Honeydukes | Regulus Black

By snitch_1212

5K 525 290

A summary of Regulus' Black's life told through the candy he's had. (No romantic pairing) (Disclaimer! I don'... More

Monday | Chocoballs
Tuesday | Gobstoppers
Wednesday | Sugar quills
Thursday | Toffee
Saturday | acid pops
Sunday | drooble's best blowing gum
when he ran out of candy

Friday | Shock- o-Choc

393 52 21
By snitch_1212

1977. Grimmuld place. 2 years ago

"Bellatrix dear, would you like some cake?" His mother offered, a worn smile on her face. It was becoming rarer and rarer for her to smile after Sirius had left.

"No thank you aunt Walburga," the dark haired witch shook her head.

"What brings you here cousin? I would think such a successful women would be more busy," Regulus asked. He suspected she was working now but he wanted to see if his mother was trusted enough to know that too.

His cousin smiled pleasantly, "Who says I'm not on a job now,"

The tension in Regulus' chest was lifted. His mother was safe.

He gave a light chuckle, "Oh cousin you do amuse me at time," his eyes met hers, "How is work?"

"Oh do tell Bellatrix dear," his mother shone from her seat, "It's always nice to hear good news,"

"It's simply wonderful," His cousins looked immensely proud and Regulus could not help but notice how similar she looked to Sirius, "The ministry is making things so easy for us. It's almost like they want the takeover to happen,"

His mother laughed as though she knew something Bellatrix and him didn't know, "Why of course they do dear! Most of these so called fighters for freedom thrive in a hierarchical system. They want to be put in place and to be told what to do,"

"You speak only the truth Aunt,"

Regulus nodded in approval. If his experience had taught him anything it was that most people were idiots who wanted someone to be the boss.

"Do tell Bellatrix, what is it like working for....forgive me, what does he call himself?" his mother asked.

"His name is Lord Voldemort mother," Regulus quickly put in, "Only you should refer to him as the Dark Lord,"

His mother smiled affectionately at him, "Regulus is quite interested in the death eaters. He thinks it's time some had done something about the muggleborns,"

"Well then cousin Regulus is as intelligent as I thought he was," Bellatrix complimented. Regulus narrowed his eyes, she wanted something, "I suspect he will have no trouble thriving in the new world order,"

"Thank you Bellatrix but you never answered the question, what does the Dark Lord demand from his followers?" Regulus leaned forward in his seat to hear the answer of the question. The answer to his future.

She looked him dead in the eye, "Excellence, in every form. He does not tolerate anything but it,"

"Well then, I suppose you will have no trouble with the death eaters Regulus," his mother or pat on the shoulder warmly.

"Of course he won't Aunt Bellatrix. He's the perfect archetype for the future death eater,"

"Thank you cousin Bellatrix," He forced his lips to curve, "And though I do enjoy your company, may I ask, what it's the purpose of this visit?" He wanted to the to the point.

She returned the gesture and looked at his mother, "Aunt Walburga, would you mind if I talk to Regulus privately for a moment,"

His mother's eyes brightened at the proposition, "Only if it's alright with Reggie,"

Regulus' eyes were focused on Bellatrix when he nodded. Even though he suspected she was about to break good news, he was still not comfortable with the thought of them alone together.

"Alright then," his mother stood up and brushed her robes, "Take your time,"

"Thank you aunt Walburga," Bellatrix responded setting down her tea.

"What do you want?" Regulus asked as soon as his mother left the room. He had no time for fun and games.

Bellatrix tutted, "Now Reg, is that any way to talk to your older cousin?" She smirked but then brought the cup of tea up to her mouth to hide it, "We wouldn't want to make a bad impression on the Dark Lord now would we?"

He mouth closed shut. He considered his next words very carefully.


The elf popped out of thin air, "Master calls for Kreacher,"

"Yes," he turned to the house elf and smiled kindly, "Would you please bring me and our guest some of the cake you made?"

"Kreacher would be most glad! Kreacher is ready to serve the house of Black!"

He popped out of existence.

"Is it a good one? The house elf that is?" Bellatrix asked.

"Kreacher is loyal to the house of Black. He had been for more than decade," Regulus said shortly, he didn't want her to get any crazy ideas about Kreacher.

"Well good to know that the house elves haven't forgotten their place,"

"Master's cake and guests cake!" Suddenly there was a rather thick slice of chocolate cake in front of Regulus.

"Have some cake Bellatrix, you look starved," he said, sweetness dripping from his every word.

"Back to politeness are we now?" Bellatrix lifted an eyebrow and pushed the cake away from her.

"I figured it was the path of less resistance," he admitted.

And then he took a bite of his cake.


His eyes gained focus.

"What happened?" He muttered. There was a sharp siren in his head and his heart was going on overdrive.

"I don't know. You took a bite of that cake and then froze," she said eyeing the cake suspiciously.

"I'll ask Kreacher about that later," he waved off. He knew his house elf meant no harm but if the word leaked out that he had served him a literally shocking cake, there would be a lot of trouble for him.

Bellatrix swiped some of the frosting with her finger and sniffed it, "Shock—o—Choc. This cake must be stuffed with dangerous amounts of it, that's what gave you the shock,"

Regulus played at his collar. It felt tight all of a sudden, "Sirius must have left those in kreachers way on purpose. He would've thought it was funny,"

"Don't mention that loathsome bloodtraitor in my presence," She snarled, "Oh the things I'll do to him when I see him...."

Regulus fingers began to tap on their own accord. He wanted to punish his brother for betraying them, for leaving him but he certainly didn't want him dead.

"Wipe that chocolate off your finger Bellatrix," he passed her a tissue from next to him, "it's going to flick somewhere,"

"Changing the subject Regulus...good idea. I tend to get a little—"

"Crazy?" He suggested jokingly. He was trying to keep her mind off of her blood just for Sirius. But he hadn't expected the reaction Bellatrix gave him.

"I am not crazy!" She burst abruptly, slamming her hands on the table and standing up, "I am not crazy!"

"Is everything alright there?" His mothers voice rang form upstairs.

"Yes mother everything's fine," he comforted, "No need to worry,"


By then Bellatrix had sat down and was breathing heavily, "I am not crazy," she repeated.

"I know that Bellatrix, I know," in truth Regulus could not shake the fear she stirred in him. He had never seen her look more threatening and crazy before.

"Good," she flattened her hair, "It's just some nasty rumors have been flying around about that. It's been getting under my skin for a while you see,"

"I understand," he didn't understand. In the second that she had lost control she was more scary than anything he'd ever seen.

"Now back to what I came here for,"

Regulus' fear evaporated, "Please, do tell," he said excitedly.

"He will have you,"



Regulus was sure his shock didn't come from the aftermath of the shock—o—choc cake.

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