Mistaken Perception

By Asiya323

59.5K 4.8K 1.1K

Life can be brutal and uncaring to some. Aisha was one of those unfortunate "some" she had deceived herself... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26

Chapter 17

2.3K 184 39
By Asiya323

Chapter 17

It took all of Gabriels ability to stop the car from crashing into the Lambo next to him. Taking a deep breath and steadying the steering wheel, Gabriel cautiously glanced at the little boy next to him.  

"What makes you think I'm interested in your sister?" he asked in a calm voice. 

There was a pause before a smirk appeared on Musa's face. He gave Gabriel a smug look, before glancing out the window as they pulled out of the parking lot. 

"That's interesting...I don't think I asked if you were interested in her. I only asked what your intentions are," replied Musa with an innocent shrug. 

But Gabriel knew he had royally screwed up. He had to play his cards right if he didn't want to look like a blubbering idiot. He threw a curious look at the little boy. Gabriel chuckled, his height and age were deceiving. He wasn't talking to a small 10-year-old.  He was dealing with an adult in a small body. 

Musa looked at him and waited for a reply. Gabriel's chuckles subsided and he took a deep breath before he threw the little boy a smile of his own. 

"No, you didn't, but wasn't that the real question you wanted to ask?" replied Gabriel in a friendly tone.

He was glad he was able to come up with good response, though he knew it wasn't his best. Musa watched him for a few minutes. 

"Ya..it was, I guess you can read between the lines, huh?" he replied.

"I kind of have too...its a job requirement," replied Gabriel as he stopped the car for a red light. 

"...It's the way you look at her," replied Musa as he propped his elbow on his hand rest and tilted his body away from Gabriel. 

"I'm not sure I understand..." began Gabriel slowly.

"I doubt that...my sister is not for you. So, I would appreciate it if you didn't concern yourself with her," replied Musa looking at Gabriel with a serious and steady gaze. 

"You don't sound like kids in your own age group....do you know that?" replied Gabriel a bit unnerved by both the boy and the warning.

Musa glanced away, but Gabriel could see the look of indignation that settled over his face.

"School must not be fun for you," continued Gabriel gently. 

"My sister...Aisha...she deserves a lot. She deserves everything that's good in this world and the next. She deserves more than you would be able to give her," continued Musa his voice hard and clipped. 

Gabriel paused the anger that was slowly building up. How would he know what he could provide for her? 

"For argument's sake, let's say I was interested in your sister. And I'm not bragging or anything, but I'm an educated man, with money, a good family, plus I'm not bad with kids...what would be so awful about me?" asked Gabriel feeling defensive.

Musa turned away from the window and studied Gabriel. 

"Outwardly nothing...if we are just checking off some imaginary boxes. But, we aren't just checking off some boxes. It's my sister's life we are looking at. We have to consider every aspect. My sister is Muslim, in a country that doesn't view us in a favorable light. But it isn't just that, you aren't Muslim. It just couldn't happen," replied Musa evenly.

Gabriel glanced at him as he drove.

"What? your religion is against non-muslim marrying Muslims, that's...a bit much, don't you think," asked Gabriel.

"Not really, Islam is a religion that focuses on community and living in harmony. Islam is central in almost every aspect of a Muslim's life. Two people with two different life views isn't a great place to start a relationship. Children growing in such a home would be confused, and between the two parents, one will end up taking the back seat in matters of faith," Musa paused to see if Gabriel was listening.

Gabriel had to remind himself that he was still talking to a young kid. Which was a hard concept to grasp as Musa continued to talk like a forty-year-old. 

"In Islam, a man is allowed to marry a woman of a different religion. Because Islam, as a religion, protects the rights of that woman if she wishes to practice her faith. A Muslim man can't forbid his wife from worshipping as she sees fit. But the same protection isn't in place for a Muslim woman marrying a non-Muslim. No matter how much you "love" your wife, if society is giving her a hard time. It would be easier to ask her not to practice. Because you believe you're looking out for her. Because you don't believe in her viewpoints.  But a Muslim man, on the other hand, has no choice but to stand firmly by his wife, even if he might not like it, or believe in it," said Musa.

Gabriel was silent for a moment, letting the words sink in. It made sense. He knew what people thought of "Muslims". He himself hadn't thought highly of them until Aisha came along.  

He glanced at Musa, only to find him studying him. 

"Well, you can rest assured I'm not looking to start a relationship with your sis. My intentions stem purely from concern," he replied, Musa gave him a doubtful look. 

Gabriel sighed turning right. 

"My family has been in the same situation as yours. My mom had to go to court to get full custody of my siblings and I. My Step-dad wasn't a great guy," said Gabriel as he parked in a small sandwich joint. 

"What about your dad?" asked Musa in surprise. 

"He passed away when I was around your age...actually I think I was a year younger than you," answered Gabriel with a small smile as he exited the car.  Musa quickly followed after him. 

"I'm sorry... I mean..." whispered Musa awkwardly pausing. 

"Isn't that the worst phrase to hear? I remember that's all anyone would whisper to my mother and I. It would have been better if they had acknowledged his death in a different way," Shrugged Gabriel 

"Ya...It must have been hard," whispered Musa walking next to Gabriel. 

"It was, but I had been prepared somewhat for my father's death. He was sick for a while, and I understood, to a certain degree, that I wouldn't always have him around," said Gabriel holding the door for Musa. 

"I don't know if that makes it easier. A loss... is still a loss," shrugged Musa as he found a table near one of the big windows and slid into a seat.

With a warm smile, Gabriel slid into the one across from him. 

"Have you always been so mature?" he asked glancing at the menu, not that he needed to. This was his favorite sandwich place. 

Musa smirked. 

"I think in our family, Aisha and I are the calmest and most mature. But I credit my inability to talk like kids my age, to my older brother Hamza. We used to talk a lot," replied Musa gently, as he placed his lunch bag on the table. 

"About what?" asked Gabriel curiously. 

"Everything..." replied Musa glancing at Gabriel.

And for the first time that day, Gabriel could clearly see the small scared little boy, Musa tried so hard to hide.  

"He was your favorite, huh?" asked Gabriel with a smile. 

"I don't have a favorite sibling," replied Musa quickly glancing away, as he took out his sandwich. 

Gabriel chuckled and gave his order to the waiter. 

"Would you like something?" asked the waiter looking at Musa.

Musa shook his head. 

"Why don't you give us two red velvet cupcakes with my sandwich, and a coke and... what's your favorite juice?" asked Gabriel looking at Musa. 

Musa glanced up about to argue, but stopped, and glanced at the menu. 

"I'll have the strawberry smoothie," he said.

"And a strawberry smoothie,"  smiled Gabriel giving back the menus.

"Alright, I'll bring your order over," said the waiter and walked away.

"Between my siblings...Lucy is my favorite, and I think I make that very clear to my brother," chuckled Gabriel.

Musa glanced at him.

"You have a sister?" he asked curiously.

"Ya, younger...but older than you. She is in high school," replied Gabriel.

"Is she your brother's favorite too?" he asked tilting his head. 

"I think so. She is the baby in the family. But, between my brother and I, I'm the favorite," said Gabriel with a wink. 

Musa snorted.

"How would you know?" he asked taking a bite of his turkey sandwich. 

"I just do...were you your brother's favorite?" he asked as he took off his jacket.

Musa shrugged his shoulders.

"I don't know. I think because my family was so big, there was always someone around. Omar was Misky's favorite. He was a goofball..so they got along. But...sometimes I think Omar was all our favorite...maybe cause he was the eldest. Hamza and Shamsa barely tolerated each other," Musa broke off with a laugh.

"Why not?" asked Gabriel with a smile. 

"I don't know...its not like they were close in age...Aisha was between them. But they always fought. I think Hamza just liked to pick on her...she was an easy target, he would get the right reaction from her..." his voice drifted off as if lost in thought. 

"Shamsa got along with both Aisha and Omar...they were the three eldest, their bond was different. Hamzaa was included in their older sibling circle. Misky and I were always the younger ones," he trailed off.

"But that didn't bother you," said Gabriel putting his elbow on the table to rest his chin in his palm. He watched the different emotions playing across Musa's face. 

"No, it was ok. Omar always took me to the park, he started a small soccer group for me...we would go on runs on the weekends. Hamza would talk to me...he would always ask me questions and tell me to figure them out. Aisha would give me her books and help me with homework. And if I wanted to buy something or go somewhere...Shamsa was always ready to go. My mom...she used to bake a lot...she wasn't a very good cook," Musa laughed tears coming to his eyes. 

"My dad was the better cook, but she always used to make cookies and she would bring me three every time she picked me up from school. She worked a lot, but she tried to finish everything when it was time to pick me up...I never rode the bus before," he paused a single tear falling.

Gabriel's heart broke as he watched the tear make a trail down Musa's cheek.  

"She would tuck me into bed, even when I complained about it. We used to wake up early in the morning...before anyone else, and she would help me practice my Quran. My dad, he was an amazing storyteller. After dinner, Misky and I would go to his office, and he would leave his blueprints, and sit on the floor and tell us a story. I was ok...I had everything...and then I didn't," Musa whispered the last words and a few more tears fell. 

Gabriel gave him time to get his tears under control. 

From his small interaction with Musa, he could already tell, Musa wouldn't appreciate any reaction from Gabriel. So Gabriel silently sat, his heart and mind unable to truly comprehend the amount of pain the young boy was going through. 

The waiter came over with a smile and placed the food in front of them. Musa glanced away wiping his tears. Gabriel pushed the smoothie towards him. 

"I didn't talk about my dad for years...I still don't," began Gabriel unsure of what he was trying to say. Musa looked at him with a broken look. 

"Then, my mom got married again to a firefighter and he was great, and then he wasn't. He used to hit my mom, and me, and Seb. And my mom tried to be strong...and then she couldn't. What I'm trying to say Musa...is sometimes we get hurt, and sometimes we are sad, or angry, or lost. But if we don't speak up...if we don't talk, we get consumed," said Gabriel taking a sip of his coke. 

Musa stared at him.

"By what?" he asked in a small voice.

"By those very feelings," he said with gentleness. 

" We drown in those feelings because they have nowhere to exit. Talk about your siblings...your parents, it's good to remember them. Talk to your sister...Aisha is a pretty great listener," smiled Gabriel. 

Musa chuckled. 

"She is...but I don't want to make her worried. You know she hasn't cried once the whole time the funeral took place," said Musa in wonder glancing out the window.

For a brief moment, Gabriel remembered how she had cried in his hospital room, those broken deep cries. And just last night she had cried on the phone. But he didn't tell any of that to the little boy. 

"She was like a robot. It wasn't until the big fight between her and our uncle, that I realized she was more hurt than she let on. Aisah doesn't get angry...she doesn't shout or yell. It's not in her nature. She is better at giving the silent treatment and letting you figure out what you did wrong. But she....shouted... and yelled so much that night...I was scared. And then he slapped her and... she had looked so lost. I just can't add to the list of things she has to take care of," shrugged Musa grabbing the cupcake. 

"Would you be though?" asked Gabriel with a tilt of his head. 

"What do you mean?" asked Musa licking the frosting from his finger. 

"By not telling her how you feel. I think you're doing the opposite of what you want. She is more worried about you now, then she would be if you shared what is going on," shrugged Gabriel taking a bite from his sandwich.

Musa finished his cupcake in silence. 

"You know about me getting bullied, huh?" he asked as he took a long sip from his drink. 

"It happens, kids can be cruel," replied Gabriel trying to be careful with his words.

"And you know how to fix it?" asked Musa defensively.

"I can promise you it starts by asking for help. Take it from someone who had to deal with his fair share of cruel kids," smiled Gabriel. 

"You were picked on?" asked Musa with a skeptical look. 

Gabriel shrugged his shoulders, and leaned back in his seat, draping his arms on the back of his chair.

"Kids tried...and I never handled it the right way," replied Gabriel leaning forward to grab his own cupcake. 

"What did you do?" asked Musa curiously.

"I got in a lot of fights and almost landed myself in Juvie, which wasn't fun... sometimes adults can help...not always, but the right ones know what to do. Reach out to your sis, she is worried about you," said Gabriel before he shoved the whole cupcake in his mouth and gave Musa a wink. 

Musa shook his head a small smile playing on his lips.

"Fine. I will...?" said Musa shyly. 

" A man keeps his promise," said Gabriel with a smile. 

"That's what my dad used to say," replied Musa with a grin. 


Aisha sat across from Jasmine and watched as she played with the ice cream in front of her. They had been sitting across from each other for a few minutes now. They had made small talk, but Jasmine had yet to speak about what was bothering her.

"I got into a fight with my dad," sighed Jasmine finally. 

"Everything ok?" asked Aisha looking at her friend. 

It was clear to see that Jasmine was pregnant now. There was no hiding it. In the few weeks that had passed, Jasmine's belly had gotten rounder. 

"No, we said things that we can't probably ever take back. I have ruined his image he says...he wants me to give it up," she said as a tears came to her eyes. 

"I can't. Who cares if what happened was a mistake. I had never planned for this to happen. I was supposed to meet a nice guy, get married then have kids. The first night I had gone to a club...the first time I had ever allowed a man near man...I ended up like this," she sighed heavily.

"What are you going to do?" asked Aisha gently.

"I don't know...but I'm not going to give my baby up. I'll have to find a place for myself. My dad made it clear I'm not allowed back home," she pulled her hair back into a ponytail. 

"You know...you can always tell Sebastian..." Aisha stopped her sentence when Jasmine gave her a fierce look. 

"Hear me out. Whatever your feelings are toward him...he honestly does deserve to know. Your baby deserves to know his..or her dad. That's their right. I'm on your side. You have my support, but do think about it," Aisha urged gently.

Their convo was broken by a deep voice. 

"Otherwise I'll have too," 

Both women looked up to find Gabriel standing by the entrance, Musa stood next to him and looked between the three adults. After their lunch, they had come for some ice cream. 

"Gabriel..." said Aisha standing up and looking between the angry looks Jasmine and he were sharing. 

"You won't dare," glared Jasmine also standing up and placing a protective hand on her belly.

"I'm a man of my word. Either you tell him...or I will.  We came for some ice cream. I'll leave you ladies to talk. Aisha, I'll see you at the office," he said with a nod and walked toward the counter.

Aisha placed a gentle hand on Jasmine, pushing her back down in her seat. 

"I'll talk to him. Take it easy," she whispered moving towards Musa and Gabriel. 

"Salaam," she said gently ruffling Musa's curls and giving him a kiss.

"Walikum salaam," he said giving his sister a smile, and then a hug. 

The action caught her off guard that she paused and stared at him. 

"Are you alright?" she asked gently with a small laugh.

"I'm great," he smiled again. 

"How was lunch," she asked looking at him and placing a hand on his cheek.

"Delicious, Gabriel bought me a smoothie and a cupcake, I finished my sandwich," He said with a toothy smile. 

"Did you?" she asked a smile of her own forming on her lips. She looked up to find Gabriel looking at them with a smile. Golden eyes clashed with greenish brown ones. They stared at each other for a few seconds. Then, Aisha gave him a grateful smile. 

"I guess I shouldn't have been worried, huh?" she asked.

"Not at all, Musa is great. Very mature and calm," he said giving the little boy a smirk, she watched as Musa smiled back at him, when did they get along?

Gabriel grabbed the Mint ice cream cone and handed it to Musa who took it with a thank you and walked off to grab a napkin. 

"I don't know what you did...but thank you. I haven't seen him smile like that in a long time," she said. 

Gabriel shrugged grabbing a chocolate ice cream cone for himself. 

"He really is a great kid...a bit too mature for his age, but how can we fault him for that," he said and then glanced at Jasmine, his face darkening. 

"I really meant what I said. As stupid as my brother can be, he deserves to know. I don't know the details, nor will I pretend to understand, but talk to her," he said giving Aisha a firm look. 

"She is lost, scared and hurt. I agree with you...but give her time...when she is ready, ok?" asked Aisha gently giving him a pleading look. 

Gabriel let out a deep sigh. 

"Fine...let me know if she needs any help," he said and turned to call Musa.

Aisha smiled and nodded her head. 

"I'll see you in a bit Ash," said Musa walking out with Gabriel.

Aisha waved at them. Before she walked back to Jasmine. 

"He won't say anything. He will give you time," she said placing a comforting hand on her shoulder. 

Jasmine nodded her head silently. 

"He told me to tell you that you should let him know if you need anything. They aren't a bad family," said Aisha with a smile.

Jasmine shook her head.

"You know he only agreed cause you asked..." she said.

"Oh stop that. There isn't anything between us. So we get along now...it doesn't mean much," said Aisha with a sigh.

"You don't see the way he looks at you... you're really clueless," giggled Jasmine.

"Forget it..." said Aisha rolling her eyes. 

"Oh, by the way, you want to come to an Eid party, at my local masjid?" Aisha asked with a smile.

"I'm ok," replied Jasmine.

"It'll get things off your mind...at least think about it," she said with a smile.

"Fine, I will," she said grabbing her vanilla ice cream finally and putting a spoonful in her mouth. 

"But I'm not making any promises," she huffed with a mouthful of ice cream. 

"That's ok," smiled Aisha in relief. 

She was starting to worry about Jasmine a lot lately. She was glad she was willing to share her pain with her.


Aisha checked her dress and hijab one last time. 

Gabriel had sent a text asking for the address of the masjid, his whole family was coming. She didn't know why she felt so nervous.

"Musa are you ready?" she asked walking out of the bathroom and sticking her head into his room. 

He looked at her giving her a grumpy look. He was still upset about the haircut she had forced on him yesterday. 

They had already gone for Eid prayer in the morning. They had come back home to rest and now they were going to the Eid party. 

"Didi, can I get henna on both my hands?" asked Misky bouncing around with her pink puffy dress. The dress stopped at her knees, and she was wearing black tights underneath. Aisha had gathered her curls up, and let two small curls frame her face. Misky had on a pair of sparkling pink shoes, that had taken Aisha forever to find when they had gone Eid shopping last weekend. 

"Yes, you can, alright, let's get to the car. Aunty are you ready?" she called out. 

"I've been ready, it's you and your crazy siblings that are taking forever," her great Aunt screeched back. 

Aisha shook her head and grabbed the sweets she had made last night, for the party. 

"Ok, let's go, I want us to get a good parking spot," said Aisha ushering her small family out the door and into the car.

With a few grumbles from her Aunt and after a couple of nasheeds in the car, they finally arrived at the Masjid. 

They exited the car and walked toward the Masjid. It all felt bittersweet for Aisha. This had been a family tradition.  Along with Eid morning breakfast, watching movies, and eating sweets the night before Eid. She would bake with her mother and sister, Hamza and Omar would come to 'taste test' what they made. 

She would cuddle on the couch with her siblings and they would stay up long into the night joking, too excited to sleep. 

Then they would knock out one by one in the early morning, and still manage to wake up before their parents and younger siblings. 

And last night

She alone had stayed up and made the sweets. She had cried on the couch unable to sleep. 

And now, here she was, without them. 

They walked to the masjid and made their way to the back, where bouncy houses and fun games had been set up for the kids. 

With a wistful smile, she remembered her teenage years when she used to help and plan out the kid's activities. 

"We can sit here," said Aisha laying down a blanket and grabbing a chair for her Aunt. 

"Why is there a big screen in the middle of the field?" asked Musa curiously.

Aisha glanced at the screen.

"Um... the Shaykh said they had a special video to show us, but later," said Aisha not meeting his eyes. 

She was both nervous and scared about the video. The Shaykh had called her about two weeks ago, telling her that Omar and Hamza had recorded a special video. He had wanted to get her permission to screen it at the party. He had said it would be a great way to bring the community together. 

"Can I go and play?" asked Misky bouncing up and down breaking the silence.  

"Musa go with her...I gave you money for the tickets, right?" she asked reaching for her bag. 

"Ya, you already did, don't worry," he said grabbing Misky's hand and running off with her. 

"Aunty, I'm going to put the sweets on the table. Do you want me to bring you anything?" she asked

"Just some water will be fine," was her curt reply. 

With a nod, Aisha walked to the large food table stationed to the side. 

"Salaam Aisha," screamed a voice as Aisha began to arrange the food. 

She turned to look and found Samia, her close friend. 

"Eid Mubarak," laughed Aisha giving her a hug.

"Eid Mubarak to you too. How have you been?" she asked helping Aisha with arranging things. 

"I've been good. Busy with work and things, you?" Aisha asked with a smile. 

"Great, my mom would love to see you. I can't believe we haven't seen each other in such a long time. It's unacceptable," she giggled. 

"It happens...life gets in the way. We aren't little teen girls with all the time in the world," laughed Aisha. 

"Remember when our biggest worry was what theme we planned to do for the Eid party?" she laughed glancing at the kids running around. 

"It was serious business," chuckled Aisha grabbing a water bottle. 

They continued to talk as Aisha made her way back to her Aunt. 

"Who are those people?" asked Samia drawing Aisha's eyes to Gabriel and his family standing in an awkward huddle.

"Oh...thats my boss and his family. I invited them over. Bring this to my aunt, I'm going to go welcome them before they leave," smiled Aisha and walked off. 

"GABRIEL" came the high pitched scream of her sister. Aisha watched as her sister ran over like a bullet to Gabriel. Musa ran after telling her to stop running. Gabriel was already bending down for Misky his arms wide open. With a shake of her head, Aisha made her way over to them.

"Ash, hey," said Sebastian with a smile. 

"Hi, you all made it," said Aisha giving Justine, Meredith and Lucy warm hugs. 

"It seems like a big party," said Meredith with a smile giving Aisha a warm squeeze. 

"You look stunning darling," she smiled and gave Gabriel a glance.

"Doesn't she Gabe?" she asked causing a blush to form on Gabriel's cheeks. 

Aisha's face warmed up as well. 

"No, I think Misky is the pretty one today," she said with a smile looking at her sister. Misky was perched comfortably in Gabriel's arms, her small hands wrapped around his neck.  

Misky giggled giving them all a toothy smile. 

"You must be the little princess of the house?" said Justine fawning over the little girl in her son's arms. 

"And he is the soldier," said Gabriel nodding at Musa causing the young boy to stand straighter and square his shoulders.

"Is that so?" said a deep-voiced older gentleman who stretched a hand out to Musa.

Musa shook it with a smile. 

"Grandpa, this is Aisha," said Sebastian making the formal introduction between the older man and Aisha. 

"Pleasure to meet you," said Aisha with a smile. 

"The pleasure is all mine, my daughter," he smiled back, and Aisha could see clearly where Gabriel got his charming and rare smiles from. 

Aisha gently took Lucy's arm into hers and lead the family to where her Aunt was watching them from. 

"There are so many people around, and I smell some good food," laughed Lucy. 

"All the aunties cooked and baked...expect nothing but great food here," said Aisha with a smile. 

"Sounds like music to my ears," laughed Gabriel's grandfather. 

"Aunty, this is Gabriel, and Sebastian my bosses and their family. I told you about them," said Aisha as they drew closer to her Aunt. 

"Hmm," said her aunt giving each person a stern look. 

"Are you helping my girl with her case?" she asked looking at Meredith. 

Meredith nodded her head.

"Yes I am," she said with a smile. 

"Thank you. Aisha get them some food. I'm too tired to chat around," she grumbled with a heavy accent. 

"Ayeyo, you want something to eat?" asked Misky looking at their aunt with a concerned look. 

"No, I'm fine," replied the older woman with a wave.

"Well then, why are you grumpy? I get grumpy when I'm hungry. Maybe you should eat something," she said and slid down effortlessly from Gabriel's arms.

"I'll get you something," she said and ran off. 

The adults stood for a second in an awkward circle. Aisha gave her Aunt a sympathetic look. 

"Sorry," she mouthed and scampered after the little girl. 

"Well...I'm hungry. And I don't think I'll be able to find my way to the table, so can someone give me a hand?" asked Lucy breaking the silence.

Musa looked at Gabriel then at Lucy, and then at Sebastian then at Lucy. Finally after confirming something in his mind. He stepped toward Lucy.

"I can show you," he said.

Lucy turned her head toward the direction of his voice. She gave a smile. 

"I'm sorry, are you Musa?" she asked raising her hand for a shake.

Musa observed how her mother stepped forward to correct her hand, but Gabriel shook his head and placed a hand on her shoulder. 

Musa took a step closer and took her outstretched hand, and moved it to face his direction. A blush formed on Lucy's face.

"Sorry, usually I'm good at pinpointing where someone is. But's it's so noisy and there are so many people walking and talking...nice to meet you," she said. 

"Nice to meet you too. Even though you can't see, you're able to figure all that out?" asked Musa innocently causing the adults to cringe at his bluntness. 

Lucy laughed and nodded her head.

"That's cool. I guess you would be good at finding people in hide-and-seek," he said with a tilt of his head.

Lucy paused to think. 

"You know...I never tried," she said.

"Well you should," Musa replied matter of factly as he began to lead Lucy toward the food table.

"I think that's our cue to follow," laughed Sebastian following after them. 


~after several moments~

Aisha sat back leaning against a tree and watched the activities around her. Her Aunt, Meredith, and Justine were huddled together talking and laughing. Her Aunt had warmed up when Aisha told her that Meredith had been her mother's mentor and that her dad had designed the hotel for Justine. 

Musa was animatedly talking to Sebastian and Lucy, using hand gestures and laughing with them. 

Gabriel was sprawled on the grass near lucy's feet. Misky was busy trying to braid his hair, and he hadn't minded at all. Something that had been a surprise to not just her, but his mom and grandma as well. 

His eyes were closed with one arm propped under his head. His face was turned toward the sun as if trying to tan, not that he needed one, his skin had already been kissed by the sun. 

He was resting, and Aisha felt a little sorry for him. He hadn't gotten a single second of peace. Misky had monopolized his time, forcing him to take her on every ride and even bounce in some of the houses. 

He and Sebastian had gotten a lot of curious glances and appreciative looks. There was no denying that each man was handsome in his own way. 

Several of her friends had come over asking Aisha if there was something going on. And Aisha couldn't blame them, not when Misky and Musa who was usually so reserved...looked so happy...and calm around them. 

"Eid Mubarak," said her friends Samia and Sara coming to sit next to her. 

"Eid Mubarak," Aisha replied back with a smile. 

"How are you doing?" asked Sara giving Aisha a warm hug. 

"Good. I'm doing good," smiled Aisha honestly. 

She was doing good, she was no longer feeling melancholy.

"Ya, you do seem better than before," agreed Samia with a wink. 

"It doesn't have anything to do with the handsome man letting your sister have free reign over his hair, huh?" laughed Sara.

"Or the blond hunk laughing it up with serious Musa, right?" added Samia with a smirk. 

Aisha rolled her eyes at both of them. She had already told them who they were. And she knew they were teasing, so she didn't let their comments bother her.

"Or..." paused Aisha with a smile.

"I'm just grateful to see them laugh and smile like this...I haven't seen that side to Musa in a long time," she replied and a calm silence settled over them. 

"It sometimes seems like a dream you know...a really bad dream. I miss them," sighed Samia.

Aisha nodded. Samia's family had been very close to hers. They had all grown with each other. Her brothers had been best friends with Aisha's brothers.

"Salaam, beautiful ladies," called a husky deep voice.

Aisha looked up a smile spreading on her lips. 

"Eid Mubarak Jamal," she said looking at the tall lean framed man coming to stand near them. he was followed by a shorter man with broader shoulders and a muscular frame. 

"Eid Mubarak to you too Harun," she called as the younger man came to stand next to the first.

"Ya Allah, it's so nice to see your face Aisha," smiled Harun showing an easy smile. 

Seeing these two men brought a small pain to Aisha's heart. They were both Samia's brothers and also her brother's dearest friends. 

Harun and Hamza had been inseparable, and Jamal and Omar had always been connected at the hip.

 Each had balanced the other so well. Jamal was quiet and serious which contrasted so well with Omar's crazy and fierce personality. 

Hamza had been the studious type willing to sit somewhere for hours with a book. Harun, on the other hand, was involved in every type of sport you can think of.

"Eid Mubarak," smiled Jamal as he looked around to see Musa and Misky. 

"How are they?" he asked his light brown eyes finding Aisha's again.

"Good...better, much better," replied Aisha truthfully. 

Jamal was Musa's Quran teacher, so, Aisha had shared Musa's situation with him. He had promised Aisha to work with Musa and make sure to consult him. 

Harun strolled over to where Musa was and greeted both Sebastian and Gabriel and Lucy. He plopped down next to Musa ruffling his hair causing Musa to try and fight him off. 

"Oh Harun," sighed Samia shaking her head. 

"I'll go and make sure he doesn't break the boy, I don't think he realizes how strong he is, the big oaf," grumbled Samia getting up and making her way to the other circle. 

Sara laughed and followed after her, leaving Jamal and Aisha alone, and Aisha couldn't help but feel all three had planned this out. With that suspicion, Aisha turned back to Jamal with a raised eyebrow. 

"What is it?" she asked. 

"I want to talk to you for a second," smiled Jamal with a small chuckle.

"Walk with me," he said tilting his head.

With a small chuckle of her own, Aisha rose up from the ground and nodded her head. She didn't catch Gabriel staring at both of them in a quiet concentration. 

"So? Whats up?" asked Aisah curiously.

Jamal let out a deep breath. 

"I think Shaykh Ahmed told you that they had a video they want to play for everyone," he said his eyes staring ahead.

"Ya, he mentioned it...what is it Jamal?" she asked gently a little scared.

"Harun and I watched it yesterday...and it was hard..." he stopped turning to Aisha with pain-stricken eyes.

"But isn't it just a video of pictures of my family and different events the masjid has done...I thought that's what it was," she answered.

She remembered Hamza had told her something along those lines a while back.

"Originally yes...but we decided to change it up a bit...We were planning to go to Makkah this year together. The four of us. And the plan was... we would stay there for Eid and come back a week after Eid, cause we wanted to stop by Dubai. The video is them talking..." he said in such a small voice Aisha could barely hear it. But she understood why he was concerned. 

The video was going to show her brothers talking not knowing they would never go on that trip. Not knowing that they wouldn't even make it to Ramadan. Not knowing...but planning as if they would live.

"It was hard for me to watch...and I had known...I had been in that room when they recorded. So if Musa and Misky arent ok...if it'll be too hard for you...I would wait to watch it. The shaykh plans to give you a copy of the video after the viewing..." he trailed off.

Aisha nodded numbly. Her heart was beating at a frantic pace. She wanted to see them, to hear them, she wanted it so bad that she didn't want to see at all. She had only recently begun to actually acknowledge her loss...not fully, but in bits and pieces. 

She glanced at Musa and Misky. Would they be alright? Unknowingly her eyes searched for Gabriel. But she didn't have to look too hard. He was already watching her with concern. She gave him a small smile and then turned to Jamal. 

"I don't know if we will be fine. But, all I know is that it can't be worst then it is now. Play the video, don't worry about us," she said warmly.

Jamal watched her for a second and then nodded.

"Ok...I'll go play it now. Find a seat," he said gently.

Wordlessly, Aisha turned to where her family was. She wove between people her mind thinking and spinning faster then she could make sense. She sat in the empty space between Gabriel and Harun. 

"Were you talking to Jamal about my hifdh?" asked Musa with worry, causing Harun to laugh.

But Aisha could see the laugh wasn't reaching his eyes. Before it registered in her mind. She placed a comforting hand on his shoulder.

"It's ok...the video can play...so if you won't be..." Aisha broke off seeing the tears that were forming in his eyes. How like Hamza he was, she thought sadly.

She had always looked at the difference between her brothers and their best friends, she had never realized how alike they were as well. With a nod and a tight smile, Harun got up and she watched him walk away towards the parking lot. He wouldn't be watching the video a second time.

Samia gave her little brother a concerned look, but her eyes fluttered to Aisha as well. 

"I'll be fine...go check on him," Aisha smiled.

With a nod, Samia got up as well. She could feel everyone's stares on her. But she ignored them. With a weak smile on her face, Aisha turned to Misky who was now sitting on Justine's lap. 

" Come here hun," she said holding out her arms for her little sister. With an innocent smile, Misky got up and bounced over to her sister. Aisha folded her into her arms and waited.

It was about to be maghrib soon, and the sun was beginning its descent. The Shaykh took the mike and began to talk. She could barely hear. Aisha felt as if wool had been stuffed in her ears. 

"I hope you will all enjoy the beautiful message Hamza and Omar left behind for us. They were incredible young men, who came from a wonderful family. They had left us too soon, but they and their family had been a strong pillar in this community for many years. We are lucky to have Aisha, and Musa and Misky here with us. May Allah ease their pain and fill their lives with nothing but happiness and comfort, Ameen ya Rab," and with those final words the big screen turned on. 

The camera opened to two chairs and all they could hear were voices in the background. A small argument and a few laughs. She didn't see Musa stand up and move toward the screen. She didn't feel Misky move from her arms. All she could hear was Omar's famous heavy laugh.  And then each chair was filled by her brothers. 

Hamza sat calmly brown curls a mess and looked impatiently at Omar who was fiddling with some of the wires. His eyes...so much like her's... looked at the camera with a serious look. 

She watched the screen unable to think at all. The world had ceased to exist as she hungrily took in the sight of her brothers. 

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