, your Highness." He corrected truthfully, not coating his words with sweetness for her. 

She breathed loudly from her nose, ruby lips opening and closing in a battle to speak or not to speak.

This time, she chose the latter and walked back.

It took love, I realised over time, to defeat the world, never hatred.


sweet, bitter, sweet. this is the last part of the book!! i feel really really sad. whats do you guys think of the time jump? also, i want to mention i have started uni and my life will go down the same route of misery as last year so i don't know how regular updates will stay i am so so sorry xx

jo x

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