The Sweet Little Omega

By Purple_Ghost_1782

71.2K 2.8K 6K

Everyone loves John Laurens, they love what they see. They love the freckles and the silky curls. They love t... More

Basics Of Omegaverse


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By Purple_Ghost_1782

A/N: How do people even write kissing scenes.

The next several weeks passed in a blur of kisses and secret glances. Never before had Alexander felt this way, no crush or fling had made his hands this sweaty, that every second they spent together caused his heartbeat go absolutely insane. He felt like a kid but the childlike giddiness that came with loving John was worth it. They kept their relationship between the two of them for the moment, they would tell people eventually but for now, they would simply enjoy their new relationship. Nobody else was needed to do that. All the tension there had been between the two males was now gone, and all the kisses Alexander had to restrain himself from giving were now more than welcome.

He waited for the Omega in the back of the school as they had established during the last weeks. On his hand, he held a little blanket with his scent, it was kind of an orthodox practice but Alexander found it romantic, to be gifted an article containing your significant other's scent. John would probably roll his eyes at it and playfully mock it but Alexander was well aware John was a cheesy romantic on the inside.

From the corner of his eye, Alexander sees a curly haired figure walking toward him. He pretends to not see him until John slaps him in the arm.

"Hey, wolfie,"

"John," He acknowledges him, giving him the small blanket. "My Dearest and most sincere love,"

He snorts, but Alexander can see the endearment in his eyes. "Are you courting me, Hamilton?"

"It is only appropriate for my King,"

"Just let that joke go,"

He kisses John on the jaw quickly. "Never. Shall we go now?"

John links their arms together. "Where are we headed, peasant?"

"The fuck do I know,"

They end up wandering to the most abandoned part of a nervy park, where trees are not cared for and the vegetation run free, without someone cutting off it's leaves after every certain period of time passes. As they walk on the slightly unruly terrain John identifies different types of plants ("That's an American Hornbean, and that one is a Bloodrut, and that one— shit, we should probably get away from that one") and Alexander simply listens to him. When your boyfriend is John Laurens shutting up for a bit isn't as frustrating as it would otherwise be.

Eventually they climbed a large tree with not many leaves and settled on a thick lookin branch. Hopefully, they wouldn't die today.

"This is nice," Alexander said, leaning his head on John's shoulder. "You know, the silence and just being away from people in general. And the nature, you're so smart by the way has anyone told you that? But I like this,"

"It is," John agreed, burying his nose on his boyfriend's hair. "I've always hated the noise of the city, can't say I don't miss my childhood home sometimes,"

"I've always hated silence, but sharing it with you isn't that bad,"



"You're a goddamn sap,"

"For you? Gladly,


"What have you been up to? It's like we barely see you anymore," Peggy told him one day on their way home.

"It's... complicated? I'll tell you eventually. To all of you guys, just give me some time and I won't be weird anymore. Really. Just give me some time,"

"Alright," The Alpha said. "I just hope that whatever it is doesn't involve murder,"

"And what if it did?"

Peggy fake glared at him. "I'd get pissed at you for not inviting me,"

Alexander half shriveled, half laughed. "Well damn I'm sorry, I'll be sure to invite you to my next murder,"

"You better!"

After bantering with Peggy he got home and said hi to his family. Martha was taking a nap on the couch and George was making dinner, apparently they were having chicken tonight. James was on his room, doing whatever is it that James does when he's alone, Alexander made a mental note to check on him later and went up the stairs to his own room. He looked at his calendar and was almost surprised to see that it had been almost three months since he and John started dating. He smiled, best almost-three-months ever.

Wolfie 🖕: Guess who I have been dating for almost three months?

My King💕👑: Wonder Woman?

Wolfie🖕: Ha-ha. Very funny, but I'll have you know that Diana is a queen

My King💕👑: I'm sorry but Steve Trevor is way cuter

Wolfie🖕: That's gay, John

My King💕👑: Shh, you'll expose my secret

Wolfie🖕: Dork

My King💕👑: <3

Wolfie🖕: Okay but seriously, it's you (duh)

Wolfie🖕: We've been dating for almost three months!!

My King💕👑: My family is gonna be at this fancy diner next week, I can make an excuse to stay and we can have a mini celebration with shitty movies and pizza

My King💕👑: Is that okay?



"Happy three-monthversary!"

Alexander showed up at John's house with a single rose and a box of extra cheese pizza. John fake gasped.

"A man after my own heart," He said as he took the pizza box and started walking inside.

"Your family is already gone, right?"

"Yeah, don't worry. They probably won't be returnin' until tomorrow evening. James convinced father to rent a hotel room for the night,"

"John," Alexander whined. "You didn't have to miss that for me,"

"It's nothin'," John reassured him as they sat on his bed. "I'd honestly rather spend my time with you than with a bunch of rich people who don't even know me,"

"You sure?" John kissed his nose.

"Absolutely. Now, what movie shall we watch today?"

"The Bee Movie,"

"Fuck you."

After a while they settled on one of the Mission Impossible movies, even if they really weren't watching it. The gunshots that were heard from the screen were ignored for kisses. John simply had the warmest lips, they pulled him in like a magnet and the Nevisian couldn't stay away from them too long. As their mouths pressed together Alexander inhaled John's scent, it was intoxicating. He couldn't help but be borderline obsessed with it, and in this moment he was completely surrounded by it.
John's sheets, John's pillows, John's body. Everything around him was John, John, John.

The Omega tugged him down by his hair, licking the taste of coffee out of Alexander's lips. The Alpha whined and happily granted him access to his mouth, he was butter under John's touch.

"John," Alexander panted on John's mouth.

"Is this okay?" The South Carolinian asked, pulling away only far enough so their lips could still brush against each other's.

"Yes," He eagerly nodded. "Absolutely. More than okay, actually,"

John laughed lightly, the warm air barely caressing Alexander's face. "Aight," A peck on the lips. "You have a tiny mole on your lip," He noted.

"I hate it," Alexander said; John put a hand on his thigh.

"I think it makes you look very handsome,"

Alexander looked at John right on the eyes. Hazel orbs now looking almost dark green. "Are we doing this?"

"Do you want to do it?"

"Yes, I do. I really do, but you know what that would mean,"

John gave him one more quick, chaste kiss. "We've been hidin' long enough,"

The Alpha smiled, wrapping his arms around John's neck. "Alright. Now come over here, tiger,"


Hushed murmurs echoed on the crowded hall, they were both well aware this was going to happen as soon as he stepped into the school, hopefully it would be just like a nurse drawing blood out of your arm: one quick pinch and then it's over. But John couldn't help but feel uncomfortable under all this undesired attention. He had always been talked about, but this time was different, his name wasn't in everyone's mouth for the usual reason. This was something much more embarrassing, something that he'd rather to keep secret if it were an option, but it wasn't. He wasn't ashamed of it by any means, but it something that was supposed to be private.

"Did you smell it?" Some girl whispered to her friend.

She nodded. "Laurens is totally reeking Alexander's scent, holy crap"

"No way" Someone else gasped.

"What the hell!?" A boy that had once tried to flirt with him say. Sore looser.

"So they had sex?"

"Have they been dating? Since when!?"

"Oh my god what if—"

"I could swear—"

"I can't believe—"

The cluster of voices around him  was about to give him a headache, but regardless of that he held his chin high up and puffed his chest out. He was still the same person. Relationships change people, indeed, but that was one part of John, the one that kept him from bowing to society, that was never going to change.

He spotted Alexander standing on the other side of the hall, guilt was evident on his face. John found his chocolate eyes and gave him a reassuring smile.

"Yeah" He confirmed out loud. "I slept with Alexander Hamilton. And so what? It was amazing and if you have a problem with that you can suck my dick. Oh wait, no you can't,"

The hallway became dead silent and people eventually started walking away and moving on, John smiled. He was still himself, there was no need to feel ashamed of being an Omega.

Alexander walked up to him and gave him a kiss on the cheek. "That was great!" He basically squealed. "What happened to your turtleneck, by the way?"

"I burned that shit a few days ago," John bluntly said.

"You're literally the greatest person I've ever met,"

Laurens smiled at him. "C'mon. We have to go to class. Your friends are gonna loose their shit,"

"They absolutely will and it will be hilarious,"


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