Never Giving Up

By Natasha_Smith

58.2K 1.8K 249

Time has passed since Kaylee found out that Luca has a daughter. Days turned into weeks and before she knew i... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38

Chapter 33

1.1K 46 4
By Natasha_Smith

Four days.

It's been exactly four days since I moved into Luca's London home and I can already feel myself going insane. Not in a bad way but in a way that has me feeling like I'm no longer in control of my own life. Like I'm just another part of someone else's life who seems to be imposing on it in some way.

Every time I turn around in this house, there's always someone there either cleaning or standing guard. I can't leave a used cup in the sink for long before it's washed, dried, and put away. The dirty clothes I've had over the past four days have already been washed, dried, and hung up in the walk-in wardrobe in the master bedroom.

I don't see much of Luca like I used to but that's because he's always at meetings and trying to get to the bottom of who was watching me from their car. It's taken up most of his free time, time he'd normally use to spend time with both Louisa and I but I'm not complaining if it means he's closer to finding out who was watching me.

He did say that his plan was to return to New York the day after Jade's café opening tomorrow night, both Fredrick and Jade returning with him. He already sent Louisa back there with his parents yesterday, deeming it necessary because he doesn't want to worry about two people here to protect when he knows one will be more than well guarded away from here. It's not saying that I'm a priority but we all know that he would have been on that plane with his daughter going back to his home if it weren't for his work commitments keeping him here.

Even now as I sit on the natural coloured, tufted back couch in the living room, there's a woman at the opposite end of the room from me dusting the shelves of the glass and dark wood display cabinet. It's the second time within the space of an hour she's been in here 'cleaning'.

The first time she was in, she had taken away the empty plate and cup I had sitting on the dark wooden coffee table in front of me before cleaning the table and coaster I used. I didn't say anything because I didn't realise what she had done until I looked at the table and seen my travel cup in place of the white cup I had beforehand. She had brought me in my travel mug filled with my morning coffee ready for me to leave for work.

I'm not ungrateful for the people who Luca has hired to keep everything in check for him, but even he has to admit at times that it's a tad suffocating at times. You can't leave anything alone for a moment before it's tidied away and you begin to feel like you're losing the plot.

"Kaylee, are you ready to go to work?"

I look over my shoulder at Luca who is busy fixing the cuffs of his light blue shirt so it sits neatly under his charcoal suit. Carlo and Jones stand a step behind him, waiting for us leave like they have been doing since Monday.

It's been nice not having to travel to work by public transport, not that I minded before. I didn't need someone by my side going to work years prior and after all that's gone on, it's nice to travel to work in the privacy of a car with a driver whose top priorities are safety and privacy. It's an added bonus that it's with someone who knows what's happening and how to handle any issues if they occur.

I get to my feet and pick my bag up off the floor. "Yeah."

I walk to Luca and he takes my hand as soon as I reach him. I give him a warm smile and we walk out of the house towards the Jaguar that's parked up in front of the Audi Jones drives. I slip into the car to my usual seat behind the passenger seat and Luca gets in next to me.

"Jones will pick you up tonight," Luca announces, getting comfortable as the car begins to move. "I've got a late meeting with Fredrick and our lawyers."

"About the buyout offers or everything else that's going on?" I probe.

"A bit of both," he answers on a sigh. "Everything has gotten so hectic that it's gotten harder to determine what these meetings are for. Everything seems to be merging into one."

"Sounds like you need to take a step back and re-evaluate."

"If Fredrick feels the same as I do, and no doubt he does, we may have to do that. It'll stop us from going down a dangerous route and that's something we don't want."

"I know you were talking in the business sense there, but I was talking about in the holiday sense."

He shakes his head. "I can't do that when things are beginning to get unstable. I can't do that to Fredrick, either."

"Sometimes you need to take a break in order for you to clear your mind so you can go forward in the right direction. Your company isn't going to run away from you. It wouldn't be for long."

"If this is your way of telling me that you want me to take you away on holiday-" He reaches for my hand and runs his thumb over my knuckles. "-all you had to do was ask me."

I bite down on my bottom lip, a grin playing on my lips at the same time, and hit him on the chest with my free hand. "Cheeky, git!"

He laughs.

"I'm being serious, though, Luca. You need to take a step back or that route you're talking about will come at you before you even get a chance to go down it."

"I know but I can't do anything until I deal with all of the issues I have on my plate at the moment."

I look down at our clasped hands and run a finger over the face of Luca's watch on his wrist. "Like selling my flat?"

"The furniture has been sent to charity and the painters will be finished decorating it this afternoon," he informs.

I look up at him without moving my face and see him staring at me. I stop running my finger over his watch and sit back.

"I want to go back and see it after work before you put it up for sale," I confess.

"Not without me being there," he fires back instantly.

"You can't be there if you've got meetings," I defend weakly.

"I can if it means you're safe."

"I'll have Jones there and it won't be like I'm going to be there for long. Only to see it once more so I can close that chapter of my life once and for all."

He eyes me closely and shakes his head. "I don't want you there after what's happened."

"It's not like someone was murdered there, Luca."

"Only someone watching you," he retorts.

"Send one of your other guys with Jones as a backup if it makes you feel better. Either way, I'm going to my flat before it's no longer classed as mine."

The car falls silent that lasts until we get to my office, almost an hours drive later. I know Luca won't argue much more on the matter because I'm going to my flat regardless of what he says. It was mine for a long time and until it's sold, it will still be mine.

The car stops directly outside the entrance to my office. I take my seatbelt off, give Luca a small peck on the cheek, and get out the car without uttering a word.

"Jones will see you at five," I hear Luca remind before I close the door.

I look at Jones in the car behind Carlo's and nod in agreement to Luca's reminder. He nods once at me and I enter the office building while the cars drive off down the rest of the road.

"Please tell me you've signed off on the wedding favours?" Is the way I'm greeted by Julia as soon as I step into the office building.

I let the door close behind me take a step closer to my assistant who is breathing heavily before me, using the reception desk to keep her upright. Her chest is rising and falling quickly and she's swallowing hard.

"Okay, Julia, breathe," I instruct calmly, a hand resting on her shoulder while I give Tracey my ID card with the other hand.

She does as I tell her and takes one final deep breath before standing up straight, her hands running down the front of her dark green and white pinstripe jumpsuit. "I'm alright. I'm fine."

"Maybe time to lay off the cigarettes," Tracey comments, handing my card back to me.

Julia shoots her glance that's silently telling her that she'll rip into her if she carries on.

I reach for Julia and turn her on the spot with both hands on her shoulders. "To answer your question, I did. Everything was ordered on Monday and will be there tomorrow for Friday morning to be sorted by Jackie and Mitch."

"Good," Julia sighs with relief.

We walk up the stairs to our floor.

"If that's good, what was with the panicked reaction?" I query.

"I arrived at the office to an email from Jackie asking about them because the wedding that was supposed to be next weekend has been moved to this weekend. I wasn't sure how on the ball you were with them so I-"

"Went into panic mode," I finish.

"Yeah. Sorry about that."

"It's fine. She sent me the same email on Monday but I forgot to respond to it, hence why she sent you one."

We reach our floor and I slip my coat off as we walk towards Julia's desk. She moves to her desk and hands me the pile of letters to be opened.

"Oscar is almost pulling out what's left of his hair over this sudden change," Julia comments, nodding in the direction of Oscar's office across the room. "He's been in since before eight this morning."

I check the time on my watch. "It's eight forty-seven."

"Eric's in, too." She takes a seat and sulks back into the chair. "It's all hands on deck right now."

"Alright." I walk to my office. "Tell Oscar to send me anything he needs helps with cause I'm practically done with my list Jackie left for me to do."

"If you're joking, that may be a bad thing to joke about."

I look back at Julia, catching a glimpse of Oscar who groans so loudly in frustration that it has everyone in the office looking over at him. "I'm not joking."

"I'll let him know," she nods, getting to her feet and making her way towards Oscar's office.

"Thanks," I smile and enter my office to start my day.

I didn't think five o'clock would ever come after I started working. I was only sitting at my desk for no more than ten minutes - reading the mail Julia gave me - before Oscar stepped into my office and placed a stack of folders and various pieced of loose papers on my desk. I didn't say anything to him because I did offer to help, but I didn't realise how much I would have to help him with until that moment.

Nevertheless, I helped my colleague out like we've always done in times like these. Yes, it can leave you feeling drained but it's worth it to see the job done and dusted so we can all move on to something else. So by the time finishing time came around, everything Oscar had to do was practically done and he was left with only an email to send to Jackie to say everything was now in place.

The rain that greeted everyone in my office at finishing time was almost refreshing after the hectic work day we all encountered. It was so tempting to stand outside in it for a little bit so it could waken us all up a little but it never works out that way. Everyone went running to their modes of transport to get home while I simply walked to the waiting Audi Jones was standing by waiting for me. The large umbrella he had up and covering his head was some shield for me as I got in the back of the car out of the rain.

"My old house, please, Jones."

"Yes, Miss. Fletcher."

We drive off in the direction of my flat, the roads just as busy as I remember them to be every time Allison and I used to drive home when she picked me up. In all, it takes over an hour and a half to get from my office to my flat. Jones parks up outside the front entrance, choosing the not mount the pavement like others would if they weren't staying for long.

"Do you need me to come in with you?" Jones asks.

"I'll be fine." I open the car door, leaving my bag on the floor of the car. "I won't be long."

Jones nods and hands my flat key over to me.


I enter the building and walk up to my flat slowly. It's like I'm trying to savour the moment but I'm not. I'm more anxious about how my flat will look after it's makeover that Luca said it needed to have in order for it to sell at a better price.

I slip the key into the lock of my front door and open the door, my eyes closing as it opens so I can get a surprise of what will be displayed to me.

Nothing has changed. The walls have had a fresh coat of paint and the floors are buffed and washed to get them back to their original look. The furniture is all gone and as I walk around the empty rooms, the good memories I had here come flooding back to me.

The countless parties, some of which ended with something being broken. The arguments with family and not-so-close friends. The countless times Allison and I sat either on the couch or out on the balcony drinking or eating junk food as a way of comforting each other through bad events. The weekly family dinners I had with my family here, all of which ended with Chloe and I making fun of Declan in some way or another.

Then there were the bad memories which I don't bear to think about. They hold too many bad thoughts and I don't want to think of them at this moment in time. This is supposed to be about the good times and I want to keep it that way.

I walk into the living room and spin on the spot, taking one final look at the room when the sound of someone walking behind me has me stopping with my back turned to them. I can faintly make out a female reflection in the window but I don't make an attempt to turn and look at them.

"You're genuinely moving in with Luca, aren't you?"

I irreversibly turn on the spot at the sound of Allison's voice echoing towards me in the empty room. Her hands are in her trench coat pockets and she rocks back and forth in her knee-high boots, the heels of the boots causing another echo in the room when they connect with the wooden floor. She seems unsure of what to do and say and I know it's because this is the first time we've seen each other since that night when everything kicked off.

I fold my arms over my chest and look down at the floor. "Only for my safety after all that's happened recently."

"I knew you would, irrespective of the reason behind it."

I don't say anything else, choosing to look around the room instead. My eyes never fall onto Allison, just like hers never fall onto me, either. The silence that's between us is intense and something that has never fallen around us before. It's new and one of us is going to have to cut it with a knife at some point but neither of us is willing to take that step at this moment in time.

"Kaylee, I-" Allison finally starts.

"How did you know I moved out and that I'd be here today?" I ask, cutting her off before she has a chance to say a complete sentence.

I stare across at her. She draws her lips in and bites down on them.

"I've been coming here every day in the hope I'd see you after my mum and dad went to the hospital to see your dad on Monday," she begins explaining. "He mentioned something about you moving out so I came to see if it was true. I didn't think it was true and because you never answered the door to me, I thought it was because you simply didn't want to see me after that night. Then Mrs. Blane appeared and scoffed at me for not knowing that you had moved out and said that it was about time you dropped me from your life."

"She would have loved saying that to you," I add.

"She did," she agrees, taking a step closer to me. "She was smirking when she said the last part. I wanted to smack her right there on the spot but restrained myself from doing so. She isn't worth it."

"That she isn't. She'll be so happy to have me move away from here after all the hell we've apparently put her through over the years."

Our conversation ends there and I'm just about to turn to look out to the car park when Allison's brow furrows and she takes another cautious step to me.

"What happened to us, Kaylee?" She asks, her voice on the quivering side.

I shrug. "We let men get between us."

She nods in understanding. She looks at the floor and frowns again.

"I broke things off with him," she confesses. "Greg and I are no longer a couple."

I have to stop myself from being shocked because I truly didn't see that coming. She only just got engaged to him and for all he's a cocky prick to others, he treated her well despite his actions. She was happy with him but clearly after the events that happened that night have come as a reality check to Allison about his true colours.

I clear my throat loudly and slip my hands into my coat pockets. "Wh-When did that happen?"

"Tuesday after work," she answers softly. "My parents had a conversation with your dad who told them what happened at Greg's birthday dinner and about that fight here. They didn't know anything about it and told me to have a real think about whether or not I wanted to spend the rest of my life with someone who has no respect for others like him."

"Allison, I'm sorry."

She shakes her head and holds a hand up to me. "Don't be. You knew what he was like long before I could see it myself. Yes, his best friend is a dick but I thought he was different. I wanted him to be different from his clique of friends but he wasn't. He isn't."

"I could have told you that," I smirk in a joking way.

She laughs softly. "It just my luck with men isn't it?"

"You like the bad boys and boys with fast cars," I answer truthfully.

"And I never seem to learn," she finishes.

I smile and close the gap between us. I engulf her in a tight embrace and she returns it, holding me to her forcefully and sniffing a couple of times like this is what she's needed all along.

"I am sorry, Kaylee." She whispers.

"And so am I."

"You don't have to be. It's all on me and no one else."

We pull apart. Allison runs a finger under her eyes and sniffs once more.

"I even overheard Greg talking to Terence about ways in which they can get back at Luca without going near him. Ways that would send him into a frenzy without physically doing something to him. They both showed their true colours there and then."

I cock my head to the side and frown just as the living room lights up from the car park. I look at the uncovered windows and balcony door at the bright light.

"Would that include coming after me?" I ask, moving cautiously to the balcony to get a better look at where the light is coming from.

"It no doubt would because your one of his weaknesses," she answers.

I stare down at the car park at the car sitting with its full beam lights. As if noticing that I'm at the window, the lights flash twice. "Do you happen to know what kind of car Terence drives?"

"An Audi Q5 as far as I can remember. Kind of like the one Luca has." I hear her move to stand next to me. "Why?" The lights flash again. "Kaylee, why is Luca doing that?"

"That's not Luca," I tell her. I grab her hand and pull her away from the window. "That's Terence." I pull her towards the front door, turning all the lights off as we pass the switches. "He's been doing that since Saturday night and it's why I moved into Luca's. He's trying to scare us."

"Well, it's fucking worked!" She half shouts, stepping out the flat first. "Where are we supposed to go? My car is out the back where he is."

"Jones is waiting for me at the front entrance. Sadly, your car will have to stay here until tomorrow."

I step out after her and lock the door. I grab her hand and we run as best we can in high heels to the front entrance of the building.

"As long as we get away from him, I don't give a fucking damn."

We don't dare take a glance to the back entrance of the building, fearing that either Terence or Greg could be standing there waiting for us to go that way. Who knows what they could have planned if we did go that way but we weren't going to chance it with Jones sitting closer to us at the front than what Allison's car is at the back.

We rush out the front entrance to the parked up Audi, getting in the back of the car in no time and instructing Jones to drive off as quickly as he can. He looks surprised to see Allison with me, the shock clearly visible in his eyes as he looks back at me via the interior mirror.

"No questions. Drive." I instruct firmly.

"Seatbelts, ladies."

"Just drive!" Allison and I shout in unison.

Our hands fumble to put the seatbelts on as the car drives off slowly until we get the restraints on that will come in handy if something happens soon.

"Anyone care to tell me what's happened?" Jones asks, the cars speed going up a notch.

"It's Terence," I breathe heavily.

"And Greg," Allison adds.

"They're the ones who were watching me from the car park," I enlighten. "They were there again just now."

Jones says nothing but I can see him looking in his interior mirror to look out the back window. His eyes narrow before he looks back at the road in front of us. Allison and I look at each other before turning our heads to look out the back window at what Jones was looking at.

Only a few car lengths behind us is the Audi that was sitting in the car park flashing their lights at us. Its headlights are off, making it seem almost incognito in the fading daylight. Only it's daytime running lights are visible to us, making us turn our attention away from them and back to where we're going.

"Miss. Fletcher. Miss. Nash." Jones says, getting our attention to him. "Brace yourselves."

Allison grabs my hand in hers and squeezes it tightly. I return the gesture and watch jones closely. He slows the car down until it's almost crawling, just enough for the Audi behind us to get close enough so it will have no choice but to come to a halt. Soon, the other car comes up behind us, its tyres skidding on the wet road as it comes to a screeching halt that's clearly audible to everyone in range.

"Three . . . Two . . . One . . ." Jones counts down, his eyes focused on the driver and passenger of the Audi behind us before he puts the foot down and we go speeding off down the remainder of the road.

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