You're okay now sweetheart {...

By KpopFangirltrash

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Min Yoongi is 19 years old and homeless. The only way to survive is to give the men that pay him what they wa... More

Character introductions
Chapter 1 ~ we won't hurt you
Chapter 2 ~ shopping with a cutie
Chapter 3 ~ Can't forget
Please read and comment! ~A/N
Chapter 4 ~ Butterfly (Yoonkook)
Chapter 5 ~ Confrontation (Yoonseok)
Chapter 6 ~ Blackmail
Chapter 8 ~ Old faces
Chapter 9 ~ I trusted you
Chapter 10 ~ Teddy bear (Namgi)
Chapter 11~ Shorty (Yoonmin)
Chapter 12~ Imperfect
Chapter 13 ~ Get you the moon(Taegi)
Chapter 14 ~ Save me
Chapter 15 ~ Sunset (Yoonjin)
Chapter 16 ~ Midnight cravings
Chapter 17 ~ Unknown number (1/2)
Chapter 18 ~ Antidote (2/2)
Chapter 19 ~ Mint choco (Yoonkookhope)
Chapter 20 ~ Pillow forts and blankets (Taekookgi)

Chapter 7 ~ Awake (Namjin)

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By KpopFangirltrash

Namjoons POV:
Then the doctor comes in. I take a deep breath and prepare for the news. "Kim Seokjins family?" I stand up. I wait expectantly for her to speak. She looks up from her clipboard with an unreadable expression. "Mr Kim..."
"Mr Kim is currently in surgery, there is a small chance of him losing his arm but we expect that it won't come to that, you'll be able to see him in half an hour, once surgery is over."
I realise I've been holding my breath and sigh in relief. He's not going to die. He's still here. He should be fine. I repeat in my head.

A small smile works it's way onto my face. If there's a god out there thank you, thank you so fucking much. I don't want to imagine life for even a second without Jin. I wonder if I could have survived without him but I don't want to go down that dark path so instead I focus on the two people standing in front of me still.

I pull Tae onto my lap and wipe the tear off of his cheek. He's smiling as tears roll down his cheeks. Yoongi has gone over to Hoseok and is sitting in his lap with his head buried in Hobi's chest. We spend the next half an hour in silence, a nervous energy surging through each of us, there is till the chance that.... no I don't want to think about it. It feels like it must have been an hour and i'm worrying again, my nails are ruined from me biting them.

The doctor finally comes back to say that the surgery was successful and we could now go to see him. Tae immediately jumps up off of my lap and pulls me up, he keep hold of my hand and my free hand is grasped by Yoongi. The six of us walk to his room, I'm shaking slightly and the two holding my hands give me reassuring squeezes as we stop outside room 127.

Yoongi pushes open the door and there he is. Looking (worldwide) handsome despite the wires coming out of him. He gives us a huge smile as we walk in. Three people sit either side of his bed. We talk for a while about nothing of great importance until Jin says that he's hungry. Immediately the other five leap up and are halfway out of the door before Tae pops his head back in ''Oh- uh what do you want from the café?'' he asks with a sheepish smile on his face. ''If they have it naengmyeon and get us some chicken as well.''

Tae nods and rushes off to chase after the others. Jin laughs and I smile, my cheeks straining from the effort of smiling. I just look at him for a moment and I just burst into tears. I was so scared of losing him. He pulls me onto the bed and I don't have the strength or will power to stop him. I keep crying and he holds both of my hands, his head on my shoulder. I stop crying and I raise my head to see Jin on the verge of stepping into dreamland.

I stroke his hair as he falls asleep. I kiss him gently o the forehead, light enough so that he doesn't wake up but so that I can feel that he's with me, still here and breathing.

Jins POV (in the dream but the dream is a memory and is being told in present tense)

I roll over on the bed to look to my other side. The warmth I felt as I went to sleep is gone. I frown, wondering where he went. I decide to go look for him, I don't need any more beauty sleep and you can see that if you look at my handsome face.

I get out of bed and pull the covers back up, making the bed quickly. I walk downstairs, assuming he'll be down there. I stop in the kitchen. the light shines from under the door and I'm blinded for a second when I pull open the door. I step inside, Namjoon looks up in surprise. On the table in front of him is a nearly empty cup of coffee. ''What are you doing up?'' he asks me. ''I could ask you the same thing'' ''I couldn't sleep, and I knew there was no point trying'' he says gesturing to the mug in front of him.

''Why are you awake though?'' ''I couldn't sleep either'' of course I don't tell him why, can't go all sappy now can I? He looks up suddenly with a mischievous grin on his face. ''Do you want to go out?'' I narrow my eyes but nod anyways. ''Okay, go put on something comfortable but warmer than that, he gestures to my pyjamas and I suddenly realise that he's wearing a tracksuit. I wonder how long he's been awake if he's got changed, made coffee and managed to not wake me up- meaning he must have done it carefully so he didn't smash anything.

I go to walk out back to the bedroom but I stop in the doorway. ''Going to tell me where we're going?'' I question.  ''You'll have to wait to find out'' I shake my head slightly at his teasing tone and go upstairs to put on a hoodie and sweatpants. I pad downstairs once again and slip on some trainers. I stand up straight after tying my laces.

Suddenly i hear a ''Boo'' next to me. I shriek and spin round. I whack him in the chest and he laughs, putting his hands up in surrender when i give him a death glare. He better thank god for giving him dimples, otherwise he would have had to face my wrath. Curse those stupid, cute dimples.

He grabs my hand and we walk out of our home. He locks the door and we walk to the car.

It's pitch black outside except for the stars overhead so Namjoon switches on his phone torchlight. He makes sure to keep it away from the back of the truck for some reason. ''What's in the back?'' ''Nothing'' I roll my eyes at the blatant lie, but don't question it anymore.

He opens the door for me. I laugh softly and i see a smirk on his face as he closes the door. He walks round and gets in the drivers seat. He starts up the car and glances at his phone which has directions to god knows where. He doesn't let me look at where we're going so i switch on the radio. Where you at by NU'EST W comes on and i sing along but i change the lyrics to where we at. Namjoon snorts and starts laughing. He turns down a side road and trees surround the dirt path. We drive for a little bit longer until we reach a clearing.

I feel like I've been here before and I frown slightly as I try to remember. Did he really? That cheesy bastard. ''Have you brought me here to kill me?'' I ask. ''Why would I want to kill somebody so handsome?'' he replies laughing.

This where he brought me for our first date, when we said those words the first time i blushed as he called me handsome. Now i just smile widely because he remembered, the words he said so long ago.

The radio was still playing but i hadn't been paying any attention to it until now, when shining on you comes on by Get7 or maybe it was 7-eleven I can never remember.

(GOT7 may appear as friends/another gang in a later chapter so I didn't want to make them idols)

We look at each other at the same time and smile at each other. I get out of the car and Joon quickly joins me round my side of the car. The radio is on full blast and the only lights are the ones up above (the world so high,like a diamond in the sky)and the lights inside the car. It's freezing cold but that isn't important.

I grab his hand and we dance slowly for a couple of seconds. Then we start jumping and twirling about. Our laughs echo in the trees which only makes us laugh more. The song stops and Namjoon's dimples are endless under the moonlight. I stand up on my tiptoes to kiss him. He leans down ever so slightly and his hand rests on the back of my neck.

My eyes stay shut as we part to take breath. Namjoon rests his forehead on mine and the only sound i can hear is his breath. We stay like that for a moment, not in a rush to do anything else. I open my eyes first and i just look at the man in front of me. He holds such unique beauty in each of his features and i don't understand how nobody could see that before me. I peck him on his lips.

His eyes meet mine and i look away for a second. The back of the truck catches my gaze and i suddenly realise that there is pillows and blankets in the back. My mouth gapes slightly as i look at Namjoon. He doesn't meet my eye so i gently move his head so hs forced to look at me. I smile widely at him and he smiles shyly. I pull him over to and into the back of the truck. I don't know how he managed to do all of this in such a short amount of time.

I sit down in the nest of pillows and Namjoon sits next to me. I grab a blanket and pull it over the two of us. He wraps an arm round me and kisses me on the forehead as we admire the sky. We don't talk and i can see him looking at me every few seconds but i don't say anything because im doing the same thing.

We lay there until the sun starts to go up. We had been slowly changing position so we were both laying down with my head his chest. We watch as the sun rises an the dark world changes and becomes awake. I sit up and my back cracks. I stretch my back slightly and stand up and jump onto the ground. Namjoon copies me and we get back in the car.

The drive home is silent except for the music playing quietly. Joon hums quietly as he taps the beat on my thigh. We arrive home and we get out of the car. I wait patiently for Joon to find the key in his jacket. We eventually walk through the door to our home and i smile at him.

My stomach rumbles and I decide to make a fruit salad for breakfast. I slip my shoes off and get some fruit out. Joon watches from the doorway. ''Can I help?'' ''Don't burn anything'' I say handing him some apples for him to cut. ''How could I possibly manage to burn anything?'' he asks, pretending to be offended. I raise my eyebrow. He just smiles sheepishly and turns round.

I cut up some fruit and I'm almost finished when I realise that Namjoon appears to be struggling with the knife. I mentally facepalm as I see he's using it like a saw. He's managed to cut it in half though. ''Wait, wait'' I exclaim. ''You cut it on the flat side. Let me help.'' I go behind him and put my hand over his, helping him guide the knife. I let him have a go at it by himself with another apple and I'm in stitches at his posture. He manages it though, he looks lowkey proud of himself and I give him a kiss on the cheek still giggling.

I'm so glad that he lets me see this side of him and not just the cold side most people see. Before I met him I didn't have a purpose but it like the trance like state in which I had been living in was broken, he made me awake from it. He made me begin a new life, without the stigma of my past in his mind. Last night, well morning I had some reflection time, I don't want to lie to him ever, not like how I did to my first love. He's my only family, I hope my mama would be proud of the man I have chosen to hopefully spend the rest of my life.


All the requests were for fluff so I tried...
Thank you to
1-800-koGAYne xXKuroeXx Peaceinpoetry  for commenting :)

(A lot of this was wrote at midnight because my brain functions the best then for some reason😂😊)

QOTD: Which BTS album is your favourite?

AOTD: This a very hard question to answer. I've got to say wings though, although Love Yourself:Tear has got to come a very close second.

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