Taealien is typing... || Taeh...

By XnerdyunicornX

89 1 0

Taealien ๐Ÿ‘ฝ๐Ÿ‘ฝ is typing... The notification from Snapchat popped up on your screen. You were curious yet a bi... More



11 0 0
By XnerdyunicornX

((This is being written on my phone so there may not be as many grammar mistakes >o<))


He then looked at me and once we both looked at each other we both yelled "You're my brother?!" I said while he screamed "You're my little sister?!"
And that's what you missed on...
((If you get that reference then you are already a number one fan))

I was so shocked that I said what I said in English and Jimin sad what he said in Korean.. but the boys understood both him and I.
"Wait you both are sibling?!" Tae asked sounding a bit relief which made a few of them laugh but you and Jimin were still shocked. You were leaving tomorrow to meet him and my ..father..? I'm so confused as to how this even happened.. wait... I'm going to see him tomorrow... tomorrow... "TOMORROW" I yelled by accident.
"Huh?" Yoongi asked as he looked at me with no absolute emotion at all which I didn't know if I should be considered or not.

"I'm leaving tomorrow morning to get to Seoul to be with Jimin and my ..appa.." I hesitated saying appa. I then saw that everyone had their eye as wide as they possibly could have been but Tae on the other hand his eyes looked as if they were ready to pop out any minute and his box smile made me smile. "Yup her dimples are better than Namjoon's" I heard Jin say. "Y-yah!! Pabo!!" I said out of embarrassment. "Oooh (Y/N) is going to get in trouble tomorrow~!" J-hope sang in a funny aegyo type tone. As he said that I looked over at Jin who looked as if he was ready to scold me. "I-I'm sorry o-oppa I was just flustered please forgive me!! I really didn't mean it!" I was practically begging for mercy and looking stupid while doing it. "Aish you guys make me look stupid just by teasing me." I said and they all laughed. "We only tease you because you look cute while in your emotions!" Tae said.
"No, you only tease her because of that reason. We tease her because we tease all of our friends." Yoongi said. "I'm your friend?!" I said directing the question mostly to Yoongi. "Well yeah.. you're "friends" with Tae and so that means you're friends with us too." He replied. "Jimin.. are you still shooked about the news 'cause you aren't talking and you're making eomma (y/n) come out.. please don't make her come out I've embarrassed myself enough today." I said trying to make him laugh and it worked. "Is it just me or is she all of us in one small body?" Jimin asked while having a giggling fit and falling into the nearest thing like he was a magnet towards it. "What do you mean oppa?" I asked well since he is my brother I have to call him oppa now.. it's just more respectful and I like to try my best to be as respectful as possible.
"Well she is as weird as Tae, she is as savage as Yoongi-" he was interrupted by Yoongi "don't forget how sweg she is!" I giggled and fell into the nearest thing to me which was the air then the floor... "Owie" I groaned while laughing even more. "(Y/N) are you okay?! Please don't be hurt!" Jin said. Wow I'm getting better identifying their voices now. "Hehe yeah I'm perfectly fin- aww man!" I whined. "What happened?! (Y/n) please tell us and show us that you are okay!!" It was Jin once again he reminds me of a eomma now. "Jin.." i asked for his attention "yes (y/n)?"
"You're new nickname are you ready for it?"
"I don't know should I be nervous because for some reason I am.."
"You're new nickname is Eomma." I said bluntly and heard everyone laugh. "Wait hold up.." I say as I chuckled. "Who's laugh sounds like a windshield wiper?!" I asked trying to contain my laughter.
"Damn Jin she is just coming at your life today. See I told you she was savage and she contained sweg." Yoongi said. "Jin is that you?" I asked "Yah! So what if it is?!" He was getting flustered. "I. Love. It!" I said. "Why?" Jin asked with a brow raised over the other. "Because it's almost the same as mine. I honestly thought that I was the only one. Anyways can we get back on topic please? Where Jimin said that I was somehow all of you guys in a small body which 1 ouch that hurt my body is NOT small! I'll have you know and I will prove you all wrong tomorrow! You'll all see I tell you you all will see!" I yelled and laughed as well. "And there is Tae as a girl once again. But before we do why did you say aww man earlier?" Jimin asked me. "I... uh... may or may not have broke my alarm clock on my night stand..." I said nervously laughing. "And there you can see the Namjoon in a girl exhibit." Jimin said. "Yah!" Both Namjoon and I yelled. "Her new name is now Namjoona when she breaks things." Jin said. "You know I would have laughed if it wasn't me who you were referring to." I said in a fake annoyed tone. My mom walked in my room again and what she said started me because she was telling me off in Korean. ((Pretend it's Korean.))
"(Y/N) (m/n) Park! Do you not know what time it is?! It's not even 9 am and you're yelling through out the house. Unlike you I had to work until 5 this morning! Why are you yelling anyways?! Are you on the phone and if so then with who?!" She said in a stern voice. "I'm sorry mom I really am. I'm just talking to friends. I swear." I said in a slight heart broken tone. Tears threatening to leave their home. "Who are you talking to then?" She asked noticing my tearing eyes which made her stern tone leave and her regular tone come back. "I met this guy named Taehyung by accident through snapchat and then we became best friends and him and I arranged for us to FaceTime each other this morning since it was Saturday.. and he happened to be best friends with Park Jimin, my brother and so I'm talking to them all.. Jin, Yoongi, Hoseok, Namjoon, Jimin my brother, Taehyung, and Jungkook. I'm sorry I will end the call now if you would like." I said in English so that only Namjoon would understand the whole thing. "No no no... I don't care if you're talking to them.. but please make sure to be quieter from now on I have to work again." She said with a smile on her face. "Okay and thank you mom. Also that smirk on your face needs to be wiped off before I do it. I know exactly what you're thinking. I will tell you later though." I said while laughing and winking at her. She giggled and went back to bed.
"Sooo that's a pretty wall you got there (y/n)" Yoongi said.
"Aish shut up pabo! I'm sorry for that. She was right. I was being too loud. Anyways Jimin please continue and if anyone of you interrupts my oppa I will personally kill you tomorrow and chop your body up and feed it to the pigs. Oink!" I said somehow without laughing. But I broke that streak when they all surrendered by putting their hands up. I then laughed. "Okay so like I was saying.. (y/n) is like us all in her "small" body. She breaks things how? I don't know just like Namjoon Hyung. She laughs and has her eomma persona like Jin Hyung. She is a savage and contains sweg like Yoongi hyung. She can make anybody laugh and she is great with aygeo like j-hope. She is my sister, she has the same giggling fits as me and her smile makes her eyes going Into cute little lines like mine. She is just as weird if not maybe even weirder than Tae and she has an adorable smile too. She is like obsessed over timberlands, she also likes to tease us all too like jungkook" he said all of that and yes it all was true but one thing I didn't understand was how he knew I was completely obsessed over timberlands? "Jimin how do you know that I am completely obsessed over timberlands?" I asked and he just threw a smile on. "Because I can see like 20 of the same pairs in the corner." Jimin answered and you we a tomato all over again. "I have wayyyy more than 20 oppa!" I said dragging out the "y" in why to make it seem like I have 100 which I was close to now.
"Well how many do you have?" Jungkook asked. "About 89 pairs I think but that could be an understatement." They all looked at me in shock. "...what?.." jungkook looked like he just found his one true love. "I think jungkook is in love with the fact that you are more obsessed than him." Jin said. "Maybe.." We all then started talking talking and chatting.

Taehyung yawned and then you looked at you phone to see the clock and then it occurred that they live in South Korea and you live in the US the time showed 3 pm which meant that it was 4 am there.. "omo why did you guys tell me that it was 4 am over there?! You guys need your rest! I need to get off the phone so you guys can sleep now!" I started scolding them like an eomma would. "Jin how dare you let me keep you guys up?! You're there eomma after all! You should have told me what time it was!" I then scolded him. "Geez (y/n) calm yourself down! We usually go to sleep around this time!" Jimin said. "Guess we just met eomma (y/n)... I like savage and sweg (y/n) better personally." "Yoongi shush up." Well thank you guys for talking to me from 7 this morning to 3 pm. I'll see you guys tomorrow and I better see you all at the airport tomorrow! Bye~"
They all said bye and I went and took a nap. By the time I got up it was dinner time.

"Shoot! I forgot to pack my bags!!" I yelled as someone opened the door.
"Yo (y/n) dinner!" My brother said and ran out of my room . I then go and eat dinner practically scarfing it all down like a vacuum. They all wide eyed me. "What? I need to get done eating and go pack." "Wait eomma?" I asked and the other siblings looked at me brain dead when I called mom. "Wait they don't know Korean?" I asked in Korean. "What do you need and yes they can't understand us." Eomma said back in Korean which made me smirk. "So do they know about me going to Korea? And how long am I staying for?" I asked. "One month. Unless you want to stay for longer." She answered. "What about school eomma?" I asked. "You will be going there until you come back home." She replied and with that I was too happy so I ran and went to pack.

*time skip brought to you by the one and only JIBOOTY!!!*

After packing I went to bed and fell right to sleep.


Uhg why does my broken alarm makes it sound even worst.. why didn't I use my phone? Wait... "TODAY I GO TO KOREA!!" I got up and then finally went to go and get dressed. After that I put on some makeup but not too much. I grabbed my bags and went to eomma's room to tell her bye and I then left.

Time skip to after the plane arrived in Korea.
I was exited to finally see my best friends and my brother and maybe my appa. I was looking for them but I didn't see them which broke my heart. I looked at my phone to see the messages between me and Tae.

What time does your flight get here?

I am at the airport now.

Tae's pov
"Omo, guys she is at the freaking air port she could get kidnapped. What do we do? We need to get there right now!! Wake Yoongi hyung up quickly!! We're going to dieee!!!!" It would have been an understatement if I said I was freaking out, I was beyond freaking out. God have mercy on our souls! We all don't want to die just yet. We're still all young!

With that they all left to get (y/n)....

Sorry for the extra extra long chapter. I forgot to publish it and then started to write again thinking that it was a different part.... Oopsies... You could say that I have my blonde moments even though I'm not blonde....

Anyways I hope you all the best of luck on tests if you have any tomorrow or today, I hope you all are healthy physically and mentally. I hope everyone is having an awesome day!! Also I hope everyone is as excited as I am for their new comeback!!!! Love yourself Answer!!! I. Can't. Waittttt!!!!

Okay now bye everyone!!!! 💜💜💜💜💜💜

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