dreams {neymar jr.}

By estrellasenloscielos

22.2K 654 64

Alessandra and Neymar were serious. They were extremely serious. He popped the question, and she said yes. Bu... More

back home
freshen up
pinkie promise
lock & key
the love
just take it
work and love


1.4K 78 16
By estrellasenloscielos

Alessandra's POV

"Alessandra? Can you wake up.. Please? For just a second." I roll over, and slowly peel my eyes open, coming face to face--quite literally with Neymar. "What's up?" I ask, holding in a yawn. He smirks a little, before dropping the expression and picking up a serious one. "Will you do me the honor of wearing my jersey to the Brazil vs. Chile match?" He asks, holding the yellow fabric out to me. I laugh quietly, "Sure, why not." He smiles, and stands up, gently placing the jersey on my bedside table. I sit up, and he holds out his arms to me as if I'm a child. But I stand up and hug him anyway, painfully aware of his hand lingering near my hip. "Alright, I'll see you there, okay?" He asks quietly. I nod, and he kisses my cheek before leaving the room.

It had been like this since the first night. I mean sure, he greets everyone like that but I think I accidentally triggered it that night. I don't know how to feel about it, but he doesn't seem to notice. I'm in his arms when he greets me and every time he leaves to go somewhere. We had avoided the subject of our past relationship very well, but when Carolina took Davi home a couple days it became more difficult, seeing as how that completely defeated the purpose of my being here. We're nowhere near being together again, but maybe, just maybe we can recover our friendship.

Knowing that no one else is awake at this hour, I follow him downstairs. "So I'll see you there." He says, stepping outside. "Yes." I respond with a roll of my eyes, closing the door after him. "Promise?" He asks, easily pushing the door back open. "Yes, I promise!" I exclaim, trying to push the door shut with my shoulder. "Okay." He says, and quickly moves out of the way, causing the door to slam. I sigh, and his laugh reaches my ears through the door.

Feeling all too tired to go back upstairs, I lay down on the couch and allow my eyes to slowly slide shut.


"Sandra?" Rafaella asks me quietly. "Yeah?" I ask, looking up from my phone. We're in my room, being lazy and waiting to leave for the game. The TV is nothing more than background noise and the thought of actually doing something productive faded away a long time ago. "What..what ever happened between you two?" She asks, avoiding eye contact.

I run a hand through my hair, and bring my legs up to my chest, immensely uncomfortable. "You don't know?" I manage to ask quietly, laying my head against my arms. "No idea. You know, you two were the golden couple. You pretty much had the relationship everyone wanted. And to plan to marry at that age is admirable.. And then all of a sudden.. Yeah." I take a deep breath, "Um.. Well, you know we both had growing careers. And now they're at their highest.. But I actually never thought I would want something more then to just be with Ney. But harsh words were spoken all too hastily and feelings were hurt, and then... I ended it... I gave him the ring back in what I think is the worst way I could've at the time... And that was just it." I admit quietly.

"He's had a couple flings." Rafaella starts after a long, quiet pause, "None of them actually lasted for more than a week except for one. But she wasn't you, and we all knew that was the problem." I shake my head, "I wouldn't say that, Rafaella." I admonish with a small and hollow chuckle. "Yeah, that's it. 'Cause no one else is gonna love him like you do--did." I swallow hard, and stand up, my intention to leave my own bedroom, "Right."


Let's just say I had a lot to think about. Rafaella and I's conversation only started the cycle again. I thought about how much different things would be right now if I had just agreed to go to Spain. Carolina could've had the room I have now, because Neymar and I would've been sharing. I might be pregnant by now.. Who knows what a whole year could've brought, you know? I would probably still be that loud, argumentative girl instead of the one who barely talks and is horribly bashful. There would be a ring on my finger, that's for sure.

So with all of these thoughts circling through my head, I straightened my hair instead of curling it, put eyeliner on instead of lipstick and tried to wear eyeshadow as eyeliner. Sighing, I start all over, washing my face clean of all makeup. I swipe on golden eyeshadow, before adding an exaggerated wing and applying red lipstick. I pull my hair into a bun on top of my head, and pull a green bandana out of my pocket and tie it around my head.

"You ready?" Rafaella asks, walking into Neymar's bathroom that I've had to use since I arrived. "Yeah, let's go."

Walking into the stadium, a familiar nervous calm washes over me. It's the same feeling I always got when I went to watch Neymar's matches. The nervousness, because anything could happen--no one can quite predict what will occur on the pitch. And the calm because I'm positive that not only will he do fine, but that he'll come out of it okay too.

The energy from the crowd immediately flows into my bloodstream, and I find myself singing along with whatever song starts. It's quite infectious, and before I know it, the teams are walking onto the pitch. The music starts to pick up, and I place my hand on my heart before proudly singing the words to my national anthem.

I had almost forgotten how much I love going to matches.


"Is he okay?" I practically breathe out, hands clasped nervously against my chest. I watch as Neymar stands at the sidelines, gesturing to his legs. The medics spray water on his legs, and he gives them a thumbs up before walking back onto the pitch. "Really?" I screech, "That's it? What if it's something serious?! They barely looked at it!" I complain. "Alessandra, he's still walking. He's okay. Besides, he wanted to keep playing." Rafaella says calmly. "Well, duh, of course he did. That doesn't mean he should!" "Alessandra! He's okay! Really!" She exclaims loudly. "Okay." I mumble.


Later that night

"Are you sure you'll be okay?" I ask Neymar again. "Yeah, I'll be fine, I promise." He says with a little laugh, moving the ice pack off of his leg. "No, keep it on." I instruct him, reaching over and snatching it from his hand, and sitting it back on his leg. "But it's going to come off eventually." He complains. "Well then let it come off, but keep it on now. Got it?" I say strictly, hands on my hips. He smiles, "Yeah, I got it."

"Do you need anything else?" I ask him quietly, putting my hands in my sweatpants pockets. "Will you stay with me?" He asks, just as quietly. My eyes widen, my eyebrows shooting up. "I-I don't think that's such a good idea, Ney." I murmur, looking down at my feet. "I think it is." He says softly. I sigh deeply, staring at the floor.

"I'll see you in the morning, okay?" I try to rationalize, looking up at him. "Okay." He says with a small smile. I lean over, and give him a hug, and he kisses my temple. "Goodnight, Ney." I say to him, brushing the hair out of his eyes. "Night San." He mumbles, staring up at me with his huge hazel colored eyes.

Leaving his room, I close the door behind me and take a deep breath. I release the door knob, and walk slowly across the small space between our rooms. Glancing at his shut door, I close mine. As I slowly walk to my bed, I take my hair out of a bun, and sit all of my bracelets down on the dresser. Laying down on the bed, I stare up at the ceiling, shock reverberating through my body.

He wanted me to stay.

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