By ScotsyOM

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Collection of OCs and Art. You're welcome to share opinions on these and review if wanted. More

Book of Doodahs
A Team Name?
'The Copycat' of 'The Co.12'
The Copycat
The Real Boy & The Imaginary Boy
The Wish Granter
The No-Thing
Agent Flentt - full verison
Agent Flentt - short verison

The Technopath

93 6 10
By ScotsyOM

Full name: Orianna 'Orian' Georgina MacKay

Alias: Machina. The Technopath.

Age: 18 [DOB: 26th May]

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Pansexual

Species: Human, Mutant

Nationality: Scottish

Occupation: Student at Xavier's School for Gifted Youngsters.


Head full of wild ginger curls that fall just to her shoulders. She tends to let it do its thing, but occasionally ties the curls back when they get too much. Green eyes, with dark bags under her eyes due her many sleepless nights over the years, with freckles scattered across her pale skin that is probably a bit too pale. Her facial features are defined, with a sharp jawline and a straight nose, her face is average, nothing that catches people's eyes, but nothing to leave them repulsed.

She stands taller than the average height of women, and with those untamed curls, she's hard to miss. She's got an ectomorph body type, long and lean. She is almost always seen sporting some retro-styled t-shirt with some text or design printed on its front, paired with a hoodie. She mostly wears fitted jeans with some fake timberland styled boots.

She's got small randomly scattered scars all over her hands and fingers with a few on her forearms. As well as a few small burn scars on her fingertips. They're faint but if you look long enough you'll see them.

These scars and burns are a collection of her not so successful 'experiments' from her childhood and early teen days of messing around with lamps, toys and other whatnots. Ones that either short-circuited and burned her or that blew up sending pieces of metal and plastic into the outer surface of the skin.

When she was 14 she had her arm broken by a group of kids at her school, in all fairness Orian had it coming to her. She had to have surgery and has the scar on her right upper arm to prove that running her mouth will come back and bit her in the arse.


She firstly comes off as arrogant, cold, blasé and outspoken. [The arrogance stems from her mother calling her 'silly' and 'stupid' when her experiments would blow up or burn her fingers when she was a child.] Despite her arrogance making people think otherwise, Orian is actually incredibly smart, and excels greatly in the S.T.E.M subjects. She's frank and direct, she isn't afraid of voicing her opinions and doesn't think about how her words could hurt someone's feelings.

Orian's arrogance has made her a target for teasing, she's usually good at not acknowledging the teasing, but sometimes someone will speak to her the way her mother did when she was little [Calling her a silly little girl] and she'll explode with anger, yelling out a colourful range of obscenities at the person.

Her intelligence makes her quick-thinking and resourceful, she's able to adapt to new situations quickly and whip up effective plans/solutions to combat most problems she's faced with. She's got a sharp wit and her humour consists of many many inside jokes with her brother and can be seen as immature and dirty, she's not above at laughing at a weird sounding burp. She tends to save her humour for close friends who won't ridicule her for her dirty and immature jokes.

Orian can be found in a particularly good mood when there has been a new piece of technology released or if NASA is starting a new mission in space or if Tony Stark is seen sporting a new model of the Ironman suit. She tends to get giddy with new releases.

Orian hates asking for help, if she knows she can't do something that others can do easily, she'll refuse to do it no matter the punishment or just downright avoid it, all in fear of looking stupid in front of others.

Despite her seemingly 'I don't need anyone/I'm better than you' attitude, she truly does care about people, she isn't purposely mean to anyone unless they are deserving of it. It's the way she words her sentences that makes her seem like a right old arsehole. She's honest and very trustworthy and would never break a promise.

Although it's not like Orian to involve herself with the drama of someone else's life, if she can offer advice or help she will.

She honestly tries to be kind, like her brother has always told her, through Orian has gotten more patient with people other the years, sometimes people just annoy her with their 'idiotic' ideas, she says one sentence that isn't worded in the best way, and suddenly she's got a detention for 'verbally attacking another student'.


• Experimenting [Orian's way of saying Inventing. She enjoys creating new and complex technology.]

• Hacking [She loves testing her limits, her next project is to try and get into Stark Towers.]

• Repairing technology / mechanical objects.


Her arrogance can make her challenging to work with. She's usually fine with following someone else's lead so long as they have their facts straight and know what they are doing. But if they are constantly getting facts or whatnot wrong Orian will speak out and correct them in a way that would come across as domineering, that can cause tense within the group.

She is so used to being right that when someone comes around that can prove Orian wrong, it really gets to her. She can't mentally handle being wrong, when she's wrong she feels like a lesser person, she feels weaker. She doesn't have physical strength, she doesn't have endurance, she's got intelligence. And when someone proves her wrong she feels like someone is taking away her intelligence. It destroys her. She'll hand out no sharp comments, no dirty looks, she goes uncharacteristically quiet.

Scared of heights, pretty common fear, but it gets to her. When she's at heights it doesn't matter how smart she is, she can't get her brain to think straight. Her ability to adapt is greatly hindered at heights.


Obviously, her smarts and know-how with technology are up there at the top of her strengths. She's very loyal and trustworthy, she may be arrogant but she would never break a promise.

Orian is quite strong emotionally, there are only a handful of things that can mess her emotions up out of her control, but she is generally pretty good at keeping her emotions at bay so her intellect can make logical and reasoned choices.

Deep down inside Orian just wants to better the world, be that by either creating new and innovative technology to help people or just giving out helpful realistic advice to those around her. This is pushing her to not only to test her limits with technology, but also to continue to try and better herself, so she can break the arrogant asshole mould she made for herself, and perhaps become someone who can inspire.


Orian is an extremely skilled technopath she more or less knows her limits and when she can do things. Her technopathic abilities have a massive range of 300 miles, she was proved this by successfully using her abilities to mentally hack into a satellite in space, sure it took two months and several hundred headaches but she did it.

With a special type of telekinetic/psychic ability Orian can shape, manipulate, and mentally interface with technological constructs. Orian is able to get technology to do whatever she wants it to, she can get it to drop its previous instructions and work for her. Orian is able to send out viruses and errors, manipulate data.

Technoportation [Teleportation via technological device she created].

Orian also has the ability to crash multiple systems and devices at once within a 2-mile radius, either via viruses or overworking the device until it explodes.

With help and time from Professor X and the other staff, Orian would be able to mentally tap into the internet whenever she pleases, essentially making her omnilegent [means: knowledge of all recorded material] In Orian's case she has knowledge of all material recorded on the internet. Which Orian finds out isn't all that great, when you accidentally fall into the dark side of the internet. Orian counts three things she truly scared of and the dark side of the internet is definitely one of them. She truly hates having to use her omnilegence, in case she falls into the dark web.

Mechanical Intuition:

The longer Orian has physical contact with a piece of foreign technology the more she learns and understands about it.

Alternative Form:

'Deus ex Machina' Form

When Orian is in a simulation, she can overthrow the technology and control the simulation for herself. She can bend it to her will, allowing anything she wishes to happen, happen. She becomes Cyberpotent [ has unlimited power within a simulated reality.]

Appearance wise she looks the same only her usual green eyes gain a green ring around their usual colour that seems to be illuminated.


• Ability to control any technology, whether she understands it or not.

• Is able to control when and how she used her abilities.

• Ability to overheat pieces of tech till they explode.

• She is able to learn from just prolonged physical contact with the piece of technology.

• Can read the information stored on USBs and hard drives without them needing to be plugged into a computer.

• Distance her powers are able to reach.

• Unlimited powers within a simulation.

Weaknesses & Restrictions:

Technology can get complex, so for Orian to use her abilities she needs to have her brain in tip-top shape to effectively process it all, this means she can't use her abilities while she's under the influence of alcohol or drugs, medication counting as drugs also.

• She may have a massive range for her abilities, but the further away the tech is from her, the longer it'll take for her to do anything to it. Something as simple as turning on a light could take her a week depending on its distance from her.

• With no technology around her, she would be left powerless and in power-cuts/blackouts her abilities are limited to tech with storage power.

• Orian is no control what technology is shut down with her crash-ability, the ability seems to be the last line of defence for her when she's extremely stressed it sets itself off, therefore any piece of technology within the 2-mile radius shutdown. The enemies, her allies, her own inventory and unfortunately any innocent people that may rely on technology to keep them alive.

• Orian can't control pure mechanical objects with no electronic or ferrous components.

Fighting Style:

Orian cannot fight, she cannot throw a single punch and the last time she tried she broke her hand. She tries to stay out the action as much as she can if she happens to find herself in harm's way, she'll use her cloaking or teleportation tech to get away, or if her tech is re-charging, she'll use her stun guns to stun the opponent and move out of the action.

Orian greatly prefers Cyber-warfare, she likes to be hidden and behind the scenes doing damage. Some people are deadly with guns, Orian is deadly with a laptop.

Preferred Weapons:

Their own technology against them. If her opponents happened to have any sort of security drones, turrets or robots fighting for them. Orian would hide someplace out of sight so she could hack into their systems and get their technology to work for her and fight her battles.

Gloves that act as stun guns. Ever since Orian got her hands on an arc generator she's been messing around the various types of stun guns, till she developed one that would fit into a glove, would fire over a wider distance than an average stun gun, and would fire more energy with each shot.

EMP grenades. She carries about 25 EMPs on her, the ones she carries are about the same size as a two-pound coin and pack triple the punch of an average EMP device. Orian's EMPs are able to be detonated on command and are invisible to metal detectors.

Equipment & Inventory:

Like her EMP grenades, Orian also carries smoke and concussion grenades with the same design as her EMPs also able to be detonated on command.

Orian designed a mask, jacket as well as bottoms that have a special type of small clocking devices within the fabric of the clothes that when synced and activated could camouflage the wearer of the suit with their surrounding for a short period of time, for about 5 minutes before the function would shut down and need to recharge before it would be reactivated.

Orian also carries an experimental short distance teleportation device she designed and is in the process of improving. The device would be able to teleport the wearer of the suit into a new location with the appropriate coordinates. The majority of the tech lives in a watch-like device she wears, the rest lives in the material of her suit much like the clocking devices. Orian needs both parts of the teleportation device to be together for her to teleport. She is currently working on a way for her to get the tech to work with just the watch device as well as increasing its range.

The mask that Orian designed and built, fully covers her head, it includes night vision, infrared vision, protection from bright lights, and an air filtration system.

The F.O.W [see Oscar's profile for information on this]


Heights - Scared of falling.

When placed at heights, she closes her eyes, thinking childishly 'what I can't see won't hurt me', her body also becomes very tense. Her ability to adapt is greatly hindered when at heights, she can't think straight.

Relationship with family:

Born to the somewhat wealthy family of the MacKay's. With an admirable Scottish history professor and an aspiring American actress for parents and a lovable big brother.

Elizabeth MacKay 'Henderson, after divorce' [Mother]

Orian and her mother never really saw eye to eye. Her mother didn't approve of her daughter being into science, maths, and robots, she was old-fashioned and believed that they were strictly men's subjects. When Orian was younger her mother was adamant that she start dance and theatre classes with Oscar, her brother which Orian soon found she was terrible at and refused to go much to her mother's dismay. Orian had always found her mother to be pushy and single-minded if her mother didn't like the idea, it wasn't getting the time of day, her mother was too stubborn to change her beliefs or ideas even when there was proof to them being wrong.

Whenever Orian was younger and burned her fingers when she was doing her 'experiments'. Her mother would scold her calling her silly when she was younger but as she grew into a teenager, silly would turn into stupid, idiot, moron. This almost constant being called stupid is what had led Orian to grow arrogant to prove that she wasn't anything her mother called her. Orian has no hope for the women that is her mother unlike Oscar, Orian thinks she would be behind bars for the way she treated and lied to her father.

Ross Ian MacKay [Father]

Orian was a daddy's girl and still is today. Ross would try and explain to Orian why she had to stop calling teachers half-witted when teaching an inferior method to the class, and why she had to stop commenting on what her peers did. But it was all for nothing when Orian would come home with a bruised cheek. After the divorce, Orian would video call her father almost every night, making sure he was okay and how his day was.

On her 16th birthday when she got plane tickets back to visit Inverness and her father, she confided to him about her and Oscar's abilities. Ross was overjoyed, he always knew there was something more to the twins, something their mother never seemed to notice. Ross explained how his father was a mutant and told him of a place where mutants could be safe. He writes down the address and handed to his daughter, telling her if anything never happened and she and Oscar needed somewhere safe to go, to go to the address.

Owen James MacKay [Brother]

Owen always had a soft spot for his little sister, he would purposely tease his sister when she was younger just to get her to make her sulking face that could melt his heart. He continued to tease Orian till one day, he teased the 12-year-old at breakfast and she delivered a comeback that was able to insult his looks, intelligence, and his inability to keep a stable girlfriend for two weeks. It left him, with his mouth wide open in awe and shock at her words, left her father choking on his cereal, Oscar laughing, and her mother yelling out the 'You're grounded' phrase.

Owen was always protective of his little sister too, whenever he heard there was trouble involving her, he was there ready to step in. Orian would say she didn't need him, but would always say thank you when she though he wouldn't hear her. Owen was sure Orian's smartassed mouth would be the death of her.

Oscar Stuart MacKay [Brother]

Oscar and Orian were inseparable, always refusing bedtimes, not eating vegetables, and going against the rules. The twins grew up being both best friends and worst enemies, even from a young age they each knew how to make the other happy and how to annoy them. They most certainly lived up to the stereotype of twins being double trouble. They would always be scheming or up to something. They would always be there for each other when the one got hurt after they had finished laughing at the other's misfortune of course.

Even in their teenage years, they would be doing things on the sly to each other to get on the other's nerves. Like Owen, Oscar would be ready to help his sister out of scrap when he could. Not matter how much Orian protested Oscar would always tag along to the school nurse when she did get beat up. Orian would always help Oscar with that Orian would call his 'primitive math homework'. She found him to be naïve and sometimes ignorant, but she loved him none the less. He was her other half, after all, she wouldn't be able to function without him.

Relationship with Others:

Alina Green

Met at Xavier's school, She's a bubbly and friendly girl with an innocent sense of humour. They met when Orian was sorting her locker out while muttering about being given a detention for apparently 'verbally attacking' another student. As she turned around she was met with Alina's worried face, turned out that part of Alina's mutation allowed her to detect negative emotions, and Orian's annoyance was screaming the loudest and she wanted to make sure she was okay.

After that the two developed into friends, however, Orian feels something more for Alina. Orian is currently working on finding out if Alina feels the same for her.

Hayden Thompson

The most sarcastic sack of shit wannabe chemist you ever did see with a mutation that allows for gaseous manipulation, they have a very similar humour, Orian met him during a class debate where the two ended up going head to head getting into a pretty heated discussion about chemical warfare, after that the two became friends, enjoying to argue with each other and test the others patience.

Tilda Brooks

Is a kind, loving girl who always sees the best in everyone and never gives up, her mutation grants her omnilingualism, the two grew close when Tilda was asked to be a prompt for Orian within language classes to make sure she stayed on task and did the work, as Orian had a record for not paying attention and not completing the work during the class as she didn't see it important for her to learn a new language when Google translator existed.

Francis Powell

Francis is the one person Orian hates with an actual passion and has no reason as too why. He's done nothing to cause this hatred. Perhaps it's because Oscar goes to him first with any problems with his phone or laptop, or help with his homework before Orian. Perhaps that is why she hates him because Oscar picks him over her. She's jealous of him.

Backstory Story:


The twin's powers both began to surface in a weak form when they were two and have been growing with the pair as they aged. Orian's powers came first, the two were in the living with their father in the kitchen frantically trying to make a bottle to calm the screaming Oscar down while trying to do another hundred things at once. Orian sitting in distress trying to get her brother to calm down.

Having remembered one thing that would make Oscar happy without fail, she wobbled over to the remote, the ginger toddler reassured her still screaming brother, then pointed the remote at the blank screen only for it to instantly flicker to life playing 'It's a hard knock life' scene from Annie, the girl's way to make her brother happy without her pushing any buttons.

As soon as the music began Oscar's eyes lit up, and he was up on his feet. With the sudden change in his mood, he sort of shocked his power into surfacing. His ability to mirror things he saw, kicked in trying to get his developing muscles to copy the choreography off the TV. He managed to copy with a surprisingly high amount of accuracy, however, there were some things he simply couldn't do, like the triple pirouette, he just about managed a single pirouette before landing on his arse.


Orian was your average little know it all kid growing up. Liked maths and making her little robots that would occasionally short circuit and burn her fingers, sending her off crying to her parents till the age of 9. She liked to refuse bedtimes and play with her brother.

While Oscar had difficulty controlling his ever growing mirror and mimicry abilities, Orian's technopathic abilities seemed to grow in response to her own growing brain, meaning that they were never a problem for her to control due to them always being at the same level she was. It was at age four when she finally realised that she had abilities and immediately started experimenting with them, learning to turn hers and Oscar's toys on and off, same with lights and soon after the computer all with her mind.

At 6 she began to take apart her toys and the families old computer to create new things, with the longer she looked into the circuity of the technological object the more she understood about it. When Orian hit 10 she found she could do some much more than just turn on and off technology, she could scan it, re-programme it, overclock it to make it more efficient, she could get it to do what she wished, she could control it. However, through this amazing discovery of her new found abilities, she also found a less exciting discovery, she mentally stumbled across a few files on her mother's phone, a few files meaning hundreds on hundreds of messages, e-mails, voice messages, images all pointing towards her mother cheating and stealing from her father.

Knowing that telling her father would probably break him and their family, break the hopes of her two brothers, mostly Oscar's who looked up to their mother like she was a Goddess. She chose to 'forgot' about those few files and continue on with her mother's lie. It was at this moment when Orian realised that she truly did not like the women that happened to be her mother. Her own mother had broken her trust as well as her family's so as a way for her to combat being hurt Orian began to build up a cold, "I know better", "I'm made of stone" façade.


If being a Technopath wasn't Orian's power, then getting detentions surly would be. The endless list of them seemed it be for refusal to participate in humanity subjects and the more common reason, verbally attacking peers and teachers. If you ask Orian she'll say she was correcting the teacher's incorrect teachings or correcting the stupidity of her classmates. She deserved a good half of the beatings she got in high school. The kid could talk about how she was right and you were wrong with evidence as to why for days. The nicknames 'Smartass' and 'Arrogant Arsehole' are well fitting.

While Oscar was let's say famous within school, Orian was infamous for her words. Despite this Orian was able to make a couple good friends.

The school couldn't kick her out for her behaviour, her grades with the S.T.E.M subjects were fantastic, the best to be exact. She was producing work at the age of 12 that some undergrads would struggle with. She was able to do complex math in her heads faster than someone with a calculator. The girl was bloody smart, an arsehole at the best of times, but smart.

At home, Orian continued with her 'experiments' that just happen to occasionally... blow up. That would explain why she has small scars scattered randomly on her hands, fingers, and forearms.

With Orian's ability in technology it was only a matter of time till she fell into hacking. She was 13 when she started, she began small with her school's systems. Success. She then re-tried with just using her mind, after a few tries she was in. She began to use a combination of her mind and fingers to hack into systems taking a few months to practise on small local businesses until she was confident in her hacking ability to take on bigger things.

She moved onto her local government's systems after that was a success, she couldn't be stopped. Moving onto MI6, FBI, CIA. She was untraceable, it was like she was never there in the first place. Then to really test her mental hacking ability she attempted to mentally a NASA satellite, two and a half months and several dozen headaches later and she was in.

The twins were 15 when their parents got divorced, their mother got custody of the twins, and with nowhere else in the UK to go, they all moved to New York to live with their mother's family. For Orian it was a long time coming for her parent's divorce, she was glad that her father would finally be free from her lying, cheating mother, she was less glad when she found out her mother got full custody over the twins. She was furious and lashed out in court, helplessly trying to get her custody changed, but to no avail. She was stuck with her mother, at least she still had Oscar.

Orian was very reluctant to leave Inverness, she became even more closed off from the world. Assuming that every new person she met had some sort of hidden agenda or something they were trying to keep secret. She tried to be a lone wolf, but no matter how hard she tried she needed people, she wasn't cut out for being completely on her own. All this stemmed from the lies that her mother would spin.

High school was no different from in Inverness for Orian, the amazing grades followed her as well as the detentions. The one perk of being in an American school was that they were able to give her more opportunities than at her old UK high school. With Orian refusing to be moved up grades, due to her not wanting to leave Oscar. The School began to give her work from higher grades while she was still able to stay in her current grade. After completing the advanced work with ease, the school were able to collaborate with M.I.T who offered to teach the 15-year-old via online courses within Engineering, both mechanical and Electrical & Computer Science.

For Orian's 16th birthday instead of asking for gifts or a party, she asked for plane tickets back to Inverness so she could see her father. When her mother actually brought her the plane tickets, it made Orian think that she actually cared, but then remember that this woman was a two-faced liar. Orian met up her father who was overjoyed to see his daughter in person. Knowing full well that her father would understand that she and Oscar were mutants, she confided in him. The whole conversation going a lot better than planned. Turns that their Grandfather on their dad's side as well as their Uncle, their father's brother, were also mutants. Her father handed her a piece of paper with an address on it, saying that if something ever happened and you needed somewhere save to go, to go to the address on the paper.

They were 17 when that something happened and they needed somewhere save to go. Oscar had stupidly told their mother they were mutants; she wasn't as open-minded as their father. Stuck with nowhere else to go, she handed Oscar the piece of paper with the address.

The address?

1407 Graymalkin Lane, Salem Center, Westchester County, New York.

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