Accepting Fate {Book 2 of The...

By GracieG04

193 19 3

Keegan Barnnet's story continues as he and Madeline are now Seniors in High School and are learning the diffe... More

A/N explanation
four. (bday pt. 1)
Five (bday pt.2)


19 2 1
By GracieG04

Keegan POV
4:16 a.m.

So today is the day we go to warped tour, and I'm just gonna say it, I can't stand punk or rock music.

Madeline, Nathan, Ricky, and Trinity like it so I automatically am around it all the time. There's maybe like two or three songs I like, but they're all by matchbox twenty, and I don't even know if he's considered Rock. But I'm going to try to enjoy it and maybe find some songs that I actually like.
For Maddie, and Maddie only.

Maddie wasn't feeling to good as of right now and she's had a headache since around two this morning. I really hope she feels better. After all, this is her birthday present from Ricky.

I put the rest of the bags in Nate's truck and went back in the house to make absolute sure we had everything we needed. Once I was sure that we had everything, I picked Maddie up and sat her in the backseat and strapped her in. She almost instantly wanted me to hold her so I climbed in and waited on Nate and Ricky to get in the car.

"Kee, what time is it?" She groaned.

" it's around four thirty. Baby go back to sleep in right here. " I cooed. "Mmmmkkk....hmmmnnmm..."

We all got situated and were on our way to Vans™ Warped Tour.

**Time Skip**
9:39 a.m.

We finally arrived in Atlanta, Georgia and were getting settled in our hotel room that we booked for that night.

Maddie got out of the shower and walked over to me with an excited look on her face. "Hey, Princess, feeling better?" She nooded, " Yeah my headaches gone thankfully. "

"Good, you excited? I know how much you like these bands." She couldn't help but squeal " Omg yeeesss, what if I meet Ashley Purdy, or Chris Motionless? And Vic Fuentes like And Oli Sykes. Omg and we're for sure meeting Ronnie Radke.... Aaaahhhhh!!!! 😂"

I couldn't help but laugh at her fangirling like she was. As long as I don't get any competition......

11:21 a.m.

We pulled up to the front gates and we looked for gate number 9. We found it and handed the people our tickets as well as the note from Ronnie.

They made us wait a few minutes until a tall guy with black shaggy hair and tattoos all over him walked over and bro hugged Ricky. "Hey Rick, ooohhhh, you must be Maddie." She blushed and nodded looking at her feet.

Ronnie leaned toward Ricky and told him smugly, "Dam Ricky, you didn't tell me she was a super model."
Everyone started laughing and I cleared my throat roughly. " Woah, this must be the boyfriend and Her father. No offense, she is a very pretty girl though. " he winked at her, and she almost fainted. Oh Brother....

Ronnie, gave us backstage passes and then he had to go to a meet and greet. Before he left he gave us a schedule for all the stages and signed our shirts and backstage passes. "Later guys, and remember y'all have VIP access to all the stages, also security will ensure that you get front row of every show you go to."

" Omg, thank you so much Ronnie you're a hero. " Madeline gushed. " I try, I'll see you later princess. " he said hugging her and smirking at me.

He left and I was trying not to get us thrown out of her for Maddie's sake. Me and Nate exchanged glances as Maddie urged us inside.

We started to walk around and not a single soul we saw looked sane. Some looked like they were straight Satan spawn, some looked mentally disturbed, others looked like the circus left them behind, and then there was us four. Out of all four of us,Ricky fit in the best.

Maddie was having the time of her life as well as Ricky and Nate. I was having a good time because Maddie was having a good time. Ricky and I both bought her some band merch and Nate bought some burger plates for lunch.

At least we're having good time.

Maddie's POV
1:28 p.m.

I was having an absolute blast. We had only been here about three hours and we had already met and watched, Hailstorm, Black Veil Brides, Knuckle Puck, Being Me The Horizon, New Years Day, Juliett Simms, and we just finished meeting Waterparks.

Keegan and I were gonna go grab some waters before we watch Motionless in Whites set. We got back right as the first song was starting. And the guys beside me were obviously drunk. They rammed into me making me spill the water all over him. "On my god, I'm so sorry, here I'll go get some napkins."

He pushed me making me fall on my back and knock Keegan and a few other people over. "That's what you get, whore...." He started to hit me and he slung me in the air. Keegan was obviously hurt, and Ricky and Nathan were all the way in the other side of the stage.

All the sudden the music stopped and the guards pulled me and Keegan onto the stage to get us away from the guy and his friends. The Chris Motionless ran over and helped check out Keegan's leg and my head and back. The guards ended up having to take us out to EMT'S.

Chris tried to come and follow us to make sure we were ok but I told him, " Chris you gotta get back out there, your fans need you. Keegan and I will be ok. Just do your best and I'm still gonna cheer you on. Now get back out there. " he didn't want to listen but the stage hands finally got him back out there.

I rode with Keegan and we got to the hospital ten minutes later. "It's ok Kee baby, let them help you ok, I'll see you as soon as they'll let me." They started to wheel us in separate rooms and I heard a quiet, " I love You. "


They checked me out and told me I had a mild concussion but nothing else to serious. I asked to see Keegan and they told me I could. I got up and got dressed. Nathan and Ricky were waiting out in the lobby. "Madeline, I'm so sooo sorry, I didn't think this would happen. I just wanted you to have the chance to meet all your favorite bands and I had no idea that this was gonna be where we'd end up. I'm so sorry..." Ricky kept rambling until I saw Keegan on crunches walking down the hallway with the nurse.

She informed us that it was just a bad sprain. Not the best news, but not the worst either. Right as Nate finished our discharge papers, MIW, BVB, SWS, PTV, BMTH, and FIR came through the doors.

Chris ran up to us and everyone else towed behind. "Dang kid, are you ok? I was super worried." He asked shaken up. " Yeah, mild concussion and crunches, nothing to terrible. " I said strongly holding Keegan's hand in mine.

We heard a lot of awwws and then I grew up the courage to ask, " WAIT OOHHHH MMMYYY FRERARD!!! WHAT ARE Y'ALL DOING HERE?!?!?!? "

"WELL..." CC (BVB) started, " everybody was talking about how that fugitive almost bashed your head in and broke your leg. So we all got together and decided to come see if you guys were alright and if your guardians found you. "

"Oh..." I said blushing. " Wait he was a fugitive? "

Oli Sykes held out his phone. There was a link pulled up....

....The man, Arnold Welgner, was charged with two counts of assault and was already wanted by state police for stolen goods trafficking. Welgner is still in police custody and is still refusing be cooperative with state law enforcement....

"Woah, I guess it's kind of good he assaulted us I guess." Keegan said chuckling awkwardly . I got everyone's attention and decided to thank everyone, " I would like to thank all of you for coming and checking on us that just goes to show how dedicated you are to your fans. " I heard a bunch of different responses and I got  a few hugs.

Nathan continued with, " I would also like to thank you guys too, but I want to personally thank Chris and the rest of MIW, for helping my son and daughter, and
Mr.Ronnie Radke for setting everything up. Even after all this, we did have a good time and I speak for us all when I say we don't regret coming. "

We all talked for a while until Vic Fuentes asked if we wanted to go eat dinner with them all. We politely agreed and of course Chris suggested buffalo wild wings. Vic suggested mexican. Andy wanted sushi as well as his wife, julliet. Oli wanted to go to the deli down the street. And of course, Kellin wanted italian.

"We should ask the kids what they want." Ashley Purdy chimed in. They all froze and asked for our suggestion. Me and Keegan looked at each other and said " IHOP. "

Everyone got excited and ran to their nightliner buses.We got there and everyone was just getting there. We were surprisingly seated and they worked really fast. I ordered chicken and waffles as usual and the waitress got everyone else's order. Everyone was getting to know me, keegan, nate, and ricky. Ashley cracking jokes and we couldn't quit laughing. Then they started sharing tour stories with us. Vic's and Andy's were the funniest to me.

Our food came and we all dug in. Mine was really good and according to the bands, theirs was too. We all finished up and everyone paid. All the bands were telling us bye when Chris pulled me aside.

" what you said back there mean't a lot to the guys and I. you and your boyfriend were hurting but you still were cheering us on and telling us to get back out there. That takes a true fan Madeline, most would have wanted us to cancel the whole show just because they stubbed their toe, but you were very selfless and that means a lot to us. Thank you. " he said hugging me.

I shrugged, "well I guess we were only switching roles for a moment. Your bands music has been there for me whenever nobody else was and it may sound creepy but your music always pushed me to carry on. I know every fan girl probably tells you that but, I just wanted to express my gratitude." I said gushing.

"That means the world to us when we hear that. I'll let you in on a little secret madeline, it's fans like you that make us love what we do and keep us going whenever we hear that. So thank you."

He took my phone and and put his number in it, as well as Ryan, Andy, Ashley, Kellin, Oli, Ronnie, Jake, and Vic. "Shoot us a text, won't you?" Oli asked winking. i just nodded blushing.

" Crap, Korel just said we got get back to the bus, I hate when he ruins the fun... " Ryan says rolling his eyes.

"Thanks again for checking on us and everything. " I said hugging everyone. "Our pleasure sorry y'all got hurt, safe travels. Text me Maddie, I'll be waiting."
Ashley said winking . We all said last second goodbyes and we parted ways.

We got to the truck and I still can't believe that just happened. All in all, today wasn't so bad and to be honest I still had a great time.

We got back to the hotel and washed up. We all got in bed and crashed.

What a day...

**Next Morning**
11:52 a.m.

We checked out of the hotel and l paced back into the truck. We talked here and there until Keegan and I fell asleep.

**Time Skip**

We got home and unpacked everything. I ended up taking a shower and watching some tv. Keegan went to shower so I faced timed all the guys. They told me about the last few cities they had to visit until they could go home. They asked how everything was and we just chattered on and on.

We all hung up and Keegan slid into bed with me. "I love you Kee baby. I'm sorry you didn't really have a good time."

" are you kidding? I had a blast. I have a new appreciation for guys who wear makeup and jump around on stage like maniacs, while screaming at the top of their lungs. " he said with a laugh. I couldn't really blame him though lol.

"Goodnight Princess... I love you." He said rubbing my back. " I know. "

I held him close and I fell asleep in my soulmate 's arms.

Brent Rivera as Keegan Barnnet
Lia Shelesh as Madeline Brinks
Chris Pratt As Nathan Parnell
Ricky Olson as an infamous version of himself
*bands as them-awesome-selves*

Heyyo, so it's one thirty in the morning and I'm sooo tired!!! But my pms kept me motivated to update. What did you guys think? Let me know, your comments mean the world!!! Don't forget to share, vote, and comment please. Goodnight loves.



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