One Night Stand (Garrett x An...


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Andrew is insecure after a one night stand Еще



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chapter 7:

trigger warning(s) [mentions of]: needles
tw rating: mild

chapter summary:

Garrett and Andrew talk at the hospital


They made it to the hospital and Garrett and Morgan then continued to carry Andrew into the ER. A nurse came up to them with a wheel chair and Andrew was sat down.

"You must be Andrew,"  She stated the obvious. Everyone followed the nurse as she wheeled him into the back door.  She stopped and turned to everyone.

"Only family members are allowed in, thats the policy here." She said, looking at everyone. Ryland glared at her.

"Are you serious-" Ryland's rude comment was cut short by Shane.

"Garrett, go." Shane shoved him forward a bit and he looked at Shane in confusion.

"That's his boyfriend." Shane told her and the nurse smiled. Garrett blushed a  deep red that covered his whole face.

"Alright he can come, the rest of you will have to wait in the waiting room." She told them. Ryland groaned and made a noise while Morgan said something along the lines of   'there better be snacks'

Shane grinned as watched Garrett and Andrew disappear with the nurse. The nurse wheeled them all to a room and closed the curtains for privacy.

"Can you get him up here?" The nurse asked Garrett and Garrett whispered an 'oh!' Before doing so. 

"Alright so I'm going to hook you up with an IV and then I'll notify the doctor that you're here. He'll be in as quickly as possible." The nurse explained bringing out the materials to stab an IV in Andrew's arm.

"There's no current bleeding so we aren't that worried that the knife went in too far." She said getting the needle. Andrew gasped and looked down at his feet then closed his eyes tight because of the needle. After that the nurse had left the two boys alone together and the awkward tension filled the room again.

"Listen, Andrew, I can leave if you want me to. I don't know why Shane-"

"Garrett I don't care what Shane said I literally have a knife stuck in my leg at the moment." Andrew took a deep breath.

"Look, I'm glad you are here, considering I took a stab for you. I mean he could've hurt you or maybe even killed you. I have no idea why you decided to go over there." Andrew looked at him.

"I don't know, it just pissed me off on how was threatening  Shane and Ryland. I mean all they did was try and handle the situation in a calm manner and he just flips out!" Garrett explains.

"I don't know why you ran after me." Garrett muttered under his breath.

"Because I care about you."

The room was filled with silence.

"I'm not sure why that would be surprising, I mean just because I'm mad at you doesn't mean I don't care about you." Andrew told Garrett.

"God, Andrew, I thought you were never going to talk to me again!" Garrett said looking as if he were about to cry. Andrew sighed.

"Garrett I was mad because you left. It would've been better if you stayed. I wanted you to stay." Andrew blushed realizing what he said.

"I'm-" Garrett was interrupted as they both heard the curtain be pulled back. A man, who assumed was the doctor, in his early thirties, came in.

"Hi I'm doctor Holt." He greeted them.

"Alright so what we need to do is cut your pants. Will that be alright?" Andrew nodded and the doctor cut his pants from where the knife was and all around. Making it seem like his pants were now capris.

"Alright I'm going to inspect your wound and I'll let you know what we need to do." Doctor Holt had told them.  The doctor began to inspect Andrew's leg. Garrett stared as the doctor did so.

"Alright so I think we're going to have to take X-rays, numb it, then stitch it up." The doctor went over to the counter and grabbed a clipboard and a pen.

"Sign here because I need your consent." Andrew signed then the doctor gave Garrett the clipboard and pen.

"I need you to sign as a second party in case anything goes wrong." The doctor told him. Garrett bit his lip and gave Andrew a look.

"Yes Garrett, sign it. I trust you." Garrett gave a small smile as he signed the consent form.

"Alright so we need this whole leg pant free. I can do it if you want or if you want privacy your boyfriend can do it for you and then you can put on one the gowns." Andrew and Garrett both blushed.

"Uh I'll have Garrett do it." Which made Garrett blush even more. The doctor then nodded.

"Okay that'll be all for the preparation. We'll be ready as soon as your X-rays come in." He said and then left, leaving Andrew and Garrett alone. Garrett spoke up.

"So uh," Garrett wasn't really sure what to say.

"Look, don't make this awkward. Just take the scissors and cut my pants off." Garrett laughed at that, which made Andrew smile himself.

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