Kidnapped by the Devil

By jazztheebeauty

639K 19.1K 1K

Carina Lehew is one of the most respected socialites in New York. She works as a fashion designer for her mot... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3: Matteo
Chapter 4: Carina
Chapter 5: Matteo
Chapter 6: Carina
Chapter 7: Matteo
Chapter 8: Carina
Chapter 9: Matteo
Chapter 10: Carina
Chapter 11: Matteo
Chapter 12: Carina
Chapter 13: Matteo
Chapter 14: Carina
Chapter 15: Matteo
Chapter 16: Carina
Chapter 17: Matteo
Chapter 18: Carina
Chapter 20: Carina
Chapter 21: Matteo
Chapter 22: Carina
Chapter 23: Matteo
Chapter 24: Carina
Chapter 25: Matteo
Chapter 26: Carina
Chapter 27: Matteo
Chapter 28: Carina
Chapter 29: Matteo
Chapter 30: Carina
Chapter 31: Matteo
Chapter 32
Chapter 33: Carina
Chapter 34: Matteo
Chapter 35: Carina
Chapter 36: Carina
Authors Note
Authors Note #2

Chapter 19: Matteo

18.2K 427 21
By jazztheebeauty


I groan and slap the annoying alarm, shutting it off, and lay there thinking of last nights events. A satisfying smile spreads across my face as I think about the kiss Carina and I shared and I find it divinely liberating. Her pouty lips are soft and supple like a peach. I feel my black cotton boxers begin to tighten as my cock hardens. Thinking of Carina always does this to me. I've slept with plenty of women and I've never gotten this hard when I thought of them. I want Carina so badly, but I have to be patient. I grudgingly get out of bed and head to the bathroom. I'm going to have Venni help Carina pack her things and move them back to her apartment. I know she's going to be excited to have her life back, but a part of me wants her to stay here so we can be in our own little bubble. I step in the shower and start to brush my teeth. Venni is going to be her bodygaurd now so I know that's she's safe. One reason I've never had any serious relationships is because I've made enemies. I don't want anyone to get hurt for my wrongdoings, especially now and especially with Carina. I comb my hair and put on a gray suit with a white button up shirt. I look over to the clock on my nightstand and it reads 7:12 A.M.. I have a meeting at 8:00, so I'm happy I have time for breakfast and hopefully Carina is up. I need to run over some guidelines with her about our arrangements. No more bullshit rules. I leave my room and make my way down stairs. I hear a door close behind me, but when I turn to look nobody is there. Maybe Venni is in Carina's room talking to her. I shrug it off and head downstairs and into the kitchen. Toni is happily waiting for me with my usual cup of coffee, orange juice, and a plate of eggs, cinnamon toast, and bacon. I inhale the intoxicating aroma and sit on the high stool sitting at the island.

"Good morning Toni," I chirp because I'm in a damn good mood.

"Good morning Mr. Carson," he says with a huge smile on his face.

I silently eat my breakfast and glance at my watch. It's almost time for my meeting. I grab my mug of coffee and hurriedly head to my home office. I hate tardiness from anyone that works with me so I'm not going to make it acceptable for myself. As I enter my office the phone rings and I quickly run to it.

"Matteo Carson speaking," I answer stiffly. The voice of one of my good friends, Brandon Cartwright, booms through the reciever. He's been a good friend of mine since we were young boys. Our father's were business partners and good friends. His dad took over the company until I was 18 and Brandon and I remained good friends. His father, Jason, helped raised me but Venni made sure he never knew about the family business.

"Matt you should have came out with us last night! It was a lot of hot babes at the party. Carter got so shit faced," he says enthusiastically and I know the 'us' he is talking about is him and Carter. Brandon and I are the same age, but his cousin Carter Brooks, is a few years older than us. He's always doing something that lands him into some kind of trouble, and Jason always has to smooth it out. My skin crawls at the thought of what happened when he set an abandoned boat house on fire a couple years ago. Jason had to clean that up too. I shake my head erasing thoughts of the past.

"You've really got to control that cousin of yours Brandon," I state matter of factly. Brandon tries to keep him under control, but for the most part Carter's really reckless.

"Yeah I know, but I have a meeting with dad. I will see you at the gala this weekend," he says before hanging up the phone. That just reminded me that I need to ask Carina to accompany me to the gala. I know she's most likely invited, but I don't know if she's going. The office phone rings bringing me out of my thoughts. It's the phone call I've been rushing back to my office for.

"Mr. Lehew it's so good to finally hear from you."


It's mid-afternoon when I finish all my meetings. I hear the hustle and bustle of things being packed and moved while I'm on the phone. Carina's practically driving Venni to the point of insanity. He even came in my office and asked if I needed him. That stubborn woman is going to give the poor man a heart attack. I sigh heavily and decide that it's time to tell Carina the new guidelines. I pick up the phone and dial for her room.

"Uh.. Y-yes," she stutters nervously and I smile. I know my call is a shock to her.

"Carina come to my office. I want to discuss some things with you," I say firmly and hang up the phone. One thing I don't want Carina to think is that she has the upper hand. Sure I'm happy she's picked this new choice, but, despite how it may seem, I'm not some school boy ready to wait on her hand and foot. I don't even know what to call it. It's a mere infatuation, one that I'm pretty sure I'll get over once my sexual desire for her is tamed. There's a light knock on my door breaking my thoughts.

"Come in," I say flatly and Carina walks in and my guard I'm holding up falters a little. Her hair is in it's natural deep curls, and parted naturally to the side. She's wearing black joggers and a black sports bra. God Nike needs to sponsor her the way she fills out their women's wear. I watch her as she walks and takes a seat in front of me, and the sunlight makes my gift on her neck dazzle. She doesn't have an ounce of make-up on, not that it matters – hell she's striking with or without it. I feel myself solidify, bringing me out of my trance. I need to control myself because this is getting ridiculous. I clear my throat and shuffle  in my seat a little.

"So Carina I'm not going to beat around the bush. I do have some minor security guidelines for this new arrangement we have," I say nonchalantly and she nods her head for me to continue. "Venni will be your personal bodygaurd and chauffeur. Your safety is important to me and I don't trust anyone else with you other than him. If you try any disappearing acts, please do know that I'm very capable of finding you. Am I making myself clear," I state firmly. A part of me hopes Carina isn't like my mother, but I want to put it in her mind that there is no escaping me. Carina's caramel colored eyes light with defiance and anger, yet a small smirk plagues her full lips.

"Of course Matteo," she says sarcastically. I knew the last part of what I said pisses her off, but I don't care. I'm not going to give her false hope and have her think that she's met her knight in shining armor. That's not me. I want to persue and tame the craving I have for this stubborn, short tempered angel. That kiss last night only added fuel to the fire I want to put out. I let out a frustrated sigh.

"Carina I'm infatuated with you. I don't know if it's just my physical desire to have you or because you truly are a mystery to me, but whatever the case maybe I plan to find out. If that means keeping you safe and you having to abide by some minor guidelines then so be it," I declare. I've never been one to lie to a woman about what I want. I'm being fully honest with Carina. I look into the pools of caramel and I see anger, but I also see sincerity and desire. Her eyes are quickly masked and her body becomes stiff.

"Please excuse me. I have to finish packing," she practically whispers and leaves my office. I hear her light footsteps run down the hall and her door slam. I don't know what just happened, but I definitely know Carina isn't going to make this shit easy.


I'm sitting in my office answering some emails when the phone starts ringing. It isn't coming from any of the rooms, and I'm not expecting any calls, so I look at the caller ID and it reads Unknown. I have no idea who it can be, but I answer nonetheless.

"Matteo Carson speaking," I say firmly.

"Oh you sound just like your father did in his younger years," a woman's voice chirps making ice run through my veins. I know the voice all too well and my grip on the phone tightens.

"What do you want," I spit out coldly. My mother rarely calls – hell the last time I heard from her was on my 18th birthday, and I've been tracking her ever since. Her menacing laugh echoes through the phone and my hands shake from rage.

"Matteo darling the guest in your home is very lovely. Be sure to keep a close watch on her," she chimes and the phone goes dead. My body goes cold. How the hell did she find out about Carina? How did she even get close enough to know she's here? I slam the phone on the reciever and leave my office in search for Venni. I need to find this woman and put an end to her quickly. I find Venni outside placing boxes in the Suburban. I want and need to know Lucinda's whereabouts and fast.

"Venni I need you to do something for me," I say as I reach the Suburban. He nods his head and we walk towards the gate to the driveway. I don't want Carina hearing any of this if she comes outside. It might frighten her and that's the last thing I need.

"What's up boss?"

"Venni I need you to call Warren. Lucinda just called," I say. Warren Daniels is a private investigator that worked for the FBI. I hired him to track my mother down what feels like ages ago, but I put him on pause because she hasn't popped up in years.

"After all these years what could she possibly want?"

"Venni she knows about Carina. I don't know how, but she does," I say worriedly and Venni's  face goes pale. My mother is a ruthless woman. He's seen her partake in the family business and wasn't too thrilled at the things she did. "I need you to watch after Carina closely. I know she likes her privacy, but when you're with her make sure to watch her every move. I don't want that bitch to get anywhere near her," I say angrily. The thought of my mother causing Carina any bodily harm pisses me off. Venni opens his mouth to say something but I hear a loud bang making us both stop in our tracks. My head snaps towards the entrance of the house and Carina is lying on the floor. Panic washes over me as I run to her. She turns over to sit up wincing in pain. Venni picks up the box she dropped and vanishes. Carina tries to get up and my hands quickly go to her waist to keep her in place. Relief washes over my body when I notice she isn't in harms way for now, and our eyes meet.

"Tesoro are you alright," I ask worriedly as her caramel eyes lock me in. I don't want to look away from the beauty sitting before me. My heart races as I think of how close we are. Her gorgeous face is a mere few inches from mine. My mind races through images of her last night causing my body to set fire once my hands are on her. I notice her eyes spark with lust and I can feel myself at the edge. I need to satisfy my hunger. I see her glance down at my lips and I  do the same. She bites her lip and that sends me jumping off the cliff. My body stiffens as I feel my control slip and her eyes meet mine once again. "Fuck it," I breathe and smash my lips onto hers hungrily. I don't know what just came over me, but I need her lips on mine. She soon begins kissing me back with passion matching mine and my dick becomes achingly solid. I nip at her bottom lip asking for more and she gives it. I let my adventurous tongue take over the sweet taste of Carina's mouth, and put my hand behind her neck deepening our kiss. She lets a small moan escape her mouth, and I'm flaming like wildfire only she can put out. I'm about to slip my jacket off when I hear someone clear their throat. Carina quickly pulls away from me, and my body slowly starts to cool. I glare at Venni. His timing couldn't be any worse.

"Sorry to interrupt Mr. Carson, but here's the first aide kit you asked for," he says and I look down and see Carina blushing. She looks so adorable.

"It's fine Venni. I'll take Carina into my room and clean her up. You warm up the car," I say calmly. I want to finish this in my bed if Carina lets me. I feel her squirm, but I quickly wrap my arm firmly around her waist and put the other under her knees. I pick her up easily and carry her into the house. I study Carina as we walk through the house. She hasn't spoken one word since she fell. I notice she's studying the sapphire ring attached to the necklace I gave her last night. "You know if you aren't going to look at me you could at least talk to me tesoro," I say softly. I don't want to frighten her with my high handedness, so I decide to be polite. She nods her head in agreement, but still doesn't look at me so I know for sure she's avoiding to look my way. It's honestly very childish of her, but it's so amusing I chuckle. "Tesoro I'd like to ask you something," I say as we reach the top of the stairs. I want to ask her if she'll come with me to the gala. I'd love to have her on my arm and I'm sure Carina will be very entertaining. She definitely isn't like all of the socialite women I've bedded. She's defiant and actually uses her brain. I'm brought out of my thoughts when she clears her throat.

"Ask away Matteo," she chirps and I smirk. Carina is so cheeky. It doesn't annoy me like her stubbornness, but it definitely amuses me. I look down at her smugly.

"Well I know it's last minute, but I'd like you to be my date to a charity gala this Saturday," I suggest softly. I'm nervous for her answer because she might say no. I have never came face to face with rejection before and I'm sure Carina will be the one to introduce us. She looks at me blankly as I wait for her to answer. We walk down the hallway towards my room in silence. I know she's thinking because her forehead is wrinkled. It's a trait I noticed the few times we've encountered each other. We enter my room and I sit her down on my bed. I kneel down and untie her shoe. Her ankle is already swelling and I need to wrap it before I not have a date. I lift her foot to place it on my leg.

"Jesus Christ! What the hell," she squeaks and I wince seeing the pain flash across her face.

"Carina I need wrap your ankle quickly before the swelling expands," I say softly. I don't like seeing her in pain, but I need to move fast. She studies me for a brief moment then nods her head for me to continue. I slowly take her sock off and begin wrapping the bandage around her ankle. I make sure I pull it tight to keep it from swelling any further, but I'm being very gentle so Carina won't be in pain. Once I'm finished I put her sock back on. It's like she's a delicate flower so I'm making sure not to be rough. I notice Carina's joggers are sticking to her knees.

"Okay now take your joggers off," I say firmly. I need to make sure she won't need stitches. She looks at me as if I told her I was pregnant causing me to throw my head back and laugh. "Carina I want to make sure your knees aren't bleeding or infected," I say amusedly and she blushes turning away from my gaze.

"Alright," she whispers. I watch as she stands up and reaches for the waist band on the tights, but I lose control and grab her hands. She looks through her thick eyelashes as I stare at her. I don't know what came over me.

"Let me do it," I say softly. I don't want her lifting a finger. She just nods her head in agreement. I slowly pull her tights down and discover she's wearing white lace cheeksters making me inhale sharply. She's killing me and she doesn't even know it, yet she squirms as if she's uncomfortable. "Don't be self conscious tesoro. You're beautiful," I say softly and I mean it too. Carina has no reason to be uncomfortable – hell she's the epitome of beauty. Her cheeks are flushed with a light shade of pink and my heart squeezes at the innocent gesture. She sits back down on the bed and looks at her knees.

"Oh gross," she chuckles. Her knees are bloody, but she doesn't look surprised. She must be pretty used to falling. I hear her angelic chuckle and goosebumps rise on my flesh.

"What's so funny?"

"My mother used to yell at me for hurting myself from my clumsy antics," she answers looking up at me. The picture of a young Carina falling all over the place comes to mind. I'm sure her injuries weren't as bad as her knees though.

"I can see why! Your knees look pretty bad. Can I clean them?"

"By all means clean away," she says with a smile on her face causing my stomach to feel like it's been kicked. She has one dimple on the right side of her cheek and her teeth are flawless. I take out some hydrogen peroxide and cotton gauze. I make sure to dab lightly because her skin is raw and tender. I think about how Carina's life is so different from mine – hell we are different people in general. She isn't my typical type either. She's short, mouthy, short tempered, and insanely stubborn. It seems that everything about her that I don't like is what makes the fire inside me come alive. I take out some big bandages and place them over the scrapes. Carina seems really genuine and it makes me want to be myself when I'm around her. I want to believe she's that way too, but I need to keep my guard up just in case.

"There. All done," I say. Carina quickly reaches down and pulled up her tights. I'm very confused as to why she's in a hurry to leave.

"Thanks," she says while she ties her shoe. She hobbles to the door, and I just watch as she's quickly retreating. I don't know what I did or said to make her act this way. She twists the doorknob and turns to me "You have yourself a date Saturday," she says and walks away leaving me dumbstruck.

Saturday approaches faster than expected. After Carina and Venni left I made sure to call my architect to let him know I'm bringing a plus one. It's rude to bring someone to something without the host knowing, even if that someone is Carina Lehew. I've been working out like crazy trying to calm my sexual drive. The kiss we shared after she fell was maddening. I've never been so aroused by a woman before, and tonight I'm going to do something about it. I can't help but want and need her with me. She contaminated me with her virus and only she's the cure. My thoughts are interrupted by my cell phone ringing. Venni's name pops up on the flashing touch screen. Oh no. What happened to Carina?! I think as I frantically answer the phone.

"Venni is she okay," I ask worriedly. Ever since Lucinda called I've had Venni strengthen our security system. He's hired one of his old colleagues, Jase Luschek, to look after the security at the house. He isn't bad, but I'm very careful not to do family business with him around. He hasn't earned my trust yet and I don't need anything to leak out.

"Uh. Yes sir. I'm just calling to tell you that Lucinda is in town. My guys say Frankie Puccini had dinner with her last night," he answers making my skin turn to ice. Frankie is one of the most dangerous people in the Mafia. The fact that my mother is having dinner with him isn't good, especially the day after she called about Carina. I exhale my frustrations. Why the hell is she back? I need to have a table meeting with The Family minus Frankie.

"Venni I want you to make sure Carina doesn't leave your sight. I don't need her getting caught up in this," I demand. I have no problems with Frankie, but me and the other bosses make sure not to cross him. When my father was sick Frankie was the one to clean up the mess of and get everything back in order, so he earned his respect from everyone that sits at the table, myself included.

"Boss I advise that you don't go tonight," Venni replies. I know he doesn't want to cross paths with Frankie, but I be damn if I go into hiding just because my mother is back in town and she's having dinner with a man who really is Satan. If it comes down to it I can take care of Frankie and Lucinda in the blink of an eye.

"I will do no such thing Venni. I promised her. We're going and that's final," I declare. I don't want to get her hopes up just to have them come crashing down. I want Carina to have the time of her life tonight with me no ifs, ands or buts about it.

"Yes Mr. Carson," he says. I know Venni is just looking out for me and doing his job. He's always advised me not to do things, but that has never stopped me from doing them before.

"Please tell Carina to be ready by 6:45. She isn't to hear about any of this understand," I say firmly. The last thing I need is her running away from me before she even gets a chance to know the real me. I know if she knew my mother was after her, she'd flip shit. It's inevitable.

"Alright boss," Venni replies and I hang up. It's only a matter of time before I run into my mother. I don't know why she's back in town. She hasn't been in New York since she abandoned my father and I. What could she possibly want with Carina? I exhale a frustrated sigh and pick up my office phone and dial the number I know is going to be a piece of the puzzle.

"This is Frankie," a man answers.

"Yeah Frank this is Matteo. How's it going," I ask trying to make conversation. I don't dislike Frankie. It's just his ways to solve problems are old school and quite messy. In my eyes he's predictable.

"It's going well. What's the reason for the call," he asks and I can hear the amusement in his voice.

"I think you know why I'm calling Frank. What does she want," I say coldly. I don't like playing games and if Frankie honestly thinks he can go toe to toe with me, he's going to be let down tremendously.

"Lucinda doesn't want anything. My wife and I just had a simple dinner with our daughter," Frankie answers and I break the pencil I'm holding. Did he just say wife and daughter? Rage immediately fills my body. This can't be true.

"Frankie I'm inviting your family for dinner at my house tomorrow. I'm sure you can understand why," I say through clenched teeth. I've always wondered why my mother left, but everything seems to make sense now. She left the family she already had to start one with another man.

"I'm looking forward to it," he says and hangs up. I slam the phone on the reciever. This is fucking unbelievable. I always thought my mother didn't love me, that I was too much like my father and that's why she left, but in reality she loved another man more than she loved me. Not only loved him more, but had another child by him. If she thinks I hated her before, she's in for a rude awakening tomorrow.

I try everything to contain my rage. I run until my legs give out, I have a few rounds with the punching bag, and I do some heavy lifting. It tames me, but I'm still fucking angry. The only thing that calms the raging storm building in my chest is knowing I'm about to see the curvaceous beauty that is Carina. Hopefully having a good time with her will take my mind off of everything. I leave the gym and head to my room to shower. Tonight is my first night with Carina and my nerves start to consume my body. If things go wrong tonight I'll definitely flip shit, and I don't want Carina to see me like that. She deserves to enjoy herself tonight and I'm going to provide her that.

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