Moving On (Peter Pan X Reader...

By Once_Upon_A_Glade

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[Completed] The Gladers were in the land they've dreamed and longed for for so long, Paradise. Everyone was... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Author's Note I: Other Books

Chapter 24

2.3K 84 13
By Once_Upon_A_Glade

A/N: I will still write the remaining lines of Close The Door by Beth Crowley.

When I opened my eyes, I found myself standing on the shores of Neverland. The sky was bright blue once again. A smile made its way on my face on finding out that Peter was healed. Liya was excited to see him and took my hand to teleport the both of us back to him, but I told her that I wanted to be alone.

Put on a brave face

"Is there something wrong?" Liya asked.

Back to reality

"I just- I just want to be alone. I'll be there in a moment," I reassured her. I haven't told her of what I faced in those trials. But I'm glad that she didn't pry and left me alone as per my request.

A mask of shame inside so nobody else can see

As I was alone, I was waiting for Newt to show up, but he didn't. I was truly alone, but I wasn't that sad anymore. Newt told me last night that when I had moved on, I won't see him anymore. I guess that means that I already have moved on.

Ignore the murmurings of all the "I told you so"

It was then I felt a soft breeze through my body. It was like a caress. My mind just quickly insinuated that it was Newt who sent that soft breeze. As stupid, illogical, and impossible as it might sound to others, I didn't think that. Besides, in this world, nothing is impossible.

It's just how it goes

As I waited for that feeling of sadness and dissatisfaction just like earlier when I thought I made the wrong wish, it didn't come. I was perfectly happy and perfectly content on where I was standing and who I have saved.

"I'm finally happy," I said as I looked up to the sky. "I'm happy Newt. I'm happy with this decision. And I hope that wherever you are, that you're happy too."

When you close the door

I felt that breeze again and it made me smile. I planted a blowing kiss towards the sky and I laughed and danced on the sand.


I turned my head and saw Felix running towards me with a wooden box in his hand. He had a happy expression that was mirroring mine.

"Peter wanted me to give you this," he handed me the box.

"Is this a thank you present from him for saving his life?" I asked as I took the box.

"I don't know but I don't think it is. He wanted me to give it to you earlier this morning. But I guess I wasn't able to reach you before you left."

"Oh," I said as I examined the box.

"But even if he won't say thank you, I will," Felix said. "Thank you for saving him and Neverland."

I smiled, "Yeah well, don't mention it. I've grown fond of this place."

"Have you already seen him?"

"No, I just got back. I'm on my way there now."

I made my way through the forest of Neverland with a smile on my face and a skip in my step. I noticed that the forest of Neverland seemed more brighter than it did before. There was a certain magical and welcoming sense to it now that made my heart swell with more happiness.

And I don't know what made me

When I was right outside Peter's tent, I saw that it was open with Liya and a few other pixies inside. At first I got worried since Peter was still lying down on his bed. But a that anxious feeling was gone when I saw that Peter was just asleep with a peaceful look on his face.

Think I was different from the millions of dreamers

When Liya saw me enter, she smiled at me and motioned for me to be quiet. As I took silent steps towards Peter, I didn't miss the looks of awe and thankfulness from the pixies who were all full sized.

Who share this yearning

"We'll leave you two alone," Liya whispered.

In a blink of an eye, all the pixies were now back in their original small size and flew out of Peter's treehouse. When they were gone, I lifted my hand and held Peter's.

"Are they gone?" Peter slightly opened one of his eyes.

"You were fake sleeping?" I playfully smacked his shoulder.

"I didn't want them fussing over me." He said as he sat up. I took him in a tight hug which shocked him at first, but he hugged me back.

"I missed you," I said to him when we pulled away.

"I was only gone for just a day. In fact it was you who left."

"Yeah, but I still missed you." All because I thought I'd lost you for hours. Those hours that didn't feel good.

Peter smiled and he was silent for a moment. "Thank you for saving me. I was a little uncertain that you would save me when I found out you were going for that crystal."

"You have so little faith in me," I joked. "Besides, don't think it's just all me. I mean, you saved me from myself."

"Yeah, I did," he laughed. "But I'm glad you chose me," Peter finished. "I'm glad that you chose to save Neverland."

"Well, I was more needed here than anywhere else. You know, I was shown an alternate reality where I didn't pick you but brought Newt back to life. And you know what?" I smiled. "I wasn't happy without you there. Funny thing is that I kept on worrying about you."

My life's not over

"Even if Newt was there?"

And I'll find ways to move on

"I've moved on from him. Thought he'll have a special place in my heart forever, I've finally decided not to stick to the past, but look at the future."

Can't be stuck in this moment

"No wonder you look happy."

While the world keeps on turning

"I am." It was then I remembered that box that Felix handed to me earlier. That box that was from Peter. I took it from the floor where I laid it and showed it to Peter. "What's in this?" I asked him.

Please don't leave me behind

"You haven't opened it yet?"

Please don't leave me behind

I shook my head and Peter took the box from my hands. He opened it and I saw a budding flower inside it. I gave Peter a look of confusion and he realized that he had to explain what it was. I haven't exactly seen this type of plant in any of the books Peter lent to me.

"This is a very special flower that could hold magic and I've given it some of mine. Just so that I could give it to whoever was going to rule Neverland when I die. So that Neverland won't die with me," Peter explained. "(Y/N) when you take this flower in your hands and inhale its magic filled pollen, you yourself will have magic just like me."

"I can't believe that you were really going to let me have a part of you and rule Neverland."

"I told you that I trusted you and so did the Shadow. So," Peter looked at me with wondering eyes, "will you still take it cause I'm still offering it to you and you only."

Looking at that budding flower then at Peter, I have made my decision. "Yeah, I will."

A/N: Okay so I only have one more chapter left which is the epilogue. There will be a sequel of which I'm still thinking of a story for. The sequel will contain both (Y/N) and Peter falling in love since like I said earlier, this book wasn't exactly about (Y/N) falling in love but moving on. And you don't have to fall in love to move on.

But before the sequel, I will write a new book with some of the chapters here from Peter's point of view, as well as some new chapters. Just so that we could also see what was going on inside his head. But I won't rewrite this entire book in his POV, just a few chapters.







❤️ Once_Upon_A_Glade

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