Transferred to the other worl...

By GoblinAuthor

277K 7.7K 3K

Sora Takahashi died saving his classmate from Truck-kun. Instead of moving on to the afterlife, he was given... More

Chapter 1 - Forest of Astalla
Chapter 2 - Sanalei De 'Aise
Chapter 3 - Arendall
Chapter 4 - Adventurer's Guild
Author's Note
Chapter 5 - Cursed Sword
Chapter 6 - Revenge
Chapter 8 - The Girl from the Sword
Chapter 9 - Encounter on the Road
Author's note 2
Chapter 10 - Demon General
Chapter 11 - Waking Up to a Rude Noble
Chapter 12 - Spending Skill Points
Chapter 13 - Midnight Wolf, and a Message?
Chapter 14 - Hero Summoning?
Chapter 15 - Meeting the Hero
Chapter 16 - Beastmen Capital
Chapter 17 - Dreams of the Past
Author's Note 3
Chapter 18 - Cocky Hero
update 2 (Sorry Again)
Chapter 19 - Rikuru Village
Chapter 20 - Killing my First Dragon
Chapter 21 - The Goddess' Trust
Author's Note 4
Chapter 22 - Meeting the King
Chapter 23 - Guild Promotion
Chapter 24 - Nobility & The Truth
Chapter 25 - Feelings & The Return
Author's Note 5
Chapter 26 - First Day Back
Chapter 27 - Things Have Changed
Chapter 28 - Weapons Test and Realization
Chapter 29 - The Rogue?
Chapter 30 - Awakening Divinity
Chapter 31 - Fighting? a God
Chapter 32 - Our Territory
Chapter 33 - The Start of My City
Little Contest
Chapter 34 - The Statue & Ikari Grows
Contest Winners
Chapter 35 - Buying Slaves
Chapter 36 - Residential District
Chapter 37 - Visitor & Curious Title
Chapter 38 - My Daughter
Chapter 39 - School Day
Author's Note
Chapter 40 - Progress
End of Book 1

Chapter 7 - Mock Battle

7K 190 29
By GoblinAuthor

SoundEffects will be written in brackets like these [Effect] to try and make the story a little bit more alive, hope this system works out well, if it doesn't then I will change it or go back to how I wrote it before!



A vein popped on the big guys head, and the receptionist that was off to the side, actually backed away, but it appeared that she was afraid she might get dragged into the guys anger.

Guess she thinks I am a lot weaker compared to this man. So I looked back at the big man, and stated clearly, "Hey Idiot-san, if I cripple you that means you can no longer be an adventurer right? Then I suppose that's only fitting given your ugly personality."

It was an amazing sight, it was almost as if you could actually see his blood physically boiling from his anger. Maybe with his anger this high, our fight might become interesting.

I should also point out that this man must have some considerable strength, since I am a beastmen, I inherently have more strength than humans. If you were to compare an average fox-kin citizen to human adventurer's in terms of strength, then the fox-kin would probably be ranked at around D-Rank for human adventurer's. Although that's for normal Fox-kin, I'm essentially a freak then, given my power.

Walking passed the man that will be my tester, I warned the receptionist, "Miss, you'll need to get a second tester for Sana, since this failure of a man won't be able to participate after fighting me."

She looked at me like I was stupid, then backed away a little bit while shaking when she could hear my tester grinding his teeth. All the while I could hear Sana giggling behind me.

"Sana, you go ahead and have a seat somewhere, I think I might toy with him for a bit--" (Sora)



The facility had fallen deathly quiet, and for some reason when I didn't reply to him, he took my silence and falsely assumed something that would make him feel better about himself.


I looked back at him with a calm expression and stated loud enough for people to hear, "Why would you assume my silence to match your own ego? I have nothing to apologize for, nor have you shown me anything worthy of respect. From my perspective you are just a weak-willed man, who has nothing better to do but boasting about his rank, and disrespecting the Adventurers' Guild itself with your filthy personality."

In the middle of my statement I begin wrapping some tough threading around my sword's hilt, guard, and sheathe. This way it will be easier to not accidentally kill him. "Let's make a bet Vall...If you can beat me in this fight, then I will not only get on my knees and apologize to you, but I will also become your subordinate....However, if you lose, then both Sana and I will pass the registration test, and you will have to withdraw from the Guild, and quit being an adventurer for the rest of your life..."

His face gained the redness of a ripe tomato, and I think if one were to look close enough, you might even see steam shooting from his ears. When I looked at Sana to see her reaction, she was actually holding onto her new staff, trying not to fall down from holding back her laughter.

Smirking back at Vall, I walked to the center of the arena, and pointed my sword (Noroi) at him.

"Do you accept my challenge? Mister B-Ranked Vall Bren?" (Sora)

His anger was getting the best of him and he accepted the bet, but you could see on his face that his rank had gone to his head, and that he was getting cocky. Smiling, angrily, the whole time he pulled out a wooden sword, to which I said to him, "If you don't use a real sword then how am I supposed to believe that you are as good as you say you are?"

"The testers are supposed to use a wooden sword....but hey...if you really wanna die that bad then I will just comply with your wishes...HEY SERENE!! YOU HEARD THE BRAT RIGHT, HE WANTS ME TO USE A REAL SWORD, SO MAKE SURE YOU WRITE DOWN THAT YOU WERE AN OFFICIAL WITNESS TO THIS!!" (Vall)

After he spoke I heard the receptionist-san scramble a little then reply, "Y-y-yes, I hereby witness the challenge between Vall Bren, and Sora Takahashi! I am also a witness to the bet between the two challengers, and will make sure that the loser will follow through should the winner be decided!"

With that Vall and I took our positions, him with a real sword now, and me with my sword tied into the sheathe. After all, even though I will cripple him, I don't necessarily want to kill him...after all, his death might end up causing me some problems with my registration.

After a few seconds passed by, I heard a bell ring off to the side, and took that as the starting bell. Deciding to hold back a little, it took me about 3 seconds to close the distance between us.

Swinging my sword down, he looked at me with his eyes wide from surprise.

0.5 seconds before I make contact with his head....0.3 seconds, if he doesn't block then I will have to cease my strike cause it might kill him....0.1 seconds, he won't make it in time...

Right before the sheathe made contact with his head, I spun, pulling the sword from its position and lowering my stance so it was at knee level.

Slightly quicker than my first strike thanks to the momentum, I struck both his kneecaps. An audible crack could be heard from his legs, and I could tell that if he could ever walk again, then it won't be quick, and he won't be able to run anymore.

After striking his second knee I turned backwards, and kicked my leg out slamming it into his stomach. With that he went flying into the wall, with his body folding into itself (like this >).


After the dust settled, and everyone in the facility regained their senses. They looked to where I was standing then to where Vall was embedded into the wall.


"....Eh?" (Serene)

Hanging the sword and sheath back to my waist, I walked back to Serene-san the receptionist.

"So this means that both Sana and I have passed the registration test right? That WAS part of the contents of the bet Vall agreed to..." (Sora)

"Sora...Strong~" (Sana)

I smiled at Sana, however I am still curious as to why she is becoming more taciturn as time passes, the day we met, she actually talked quite a bit...maybe she is still nervous about leaving the cabin after so many years. Hopefully she will get better eventually. However, this reserved and quiet side of her is pretty cute as well. Then again, I suppose it's fine, since there are still times when she speaks in long sentences.

"Eh...well...yes...I suppose that was agreed upon during the bet, but I will still need to see a demonstration of her power so I can accurately rank her." Said Serene a little stiff after what just happened, but in her eyes you could see that she was happy that Vall finally got his ass kicked. He must have caused a lot of problems for the Guild in the past.

"Ok Sana can you go ahead and demonstrate some of your magical abilities? Then after that we can go to the Inn, get some lunch, and do some sightseeing while our test results are processed." (Sora)

Sana nodded and she casted some high-level wind magic causing Serene, Sana, and I to begin floating up in the air. Afterwards she cast and Intermediate-Level Fire Magic spell 'Magma Ball' as well as the Intermediate-Level Water Magic spell 'Vortex Shield'.

Serene wrote something down as she watched Sana cast her magic, probably taking note that Sana is able to cast Intermediate, and High-Level magic.

After Serene was finished taking notes, and informing us to come back after an hour or two, Sana and I left the Adventurers' Guild and returned to our Inn, to get some Lunch.



(Temporary Name) - Uplift: High-Level Wind Magic. Allows the caster to lift themselves high into the air letting themselves fly through the sky or, with training, lift a small group of people through the air.

Magma Ball: Intermediate-Level Fire Magic. Shoots a ball of magma, the caster can control the direction that the spell flies to, with their will.

Vortex Shield: Intermediate-Level Water Magic. Creates a Vortex of water covering the caster up to a 10 meter Radius. 

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